Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 266 News about Kong Wu

In the studio, Qiu Yuan stabbed the bell on the table with a small awl with a serious look on his face.

"What is the principle of this thing? I can't understand it even if I read the explanation!"

Akimoto rang the bell, then picked it up and put it next to his ear, listening carefully, but he only heard a faint echo.

"Ah - ah -"

Qiu Yuan roared twice at the top of his lungs at the bell, and then pointed it at his ear again.

"There's no sound. Do you need to use some energy to activate it?"

Akimoto, who found that the Echo Bell was still unresponsive, injected some life force into it.

Then he heard a loud ringing sound, the frequency of which was very close to the two bells he had just roared, and the sound was so loud that it almost shattered his eardrums.


Qiu Yuan covered his ears and wanted to cry but had no tears.

【Item information】

Name: Echo Bell

Quality: green

Purpose: Play sounds of specific frequencies in the form of ringtones

Introduction: After recording the sound into the Echo Ring, you can make it produce a ring tone with a louder volume and consistent sound frequency.

Qiu Yuan was so confused that he didn't understand this thing after reading the introduction for a long time. As a result, he almost went deaf at the end.

Said to be a specific frequency, Akimoto is not sure what the specific frequency is for.

Suddenly, he saw Xiaoli walking past the studio door with her little butt twisted, heading towards the kitchen.

A certain frequency, a certain frequency.

In other words, can Xiaoli’s singing be recorded?

"Xiao Li! Come here!"

Xiaoli was about to go to the kitchen to make something delicious to comfort Yuanlu Shark, when he was stopped by Qiu Yuan.

It looked back in confusion and found that Qiu Yuan was holding a bell in his hand and waving to it.

Xiao Li ran towards Qiu Yuan with her little feet, jumped onto Qiu Yuan's knees with a small jump, and then reached out to get the bell.

As soon as Qiu Yuan raised his hand, Xiao Li missed it.


Xiaoli was inserted into her waist and her eyes were wide open, as if to say: Give it to me quickly, or I will get angry!

"Haha, don't worry, I'll give it to you later. Just listen to me first..."

Qiu Yuan laughed, carried Xiaoli onto the table, and then pointed at the Echo Bell and told it what to do.

In fact, there is nothing easy to do, that is, after Qiu Yuan uses the power of life to eliminate the previous sound, let Xiaoli keep singing to the Echoing Bell.

After Xiaoli finished singing, Qiuyuan took the Echo Bell and input the power of life to see if the ringtone emitted by the Echo Bell still had the ability to hypnotize after saving Xiaoli's singing.

After Xiao Li got the Echo Bell, he blinked his big eyes and looked at the exquisite silver bell in his hand curiously, and found that the rope hanging behind the bell was still his favorite pink color.

"Porphyry, porcelain?"

Xiao Li pointed at the Echo Bell and then at itself.

"Yes, try it yourself, maybe something magical will happen!"

"卍卍卟婷? (A very magical thing?)"

Xiaoli tilted his head, what magical thing was going on?

Qiu Yuan smiled, then stood up and prepared to leave the studio, leaving Xiaoli to stay here and sing, and he would come back later.

In order to arouse Xiaoli's curiosity, Qiuyuan also specially recorded a sound first, and then used the Echo Bell to listen to the sound converted into a ringtone for Xiaoli.

Sure enough, Xiaoli, who is very sensitive to sounds, immediately became interested.

Now the Echoing Bell is not only a beautiful toy for it, but also a prop with magical powers.

No less than its beloved super marker.

Qiu Yuan left the studio and headed to Dragon Bone Spring.

The last prop he obtained was the memory seed, which was a very useful prop.

【Item information】

Name: memory seed

Quality: green

Purpose: Let Pokémon learn difficult racial moves

Introduction: Memory seeds can be planted and harvested. Grinding the seeds and adding them to the potion can repair the incomplete racial memory of the Pokémon during the incubation period, allowing it to learn more difficult moves recorded in the racial memory.

To put it simply, Akimoto can grind this seed into powder and add it to the Pokémon egg nutrient solution to let the Pokémon learn racial moves.

As mentioned earlier, the optimal period for changing the qualifications of Pokmon is from low to high in terms of the difficulty of change: the incubation period - the juvenile period - the mature period. However, the incubation period, the easiest time to change the qualifications, lacks ways to change it.

Pokémon egg nutrient solution is a way to change the qualifications of Pokémon.

Now Akimoto can allow Pokmon to supplement the racial memory that was originally incomplete due to qualification issues during the incubation period, and change the Pokmon's racial genetic skills.

This is a very powerful prop. With this prop, one of the gaps in qualifications of many Pokémon - the skill gap can be made up.

The racial memories of Pokémon with poor qualifications often have various defects, which results in them being unable to learn the skills they could have learned even as their strength increases.

Now Akimoto can repair the racial memory of Pokémon through memory seeds. Although it cannot change the qualification gap in physical strength, it can allow Pokémon that were originally unable to learn racial skills to learn racial skills.

The planting method of memory seeds is similar to that of peanuts, and the seeds buried in the ground are harvested.

Unlike peanuts, the yield of memory seeds is very low. Usually, one seed can only harvest 2 to 5 seeds, and the probability is about three.

Akimoto asked the system that the quality does not affect the yield of memory seeds, but the quality will affect the degree of memory seed repair of racial memory.

Use more intuitive data analysis.

A yellow-qualified Pichu cannot naturally learn the electric ball due to racial reasons. It needs a lot of practice to learn this trick.

And now Akimoto lets it use the nutrient solution with green-quality seeds, it can automatically master the electric ball during the incubation period.

If it is a nutrient solution with blue-quality seeds, Pichu can learn 100,000 volts.

Even if Akimoto can get purple-quality memory seeds...

Then don't say it, you can learn thunder.

Can you imagine a level 5 Pichu learning thunder?

Of course, Akimoto will not give this high-quality memory seed to Pichu. They are not Pichu gods. Even if they learn thunder, they can't use it because their physical strength is not enough.

Akimoto planted five memory seeds on a relatively high piece of land in the forest area and asked Axetooth to take care of the memory seeds.

Unlike dragon beard grass, memory seeds prefer a relatively cool environment and do not need much water. Basically, one and a half cups of water every two days are enough.

It is the kind of mouthwash cup that Akimoto uses. One and a half cups of water are enough.

Speaking of dragon beard grass, Akimoto has harvested dragon beard grass twice now, but still has not been able to make a dragon-type Pokémon item recognized by the system before the dragon beard grass is consumed.

However, although there is no system rating, Pokémon food with dragon beard grass also has a very significant effect on Axetooth and Round Land Shark. I believe that the next time Akimoto makes dragon-type meatballs, it will be successfully rated.

Then Round Land Shark can grow rapidly under high nutrition conditions.

The body of Round Land Shark, which has entered the mature stage, has no problem accepting medium-intensity training.

Sometimes it can even be overloaded for about ten minutes to fully utilize its potential.

The next morning, Qiu Yuan went to the forest area to check the growth of the memory seeds and found that they had successfully germinated. They were waiting for the stems and leaves to grow and then grow rapidly.

Qiu Yuan received a call from Meng Li early in the morning, saying that Baichao City was holding a marine event, saying that there were performances and games to play.

And it seemed that there was also a battle between water Pokémon. Although it was in the form of a show, the rewards were quite generous.

Qiu Yuan asked curiously what the reward was, but Meng Li said…

"It's a water stone, a rare quality water stone that has been identified."

"Really... Then I won't go. I'm busy."

"Are you really not coming? I still have a cruise ticket here. It's a luxury vacation cruise ship. It's driven by my friend. It just happens to stop in Baichao City for two days, and then depart from Baichao City to Sala City."

"How many tickets do you have?"


"Then give me four."

This is the content of the conversation between Qiu Yuan and Meng Li on the phone.

Although Meng Li didn't know what Akimoto wanted so many tickets for, he still agreed to Akimoto and said that he could ask him for the tickets after arriving in Shirashio City.

What did Akimoto want the tickets for...


Of course, he gave the tickets to Sachi and Norus, and then took Serena to Shirashio City for a luxury cruise!

It just so happened that Akimoto was still thinking about how to get rid of Serena last night, and Meng Li, the timely rain, sent the solution to Akimoto's face.

What a good idea!

Serena just wanted to go to the beach for a vacation!

Although it is winter now, the geographical height of the coast is not as high as that of Chaoxiang Town, and the climate near the sea is more suitable, so people in Shirashio City are still shirtless and shorts.

While Akimoto was still cooking noodles, Serena had already arrived at the breeding house.

"Hey little girl, why are you here so early today?"

"Hehehe, how about it, you can't say I'm a lazy bug, right?"

Serena raised her head proudly, giggled, and then handed Akimoto a small box: "This is the cookies made by my mother, do you want to try it?"

Akimoto opened the box, took a piece of very good cookie and tasted it twice.

It really tastes like that, Sachi's cooking skills are not bad.

"By the way, Serena."

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"Do you want to go on vacation to the beach?" Akimoto took a bite of noodles and then said to Serena.

Serena thought she had misheard at first, then confirmed that it was not tinnitus or something, and then she was surprised and said: "Going to the beach for vacation?! When, where are we going!!"

"We are going to Shiratide City, not us, but you, Sister Sachi, Norus, and Grandma Sano."

"Eh? Brother Akimoto, aren't you going?"

Akimoto said slowly: "I have to look after the store in the breeding house, and it just so happens that you have been staying in the breeding house recently. It's too boring, so I asked you to go out and have a vacation."

"But, if you don't go..."

"There are luxury cruise ships. My friend just gave me four luxury cruise ship tickets. The cruise ship will arrive in Shiratide City tomorrow, and will stop for two days before heading to Sala City."

"Is it so tight!?" Serena really wanted to go, but she felt a little embarrassed when she heard Akimoto say that he would not go back.

Qiu Yuan saw her thoughts and said with a smile: "I will go to Hezhong when you come back in a few days, so I will give you a holiday first, and then I will bother you to visit the store again."

"And your sister Exiang said that the blockade of the southern forest will be lifted in a few days, and more people will come to the breeding house. So, seize the opportunity to enjoy a beach vacation!"

After hearing Qiu Yuan's words, Serena agreed and hurried home to find her mother to discuss traveling.

Recently, Norus didn't need to go on a business trip, and the family could enjoy their vacation. By the way, he took Grandma Sano with him and asked her why she wanted to go to the Hezhong area alone.

Qiu Yuan is quite concerned about this. After all, Grandma Sano is already very old. Although she is still in good health, she will be in great danger if something happens in the wild.

Even though Sano's various performances let Akimoto know that she is not an ordinary person, but similar to Akimoto, he also has special abilities such as the power of life and the origin of fairies, and he is powerless when facing powerful Pokémon.

What's more, what if Grandma Sano is caught by the evil organization as soon as she leaves the house!

Therefore, Qiu Yuan strongly disagrees with Grandma Sano traveling alone. It is okay to travel, but absolutely not alone.

Akimoto lay leisurely in the breeding room all morning, and Serena came back at noon to tell Akimoto that Saki agreed.

"Then you are almost ready to leave. Take a plane to Baichao City and find the owner of the Baichao Gym, or the owner of the Baichao Breeding House, Mengli."

"Oh, by the way, you have to say that you are Qiu Yuan's friend, and that's fine. Someone will notify Meng Li, and he will give you four boat tickets then. Remember not to exceed the time limit, and don't wait for other people's boats to leave before they leave. Get on board.”

Qiu Yuan finally experienced the feeling in novels and movies.

The feeling that if you tell me your name, someone will receive you, and someone will give you something...


Is this the pleasure of being the boss behind the scenes? I’m so excited.

"Hey! Don't you have a ticket for the boat yet?" Serena's focus seemed to be particularly different. What she noticed was that Qiu Yuan did not have a ticket for the boat...

Qiu Yuan almost fell off the stool.

Big girl...

Please don't tear me down. My feeling of being the boss behind the scenes was destroyed by you before I even experienced it for ten seconds...

Qiu Yuan said helplessly: "Mengli is my friend. He also called me in the morning to tell me about the ferry tickets. Besides, there are beach activities in Baishio City now, so you'd better leave as soon as possible."

"Yeah, I understand, thank you, Brother Qiuyuan. Yeah!"

Serena pretended to give Qiu Yuan a fragrant feeling among relatives, but Qiu Yuan reacted in time and dodged with agility.

Although he knew that Serena was just a child expressing gratitude to his parents, he still felt a little awkward.

"Hehehe, brother Akimoto is shy. Are you thinking wrong?"


hateful! He was actually laughed at by a little girl!

But Akimoto seems to have no way to fight back...

"I will punish you by copying the Pokmon's characteristic table ten times when you come back!"

"Ah!...No need..."



"No means no!"

Qiu Yuan leaned back on the chair with a proud look on his face and said.

Serena smiled and said nonchalantly: "Copy it ten times, just copy it ten times, hee hee, I'm leaving!"

Because they are in a hurry, if Serena and the others set off now, they can still participate in two days of activities in Baishio City and then take the cruise ship to Salo City.

So Qiu Yuan helped them book air tickets early in the morning, and the flight happened to be at five o'clock in the afternoon. There was still plenty of time left to take the train to Miare City.

After Serena left, Akimoto had nothing to do. When he wandered around the ecological park, he found that the Axetooth was teaching the Round Shark how to use Dragon Wave.

The skill of Dragon Wave still requires a lot of time to comprehend. Unlike the skill of Dragon Claw, it can be learned through practice as long as the physical condition allows.

Qiu Yuan watched for a while and suddenly received a call from Kong Wu!

"Hello? Kong Wu?"

"Yes, boss, it's me." Kongwu organized his words a little, and then said, "Boss, are you free now? I found a nest of injured Eevee in Qiuwu Mountain, and I am taking them to avoid the flash. The team’s pursuit. Can the boss come to Qiuwushan?”

Although the situation was urgent, Kong Wu still considered Qiu Yuan's time issue and was very careful in his words.

After listening to Kong Wu's words, Qiu Yuan still didn't understand the situation.

"I'm free. Is it safe where you are now? If so, tell me the story in detail. By the way, where is Qiuwu Mountain??"

"Okay boss. Qiuwushan is in Gumu Town. My current situation is relatively safe."

After Kong Wu answered Qiu Yuan's three questions succinctly, he then told Qiu Yuan his current situation in detail.

"After I failed to challenge the Gumu Gym, I went to practice in Qiuwu Mountain near Gumu Town and found an Eevee. Since the Eevee itself is relatively rare and has a good value to the breeding house, I caught up with the Eevee. I want to take it over and hand it over to the boss.”

Qiu Yuan listened and nodded. He still appreciates Kongwu's idea very much and can consider it for the breeding house.

But it was this kind of respectful tone that paid too much attention to etiquette that he didn't like.

Then Kongwu said: "I chased the Eevee until I found a cliff, and then the Eevee climbed down the vines."

"With the help of Scyther, I also reached the bottom of the cliff and found two members of the Flare Team who were knocked unconscious, and there were eight Eevees in the cave under the cliff. Four of them were seriously injured, and the other three also had varying degrees of injuries. Only the one I saw at the beginning was healthy."

"I don't know what the Flare Team has planned, but considering the value of Eevee to the breeding house, I want to take them back to the breeding house. But the current situation is that the Flare Team has blocked Qiuwu Mountain. I injured a patrolling Flare Team member, changed into their clothes, and mixed in with their team."

"Request the boss..."

Akimoto was listening, and Kongwu suddenly stopped talking.

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