Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 262 Carp Hunting Festival (Subscription Request)

"I just said you would know her, hehehe."

Qiu Yuan had nothing to say.

But even if she is Jiang Liye's cousin, Qiu Yuan will not give her a discount.

Discounted items are not eligible for discounts.

Natsume Suzu recalled Qiu Yuan's expressionless look and asked curiously: "Why don't you speak?"

"Ah, no. Your cousin is indeed very powerful." Akimoto did not intend to continue chatting with Natsume Suzu about Jiang Liye, but instead said, "You should be from Hoenn, why did you come to Carlos?" How about buying a baby egg? Fengyuan should also have it.”

"No, I happened to be studying in Baike City two days ago, and I happened to see you selling baby eggs, so I came here to buy them."

"That's it."

Akimoto nodded, no wonder he said that Natsume Suzui from Hoenn would come to Kalos to buy baby eggs. It turned out that she happened to be in the Kalos area.

The green-qualified baby eggs cost 800,000 yuan. Plus five cans of Momian pills and ten reagents, Natsume Suzui had to pay Akimoto 1.25 million yuan.

Baobao Dingdan was really profitable, and Qiu Yuan had to sigh again.

There are two types of people in the Pokémon world who make the most money, one is the cultivator, and the other is the rich woman.

For cultivators, they only care about the possession of Pokémon and the strength of their team. As long as there is a way to improve their strength, they don't care about money or anything else.

Therefore, Yusanjia sells them more expensively, and the price of Pokmon with stronger racial values ​​goes up even more outrageously.

As for the rich woman...

Just like Mu Xi and Natsume Suzui, as long as they like it, spending money is just a sprinkling of water, without blinking more than a million eyes.

She didn't know what Natsume Suzui did at home, but the balance that popped up after she swiped her card to pay made Akimoto's left eyelid twitch.

[1,250,000 yuan has been paid, and your balance is 23,540,000 yuan]

Well, a boss with a net worth of tens of millions is actually by my side?

More than 20 million yuan!

"What's wrong?"

Natsume Suzuyi blinked her eyes and smiled.

"Nothing, it's fine. The weather is nice today."

"Hehe, goodbye then, I will take good care of it!" Natsume Suzuyi hung the bag on her arm and hugged the incubator with both hands, as if she wanted to feel the heartbeat of the baby Ding who was still in the egg.

In the next few days, Qiu Yuan had nothing to do.

After being told by Jun Shaqi not to go out, he had to hold bonfire parties one after another with the Pokémon in the breeding house, and also held another Pokémon contest in the breeding house.

However, there are some restrictions on the conditions for participants in this Pokémon Contest. Only infant Pokémon that are two weeks old or older can participate.

As one of the baby Pokémon, Turtle Shark undoubtedly won the competition, while the three Squirtle brothers were in danger and almost ended their baby stage.

Fortunately, Akimoto had nothing to do and held this competition, which happened to be during the last few days of Squirtle's juvenile period.

In the end, the champion was Round Land Shark, the runner-up was Kameji, and the third runner-up was surprisingly the Ice Vulpix who was only two days old!

That's right, it's Ice Vulpix.

On the third day after Natsume Suzui left, Ice Vulpix successfully hatched from the Pokémon egg, while Monini and the Doll were hatched the next day.

Even the three baby eggs exchanged by Zeming and Qiu Yuan have hatched, and there are now four more cute baby eggs in the breeding room.

When it comes to cuteness, it’s almost like a doll becomes cute only after it has super evolved.

When Akimoto figures out the relationship between elemental power and super evolution, he must find a way to keep Pokémon in its super evolved form.

Twelve days have passed since the day Jun Shaqi reminded Qiu Yuan not to go out.

It was already snowing lightly at this time.

Qiu Yuan was studying those meteorites again this morning.

It has started to snow even in Chaoxiang Town, and Qiu Yuan has not yet figured out what the purpose of this thing is.

There were three small meteorites and two large meteorites. Akimoto only knew that one of them was an alloy meteorite used to make the Master Ball.

Or it’s okay to call it meteorite alloy.

The rest can only be seen after Daigo has finished his work. Akimoto doesn't have so many points to spend 100 points on each meteorite for advanced exploration.

Suddenly, the pager beeped.

Nothing happened in the past ten days, but two people came to buy two Pichu eggs, and some people ordered various meatballs online.

Qiu Yuan does not need to go out. He only needs to call the Chaoxiang Town Pokémon Station and a Pokémon specially responsible for delivering express mail will come to his door.

He subconsciously thought that this time someone wanted to inquire about the business information of the breeding house, so after picking up the phone, he said: "Hello, this is the Autumn Leaf Breeding House. Do you need any help?"


"Ah, ah? Aunt Jing?"

"How's the breeding house business lately?"

"It's okay, but because the southern forest is not very safe recently..."

Akimoto scratched his head. The problem in the southern forest has not been solved yet. He heard from Joey Huixiang that Jun Shaqi had captured more than a dozen members of the Flare Team, but they were all peripheral members.

The alliance has a subtle plan to reduce the number of outsiders coming to the southern forest, so there are a lot fewer people coming to Chaoxiang Town. Otherwise, given Akimoto's great discount, Pichu's eggs should at least be sold out.

"Well, try to reduce going out if it's unsafe." Qiao Yijing also knew the situation in the southern forest, so she reminded Qiu Yuan, "But Xiaoqiu."

"Ah? Aunt Jing, what do you say?"

"Do you still want those three Pokémon?"

"Pokémon?" Qiu Yuan was stunned for a moment. What Pokémon? After hearing what Aunt Jing said, there are still Pokémon to be collected?

"I knew you forgot, you little brat, and you said you had developed feelings for them, which made me busy at the breeding center for a long time." Qiao Yijing laughed and scolded, "Do you still want the Lobster Soldier? Do you still want Butterfree and Skullflower?"

"Ah, this... I really forgot..." Qiu Yuan said embarrassedly.

After the breeding house competition, he asked Qiao Yijing to apply to the breeding center to raise the three Pokémon, but he forgot about it because there were a lot of things to do later...

"So why don't you send the receiving application to the breeding center quickly? They will cancel the transmission plan in a few days, and it will be useless for you to resubmit the application."

"I know... I'll go right away!"

"Next time, remember to write down everything you need to do!"

"Okay, okay!"

"Well, I'm busy now, the breeding center is free now."

"Thank you, Aunt Jing, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and ran to the warehouse to turn on the Pokémon transmission device.

Send the application to the breeding center...

Send the application...

"Oh." Qiu Yuan's hand froze, "It seems to be sent to the wrong place, it should be sent to the Unova Breeding Center..."

Re-enter the link address of the Unova Breeding Center, and Qiu Yuan successfully sent out the receiving application.

After more than ten seconds, the other side agreed to the receiving application and turned on the transmission.

Three white lights then lit up. Akimoto took the three Pokémon Balls, sent a thank-you letter to the Unova Breeding Center, and then turned off the transmission device.

He sent a message to Qiao Yijing, saying that he had successfully received it, and thanked Qiao Yijing again.

"Come out! Spinner!"

"Butterfree, Butterfree, come out!"

As the red light flashed, three Pokémon appeared on the ground one after another, and they all rushed up excitedly after seeing Akimoto.

Especially Spinner. Although it has always shown that it doesn't like to express emotions in the breeding house competition, it can't suppress its excitement at this moment. It pounced on Akimoto and held Akimoto firmly with its legs.

Xiaoli, who was holding a pudding cake and humming a little song, passed by and saw Akimoto being pounced on by a strange Pokémon, and immediately got angry!

"Pu li li li--pu li!"

After Xiaoli accumulated his strength, he ate the pudding in one bite, put the plate on the ground and crashed straight into the lobster soldier, knocking the lobster soldier away from Qiu Yuan.

"Hehe! Hehehe!"

The lobster soldier was very angry at this moment!

It hadn't seen Qiu Yuan for a long time, and just when it wanted to express its longing to him, it was knocked away by an unknown object.

When the lobster soldier turned around, he saw Xiaoli, who was now replacing the lobster soldier's previous position, lying in Qiu Yuan's arms and rubbing against him.

What did the lobster soldier think of this?


The blue elemental power condensed in the two huge claws of the lobster soldier, and then it aimed its claws at Xiaoli, and two extremely fast streams of water rushed straight towards Xiaoli.

Xiaoli was still in Qiu Yuan's arms, and the next second he was shot away by the lobster soldier's water gun.

"Bulli, bulli!!!"



Akimoto held Xiaoli's head with one hand and held down the lobster soldier with the other.

"You two should be quiet. Why did you suddenly start fighting?"

"Bulli!" Xiaoli looked at Akimoto in panic, then lowered his head, his voice intermittent, as if crying, "Bulli... Bulli, bulli..."

Akimoto helplessly held Xiaoli in his arms with his right hand, touched the small curly hair on its head, and comforted him: "These are your new friends. They are my partners I met in the breeding house competition. You should get along well with them. Why do you have to fight as soon as you meet?"

The lobster soldier saw that Akimoto didn't say anything to him, and was about to be proud, but was educated by Akimoto's eyes.

"Hey... Hehe..."

The lobster soldier lowered his head silently and didn't speak.


"We're having hot pot tonight, don't you mind?"


Hearing that they were going to have hot pot, Xiaoli immediately revived, lifted her head from Qiu Yuan's arms with full energy, and smiled.

"I knew you were pretending!"


Qi Yuan was busy in the kitchen, and next to him were four equally busy dolls, who were responsible for some preparation work and processing ingredients.

And the two Picos were making desserts with Jilidan and Xiaoli.

Speaking of this nest of Picos, since Akimoto picked them up from the southern forest and brought them back to the breeding house, they naturally found a piece of land in the ecological park to live in, without any discomfort.

Akimoto was dumbfounded at the time. He had thought of various ways to coax Picos and Pipi to live in, but they didn't care at all, and happily found a few caves in the mountainous forest area and lived there.

Now there are two Picos hanging out in the kitchen with Xiaoli and Jilidan every day.


The sweet voice of Ice Vulpix sounded in the kitchen, and Frost Milk Fairy brought Ice Vulpix to the kitchen.

Kyuubi is very fond of the newborn Vulpix. He wants to stay with Vulpix all day long. He even ignores the fact that Jigglypuff stays in the kitchen with Xiaoli. He wants to see Vulpix all the time.

But what can he do? Vulpix is ​​so cute. How can it be the only Pokémon that likes it?

Frostmilk likes Vulpix as much as Kyuubi.

Although Frostmilk can't beat Kyuubi, he will not give in in the fight for the right to take care of Vulpix.

For the harmony of the breeding house, Kyuubi never fights with other Pokémon, and the same is true for Frostmilk.

So the two Pokémon finally reached a consensus. Today, Frostmilk will take care of Vulpix, and tomorrow it will be Kyuubi's turn.

"Xiaorong, come here~"

Akimoto named Vulpix Xiaorong, and the source of the name is its beautiful white fur that is very lovable.

Xiaorong jumped from the arms of the Frosty Milk Fairy onto the table, but because he was only a few days old, he was not standing very steadily. His small body swayed on the table for a few times before he stabilized his balance, and he ran towards Qiu Yuan little by little with his little feet.

"Try this, milky red pear ice cream."

Qiu Yuan smiled, and the smile on the corner of his mouth had never stopped since the moment Xiaorong entered the kitchen.

Xiaorong came closer, lowered his head and smelled the milky red pear ice cream on the spoon, his little nose twitching, very cute.

Qiu Yuan slightly moved the spoon forward so that Xiaorong could reach it.

As a result, Xiaorong twisted his head, smiled foolishly, rubbed Qiu Yuan's arm with his furry body, and then stretched out his pink little tongue to lick his palm.

Qiu Yuan put down the mixer in his other hand, took off his gloves, and gently stroked Xiaorong's back, making it utter a milk sound comfortably.

"Brother Akimoto! Is it ready? I'm hungry!"

"I told you to wait! Come and serve the dishes!"

Akimoto asked Serena to come in and take out the creamy red pear ice cream, and Xiaorong returned to the arms of the Frosty Milk Fairy.

"Pu Li Pu Li~Pu Li~"

Xiao Li was summoning the Frosty Milk Fairy again, and she must have used its cream again. The Frosty Milk Fairy took Xiaorong to the Nine-tailed Fox who had been guarding the door, and went to help Xiao Li.

Monini flew around in the kitchen, coordinating the materials everyone needed, and was also very busy, but it was very happy to do these things.

It seems to be a natural housekeeping Pokémon...

In fact, Monini is also very strong in combat, but what can they do...

"Brother Akimoto, I'm here! Clang clang~Does it look good?"

Serena jumped in front of Akimoto with a smile, pinched the upper hem of the red winter dress she had just put on, and turned around in front of Akimoto.

"It's beautiful. When did you buy this dress?"

"Hehe... Dad bought it for me! I didn't expect him to pick such a beautiful dress!"

"It's really beautiful... But you must have spent a lot of time on your makeup today."

Serena said beautifully: "Of course, you know it's the Carp Festival today!"

"Carp Festival?" Akimoto paused and then asked, "What is the Carp Festival?"

Serena widened her eyes and said in surprise: "Don't you know the Carp Festival?"

"I don't know." Akimoto shook his head honestly.

"I thought you prepared such a sumptuous dinner because of the Carp Festival! The Carp Festival is..."

Seeing that Akimoto really didn't know about the Carp Festival, Serena acted as Akimoto's teacher with a little joy in her heart, and explained it clearly.

Akimoto listened for a long time before he realized that the Carp Festival in the Pokémon world is the same as Christmas, with similar customs and traditions, but just a different way of saying it.

And there is also a very interesting story.

Legend has it that from the third day after snowfall in each region, Magikarp will hide under the water, making it impossible for people who mainly hunt Magikarp to get food at that time to find it.

At this time, everyone will launch an activity to mobilize people in tribes and villages to find traces of Magikarp, and reward those who catch the most Magikarp with generous gifts.

Later, it developed into the third day of snowfall in each region as the Carp Hunting Festival, which lasts for seven days. From the first day, everyone will look for Magikarp and put them in star-shaped basins.

It is said that the more Magikarp there are in the star-shaped basins, the more generous gifts people can receive for the Carp Hunting Festival that night.

"That's quite interesting, but you should take this plate of ice cream out first."

Akimoto smiled and handed the plate of ice cream to Serena.

Serena left in a hurry with the plate, and then ran back in a hurry, holding Akimoto's hand and said, "We are going to find the carp tree!"

"Huh? What is the carp tree?"

"It's a big pine tree that can hang stars, red hats, and small gift boxes! I heard that the carp tree can guide people to find Magikarp. The higher the carp tree is, the more Magikarp you will find!"

The little girl can't wait to find a big pine tree to use as the carp tree in the breeding house!

"Norus should be able to get the carp tree. It's better not to look for it in the forest."

Akimoto looked at Serena and spread his hands, saying that it was not that he didn't want to accompany her to the forest to find the big pine tree, but that he really couldn't get out.

The entire residents of Chaoxiang Town have received a notice from the alliance, saying that they are not allowed to enter or leave the southern forest during this period. Even Grandpa Deze has gathered his mounts, the lambs, in a small circle. He usually doesn't do much. go out.

"It's such a letdown... Why did brother Qiuyuan encounter this kind of thing when you came to Chaoxiang Town this year? If you didn't find carp trees, the fun would be much less!"

Akimoto: Hey, hey, Serena, why are you talking! Why do I expect to encounter this kind of thing when I come to Chaoxiang Town!

"We can't look for big pine trees, so why don't we just use ancient trees? We can't find anything bigger than ancient trees around here."

When Serena heard it, it seemed like yes!

"But it's not a pine tree..."

"The pine tree is a ghost pine tree. It's just a tree. You cut this fruit piece and I'll go to Mingshui Town."

"Why go to Mingshui Town?"

"Buy some decorations, otherwise what else can you do?"

There are no things like these for display in the system store, such as star lights, big hats, and colorful gift boxes with nothing in them.

"Aren't you allowed to go out?"

"I won't let you wander in the forest! I'm going to Mingshui Town and will be back soon."

Qiu Yuan took off his gloves and hung his apron on the wall. He went out and asked Gengar to go to Mingshui Town to buy some decorations.

"Wooha, wooha wooha! (Qiu Yuan, I want to wear a hat too!)"

Gengar rubbed his hands, put his big face close to Qiu Yuan's face, and smiled mischievously.

"Buy it for you!"

Qiu Yuan patted Gengar on the head angrily. It couldn't dodge and forgot to switch to its incorporeal body. It was caught in the slap, but it still laughed.

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