Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 252: Gardevoir also learned to deceive

Seeing that he couldn't even touch it, and Mengfeng had already gone all out, he would fight it to the end even if the flower garden was completely destroyed.

Kuma had no choice but to run away, because if it stayed any longer, it would not be able to withstand the damage of Gardevoir.

Gardevoir's attack was no joke, and to deal with this group of rogue Kuma, Gardevoir directly used elemental shock.

She asked Mengfeng and the others to step back, and when Kuma's arm was about to hit the ground, she would accurately throw a ball of elemental balls to hit Kuma's paw.

Once Kuma made an evasive move, Gardevoir would aim at its head without hesitation and use all its strength.

Seeing Kuma's embarrassed escape, Mengfeng and Hua Beibei both laughed happily.

But Akimoto, who had been paying close attention to Kuma, felt that it would not be so simple. Kuma was obviously intelligent, and running away so directly was completely different from his previous performance.

Suddenly, Akimoto noticed a small movement of the Circular Bear, and his pupils shrank. He recalled that there was a point that he had overlooked in the information he had just obtained from the exploration of the Circular Bear.

The skill of the Circular Bear!

It can cause earthquakes!

Because of the repeated use of the Secret Art of the Starting Place, there is a certain spiritual bond between Gardevoir and Akimoto, and it can sense Akimoto's thoughts, even if they are far apart.

Gardevoir felt Akimoto's anxious mood at the first time, and without hesitation, it flew behind the stone pillar where Akimoto was.

When Gardevoir flew towards Akimoto, the Circular Bear had already revealed a malicious smile.

It concentrated all its strength on its fists, leaned back slightly, and randomly burst out at a very fast speed, smashing its fists hard on the ground.

The power was transmitted to the ground through the fists, causing a series of violent vibrations. For a time, the entire flower garden area seemed to be shaking, and even the fallen rocks on the hill next to the basin fell down, almost hitting Akimoto.

Even if Gardevoir arrived and took Akimoto into the air, narrowly avoiding the earthquake attack, if it was one or two seconds later, the shock wave would reach Akimoto's feet, thus concentrating the damage on him.

Akimoto is a human being, and it is impossible for him to block this move.

Moe can fly, Hua Beibei and Butterfree can fly, and Gardevoir can also take Akimoto to fly. It seems that the earthquake of Kumaru has no effect.

But this is not the case.

The violent vibration of the ground caused a large amount of loose rocks to fall, and the shaking of the ground made the soil loose. When Kumaru's fist hit the ground for the second time, the flowers in the flowerbed flew up like flying fluff, and then fell to the ground.

Moe and Hua Beibei had never expected Kumaru to do this. They looked at the flowerbed that was destroyed beyond recognition at this moment, and they were almost collapsed. They even wanted to fight Kumaru desperately!

But Akimoto let Gardevoir stop them.

With the strength of MoeFly, FlowerBeiBei and Butterfree, they can't cause effective damage to Kuroko. Even if they use status-limiting skills, the effect is only weak.

After all, Kuroko's physique is there.

Gardevoir followed Akimoto's command and placed him in a relatively far area where Kuroko's earthquake skill could not reach.

Then Gardevoir used its ability to fly to attack Kuroko remotely.

At the same time, Akimoto can also help Gardevoir observe Kuroko's movements and remind her to avoid Kuroko in time.

Although Kuroko can't get close to Gardevoir, he can use stones to interrupt Gardevoir's elemental impact. Akimoto can help Gardevoir guard against Kuroko using this move.

Because of telepathy, Akimoto's communication with Gardevoir basically has no delay, and it does not need to be transmitted to the brain through the ears.

Although Akimoto still likes to use dialogue in daily communication.

Just when Akimoto was sure to win, Kuroko suddenly used the ghost face on Gardevoir!

Even though Akimoto had warned Gardevoir, Gardevoir was too late to defend.

Gardevoir, who was about to use the elemental impact on the head of the scorpion, inevitably looked directly at the scorpion's face!

Her mind was suddenly in a trance for just a few tenths of a second, and in these few tenths of a second, the scorpion used a move that it had planned long ago!

It had hidden a stone in its hand, waiting for this moment.

After Gardevoir was hit, the scorpion immediately threw the stone in its hand. Because of the huge power, the stone flew at a very fast speed, like a cannonball, flying straight towards Gardevoir.

All this happened in a flash, and Gardevoir had not yet escaped from the negative effects of the ghost face, and the stone was already close to Gardevoir.

Suddenly, a sound of breaking wind sounded, and several green figures shuttled away, hitting the stone that was originally going to hit Gardevoir, breaking the stone into several pieces and falling down.

It was Hua Beibei!

Hua Beibei had been trying to help Gardevoir and do her part, but she never had the chance. Gardevoir was suppressing Kumarou throughout the fight.

When Kumarou hid the stone, Hua Beibei had already been alert. Sure enough, Kumarou wanted to use the Ghost Mask and Stone Throwing attack to knock down Gardevoir, and then turned defense into offense.

But everything had already fallen into Hua Beibei's eyes. Because of their different positions and different angles, Akimoto and Gardevoir did not notice Kumarou's action of hiding the stone, only Hua Beibei found it.

So at the critical moment, Hua Beibei used the flying leaf blade to break the stone into pieces.

Fortunately, there was Hua Beibei's help, otherwise Gardevoir might have been violently attacked by the Circle Bear if he was really shot down.

But it's just possible, Gardevoir can also use teleportation.

Although teleportation consumes a lot of Gardevoir's physical strength, it can definitely evade the attack of the circle bear with unlimited abilities.

After Gardevoir recovered from Ghost Face's negative state, she immediately gathered the elemental balls and launched an attack that emitted strong fluctuations at the Circle Bear who was about to escape.

The huge body of the circle bear crashed to the ground, and finally lost its ability to fight after enduring a powerful elemental impact from Gardevoir.

Neither Mengyu nor Hua Beibei are ferocious Pokémon, nor do they want to kill Circle Bear.

They just looked at the land destroyed by the trap bears with great regret.

There is always a type of people in human society who want to get everything by any means necessary. When the other party resists, they will destroy them.

Even if they do this they won't get anything.

The flower beds were destroyed, and Meng Fei and Hua Beibei had no choice but to find a new home, and the flowers here would grow again in the coming year until they bloom.

But now, they have no choice but to leave.

Meng Fei and Hua Beibei expressed their gratitude to Qiu Yuan, but they were more grateful to Gardevoir.

There is no way, Akimoto is only a human being. In the eyes of Mengfu and Hua Beibei, Akimoto has no role in this battle. It is just because he is the trainer of Gardevoir, so Mengfu and Hua Beibei thanked Qiu Yuan by the way. Fan.

Really, he was actually underestimated by Pokémon.

Qiu Yuan shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"Gardeña, Gardevoir."

As soon as Gardevoir responded to their thanks, they started chatting again.

"Beibei?" Hua Beibei hesitated.

"Gardevoir, Gardevoir, Gardevoir!" Gardevoir nodded affirmatively.

"Beibei? Beibei, Beibei!"

"Gardevoir, Gardevoir!" Gardevoir said, holding Hua Beibei's hand.

They were flying in the air the whole time and their voices were not loud. Qiu Yuan did not hear what they were saying clearly.

The telepathy with Gardevoir is useless, because the telepathy ability brought by this kind of spiritual bond can only be used when both parties are turned on.

But roughly speaking, Akimoto could also guess that Gardevoir probably wanted to take the opportunity to let Meng Fei and Hua Beibei come to the Akiba Breeding House.

It is not appropriate to say that we are fooling them. It should be said that we are helping them solve the problem of their new habitat.

That's the appropriate way to put it.

While they were still chatting, Qiu Yuan couldn't get a word in, but it seemed that Hua Beibei was a little hesitant, but Meng Fei very much agreed to go with Gardevoir.

Then walking with Gardevoir means walking with Qiu Yuan, right?

Akimoto has no problem with this!

Gardevoir was still trying to help Hua Beibei solve the problem of the new habitat, while Qiu Yuan was observing nearby.

Logically there would not be a flowerbed in this area. Various terrains indicate that once it rains, this small basin will be filled with rainwater, and the flowers will be drowned and washed away.

But when Qiu Yuan came here, except for the flowers that were damaged by lightning, the other flowers were growing very bright and beautiful.

The land in the middle of the basin is not overly wet as Akimoto imagined. This humidity is only caused by a thunderstorm in the morning. If it is due to water accumulation in the terrain, the moisture in the soil will be more than this. .

The climate in Chaoxiang Town is relatively stable compared to other places. It does not get hot or cold, and the temperature is generally warmer.

Under this circumstance, the rainfall in Chaoxiang Town is quite sufficient, although it will not rain continuously, nor will it rain for more than ten days in one day.

There is no accumulated water or moisture in this small basin, so there must be some reason to block or drain away the water.

Now that Gardevoir was still communicating with Hua Beibei, Qiuyuan simply explored the edge of the small basin to see if he could find anything interesting.

Not to mention, he really discovered it!

It was a layer of soil that was darker than the soil in other areas. Qiu Yuan stretched out his hand and touched it, and his fingers were stained with a lot of water.

The terrain of this small basin is actually very much like an unexpanded flower. The darker soil layer that Qiu Yuan saw was very regularly distributed above the base of the petals. The slope was relatively gentle, like a Like a ring.

If Akimoto guessed correctly, this thing absorbed water.

When rainwater falls, it will flow down when it encounters the hillside at the edge of the basin.

If left unchecked, they will gather in the center of the basin and become a lake.

If blocked, rainwater will not pool and normal falling rainwater will replenish the soil with moisture.

Akimoto took out a bucket of his spare water from the system warehouse and tried to simulate rainfall.

The result was very surprising to Akimoto. Even if he increased the water flow, which even exceeded the rainfall of the heavy rain, the soil layer could still be sucked away by it without leaking a drop.

No wonder Akimoto said that the water content of the soil near this layer is particularly polarized.

Qiu Yuan was still studying the soil layer, but Gardevoir brought Meng Fei and Hua Beibei over.

"Gardessa, Gardevoir, Gardevoir. (They agreed to go back with us, but you can't use Pokmon Balls, otherwise they will escape.)"

Gardevo and Hua Beibei discussed for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that Hua Beibei and Meng Meng would live in the Akiba Breeding House for a while, and if they didn't want to live in the Akiba Breeding House, they could move out.

What attracted Hua Beibei and Meng Meng was not the beautiful environment of the flower sea and the many beautiful flowers mentioned by Gardevoir, but the harmonious and beautiful Pokémon relationship and living atmosphere in the Akiba Breeding House.

Most of the fairy spirit Pokémon love peace, like kind people and Pokémon, and don't like fighting, so when Gardevoir said that there were nearly a hundred Pokémon in the Akiba Breeding House, and everyone could live in harmony like a family, Meng Meng and Hua Beibei were moved.

As long as they have ideas, everything is easy to say.

Because Pikachu was fooled into the Akiba Breeding House in this way, and in the end they didn't want to leave.

It is worth mentioning that the number and overall qualifications of this group of Meng Meng were very consistent with Akimoto's psychological expectations, and even exceeded them.

There are 24 MoeGrease in total, 20 of which are green, one MoeGrease with blue and three with yellow.

The other two FlowerBeeps are both green.

Akimoto also asked Gardevoir to ask Butterfree if it was willing to live with him in the Akiba Breeding House. Even MoeGrease and the others put aside their past grudges and agreed to live with Butterfree, but Butterfree still wanted to live in the wild in the end.

There was no way to change Butterfree's mind, so it could only be left alone.

Akimoto never forced Pokémon in this regard, not to mention... Butterfree was not his type.

If it was a few FlowerBeeps, Akimoto might have asked Gardevoir to spend more time persuading them to change their minds.

"By the way, Gardevoir, help me raise this bucket of water a little bit."

"Yes, wait a minute... OK! Let it go... A little more at a bigger angle!"

Although he didn't understand why Akimoto did this, Gardevoir still obediently controlled the bucket with telekinesis, lifted it to a very high position, and then poured the water in the bucket.

As expected, when the water flow was accelerated in the air, it was already a very fast speed when it fell to the ground, but even so, that layer of soil still ruthlessly absorbed the water without a drop left, and there was no intention of entering a state of water saturation.

Akimoto was overjoyed when he saw this!

Because this feature is a very precious item in the Pokémon world - Tide Rock.

Perhaps in the literal sense, Tide Rock should be a very humid rock that contains a lot of water or water elemental power.

It has nothing to do with this layer of soil that is characterized by its ability to absorb water.

But it is called this name, and this name was given by our dear old genius Professor Oak.

The greatest ability of the tide rock is to absorb water. They can fully absorb water into the soil, only becoming heavier, not increasing in volume, and the upper limit of water absorption is almost millions of times that of a sponge of the same volume.

You can imagine how powerful the tide rock is. Just dry it and throw it into the pool, and all the work of pumping water is saved.

The greatest ability of the tide rock is to absorb water, and its greatest function is to cultivate a magical plant.

Dragon beard grass.

Although dragon beard grass is a grass, it is at least 1.4 meters tall at maturity, and can reach 4 meters tall, and always maintains a winding and hard grass shape like a dragon.

The cultivation of dragon beard grass is extremely difficult, and the biggest point is that it drinks several tons of water a day.

Moreover, dragon beard grass cannot absorb too much water at a time, and the demand for water will change randomly throughout the day.

Yes, it changes randomly.

So this led to the emergence of a very rare and respected profession in the Dragon Country of the Unova region, the grass grower!

Oh no, bad name.

In fact, it is called a dragon beard grass breeder. Although the name is a bit long, it sounds more serious than a grass grower.

Dragon beard grass breeders are usually people in their thirties who look like old men in their sixties or seventies. They work in shifts, with three people responsible for a dragon beard grass breeding area. They stay in the breeding area every moment, even when eating, and rely on professional experience to judge the amount of water that the dragon beard grass needs at that time and add water for it.

If you simply use a faucet to point at the dragon beard grass and adjust the fixed water flow rate, it is very likely that the dragon beard grass will be drowned or die of thirst.

Chaoyan can perfectly replace the role of human beings, and it is more effective and faster.

The water stored in Chaoyan is like the water in the pool, and the dragon beard grass is the person who drinks water. He drinks as much as he wants.

It is not like the dragon beard grass cultivated by the breeder, which is like a baby. He drinks as much water as the breeder pours.

Although Qiu Yuan does not have the seedlings of dragon beard grass, he can buy it in the system store!

It is not expensive, only 600 points per plant.

After a dragon beard grass grows to maturity, it basically won't grow any taller.

At this time, you can use a knife to cut a section of dragon beard grass from top to bottom according to a certain ratio, and use it to make food for dragon-type Pokémon.

Axetooth and Roundland, two poor dragon-type Pokémon, eat ordinary food every day...

Akimoto knew the effect of dragon beard grass a long time ago, but he didn't have the time to take care of it, so he didn't consider it at the time. He considered whether to plant dragon blood fruit.

The effect of dragon blood fruit is better than dragon beard grass, but it is a fruit tree, which takes a long time to grow. When Akimoto's ability to promote growth is not enough to promote the growth of a big tree, the effect is very slow.

Now that we have the tide rock, everything is solved. Axetooth and Land Shark will soon be able to eat dragon-type Pokémon food that is rich in energy.

Although Akimoto will be deducted 600 points, it is all worth it.

These points can be obtained by signing in at the system store for 30 days, but the sooner the exclusive food for dragon-type Pokémon is made, the more beneficial it will be for Land Shark's physical development.

You must know that Land Shark is still in the late stage of its larval period, and there is still a chance for rapid improvement.

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