Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 244: First Order of Pokémon Eggs

Qiu Yuan held the Yuanlu Shark in one hand and stopped on the road, completely immersed in the investigation results he had just obtained.

There was only one thought left at the moment.

"This damn purple aptitude is so powerful? Isn't it?"

【Round land shark】

Level: 19

Intimacy: 186 (enthusiastic)

Attributes: dragon, ground

Qualification: Purple

Personality: Brave

Gender: Male

Features: Hidden in the Sand

Innate ability: huge strength

Genetic Skill: Dragon's Fury

Skills taught: Sand Splash, Crash, Dragon Breath, Split, Bite, Dragon Claw

Disc skills: none

Props to carry: none

At level 19, Round Land Shark has learned to split, bite, and dragon claw.

There seems to be no problem. To split, you use your claws to split. You can understand it by biting the good teeth of the Earth Shark. Dragon Claws. As the name suggests, dragon Pokémon attacks with its claws.

It's normal, it's normal.

A normal coyote!

Qiu Yuan picked up the Yuanlu Shark and brought it in front of him, staring at it for a long time.

"Crack, click?"

Yuan Lusha looked at Qiu Yuan with an innocent face.

"That's strange, you little thing. Something is wrong. Come with me."

Akimoto was puzzled and took the round land shark back to the mountain forest area. He was going to let the round land shark show him several more skills that appeared in the information panel.

Although the names of many Pokémon's skills are relatively straightforward and simple, such as splitting and biting, they sound quite simple. Why is it called a separate skill when it is something that every Pokémon can do?

But in fact, the composition of skills requires the support of elemental power. To obtain sufficient elemental power support, on the one hand, one must have a strong body that stores elemental power, or the ability to quickly absorb elemental power. On the other hand, one needs to have the correct Skills guidance methods.

Because each skill has a different guidance method, even skills built using the same elemental power will have different effects.

Once the guidance method is wrong, it will not be able to accommodate enough elemental power.

The wrong guidance method is like a straight line. After the elemental power is guided out, it is directly released from the straight line without buffering, and the natural power is very small.

The correct guidance method is like a vortex, which can slowly gather the power of the elements and release it again or multiple times.

Even though the skills of splitting and biting sound simple, mastering their guidance methods can only be taught by others or learned through directional training, in addition to being learned by yourself through upgrading the level.

Akimoto did not teach the round land shark how to use these skills, and the axotooth dragon did not learn to split and bite. However, the dragon claw skill may have been taught to the round land shark by the axodon dragon.

Even so, it is outrageous that a level 19 Pokmon, Round Shark, can learn skills that are far higher than the current level of strength control.

After Yuanlusha's demonstration, combined with the effects of various skills that Akimoto knew, Yuanlusha really learned these skills, and it was not a systematic detection error.

But why is this happening?

Even if it is a Pokémon with purple qualifications, Qiu Yuan does not believe that a round land shark that is still in the late juvenile stage can learn such an advanced skill, and there is a high probability that it learned it on its own.

Qiu Yuan, who was puzzled, finally asked the system for help.

This time, the Tsundere system seemed to have been replaced by an AI, and its attitude was very normal, which made Akimoto think it was abnormal.

It's just so normal that it feels abnormal.

【Ding! Here, the host please pay attention to the talent and ability column]

Akimoto: It actually uses the word "please". Is this true? I can't believe it!

"Innate ability? What does this have to do with the Round Land Shark learning these skills?"

【Ding! Natural abilities affect Pokémon’s ability to comprehend specific skills to a certain extent, such as Gardevoir’s superpowers]

After being exposed to this little bit of the system, Qiu Yuan suddenly connected several dots and figured out the key.

Gardevoir's superpower talent makes her mentally very powerful, and because she has superpowers, it is easier to learn superpower skills.

Superpower talents bring about the enhancement of mental power, and mental power often has a great impact on the understanding of Pokémon.

Combined with the system prompts and the recent performance of the Round Land Shark, Juli's talent is likely to be more than just "natural power" on the surface.

If Akimoto guessed correctly, the difficulty for Pokémon with the innate ability of giant strength will be greatly reduced when learning to launch physical attacks with the medium of the body.

The reason why we only infer that it is a physical skill that uses the body as the activation medium is because there are two types of physical skills that cannot be used, one is the one mentioned before, and the other is a long-range attribute attack.

The body media attack is relatively simple. It uses the power of elements to attack a certain part of the body, so that the melee attack has more attribute effects and additional effects.

Long-range attribute attacks are not only special attacks, physical attacks also have long-range skills.

The difference between special and physical long-range attacks lies in whether the skills are closely combined.

The more closely the skill is combined, the more prominent the effect will be. The power of the elements will increase the attributes of the skill and consume more mental power. This is a special attack.

Physical long-range attacks, on the other hand, focus more on destructive power rather than fine control and attribute blessings, because they all have to hit people directly anyway. So many bells and whistles will only get half the result with half the effort for a Pokémon that is proficient in physics.

Akimoto's idea was also confirmed by the system. Giant Strength does have such ability.

And Pokémon with Giant Strength talent can learn skills that are not included in the racial memory with a very low threshold.

That is to say, as long as the round land shark spends enough time and energy, it can control most of the physical attacks in the world.

From this point of view, perhaps the revenge of the round land shark's parents will be soon.

With the talent of the round land shark, there will be another opportunity for rapid improvement of strength after the larval period. At that time, Akimoto will find more powerful skills for it to teach it to learn and improve its strength.

It is definitely not enough to have talent alone. Akimoto just thought about it casually, and he almost knew how it learned these three skills.

The first is splitting and dragon claws. Dragon claws can be taught by Axe Tooth Dragon, but Axe Tooth Dragon will not teach it too many skills during the larval period of the round land shark, so this point can be ruled out.

These two are skills that require frequent use of claws, and what has the round land shark been doing recently?

Digging soil and digging holes!

Every time Akimoto saw it in the cave, it was hitting the wall quickly and hard with its sharp claws, and each time it would improve to a certain extent.

Therefore, combined with its innate strength, it is understandable that it has learned these two skills that exist in the racial memory.

The other one, biting, is a skill that is very consistent with the physical characteristics of the round land shark.

As for the training object for learning this skill...

Is there a better thing to chew than Squirtle's shell?

No wonder there are always strange marks on Squirtle's shell. It turns out that you, a little guy, did it.

"Ka Ka!"

Round Land Shark was confused.

Just now, Akimoto carried him all the way back to the forest and used several skills, but he was hit by an inexplicable headbutt again.

It hurts!

Why does Akimoto like to hit the head so much!

"You still look innocent. Be careful next time. Don't let me see you bullying Squirtle and the others."

"Ka Ka... (I didn't...)"

"You still dare to quibble!" Akimoto glared at the round-shaped shark, which scared it and shrank its head again.

He continued to carry the round-shaped shark on the road. When he returned to the ancient tree, it was just past twelve o'clock. The Pokémon that were hypnotized by the round singing of the Jigglypuffs last night had basically woken up.

The funniest thing was Pokémon. Since it has always been the group pet of the Jigglypuffs, it was surrounded by the Jigglypuffs last night and endured things that it shouldn't have endured at close range at its age.

The Pokémon who woke up after a good sleep were driven by Akimoto to jog around the ecological park.

People often have no appetite when they just wake up. Eating such oily food is easy to make them feel sick, so they have to jog to warm up first.

After dinner, our handsome forest lizards and frogs once again served as model workers in the breeding house to contribute to the construction of the breeding house.

It really adds bricks and tiles.

After dinner, Akimoto took them to the shallow sea area closest to the construction area, marked out a piece of land, and took out more than a dozen bags of cement.

As for the water inlet and drainage, it is the responsibility of the ecological park system. Akimoto only needs to spend real money to buy water inlet and drainage devices in the store, and connect them, and then he can put on the faucet and use it!

While Akimoto was still engaged in exciting construction activities with forest lizards and frogs, Serena at the front desk saw a hesitant boy outside the breeding house through the electronic screen.

The boy didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly heard a female voice coming from the speaker at the door.

"Hello, this is Akiba Breeding House, what are you doing?"

Although he was startled by the sudden voice, the boy quickly calmed down, but he was still a little hesitant in his heart, not knowing whether he should speak.

"If you are fine, please don't get too close to the fence outside the breeding house. There is high voltage electricity, please don't get close."

Although the breeding house system will choose whether to turn on the power grid based on the surveillance video, there may be some accidents that cause pedestrians to accidentally touch the power grid, so Akimoto placed electrical danger signs at intervals.

Under normal circumstances, the power grid will not be turned on, but system failures cannot be ruled out, and even the most advanced systems will have omissions.

Seeing the boy's hesitation, Serena thought he had gone to the wrong place, so she kindly reminded him.

But her reminder made the boy make a decision immediately. He was afraid that this breeding house would not welcome him in.

"I, I'm here to buy Pokémon eggs!"

Serena was about to close the conversation, but after hearing the boy's voice, she spoke again and pressed the unlock button of the door lock at the same time: "Please go to the living room."

The door opened automatically, and the boy looked at it curiously for a while, and hurried inside.

At this time, Akimoto also received a notice from Serena that someone wanted to buy Pokémon eggs, so he put down his work and went to the front desk to see what was going on.

Although Akimoto taught Serena a lot of things to pay attention to in the management of the breeding house, this was the first time that a customer wanted to buy Pokémon eggs, so Akimoto still needed to handle it himself.

When Akimoto arrived at the living room, Serena shook her head at Akimoto and said, "It seems that you don't need to come again, brother. He doesn't have enough money to buy Pokémon eggs."

"Not enough money? What Pokémon eggs does he want to buy?"

Akimoto felt strange and asked.

Serena continued to shake her head and said, "I don't know either. Anyway, after he saw the price of the Pokémon eggs on the display cabinet, he said he couldn't afford any."


Akimoto looked at the boy. At this time, he was looking at the Pokémon eggs in the display cabinet with a yearning and desire, but also showed a lonely and disappointed expression.

He looked at it for a few more times, and then prepared to say goodbye to Serena and Akimoto and leave.

However, Akimoto noticed that he had been looking at yellow and green quality Pokémon eggs for a long time. The location of those Pichu eggs might not be very conspicuous, so he didn't notice it.

"Hey, wait! Little brother, come here."

The first order of Pokémon egg business, you have to try to retain it, and compared with the price of yellow and green Pokémon eggs, white quality Pichu eggs are really cheap.

Especially there is Akimoto's preferential policy for residents near the town, including residents of Chaoxiang Town and Mingshui Town.

As long as you show your alliance information card and prove that you are a resident of Mingshui Town, you can get a white-qualified Pichu Pokémon egg for 30,000 yuan.

Residents of Chaoxiang Town don't need to show any alliance information cards, because Akimoto basically knows them.

Such a Pichu Pokémon egg costs about 70,000 yuan in most breeding houses.

Akimoto can be said to be half cheaper.

If the boy still can't accept the price of 30,000 yuan, then Akimoto is really helpless.

If he can't accept 30,000 yuan, it can only prove that this person came to the breeding house to joke with Akimoto and Serena. After all, the lowest price of other white-qualified Pokémon eggs is 50,000.

How can you offer 30,000 yuan like Akimoto? Isn't this the same as giving it away for free!

Even if you are not a resident of Chaoxiang Town or Mingshui Town, you can still buy a white-qualified Pokémon egg for 50,000 yuan.

The premise is that you come early enough. After all, a large part of Pikachu is still pregnant, and it should be five or six days before laying eggs.

"Hello, I'm the owner of Qiuye Breeding House, Qiu Yuan, what's your name?"

"My name is Mingda, I, I'm really here to buy Pokémon eggs."

Being called suddenly, Mingda seemed a little nervous, afraid that Qiu Yuan would think he was here to make trouble, because he had been kicked out by several people from the breeding houses in this way before.

These breeding houses include the breeding house in Mingshui Town, and several breeding houses on the road near Mingshui Town.

If Qiu Yuan hadn't found that Mingda didn't see the few white qualification Pichu eggs placed in Qiuye Breeding House, he might have thought that Mingda was here to make trouble.

"Don't be so nervous, this is not a police station. I just heard Serena say that you don't have enough money, right?"

"Yes, but I really want to buy Pokémon eggs, but the money is a little, a little... less..."

"How much money do you mean by a little less?" Qiu Yuan asked.

Mingda's heart tightened, and he was a little afraid that he would be "asked" out by Qiu Yuan after he reported the number.

After all, no one would bring 30,000 yuan to any breeding house, thinking that they could buy a Pokémon egg. That would be a dream!

However, it was such a coincidence, just like a dream, Mingda had just enough money to buy a Pokémon egg of Pichu.

It was so magical!

"Our breeding house just launched an event, and residents of Mingshui Town and Chaoxiang Town can buy ordinary Pokémon eggs at a discount price. If you are a resident of Mingshui Town, you can buy an ordinary-grade Pichu egg with 30,000 yuan."

Hearing this, Mingda was stunned for a moment, and then the whole person fell into ecstasy, trembling and said: "Yes, I am, I am a resident of Mingshui Town, let me show you my alliance card! I just happen to have only 30,000 yuan, but I really want to buy a Pokémon egg!"

Qiuyuan was also stunned. He didn't expect Mingda to actually only have 30,000 yuan, no more, no less, which was exactly the price Qiuyuan gave to the Pichu egg.

Can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Did he come here to play a joke on himself?

Serena went to get a Pichu egg at the right time and gave it to Mingda for him to take a look.

Mingda stroked the glass cover of the incubator and looked at the yellow Pokémon egg quietly placed inside. He still felt a little incredible. Is this Pokémon egg his?

"Ahem, that... please come here to pay? In addition, you need to sign an agreement."

"Oh, okay, okay! I know!"

Mingda agreed repeatedly. He just thought too much. The money has not been paid yet, so how could the Pokémon egg be his.

Mingda's family is not poor, but it is not rich either. Both his parents work in factories. They definitely don't have much spare money to buy Pokémon and raise them. They themselves have no interest in being a trainer.

In their opinion, being a trainer is too risky. In many cases, there is no source of income at all, so their attitude towards Mingda is not to let him be a trainer.

Mingda wanted to use the money he had earned from odd jobs to buy a Pokémon egg, but he didn't expect that the cheapest Pokémon egg in each breeding house would cost 50,000 yuan. For him, the 20,000 yuan would take a long time to work.

He tried several breeding houses in a row, but was "asked" to leave without exception, until he finally heard about the Akiba Breeding House in Chaoxiang Town from a group of idle insect catchers in the town.

With no other choice, Mingda had to try his luck at the Akiba Breeding House. Who knew that after arriving, he found that the exterior decoration of the Akiba Breeding House was more advanced than the breeding houses on the road, and it was obvious that the consumption was not low.

But in the end, he decided to give it a try, and then there was the current coincidence. Mingda, who only had 30,000 yuan, happened to be able to buy a 30,000 yuan Pichu egg.

As for the "signing of the agreement" mentioned by Akimoto, it refers to the Pokémon and egg purchase agreement.

There are only two possibilities in this regard. One is that the breeding house forces people who buy Pokémon eggs to sign the agreement, and the other is that the breeding house will not mention this agreement at all.

The content of the agreement is mainly for people who buy Pokémon eggs. Buyers must ensure that the Pokémon eggs are hatched normally and not used for other illegal purposes. They also need to ensure that after the Pokémon eggs are hatched, they return to the breeding house to bind the Pokémon information.

At the same time, buyers must also ensure the supply of nutrients needed for the normal growth of Pokémon and must not abuse Pokémon.

People who own Pokémons will inevitably go to the Pokémon Center. Once the Pokémon Center finds that the Pokémon has been abused, it will notify the police to investigate the responsibility.

In addition to being found by the Pokémon Center, town residents will also be asked by the police who "visit" their homes from time to time to check the Pokémon bound to them in the records.

It can be said that the Alliance has made great efforts to protect the relationship between Pokémon and humans, and it is bound to form an inseparable and unabandonable bond between Pokémon and humans.

In terms of accountability, if an agreement is signed, the person responsible is the buyer, and it has nothing to do with the breeding house.

If no agreement is signed, the buyer and the breeding house will bear the responsibility together.

Therefore, most breeding houses will force buyers to sign a similar agreement when selling Pokémon eggs or young Pokémon.

After going around in such a big circle, it is still to prevent some people from buying Pokémon or Pokémon eggs on a whim, and then finding out that they can't keep them alive after returning.

Sprinkle flowers to celebrate that "Pokémon Breeding Master" has finally started selling Pokémon eggs after more than three months, a total of 244 chapters, and 660,000 words!

(At this time, the author's heart: I am afraid that there are still tens of millions of words to write)

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