Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 247 Return to Fairy Lake

Serena was full of energy. She put the bait that Akimoto had made again with the algae balls into a small pink box and placed it at her feet.

With her cry, the fish hook flew through the air and quickly fell into the water, leaving only the float floating on the water.

Serena sat on a small stool, holding the fishing rod attentively, her eyes never leaving the float.

Although the forest lizards got the fishing rod, for them who had never fished before, this thing was really a technical job, much more difficult than fighting with the axe-toothed dragon.

However, fortunately, there was a frog in the team who had fished with Akimoto. Under its teaching, the forest lizards and frogs all mastered the "skills" of fishing.

This is quite simple, just hang the bait and throw it out!

The frog with fishing experience took the lead in demonstrating. Its posture of throwing the hook was extremely skillful and sophisticated. It looked effortless and threw the hook far away.

The remaining forest lizards and frogs followed suit, each choosing a good place to fish, hanging the bait, and casting with force.

But what they didn't expect was that despite their great efforts, they still couldn't cast the hook as far as the frog.

This made the forest lizards and frogs, who always loved to compete, unhappy.

So they cast the hook, reeled in the rod, cast the hook, reeled in the rod, and so on. During this period, they would turn their heads to look at each other. If the other party cast farther than themselves, they would reel in the hook and cast again. In short, they wanted to be the one who cast the farthest.

When Akimoto turned his head to look, no Pokémon had really started fishing. They were all competing, and they didn't know what to compete for.

Maybe this is their fun.

Akimoto sat leisurely on the unfolded folding lounge chair, and the fishing rod was hung on the fishing rod rack next to it. If there was any movement, Akimoto would receive a prompt.

As for Serena, she felt that she would feel a sense of accomplishment only if she participated with her whole body, so she just moved a small stool and concentrated on fishing there.

Akimoto's main purpose for fishing this time was to try whether he could catch a clown.

If he caught a Magikarp, he would just release it.

Magikarp is useless to keep, and no one wants its eggs.

In fact, Akimoto could just go into the water, find a clown, and then knock it out and take it away.

But doing so might anger all the Pokémon in the lake, and Akimoto even thought that a few Milotic might come out and beat him up.


And Fairy Lake is indeed a bit too mysterious.

Lying on a lounge chair, fishing, basking in the sun, leisurely and fulfilling, a few hours passed quickly.

During this period, Akimoto caught three Magikarps, and the forest lizards also caught a few Magikarps more or less.

Only Serena...

Serena has become listless now. She weakly holds the fishing rod and stares at the float with lifeless eyes.

Like a salted fish that has lost its dream.

It's almost noon!

Not to mention the chouchou fish, I didn't even see a Magikarp!

Damn it!


Akimoto saw her like that and was about to comfort her, but Serena turned around and said to Akimoto: "Brother Akimoto, let's eat!"

"......?" Akimoto looked at the time, "It's just after eleven o'clock, are you eating? You didn't have breakfast until half past eight."

"Oh, hurry up, I'm hungry, isn't it? When I'm full, my good luck will come!"

Serena pouted in dissatisfaction.

Akimoto couldn't do anything with her. He took out the simple grill from his backpack, surrounded it with stones, put charcoal in it, and then put the grill on.

What's the most delicious thing to eat by the lake?

Of course, it's barbecue!

Serena ate the cabbage with barbecue ingredients and cried loudly.


After finishing the meal, Serena's originally depressed heart regained its vitality.

"Then you go fishing with the forest lizards up there, and remember to take care of Pikachu. I'm going to take the frogs down for something."

Akimoto took out a small oxygen bottle and a mask from his backpack, put them on, and said to Serena.

Serena turned around and saw Akimoto, who had taken off all his clothes except for his swimming trunks and wearing a mask.

She screamed "Ah", subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands, and her face turned red.

"No, what are you shy about." Akimoto rolled his eyes, asked Pikachu to go to Serena's side, and prepared to go into the water with the frogs.

Before going into the water, he said to Serena: "Your fishing rod has fallen to the ground. If a fish bites the hook later, your fishing rod will be gone."

"Ah! Hurry up and get down. Don't care that I'm a girl."

Serena still covered her eyes and lowered her head, telling Qiu Yuan to hurry up.

Qi Yuan laughed, and together with the frogs, he jumped into the Fairy Lake with a standard diving action.

This time, in addition to fishing for a few ugly fish, he came to the Fairy Lake to dig some water stones or water stone fragments.

Although the Ocean Tears cannot be sold even if they are made, Akimoto can use them for his Pokémon.

Last time, due to time constraints, he did not conduct a detailed survey and only dug a little back.

This time, Akimoto will dig more stones and store them back, which will be useful in the future.

If you dig up finished water stones, you can also sell them on the shelves to enrich the number of props in the breeding house.

The complete Water Stone can be used to make Ocean Tears, but the cost-effectiveness is not very high. Selling it can bring more profits to Akimoto.

So Akimoto only plans to make all the Water Stone fragments into Ocean Tears and sell the excavated Water Stones.

When the Lotus Leaf Boy evolves into the Lotus Hat Boy, he has the ability to breed, but Akimoto plans to let them evolve to the final form before breeding.

Because every time it evolves, there is a certain chance of improving the qualifications, and the Pokémon evolved by props are affected by the quality of the props, and the degree of improvement in qualifications will also be different.

With pure Ocean Tears, wouldn't it be great to let the Lotus Hat Boy evolve into the Lotte Kappa?

Even if the blue-quality Ocean Tears are not used, the qualifications of the Lotus Hat Boy will not be improved to blue, but it can be closer and closer to saturation at the green qualification stage.

Why does the breeding house exist? On the one hand, it is convenient for trainers to foster Pokémon, and on the other hand, breeders master the skills of breeding Pokémon, and can breed Pokémon from generation to generation, and finally improve the qualifications of Pokémon to a level that surpasses most wild Pokémon.

This is also the core of the competition among breeding houses.

However, Akimoto currently has no good way to speed up the breeding plan for improving the qualifications of fairy-type Pokémon...

A breeding house featuring fairy-type Pokémon, if the most popular one in the end is still other-type Pokémon, it will be very interesting.

I believe there will be a way in the future!

Still coming to the place where he came last time, Akimoto plans to spend some time to carefully survey the distribution of water stones in the vicinity.

Unlike last time, after exchanging the experience card of the distribution pattern of water stones from the system, he hurriedly looked for water stones and started digging.

Sure enough, after Akimoto concentrated on the survey, he could find more water stones.

The locations of many water stones are relatively secret, and Akimoto needs to slow down and survey the same place three or four times before he can find them.

And this kind of hidden water stone is either formed for a long time and buried by soil, or hidden in places with lush underwater plants.

After Akimoto searched all the water stones on the edge of the earth wall and confirmed that he had found all the water stones that could be found with the current exploration technology, he started to explore in places where aquatic plants were lush.

The growth rate of plants is affected by the power of the grass element, but aquatic plants are more affected by the power of the water element, so the more densely they are distributed, the greater the probability of water stones appearing, and the better the quality of water stones.

After a survey, there were more than 200 places where water stones might appear, including those in the earth wall and under the aquatic plants. Akimoto put small flags to mark them.

There were 13 places that could be confirmed to be complete water stones. Akimoto marked them with chess pieces of another color and started to excavate from these.

As for the quack frogs, they were led by the quack frog who went into the water with Akimoto for the first time to excavate, and they went to excavate the shallower buried water stones.

Akimoto remembered the lesson from the last time and changed to a soft shovel and a soft pick.

The hardness of the water stone is much lower than that of ordinary rocks, so it cannot be excavated with the force of digging stones, and must be carefully ground.

Fortunately, Akimoto had more experience this time, and he could determine the location of the water stone more accurately.

So when he dug to a similar place, he changed to a soft shovel and a soft pickaxe, and dug up the gravel and soil bit by bit.

After becoming a skilled old driver, Akimoto also successfully excavated all thirteen stones within an hour, and it took only about five minutes per stone on average.

Among these thirteen water stones, nine are green quality and four are yellow quality.

And among the nine green quality water stones, there are as many as four with very deep quality color.

This surprised Akimoto very much, and he even had some heartbeats, wanting to take these water stones to Gardevoir to make them into Ocean Tears.

The darker the quality color of the green water stone, the purer and gentler the energy contained in it, so the possibility that Gardevoir will make them into blue quality Ocean Tears is greater.

Then Akimoto continued to excavate the water stones that he had found buried at a relatively deep depth, and the efficiency of the frog over there was not slow either. With a soft shovel and a brush, he quickly excavated all the water stone fragments buried in the sand and soil on the ground.

Because they were all relatively shallow, most of the water stones excavated by the frogs were fragments, and there were very few finished water stones, and they were all white quality.

Most of the water stones were buried underground, and the quality of the water stones in the earth wall was much better.

Akimoto was also quite surprised by this distribution pattern, but most of the water stones he found based on his excavation experience were like this.

The deepest, most difficult, and most time-consuming water stones were excavated, and Akimoto spent more than two hours to complete the excavation of the remaining water stones.

It's a pity that this is not the Shiratide Beach. If he had dug there, Akimoto could have excavated a lot of water stones.

But there was no need for that excavation. First, there were many people who specialized in digging water stones in Shiratide City, and second, there were often Pokémon that came to harass in the sea.

After digging up all the water stones here, Akimoto can no longer find other buried water stones with his current ability.

There are 18 green quality water stones, 26 yellow quality water stones, and 45 white quality water stones in total.

As for water stone fragments, there are 12 green quality fragments, 73 yellow quality fragments, and 35 white quality fragments.

Strangely enough, the most common water stone fragments found are the yellow quality rather than the white quality, and its quantity is much higher than the other two quality water stone fragments.

After digging out the water stone, we called it a day and got ready to go home.

But at this moment, Qiu Yuan suddenly caught a glimpse of a huge blue figure not far away.

"Huh? What is that?"

Qiu Yuan looked at the blurry figure. Because it was underwater, he couldn't see clearly from a little distance, so he could only see a vague outline.

But the outline of that figure made Akimoto feel a little strange, because if he guessed correctly, that Pokémon should not appear in an inland lake.

Menas can also explain, because Ugly Fish can be found in rivers and lakes, but this Pokémon?

In order to confirm whether it was as he suspected, Qiu Yuan asked the frog to swim toward that side quietly, trying not to disturb the other party.

Because of the distance, he couldn't use detection skills, and Qiu Yuan couldn't determine the opponent's strength, so he had better not get too close rashly.

The frog's sight range underwater is wider than Akimoto's, and it can see more clearly, so the frog didn't swim far before it came back.

"How about it?"

Qiu Yuan's voice came out through the mask.

The frog came closer and described what he saw to Qiu Yuan.

Combining telepathy and translation abilities, Qiu Yuan was still able to hear what the frog said.

In its description, the Pokémon in the distance is a shrimp Pokémon that looks much taller than it. It has never seen that Pokémon, so it only knows it is a shrimp.

Because the frog had seen iron-clawed lobsters when it was in the breeding center, it could tell that it was a giant shrimp.

But why is this shrimp blue? Could it be that it is sick?

The croaking frog doesn't know this.

After hearing its description, Qiu Yuan frowned tightly.

Isn't this the steel gun arm shrimp?

Why are there steel cannon arm shrimps in Xianzi Lake, an inland lake?

Although the water in Fairy Lake is a bit salty, it is indeed an inland lake.

The nearest sea to Fairy Lake is seven to eight hundred kilometers away!

Although he knew that the opponent was a Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp, Akimoto did not rule out the possibility that the Steel Cannon Arm Shrimp was abandoned here by its trainer.

So after that, Akimoto eliminated four frogs and asked them to keep a distance. While not getting too close to the Pokémon in the lake, he searched carefully to see if there were any that were the same as the Gunarm Shrimp that they didn't recognize. Pokemon.

Because he had only briefly explored Fairy Lake before, and had not explored all of it. There were many places he had never been to.

So there may be a lot of Pokémon still undiscovered.

The last time he came, because he only brought a croaking frog with him, his strength was limited. Akimoto was afraid of being attacked in the water, so he didn't run around.

But now the strength of the croak frog has been greatly improved, and the speed is also faster. There are few Pokémon in the water that can match the speed of the croak frog.

Akimoto doesn't have to worry too much about them being attacked by Pokémon in the lake.

One frog was left to protect Qiu Yuan, and the remaining frogs were sent out to explore the situation in the lake.

After they come back to report, if it can be known from their descriptions that there are other Pokémon that can only be found in the sea, it can only mean that there is indeed a problem in Fairy Lake.

After about half an hour, the four frogs, who were divided into four groups, returned to Qiu Yuan one after another and reported the situation to him.

They know most of the Pokémon in the lake. Because they have lived in the breeding center, they also know some of the Pokémon that live in the ocean.

Among them, three stinging jellyfish were discovered by the frogs here, and there were two other Pokémon they didn't recognize. After confirming their descriptions, they found they were love fish and octopus barrels.

This is difficult to handle. There is a real problem.

Fairy Lake, the ultimate inland lake seven hundred or eight hundred kilometers away from the sea, has so many Pokémon living in the ocean?

Unless this is a forced explanation that someone was so bored that they caught a large number of ocean Pokémon and released them in Fairy Lake.

Otherwise, it is absolutely certain that Fairy Lake has a secret passage to connect the lake and sea water.

But where this passage is... still needs Qiu Yuan to explore.

On this issue, the most useful ones are the frogs!

Akimoto and a crotch frog groped along the earth wall, while the remaining four crotch frogs moved forward quickly and explored in multiple threads.

In Akimoto's conjecture, if Fairy Lake is to have a channel that can connect to the open sea, it should be similar to the situation at Baichao Beach.

White Tide Beach is also a lake, but there is a wide channel on its bottom wall for sea water exchange and Pokémon can come and go freely.

But what puzzles Qiu Yuan the most is that he has tasted the water of Fairy Lake. The water here has no salty taste and is not sea water.

This is very different from the large number of ocean Pokémon appearing in Fairy Lake.

The strange phenomenon gave Qiu Yuan the idea of ​​​​finding out the truth.

However, if he wanted to continue the investigation, it would definitely take a lot of time. Qiu Yuan had to go ashore to say hello to Serena first, so as not to worry her.

In fact, if Akimoto hadn't come ashore from time to time when digging for water stones, Serena would have thought something had happened to him.

Akimoto took out some water stone fragments from the system warehouse, put them into the bag he brought with him, and swam to the shore.


After landing, Akimoto quickly took off his mask and breathed in fresh air. The feeling of breathing oxygen for a long time was still not as natural as breathing air.

"Brother Akimoto is up again, look! I caught a ugly fish!!"

Serena smiled happily when she saw Akimoto landing, and ran towards Akimoto with her bucket.

"How is it, great?"

The little girl's face was full of pride, and her proud look made Akimoto couldn't help pinching her tender face.

"Great, great. But I may have to stay underwater for a long time later, don't worry too much."

"Do you want to continue digging water stones?"

Serena looked at the bag in Akimoto's hand, which contained more than a dozen water stone fragments emitting faint light.

"I'm not digging for water stones. I found Pokémon in Fairy Lake that can only be found in the ocean, and there are more than one kind. Do you know what this means?"

"Oh!" Serena nodded, and then said confusedly, "What does it mean?"

Akimoto: "..."

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