Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 225 The breeding house competition finally begins

Akimoto was shocked after just glancing at him.

What a coincidence?

Zhuo Ka?

The contestant sitting next to Akimoto must be Zhuo Ka.

Combining the descriptions of him by Joey Eika and Jiang Liye - he loves to show off and act cool.

However, Akimoto couldn't figure out who designed this outfit for him. The clothes are coquettish, and a grown man is wearing makeup.

But you have a shiny sign on your chest with your name engraved on it in such an exaggerated font.

Isn't it a bit too much!

Akimoto moved his butt forward imperceptibly so that he could see Zhuo Ka more clearly when he squinted at him.

Or, he was thinking about how to show him the photo.

Joey Jing's low-level bad taste!

"What's wrong?" Finally, Zhuo Ka noticed Akimoto's gaze.

But Akimoto didn't know how to start at all! From now on, Zhuo Ka doesn't seem to be very annoying except for his more individual clothes.


The next move by Zhuo Ka made Akimoto completely speechless.

After he asked Akimoto that question, he didn’t wait for Akimoto to answer, and directly frowned and continued: "Can you sit somewhere else? I don’t like people like you sitting together."

Akimoto: "An???"

"If you don’t like it, then just sit somewhere else. I’ve been sitting here since early morning, there’s no reason for me to change seats."

"You!" Zhuo Ka obviously didn’t expect that this young man in cheap casual clothes would dare to disobey him and talk back. He was angry in his heart, "Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like this?"

"Hehe, of course I know who you are, Zhuo Ka, there’s a tag on your chest, who’s puppy is this? It only has a tag but no collar."

When it comes to scolding people, Akimoto is not afraid of anyone.

After he smiled and said this curse word without any dirty words, he didn’t even give Zhuo Ka time to refute, and took out the pager from his pocket.

Then a big photo was placed on Zhuo Ka's face, and he asked, "Do you know who this is?"

"Who is this? If you dare to call him, I will teach you all a lesson!"

Zhuo Ka's face was full of anger, and his eyes seemed to be popping out.

But no one has ever dared to put the pager screen in his face!

Zhuo Ka, who was about to take out the Poké Ball, froze in the next second because he heard Akimoto's voice with a wanton laugh.

"This is your grandfather, hahaha, you are worthy of being a grandfather and grandson, your style is simply, simply carved from the same mold as your grandfather's pure natural, pollution-free and organic style."

It was really hilarious, Akimoto laughed so hard that he squatted down, and his stomach hurt from laughing while sitting.

Zhuo Ka, the filial son, wanted to teach his great grandfather who took the trouble to try the big milk can poop for him. It was really hilarious.

Zhuo Ka's face was as dark as if he had swallowed shit, just like his grandfather.

Akimoto was still thinking whether to show the photo to Zhuo Ka, a stranger he had never met, but it was really his own fault, and it had nothing to do with Akimoto.

Akimoto could basically determine what kind of person the other person was, because he felt superior even when sitting in a seat.

A typical spoiled young man who didn't understand any reason or rules.

No wonder Zhuo Ji had to rely on his position to help Zhuo Ka cheat.

With him like that, if he really followed the normal process, he probably wouldn't pass even if he was given the correct answer.

So he could only tailor the assessment items for Zhuo Ka.

At this time, Zhuo Ka had no face to talk back to Akimoto's ridicule, and only said a harsh word, asking Akimoto to be careful during the assessment, and he would kill Akimoto's Pokémon.

To be honest, when Akimoto heard this, he was shocked. What if old man Zhuo Ji didn't follow the rules and asked Zhuo Ka to bring a king-level Pokémon? That would be the end.

But then he felt relieved.

In the list of participants he reported to the official competition, Gardevoir was included in the Pokémon battle test.

In other words, in addition to a group of little fat boys responsible for cute performances, Akimoto still has the ability to show the results of Pokémon strength training.

There are also Axefang Dragon and Mount Goat.

Akimoto doesn't believe that the old guy Zhuo Ji is willing to give his grandson a king-level Pokémon, otherwise Akimoto would not lose.

Not to mention that as long as it is a competition held by the alliance, Pokémon deaths are not allowed.

So Zhuo Ka's harsh words before leaving can be regarded as farts.


Soon, everyone's registration was completed, and the organizers didn't want to delay at all, and directly gave the content of the first round - that is, the opening ceremony of the breeding house competition.



Performance, performance.

The trainer commands the Pokémon to bring wonderful performances to everyone, limited to 10 Pokémon, and more than one.

However, the fewer the number of Pokémon, the worse the performance, and the higher the requirements for Pokémon.

Akimoto is not a fool, and he would naturally save trouble if there is a way to save trouble.

The contestants bring their own BGM, which can be kept in the backstage. When they go on stage, there will be music, so they won't be awkward.

The song Akimoto brought was not very advanced, just a relatively ordinary band song, but the melody was quite nice, so Akimoto used it as the background music for Jigglypuff's performance.

The first one to come on stage was a bug breeding house.

As we all know, opening a bug breeding house basically means saying goodbye to money, unless your bugs are really strong, then maybe someone will come, because there are really people who like to raise big centipedes.

But this breeding house seems to have sufficient funds. At least when nine colorful butterflies surrounded the central rain-winged moth and released the silver-shining rain-winged moth, Akimoto knew that the owner of this breeding house definitely had something.

Often when people think of water and powder, they always think that the water will wash away the powder, but they never thought that when the silver-shining powder flashes in a small water flow that can be circulated infinitely, the effect is simply explosive!

It made Akimoto itchy, but fortunately he was the next one.

"Xiao Li, and Jigglypuff, come on! Baby Ding is watching on TV."

Hearing that Baby Ding would also see them on TV, the Jigglypuffs were immediately full of energy.

"Next is the opening performance of the sixth participating breeding house - Akiba Breeding House. The score counter will start in three minutes and the performance will end in five minutes!"

Everyone looked at the ten little ones in surprise, staggering and holding hands to walk onto the stage, and they were a little curious.

After all, it has been a long time since we have seen a performance of all Jigglypuff. In the past, all Jigglypuff's programs were performances such as making faces and simply letting Jigglypuff imitate expressions.

Not only did everyone get tired of watching it, but the guy's Jigglypuff was also annoyed at the end and didn't want to go with him anymore. He broke free from the Pokémon Ball and ran away to who knows where.

Everyone knows Akimoto's identity. The two most beautiful boys in this breeding house competition are Zhuo Ka and Akimoto.

Akimoto has the title of "the most talented breeder of this session". Few people also know that Akimoto has won the top five places in three essay competitions. Compared with the rich third-generation Zhuo Ka who simply relied on his grandfather's official power and family background, it is really not worth mentioning.

When the Jigglypuffs were ready, Xiaoli took the lead and gave a lady's salute to the audience, followed by the other nine Jigglypuffs.

This neat movement aroused more interest among the audience, and they also wanted to see how the Jigglypuffs bred by Akimoto, the "most talented breeder of this year", performed.

And the Jigglypuffs did not disappoint Akimoto and them. When the smart dance steps began to move, the round body of Jigglypuff suddenly seemed to become erratic, and only a trace of pink figure could be vaguely captured, but the real appearance could not be seen.

And in an instant, the sky suddenly exploded, and a daytime firework bloomed, and then Xiaoli cast magic and shined, like the silk and satin of a fairy, which gave people infinite reverie.

The magic shines of all Jigglypuffs were extremely flexible even in the air. They collided and entangled with each other, but there was never a pause that affected the beauty, and they crossed and passed through smoothly.

Until the end, there was another sound of fireworks bursting, and the ribbons entangled in the air suddenly tightened, and before everyone could react, it turned into a huge energy ribbon medal.

Such an amazing performance even made the audience in the audience almost forget to pick up their chins that fell on the ground and put them back on.

Fortunately, scientists said that if you pick up something that falls on the ground within three seconds, it will still be clean. As long as you keep the action of picking it up, you can keep the fallen things clean forever!

Compared with Akimoto, Zhuo Ka was left far behind in the first round, and it can even be said that he is far behind.

Because he is just like the previous person, a terrible trainer who makes Pokémon stiffly make various expressions.

In the end, many Pokémon left him because of this.

Even though he lost miserably to Akimoto in the first round, Zhuo Ka is worthy of being a person who even tailors the questions for him. Not only can he get information as soon as the test questions are released, but also the questions in the questions are all about steel and electricity.

It should be mentioned here that Zoca is currently a junior breeder. His breeding house is in Kalos, and it is a breeding house that mainly sells steel and electric Pokémon.

And it is also quite famous.

Mainly because his grandfather has a great background, people are curious about him. Moreover, there are so many senior breeders in the circle to endorse him, so his breeding house business is more than a hundred times better than Akimoto.

The questions in the first few rounds of the written test are basically about the daily operation of Zoca's breeding house. Akimoto didn't even know some of the side things, and almost overturned.

As a "copyist", Zoca is naturally much faster than Akimoto.

As early as 20 minutes before Akimoto, he completed the written test, and then according to the task given by the assessment, he searched for the most advanced and clustered Pokémon within the specified range of the forest.

Each contestant has a simple Rotom. In addition to making calls, the best function is probably that it can be operated by touch screen like a mobile phone in the past.

I heard that this technology was brought back from Galar. Several regional technology companies that have been included in the alliance have participated in the research of this technology. At least now it is possible to take 360-degree selfies without blind spots.

As a breeder, you must not only have a high degree of mastery of the skills of breeding Pokémon, but also master the distribution patterns of Pokémon and their living habits.

First, the participating breeders need to summarize the possible local Pokémon (not foreign Pokémon) according to the terrain conditions of the competition venue, and then enter the competition venue to find Pokémon.

It's quite interesting.

Akimoto drew a terrain of a dwarf forest, not far away. Several teams were divided into groups according to the terrains drawn and took a bus to the competition venue.

What surprised Akimoto the most was that he could see at a glance that this terrain was almost the same as the terrain where he and Hosono Yumo had been looking for Eevee in the outer area of ​​Viridian Forest.

As long as he looked for a few details, he could be sure that there must have been Eevee living nearby.

I just don't know if this Eevee is wild or has a trainer.

Eevee is distributed in the low plains along the river and stream, and their residence must be not far from the stream, so that they can drink and wash their hair.

Akimoto used this method to find the Eevee, which was quite useful.

After all, it is also an empirical method recognized by the league. Now in the introduction of Eevee in the illustration, at the bottom of the habitat column, there is also the terrain characteristics of Eevee's habitat added by Akimoto.

Card face!

It is true that the right method is important, but luck is also very important. Akimoto didn't spend much time this time to find four Eevee living together.

Although I don't know how the judges calculated the scores, at the last moment, when the results came out, Akimoto had the first point higher than Zoca.

Look at the Pokémon that Akimoto found: eight Eevee, two Flowerbeets, and one Tetra.

To be honest, Akimoto doesn't quite understand how the score was determined. In the end, Akimoto found two more Pokémon than Zoca, but Zoca got the higher score.

I can only say that perhaps the concepts of precious and rare in Akimoto's mind are different from those in the judges' minds, otherwise there would not be such a gap.

But anyway, losing to him by only nine points is acceptable, as long as it's not too outrageous.

In the last few rounds of the competition, Akimoto scored 98, 98, 99, and 95 in the opening performance and three written tests respectively. If the two added the scores this time, they actually reached a delicate balance.

They all had the same total score.

Then it depends on who can win in the final Pokémon breeding level.

You should know that even if Zhuo Ji deliberately tampered with the process, he couldn't do this. This part was jointly participated by all judges, and the breeding level of three different Pokémon sent by the contestants for inspection was tested.

The machine used was quite interesting. Its function was to detect the data of various aspects of the Pokémon's body when it was captured according to the period of use of the Poké Ball, and it could also accurately and quickly produce charts for simple display.

In fact, the main test here is the ability of the breeder to take care of the Pokémon in daily life, which is related to whether the breeding house can effectively take care of the Pokémon in foster care.

This breeding house competition can actually be regarded as a mature version of the low-level breeder assessment.

In this part, Akimoto and Zhuo Ji tied again...

Here, Akimoto can be sure that someone abused his power for personal gain. I didn't expect that even this part of the mandatory supervision of the alliance prosecutor would have someone to do something tricky.

Zhuo Ji, this cancer, is really bold!

Even if Akimoto's daily breeding level of Pokémon is not as good as that of a senior breeder, it is better than that of a mid-level breeder.

The result was the same score as the person who didn't even pay attention to combing Pikachu's hair, which was a bit unacceptable.

He also saw the helpless eyes of Qiao Yijing and Qiao Yi Huixiang, and he couldn't blame them. Zhuo Ji's influence in the alliance was too great.

It was obvious that he had no skills. Except for flattering the president of the alliance and serving tea and water, he couldn't do anything at all. He became a veteran of the alliance.

It was really infuriating and helpless.

Fortunately, the last two links were to be released for everyone to see, so it greatly reduced the possibility of Zhuo Ji's secret operation.

First, the Pokémon raised in the local breeding house will fight. The winner will score 5 points, and each person can accept a battle from the same breeding house at most once.

Then the breeders will receive the Pokémon prepared by the organizer, all of which are of the same level and have the same skills.

After the selection, the two players will take care of three different Pokémon each. After three days of getting along, they will rely on their own abilities to treat the defects of the Pokémon and cultivate tacit understanding.

Then, the three Pokémon that have only been together for a short time will be evaluated and battled.

In addition to the shorter time required for the Breeder Assessment and more Pokémon being raised, the biggest difference may be that this Breeder Competition actually has two battle sessions.

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