Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 255 Little Fairy Milk evolves into Cream Fairy Milk!

Qiu Yuan came to the Dragon Bone Spring, dug a hole of moderate size with a shovel, and put the tide rock he brought back from the small basin next to the Fairy Lake.

Pulling the middle apart with his hands, Qiu Yuan took out the dragon beard grass seedlings bought from the system store.

The dragon beard grass seedlings have three vertical and long leaves, and the rhizomes are very thick. Even the seedlings are as thick as Qiu Yuan's fingers, which is almost the same as ordinary seedlings.

The dragon beard grass bought with 600 points grows to maturity and can be put into use very quickly. As long as the dragon beard grass can absorb a certain amount of water every moment, it can grow quickly and grow within a month.

In the end, it is still grass. Although the mature plants are not much different from big trees, they cannot be separated from the category of grass and grow very fast.

One month is just an example of ordinary irrigation water sources. In fact, fertilizers and other irrigation water with better water quality can also be added.

Fertilizers have little effect on the growth of dragon beard grass, but irrigation water sources have a great impact on the growth of dragon beard grass.

Dragon Bone Spring, a spring rich in dragon elemental power, is perfect for watering dragon beard grass.

With the irrigation of Dragon Bone Spring, dragon beard grass can grow to maturity in about 20 days, and then Akimoto can harvest it.

The amount of dragon beard grass harvested is calculated based on the whole plant of dragon beard grass, so the taller the dragon beard grass grows, the more dragon beard grass Akimoto can harvest.

After harvesting, it takes a while for the dragon beard grass to grow again, which is about seven days. That is to say, Akimoto can harvest dragon beard grass once every seven days to make dragon Pokémon food.

Akimoto already has a general idea about the recipe of the food, and he needs to wait until the first harvest before testing.

The lotus leaf boy was stupid. When he passed by the Dragon Bone Spring, he saw Akimoto planting dragon beard grass and came over curiously.

Akimoto turned around and saw this little guy. It seems that he wants to take over the task of planting dragon beard grass.

Now the fruits in the breeding house are managed by the lotus leaf boys. Akimoto will occasionally come to trim unnecessary branches and leaves so that the trunks can absorb sufficient nutrients and quickly grow into mature plants that can bear fruits.

The lotus leaf boys are responsible for irrigation. According to Akimoto's instructions, they absorb enough spring water from the dragon bone spring, and then run to the grassland area to irrigate the spring water into the soil under the fruits.

Although they have to run many times, they still enjoy it.

Including the windward grass planted by Akimoto before, it is now also taken care of by the lotus leaf boys.

Not to mention, although they look stupid, they are really meticulous in taking care of the growth of plants.

Sometimes Akimoto thinks that he, the breeder, the owner of the Akiba breeding house, doesn't seem to have much to do.

It can only be said that he is very lucky. The Pokémon will not quarrel and cause trouble to him, and they can also help him take care of various small things.

Among them, the forest lizard and the frog are responsible for physical strength, the Jili Egg and Xiaoli are responsible for cooking, and now there is a group of lotus leaf boys who are still in the larval stage, but very diligent.

"Just water three times a day, not too much, understand?"

Hearing Qiu Yuan's words, the lotus leaf boy nodded, walked slowly to the dragon bone spring with six little feet, absorbed the dragon bone spring water, and then came back and spit it all on the tide rock.

The next scene made the lotus leaf boy open his eyes wide, with an incredible look on his face.

After the dragon bone spring water came into contact with the tide rock, it immediately disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace of water.

The curious lotus leaf boy looked up at Qiu Yuan, saw him smiling and nodding, and ran to the dragon bone spring again to absorb enough spring water and spit it on the tide rock.

The magical thing happened again. Even though the lotus leaf boy specially absorbed more spring water this time, he could not leave any water marks on the tide rock.

As if it had suddenly found a toy, the lotus leaf boy excitedly went back and forth between the dragon bone spring and the dragon beard grass, sucking up enough spring water and spitting it into the tide rock, as if it had to leave water marks on the tide rock before it would stop.

Seeing that it was having so much fun, Qiu Yuan did not stop it, but just said that after the water marks appeared, it would not be watered.

The lotus leaf boy nodded obediently and continued to run back and forth.

For the next whole day, Qiu Yuan had nothing to do. He played with the Pokémon in the breeding house all day, and also took care of the Pokémon that needed care.

Mainly, he went to see those Pokémon that didn't come out to play often.

In the evening, Qiu Yuan accompanied Xiao Li in the kitchen to make a more special snack.

It was said to be more special because Qiu Yuan was also making this thing for the first time. Even when he was on Earth, he had never made this thing. He was just groping with Xiao Li.

Using Moo Moo Milk to make milk slices?

It seems quite interesting.

To make milk flakes, you first need to put the Moo Moo fresh milk into a pot, boil it for a while, and then dry it after it becomes a paste, and then crush it into powder.

In this way, the milk powder is actually made. The process is to remove the water in the milk and retain the nutrients.

After adding water again, you can get a cup of Moo Moo milk again, but it is not fresh milk.

Moo Moo milk powder can also be purchased in stores in various towns. Compared with fresh milk, it has a longer shelf life and is suitable for trainers to carry when traveling.

There are two machines for making milk flakes. One is a small manual one, which is composed of three parts in total - a solid cylinder, a hollow cylinder, and a small ring.

Put the small ring on the hollow cylinder, and then place it flat on the table to introduce milk powder, make the milk powder flush with the highest point of the hollow cylinder, and then use the solid cylinder to squeeze it into tablets.

This is similar to the principle of making tablets.

So Akimoto used to like to buy bags of milk powder in the supermarket and pour it directly into his mouth, which was no problem.

The other machine is much simpler than the manual one. You only need to introduce milk powder at the loading port and pull the circle lever on the other side to make the machine run, and automatically press and produce milk tablets one by one.

Akimoto also had nothing to do, so he came to make milk tablets, so he tried it with a small manual mold first, which was also full of fun.

"Xiaoli, try this, put some sweet peaches in it?"

"Pu Li?"

Xiaoli tilted his head, took the sweet peaches handed over by Akimoto, rinsed them with water, and then cut the sweet peaches into small pieces with the safe small kitchen knife that Akimoto bought for him.

Mash the peach pieces into pulp, add them to the Moo Moo Milk and mix well, then repeat the process of making milk powder.

In this way, the flavored sweet peach Moo Moo milk powder is ready.

Qiu Yuan had a lot of fun playing with it, and Xiao Li also liked to play with it, and finally pulled the Ji Li egg over.

Once the Ji Li egg came, its eggs naturally became one of the raw materials.

Qiu Yuan and the two Pokémon only made a little milk powder each time, and the milk slices they squeezed out were only about six or seven, but in the end they kept trying multiple recipes and actually made three full cans of milk slices.

Looking at the colorful milk slices, Qiu Yuan was a little amused.

How did he go too far all of a sudden and made so many milk slices of different flavors that he couldn't tell them apart now.

However, when making milk slices just now, Qiu Yuan was suddenly inspired by Xiao Li. Maybe he could add the materials for making meatballs to Moo Moo Milk to make milk slices with different attributes?

I started making it right away. The simplest and cheapest ingredients were the ingredients for the Setsuri meatballs. Akimoto crushed them all and poured them into the moo moo fresh milk, then put them in a pot and burned them.

But when I took it to dry, I found that no matter how I dried it, there would be some small particles, so that the pressed milk slices always had various gaps in them, which greatly affected the taste.

Akimoto thought about it for a while and repeated it several times, but there was no improvement.

Suddenly, he thought that maybe he could pour out the semi-paste milk in the middle of burning it and stir it again, so that the particles could be removed.

I tried it right away, and this time Akimoto made it according to the improved plan.

Sure enough, after two stirrings and two burnings of the milk, the dried and pounded milk powder did not have large particles like before, and the pressed milk slices looked great and tasted great.

The combination of the light milk fragrance and the original flavor of the meatballs is really delicious.

However, the milk slices made in this way were only white in quality in the system's judgment.

Although it has all the nutrients of the ingredients, it does not have the greatest ability of the Setsuri Meatballs - enhancing elemental power, so it is not recognized by the system props.

After thinking about it, Akimoto felt that it might be a problem in the burning process. After all, the production of meatballs does not require too high a temperature.

High temperature may destroy the elemental power storage structure of the main material, causing this ability to be lost in the newly made milk slices.

After thinking about it, Akimoto can accept it. After all, he is only making milk slices as snacks and desserts for Pokémon, and the staple food must be meatballs.

Just as Akimoto continued to make meatballs with Xiaoli, a meteor suddenly streaked across the night sky, not far from the breeding house.

The bright light immediately illuminated the living room through the French windows. Akimoto came out of the kitchen, followed by Jili and Xiaoli in aprons.

After the first meteor streaked, there seemed to be no more meteors. Akimoto waited for a while and was about to go back to the kitchen.

But who knew that another meteor would streak across the sky, falling from the northwest corner to the southern forest, dragging a long comet tail, and the dazzling light was dazzling.

The Pokémon in the breeding house also stopped playing at this moment, opened their eyes wide and looked at the beautiful meteors in the sky, this burst of rain in the starry sky.

Little Fairy Milk was particularly happy. When it saw Akimoto return to the ecological park, it immediately flew to his head and nestled, and its two cream-like little hands beat Akimoto's head rhythmically.

"Why are you so happy? Meteor shower, is it beautiful?"

Little Fairy Milk's little fist fell on Akimoto's head, but it was like massaging him with a milk ball, which was very comfortable.

Akimoto scratched Little Fairy Milk, and seeing how happy it was, he couldn't help laughing.

Most of the Pokémon in the breeding house had never seen such a beautiful meteor shower. Even the Round Land Shark, which was still humming in the cave at night, was dragged out by Squirtle and others.

Of course, there was also the Explosive Monkey who was pulled by the Round Land Shark to provide it with light.

Qiu Yuan took out his camera from the system warehouse, pointed it at the beautiful night sky, and pressed the shutter button continuously.

However, when he was shooting, the fairy milk suddenly flew down from above his head, blocked the camera, and spun happily, shaking its hands.

"Want to dance together?"

Qiu Yuan asked when he saw the fairy milk's performance.

The fairy milk immediately nodded excitedly, took Qiu Yuan's hand, and asked him to dance with it.

Although he didn't know why the fairy milk suddenly had this idea, Qiu Yuan still cooperated very well and held the fairy milk in his hands and spun in circles according to its idea.

After spinning for so many times, Qiu Yuan felt a little dizzy, but the fairy milk was getting happier and happier, and her smile was very cute.

Suddenly, under the night sky, Qiu Yuan found a faint white light radiating from the fairy milk's body, and then the colorful light slowly enveloped it.

After letting go of the fairy milk's hand, Qiu Yuan realized that the fairy milk wanted to evolve, so she wanted to pull him to dance and spin.

Speaking of which, the conditions for the fairy milk's evolution had actually been met a long time ago, and Qiu Yuan also personally made cute ribbon candy decorations for it.

However, Qiu Yuan recalled the direction in which they had just spun in circles, as well as the current time, and it seemed that the fairy milk would evolve into a white cream milk fairy.

White is also very beautiful, like fairy grass ice cream.

The Pokémon around Qiu Yuan also focused their attention from the meteor shower to the fairy milk, and some Pokémon looked envious at the fairy milk wrapped in the light of evolution.

However, the ones who showed this envious look seemed to be young Pokémon.

You haven't grown up yet, and you're thinking about evolving?

Isn't it a bit early?

The most obvious one is the two Swiftlets. I don't know if it's because of the Pokémon race, but the Swiftlets have been training for flight soon after hatching.

Akimoto also thinks it's interesting. Although this is a breeding house, there are always a group of Pokémon who like to train themselves desperately.

This is the case with the forest lizard and the frog, and even the Swiftlets in the pre-larval stage.

The light of evolution slowly dissipated, and the brightness around dimmed again.

Under the light of the pale yellow street lamps in the ecological park, the Frost Milk Fairy looks particularly beautiful.

Its eyes have become much bigger, flickering with a lovely light, and it ran towards Akimoto with a smile on its face.

Akimoto hugged the Frost Milk Fairy, but found that it was not stained with cream, but like a water ball, with a bouncy touch and very soft.

There is a bunch of long braid-like cream on both sides of its head, decorated with ribbon sugar decorations given by Akimoto, which looks very cute and charming.

Frost Milk Fairy was held by Qiu Yuan, and suddenly a small piece of cream appeared in her palm. She raised her little hand high, wanting to feed Qiu Yuan a taste.

Qiu Yuan couldn't help but smile knowingly when she saw her anxious look, lowered her head and opened her mouth, allowing Frost Milk Fairy to feed her cream to Qiu Yuan.

The cream melted in her mouth and wrapped around Qiu Yuan's entire tongue. The taste with a faint grass sweetness combined with the original sweetness of the cream made Qiu Yuan not feel too sweet when tasting the extreme sweetness.

Frost Milk Fairy looked at Qiu Yuan expectantly, and after getting his affirmation, she was even happier, holding the cream in her hands and wanting to feed it to Qiu Yuan.

But Qiu Yuan was not a big eater. He had just eaten so many milk slices and his stomach was already a little full, and he couldn't eat so much cream.

After eating several pieces of cream in a row, Qiu Yuan finally couldn't eat anymore, and could only apologize to Frost Milk Fairy, saying that he really couldn't eat anymore.

Frosty Milk Fairy was a little unhappy now, pouting her little mouth, and ate the cream in her hand sullenly.

"Okay, okay, I really can't eat it anymore. You can share it with your friends."

Akimoto hugged the depressed Frosty Milk Fairy, and then took it to Jigglypuff.

Frosty Milk Fairy thought, yes, I can give it to my friends to taste!

Then it happily ran to the middle of a group of Jigglypuffs, and happily produced delicious cream in the palm of its hand, and distributed it to each Jigglypuff, as well as other Pokémon attracted by the fragrance.

The one who was most happy about the evolution of Frosty Milk Fairy was Xiaoli.

They were originally good friends, and most importantly, after Xiaoli evolved into Frosty Milk Fairy, the taste of the cream not only became better, but the amount of cream produced also became more!

Is this your real purpose? Xiaoli!

As expected, the happiness of foodies is always food!

The meteor shower lasted for more than an hour, and Akimoto didn’t know how many meteorites fell into the southern forest.

However, if Daigo hadn’t gone back, he would have gone into the forest to live for ten days or half a month before coming out after seeing such a meteor shower.

Two unusual natural phenomena occurred in a short period of time. Combined with the system’s explanation, it was really a fight between gods, which was hard for mortals to watch.

Not long after Xerneas was rescued by Akimoto, he ran to fight with the alpaca, and the system mentioned Deoxys and Rayquaza.

As a cosmic Pokémon, Deoxys would be stopped by Rayquaza every time it wanted to enter the Pokémon world. Therefore, the two Pokémon would fight each other every time, causing various natural disasters.

It seemed that a certain mythical beast jumped out of the meteorites that fell from their fight.

Akimoto thinks that the meteor shower tonight should also be related to these mythical beasts, but he is not sure whether the alpacas are fighting Deoxys or joining forces with Deoxys to fight against several other mysterious Pokémon from outside.

In short, their battle will break many planets, and the meteorites that can persist in the process of falling and not dissipate must contain good things.

It is estimated that people will come to the southern forest to hunt for treasures starting tomorrow. Akimoto decided to go to bed early today and set off in the morning tomorrow to look for fallen meteorites in the southern forest.

If you can find a meteorite, even if you can't open it, you can take the meteorite itself to exchange things with Daigo.

Anyway, Daigo doesn't lack anything, he just likes to collect stones, and meteorites are one of his favorite stones.

If Akimoto finds a meteorite, he plans to exchange it with Daigo for a top-quality blue water stone for Hai Xingxing to use.

If there is no water stone, then he can exchange it for some super evolution stones, he is not greedy.

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