Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 227 Chengshan

Feiya hurried to the cafeteria and looked over, but did not see Akimoto. When she went up to the second floor, Akimoto had already eaten and was carrying juice down the other side of the corridor.

Interestingly, although Akimoto had found a place to eat when he first arrived, he did not know the structure of the cafeteria.

So Akimoto walked through the employee passage of the cafeteria staff in a daze. When he walked to the back kitchen, he found that this was not the exit.

Looking at the current situation, why is there no one in the back kitchen?

Akimoto looked at the quiet back kitchen in confusion and walked around.

"What is this? Sleeping together in the back kitchen?"

It was the first time he saw the back kitchen staff sleeping in the back kitchen during lunch time instead of lunch break.

And he didn't even hear the loud sound of Akimoto's walking, which caused him to almost step on the face of an uncle with a chef's hat when he turned the corner.

Akimoto walked around in the kitchen, always feeling that something was wrong. They slept too soundly, and there was a buddy who slept with his head against the stove.

When Akimoto walked up to him, a section of his hair was burnt.

This was too strange.

But Akimoto didn't know what had happened. No one would bother a group of cooks for no reason, or play such a prank on them.



Akimoto suddenly thought of a possibility. It might be the work of Pokémon.

After all, there was no other explanation. It was too far-fetched to say that they all skipped work and slept. How could they burn their hair while sleeping?

"Hey, hey! Wake up, wake up, you're out of hair, buddy. If you don't wake up, you'll be bald!"

Akimoto pushed the big brother who had his head on the stove when he slept, but it seemed that the force was not enough. He slept too soundly. Akimoto pushed him several times but couldn't wake him up.

Until the end, Akimoto smiled and came up with a "good idea".

He ran to the uncle whose face he almost stepped on, pinched his nose, took off the uncle's shoes, and put them next to the big brother's nose.

Looking at the half-bald big brother who was sleeping soundly and enjoying himself in his dream, he frowned immediately after smelling the uncle's smell, and showed great resistance even with his eyes closed.

But there was no way, this was also a last resort to wake him up.

Although it was a last resort, the effect was not bad.

Look, the big brother who was clearly pushed and shaken by Akimoto but could not wake up, after smelling the uncle's smell, he had already faintly shown signs of waking up.

Before he woke up, Akimoto quickly put the uncle's shoes on, and then returned to the half-bald immortal, making a smile to leave a good first impression on others.

But... Akimoto...

Is this really not deliberately scaring people?

The brother with a burnt hair frowned and woke up from his sleep. Before he could figure out what the smell was, he was frightened by the big face in front of him. He hurriedly crawled back, but he hit the wall directly and screamed in pain.

"...Are you okay?"

Akimoto felt that this brother was probably stupid.

He fell asleep for no reason, and his hair was burned, and... he was still smelling that uncle's.

"I, I'm fine, who are you? Why are you in the kitchen? Wait, what's wrong with me? ! ! Where's my hair? ! ! I'm all gone! ! ! !!"

The brother first relaxed from the shock of seeing Akimoto's big face when he just woke up, and then he realized that something was wrong. A stranger who was not wearing kitchen work clothes entered the kitchen, and he actually fell asleep in a daze.

When he thought of this, the brother habitually touched his black, beautiful and smooth hair, and the result was...

He pulled down a few black, burnt protein balls and smelled them. There was no escape from this smell.

It was the smell of chicken shit and the unique smell of burning pig hair that belonged to this brother.

I don't know if you have ever experienced the smell of burning pig hair with a blowtorch after slaughtering a pig in the vegetable market. This is also the smell of burning human hair.

This brother was stunned on the spot. Not only did he fall asleep in a daze, but when he woke up, his favorite black and beautiful hair was gone.

"Brother, don't worry about the hairy things. I just got here. What happened in your kitchen? Why are all the people lying on the floor and sleeping?"

"Huh? What happened?"

Akimoto rolled his eyes: "I was the one asking you, why are you asking me instead?"

"Oh, yes. I don't know what happened. I was cooking and fell asleep for no reason." The chef brother was talking, and suddenly thought of something. He slapped his head, got up from his horse and looked into the pot.

The pot was already charred, and it was completely impossible to see what ingredients were put in before. Only the black "poisonous mud" was still bubbling.

Fortunately, the stove has an automatic fire-off function, so that the food residue is not burned into hard "iron sheets".

"It's over... I'm going to be deducted from my salary..."

The chef brother cried and felt a dark moment in front of his eyes. There was no hope in life.

This month's salary is almost deducted.

"Don't worry, you have to find out who made you fall asleep suddenly... Hmm... This chicken leg is not bad, why didn't I see this dish in the cafeteria?"

Akimoto patted his shoulder and picked up the chicken leg on the table and started to eat it.

Hmm, it tastes good, but it's a little cold.

After chatting with the chef brother for a while, in addition to knowing his name is Shiroyama, Akimoto also found that he is quite interesting and always gives people a sense of fun.

Shiroyama is the chef of this cafeteria. At a young age, he has become the chef of a large cafeteria. It can be said that he is very powerful.

However, he has the talent of a chef, but he doesn't have the heart to do this business.

Or, he doesn't have the heart to cook food for people.

He has always wanted to be a Pokémon nutritionist, but his father, a master chef, does not allow him to abandon cooking to study those "useless things".

Pokémon nutritionists are roughly a profession between breeders and chefs. The content of the profession is to prepare food with the best taste and nutritional combination for Pokémon.

Just like the various meatballs made by Akimoto, they are a bit like what a Pokémon nutritionist does.

However, Akimoto's meatballs are more nutritious, and they seek to bring the greatest benefits to the growth of Pokémon.

In this way, although the meatballs are a bit higher in taste than the Pokémon food on the market, they are still not as good as the food made by Akimoto.

So Akimoto's Pokémon love to eat the food made by Akimoto more than meatballs.

But after all, food is just food, and it can't replace the meatballs that provide nutrition for Pokémon.

And if you want to achieve the best balance between deliciousness and nutrition, and both have a high level, you need a professional Pokémon nutritionist to come out.

As a breeder, Akimoto also works part-time as a half-Pokémon nutritionist, so he still has some insights on this.

Through chatting, both of them got surprises.

Shiroyama knew that the breeders who came to the cafeteria to eat today were all from different regions, from beginners to advanced, but Shiroyama didn't know any of them.

Suddenly, after waking up, he saw the first place and record-breaker of this breeder assessment, who also had a good understanding of Pokémon nutritionists. This made Shiroyama find hope to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Cooking for others every day, you have to constantly practice your cooking skills. Although it can also increase your sense of taste, there is a big difference between a chef and a nutritionist!

Especially in terms of ingredients, basically the ingredients that nutritionists come into contact with have nothing to do with chefs.

So Shiroyama really wants to exchange the time spent cooking for others for the time of studying Pokémon nutritional food, but unfortunately his father has always emphasized that he should practice cooking.

As for why Shiroyama said that his salary was deducted, it was entirely because he often lost his mind when cooking, thinking about the recipe of Pokémon nutritional food, and then lost his mind and burned the food.

But even so, he was not fired, it was all because of his father's "interference".

And now that he met Akimoto, Shiroyama had an inexplicable feeling that he was about to escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

The one who could help him escape from the sea of ​​suffering was Akimoto!

As for why Shiroyama had this feeling...

Because Akimoto is now thinking about how to lure this cook to the breeding house to make nutritious food for Pokémon.

But we have to talk about it later. On the one hand, Akimoto needs to know how Shiroyama is in the profession of Pokémon nutritionist, and on the other hand, Shiroyama also needs to know more about Akimoto.

Although the two did not say it explicitly, they looked at each other at the same time while chatting, and then they laughed.

Have ideas.

At the moment, it is better to solve the problem of who knocked out the kitchen staff first. Anyway, Akimoto has nothing to do, so just treat it as an after-meal activity.

Akimoto and Shiroyama walked around in the kitchen, searching every corner, trying to find clues left by the culprit, and then follow the clues to find this troublemaker.

As for not waking up others, it is because they are afraid that they will accidentally clean up the traces left by the culprit after waking up.

"Hey? Akimoto! Come here and take a look at this!"

It seems that Shiroyama has discovered something. Akimoto hurried over after hearing the sound.

Looking at the direction of Shiroyama's finger, there are several traces of powder on the window frame. I don't know who left it, or... maybe it was left by a Pokémon.

Akimoto leaned over and fanned his nose with his hand. His movements were very standard, professional and reliable.

Then he coughed violently.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, cough, cough. This stuff feels numb when you inhale it."

It feels a bit...

Akimoto suddenly thought of paralysis powder.

A few days ago, when he was doing skill training for those little Pokémon, Akimoto inhaled a lot of paralysis powder and hypnotic powder, all thanks to those Pokémon who were disobedient and used skills randomly in the ecological park.

So now when Akimoto smelled the powder on the window frame, he thought of paralysis powder, which also had the same smell, and there was also a numb feeling after inhaling it.

From this point of view, it is very likely that it was done by a Pokémon!

But...what kind of Pokémon is it?

Moreover, it is impossible to make everyone in the kitchen fall asleep just by using the paralysis powder. At most, it can only make their bodies numb and unable to move.

Then, it is very likely that the hypnotic powder also played a role.

Akimoto is familiar with the Pokémon that can learn both paralysis powder and hypnotic powder. He just came into contact with it a few days ago.

But why did the insect-type Pokémon come to the kitchen and make a group of cooks fall asleep?

Akimoto was puzzled.

But at this moment, Akimoto looked through the window and saw that there seemed to be some traces left in the narrow corridor outside the window.

He hurried out and found huge footprints on the ground at the location he just saw.


Akimoto's size 40 shoes are not even half the size of these footprints.

"What is this?"

Shiroyama asked stupidly.

Akimoto rolled his eyes at him: "Can't you think for yourself?"

"I'm not a breeder. Isn't this something a breeder should know?"

Shiroyama said as a matter of course.

Akimoto couldn't refute it.

But he knew what footprints were. Such a big footprint can't be a huge monster Pokémon like Boskodora or Banglas.

This narrow passage doesn't allow them to pass through.

It's only the size of two people standing side by side. It's absolutely impossible for a huge Pokémon like Boskodora to pass through.

But what Pokémon is big enough to pass through this passage and has such a big footprint?

Akimoto and Shiroyama walked along the passage to see if they could catch this Bigfoot.

"Where does this road lead to?"

"Ah..." Shiroyama was stunned for a moment, then slapped his forehead, "Yes! This is the back kitchen warehouse!"


Akimoto frowned and found that things were not simple.

The body is big enough to pass through this narrow passage, but it has a pair of huge feet, and it can also learn hypnotic powder and paralysis powder. The destination is the back kitchen warehouse?

Akimoto felt his head buzzing.

But now is not the time to think about these things. They are about to reach the warehouse. Shiroyama and Akimoto are nervous. They don't know what kind of horrible weirdness will be ahead.

Only after seeing it, you will know what the situation is.

When Akimoto and Shiroyama turned a 90-degree corner, they saw the door that was open without reservation. Looking into the warehouse, it was hard to see anything. It was pitch black, and even the lights were not turned on.

"Hey... There won't be any ghosts in there... How about I help you guard outside and you go inside to take a look..."

"Are you afraid of ghosts?"

"It's not a question of whether I'm afraid or not. I have to help you guard outside. What if it has accomplices?"

This is the third time that Akimoto rolled his eyes at Shiroyama. This man is even more shameless than himself.


Why are you comparing yourself to me? !


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