Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 264: The Transformation of the Round Land Shark

Round Land Shark just passed through the light gate and found himself in another world!

After coming out of the light gate, he stood on a high hillside, the slope curtain extended to the distance, and the grass was full of flowers. MoeGal, Jigglypuff and Pikachu who had passed through the light gate before were all wandering in the sea of ​​flowers at this moment, very comfortable.

Round Land Shark opened his two big eyes and looked left and right.

Suddenly, he was not careful!

Round Land Shark rolled down the hillside!

Fortunately, the slope was very gentle, and Round Land Shark did not receive much damage. On the contrary, after it found that it was not in much pain, it took this opportunity to play.

The Pikachu with heterochromatic eyes picked a small flower with great interest and ran towards Jigglypuff who was being pulled by MoeGal with two little feet.

Before it ran to Jigglypuff, MoeGal, whose expression suddenly became a little panicked, reminded it to dodge.

Pikachu was confused, rubbed his ears, and slowly turned his head to see what it was.

As a result, before he could turn his head, Pikachu was rolled over and over again, so that the extremely fast Land Shark knocked him out, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and the flowers in his hand fell in the air.

Pikachu fell in the sea of ​​flowers, and struggled to get up and touch his delicate little butt, looking at the "murderer" who had just knocked him away with an angry face.

But the "murderer" didn't have time to care about it now!

Land Shark didn't know who he had hit, but after hitting other Pokémon, he became happier and more excited. Not only did he rush around in the sea of ​​flowers, but he also used his body power to accelerate in the process of rolling!

"Ka Ka Ka ~ Ka Ka ~ ~"

After knocking over and knocking away countless Pokémon along the way, Land Shark rolled down another hillside and headed straight towards Akimoto who was wandering around the Gracitia flower field with Xiaoli.


When Jigglypuff, who had just been knocked over by the round land shark, saw this scene, he immediately shouted at Akimoto, who was facing away from the round land shark.

Unfortunately, it was too far away for Akimoto to hear Jigglypuff's shouting clearly.

When he heard the movement behind him, it was too late.

The round land shark, which was rolling at high speed, suddenly hit a small raised mound of earth. When it approached Akimoto, it bounced off the ground and hit Akimoto's back of the head straight.

When it bounced, the round land shark had recovered from its shrunk spherical state. It opened its hands, squinted its eyes and indulged in the feeling of flying. Suddenly, it saw the person in front of it.

Oh my God! It's Boss Akimoto! !

The round land shark was immediately frightened and lost its mind. Its hands kept swiping in the air, trying to change its flying trajectory in the air.

It's true that the round land shark really changed its flying trajectory a little bit and flew towards Xiaoli, who was sitting on Akimoto's left shoulder.

Akimoto heard the voice behind him and was about to turn around when his left shoulder was hit hard, and he fell uncontrollably to the ground on the right.

Xiaoli was even worse, and was knocked away by the round land shark.

In order to reduce Akimoto's pressure, Xiaoli would use her ability to make her body lighter when she sat on Akimoto's shoulder.

This also led to the fact that when the round land shark hit Akimoto's left shoulder, it also knocked Xiaoli, whose weight was now negligible, directly into the sky.

Xiaoli flew in the air, looking confused.

Who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Oh, I am Xiaoli, I am in the sky, I am flying! !


Why am I flying? ! !

Xiaoli looked at Akimoto and the round land shark, who were getting smaller and smaller, at the ground that was gradually moving away from her, and at the sun in the sky in horror.



At this time, Gardevoir, who had just passed through the light gate and entered the Gracitia flower field, saw a small dot flying diagonally upward at a very fast speed as soon as she came in!

She focused her mental power on her eyes and looked carefully, and then she saw that it was Xiaoli.

And now Xiaoli's expression was terrified.

You should know that Jigglypuff can only switch the weight of his body when it touches a support. If he can't use the force in the air, he can't switch the weight of his body at all! !

Gardevoir helplessly held his forehead.

Why do you have to be busy as soon as you come in.

Using telekinesis to control the body, Gardevoir quickly flew into the sky. After comparing its own rising speed with Xiaoli's rising speed, it predicted Xiaoli's position and flew straight there.

Xiaoli was already appointed at this time. It closed its eyes and prepared to float in the sky for a day.

But at this time, it was suddenly hugged by a pair of arms, and then held in his arms, and the wind blew from below.

"Puh? Puh!"

Xiaoli opened her eyes in confusion, and then she looked up and saw Gardevoir holding her, and she cried out in surprise.

"Gardevoir, Gardevoir, Gardevoir. (What are you playing again? You've already flown so high.)"

Gardevoir smiled, pinched Xiaoli's tender face with her hands, and then continued to fly down.

But when she landed, she suddenly saw Jigglypuff and the others forming a circle, talking non-stop.

Gardevoir wondered: What game are they playing again?

The most common way for Jigglypuff and the others to play games is for a group of Jigglypuffs to gather together in a circle, surround Pokémon, or surround Pichu and the others and play in a circle.

But it doesn't look like they are playing, it seems like they are arguing about something.

Gardevoir put Xiaoli down, but after Xiaoli came down, he hurried towards Jigglypuff and the others, which made Gardevoir even more confused.

Suddenly, she saw Jigglypuff lowering their heads together and working together to lift Qiu Yuan on their backs, and then the Pokémon surrounding them moved out of the way.

"Gardena Sanaa! Gara'aa Sanaa?"


Upon hearing Gardevoir's question, a Jigglypuff suddenly showed an aura of excitement, pointing at the round land shark that had been lowering its head next to it and shouted.

Gardevoir's expression first changed from weird to curious, and finally turned serious.

What on earth have you done!

And you, Round Land Shark! !

Yuanlu Shark kept his head lowered, and just when he wanted to raise his head to see everyone's reaction, he met Gardevoir's gaze.

Then he immediately lowered his head.

Gardevoir ignored it, hurried to Qiu Yuan's side, anxiously helped him up, and used his mind power to support his body and walk out.

Poor Qiu Yuan, before he finished walking around the Gracidia flower field, he was hit by a round land shark and his left shoulder joint was dislocated. When he fell, he hit his head on a harder piece of the ground and fainted.

Gardevoir carried Qiu Yuan outside, called Xiaoli along with him, helped him lay flat on the treatment device, and treated him.

To be honest, this was the first time for Qiu Yuan to experience the healing device. It felt as if he had become a Pokémon in an instant.

Therapeutic instruments can also work on humans, but the size of Akimoto's therapeutic instrument is not large enough, so Gardevoir can only let him lie down with his legs curled up.

While Gardevoir, Xiaoli and the others were treating Akimoto, Jigglypuff and Pikachu outside the door were surrounding and criticizing this bad boy, Round Shark.

It turned out that Akimoto took them to a brand new place with so many beautiful and fresh flowers. Jigglypuff and Pikachu were very happy.

But not long after playing, or even just started playing, Round Shark turned into a bowling ball, knocking down and flying Jigglypuff and Pikachu, and even crushed many flowers and plants.

This made all the Pokémon with very good tempers couldn't help but say a few words about Round Shark.

The Round Shark knew that he had done something wrong, so he had no choice but to lower his head, hold his head in his short hands and wait outside for Gardevoir to treat Akimoto. At the same time, he squatted motionless and accepted criticism from Jigglypuff and Pikachu.

Jigglypuff and Pikachu saw that Round Shark was listening to criticism honestly, so in the end they stopped chasing it and just told it to stop messing around in the future.

This was because the Cute Fly was here just now and pulled up several baby Pokémon that were playing with them.

Otherwise, given the speed that Yuanlu Shark was just at, if it collided with a young Pokémon whose body was still very fragile, it would be a serious problem.

After waiting for a while, they waited until Qiu Yuan came out of the instrument room.

The instrument room was a room that Qiu Yuan had left vacant before, but he didn't know what to do with it. It was finally used to protect various medium and large devices, including treatment devices and teleporters.

Looking at the Pokémon gathered at the door, Qiu Yuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm fine, you can continue to play."

However, they didn't listen to Qiu Yuan's words, and still looked at Qiu Yuan with worried faces.

Qiu Yuan was helpless and moved, so he had no choice but to take action to prove that he was really okay.

The most serious injury he suffered was a dislocation and dislocation of the shoulder joint, and at most some broken bones.

Fortunately, the round land shark only hit a small part of Akimoto's shoulder, and did not really hit the whole thing.

Otherwise, with the round land shark's hard head, Qiu Yuan would probably have to lie in bed for ten days and a half.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yuan looked for the Round Shark among the Pokémon, only to see it with its head bent all the time, looking pitiful.

"Round land shark, round land shark."

Akimoto gently kicked the round land shark to wake it up from its sluggish state.


Yuanlu Shark slowly raised his head, and when he saw it was Qiu Yuan, he immediately hugged his legs and began to cry loudly.

"...You, stop crying. It's not me who hit you, I'm the injured one!" Qiu Yuan squatted down helplessly, put his right hand around him, and hugged Yuanlu Shark. At this time, his left shoulder was still a little There was a dull pain, "Stop crying, do you hear me! You're not a baby anymore, and you're still crying!"

"No one really wants to blame you, it's just that this behavior is too dangerous and we are a little worried. If you don't believe me, just look at it!"


"Pica! Pica!"

All the Pokémon nodded.

Although they seemed to be mischievous, they didn't really blame the shark in their hearts.

I just felt that this time I had to make the round land shark realize the terrible consequences of going too far, so I criticized it together.

Qiu Yuan also heard the words of Xiao Li and the other two Jigglypuffs during the treatment and learned the whole process of the matter.

"Ka, ka ka... ka ka..." Yuanlu Shark slowly stopped crying and looked at the Pokémon around him in confusion.

They really didn’t seem to blame me...did I really do something wrong...

"Kaka..." Yuan Lusha pulled Qiu Yuan's hand.

"What's wrong?" Qiu Yuan said with a gentle smile.

"Kaka...kakaka, kaka... (I'm sorry...I won't mess around in the future, please forgive me...)"

The round land shark lowered its head again. It seemed that apologizing was still too difficult for it to say.

But since it can apologize to Akimoto, it is a good start.

Akimoto touched its head and comforted it: "It is your nature to love playing, but you are no longer a newly hatched baby. Look at the lotus leaf boy."

Akimoto asked the round land shark to look up and looked at the two lotus leaf boys who would have been hit by it if it had not been for the help of the moe fly.

"You are now an adult who can take care of the lotus leaf boys. Learn to take responsibility bravely and become mature!"

Akimoto took out a piece of paper and wiped the snot and tears of the round land shark.

"You should apologize to those Pokémon that you hit or almost hit."

Go, this is the time for you to grow up and transform.

Akimoto pushed the round land shark towards Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Moe Fly and the lotus leaf boy, and said silently in his heart.

He really wanted all the Pokémon in the breeding house to retain their purest nature, just like the round land shark. Although its playful nature would cause some trouble, he would not care about it.

It was just that its love of play was indeed too much today, and it would easily cause other Pokémon to be injured.

And the round land shark is not Pikachu, Jigglypuff and the others, so there is no need to worry about anything. It can just play and live leisurely and happily in the ecological park every day.

The round land shark also shoulders the mission of revenge for its mother. It must mature, otherwise when Akimoto takes it to revenge in the future, it is likely to make mistakes due to its personality.

A slight mistake can lead to a great error. Sometimes the victory or defeat starts from a small mistake.

Akimoto now has only a few Pokémon that can be used for battle, Gardevoir, Gengar, Mount Goat, Axetooth Dragon, and a few Frogs and Forest Lizards.

Although those frogs and forest lizards were excellent in their internal competition, they also had difficulty fighting with the mount goat and axe-tooth dragon due to their limited qualifications.

The difficulty that Akimoto said was not the difficulty caused by the restraint of some attributes, but the physical talents affected by the qualifications, which led to the difficulty in fighting.

The actual gap in talent can be made up by hard work, but Pokémon with high talent can exert stronger strength than Pokémon with low talent.

It's like a computer processor. One is the latest and best processor, and the other is a processor that has been added and modified to catch up with the performance later. It seems that the performance is similar.

However, the processor that is excellent in itself can be overclocked to achieve higher performance, while the one that has been caught up cannot be overclocked to improve performance.

It's just a potential problem!

If Akimoto can improve the qualifications of frogs and forest lizards, I believe they can completely defeat the mount goat, and it is even possible to break through the weakened attributes and defeat the axe-tooth dragon.

Although Akimoto is a breeder, he still needs a few Pokémon that can make Akimoto stand out.

The future purple-quality quasi-god Pokémon, the round land shark, is one of Akimoto's hopes.

So this time, taking this opportunity, Akimoto also needs to make the round land shark mature.

After being pushed out by Akimoto, the round land shark raised its head and faced the Pokémon it hit for the first time in such a long time. For a moment, it was a little panicked and suddenly didn't know what to do.

It also wanted to listen to Akimoto and apologize to Jigglypuff and Pikachu, but when facing so many Pokémon, its brain suddenly went blank.

In the end, Xiaoli looked at its appearance and felt a little sorry. He ran over and held its hand, comforting it and said, "If you really can't say it, forget it, everyone will forgive you."

However, Akimoto must make the round land shark apologize to those Pokémon in person this time. If he doesn't cross this hurdle, he will never be able to make a real change.

But before Akimoto made any move, the round land shark, which was awakened from the blankness of his brain by Xiaoli's actions, suddenly realized that he couldn't escape. If he escaped even such a thing, what should he do when facing a strong enemy in the future!

Round Land Shark let go of Xiaoli's hand and looked at Xiaoli directly.

"Pu Li?"

Xiaoli asked in confusion.

Suddenly, Round Land Shark lowered his head, bowed his body, and said to Xiaoli: "Ka Ka Ka Ka! Ka Ka Ka! (I'm sorry! Please forgive me!)"

When saying this, Round Land Shark's tone was very firm, but in fact there was a trace of fear in it, fear of being denied.

But after saying it, it seemed to suddenly understand something.

It was nothing more than a small apology. Only when it said the words of apology, there would be subsequent developments.

If it didn't even apologize, how could it know whether Xiaoli would really forgive it? !

Seeing Round Land Shark walk to each of the other Pokémon and bow in turn to apologize after being forgiven by Xiaoli, Akimoto felt a little distressed, but very relieved.

Serena went out in the afternoon to help Grandma Sano repair the wooden facilities in the house, and also helped her decorate the carp tree, so she was not in the breeding house.

As soon as I came back, I saw Shark apologizing to other Pokémon one by one, and I didn't quite understand what was going on.

"Brother Akimoto, what happened... Hey, are you hurt?"

Serena came over and found the abnormality on Akimoto's shoulder, so she asked.

Akimoto waved his hand: "It's a small matter. I heard that Grandma Sano will travel to the Unova region this year, right?"

Akimoto stood up and pulled Serena to the side, leaving this place to Shark, Jigglypuff, Pikachu and others. I believe Shark can handle what happened today.

"Grandma Sano is going to travel to Unova!?"

As expected, Akimoto immediately diverted Serena's attention from her injury to Grandma Sano's affairs.

"You don't know?" Akimoto frowned.

Didn't Serena go to Grandma Sano's house? Grandma Sano didn't tell her?

Akimoto only learned the news when Domons came to buy Pikachu eggs last time.

"Grandma didn't tell me about this. But if she really wants to travel, it will be inconvenient without powerful Pokémon, right?"

"More than inconvenient, alas..."

Akimoto sighed.

I don't know what Grandma Sano is thinking. She suddenly wants to travel, and when she travels, she goes to other regions.

The update time is not very fixed...but the last chapter is likely to be after eleven o'clock.

I will try to fix the time as much as possible.

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