Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 269: Crisis in Progress

Kong Wu scanned the logistics department and found a shiny object glowing in the corner.

He walked over quickly and picked up the glowing small round bead, which looked a bit like the marbles he played with his friends in the town when he was a child, but there was a mysterious texture inside.

Although he didn't know what it was, Kong Wu still put it away.

At this moment, two voices suddenly came from outside the door.

"Hey, Baqi, are you sure that guy Ta Pi went in?"

"How do I know if he went in? No one except Ta Pi would stay in the stinking place of the logistics department at night."

"Forget about him, turn off the lights quickly."

Kong Wu pressed against the wall and heard increasingly clear voices and footsteps. The two people talking outside were about to come in.

In the midst of the crisis, Kong Wu suddenly thought of a way.

He released Butterfree and asked Butterfree to take Scyther's Poké Ball to the corner at the other end and release Scyther, so that the movement of Scyther coming out of the Poké Ball would not be discovered by the people outside the door.

Scyther looked calm, and after a simple eye contact with Kong Wu, it nodded and leaned on the left side of the door frame, while Butterfree was on the right side ready to use paralysis powder to attack the two people who were about to enter.


The door handle was gently turned by someone, and then one foot crossed the door frame line and entered the logistics department. Scyther was blocked by the open door and the people who came in could not see its figure.

Kong Wu kept sitting with his back to the door of the logistics department and his hand in the basin containing the dead Magikarp.

From the moment the two people came in, Butterfree flying above their heads had already started using paralysis powder and hypnotic powder.

A thin man saw Kong Wu's back, raised his mouth and smiled disdainfully, his eyes full of ridicule and malice.

"It's you, Ta Pi. I was wondering who else would stay in the 'garbage dump' every day except a piece of trash like you? Hahaha, go back to your toilet, I'm going to turn off the light."

"Hey! Baqi, how can you talk like that?" The fat man next to him seemed to be trying to stop Baqi, but then he said, "How can you insult garbage? Garbage can be recycled after all! Hahaha."

The two laughed loudly, as if they were not mocking a living person, but insignificant "garbage".

Kong Wu remained motionless from beginning to end, keeping his back to them, and did not respond to their mockery at all.

This angered the two men, and the thin man shrugged his nose, snorted in dissatisfaction, and raised his foot to kick Kong Wu in the back.

Seeing the thin man's posture, the flying mantis hiding behind the door couldn't help it and rushed out from behind the door quickly. The sharp blade flashed a cold light and attacked the fat man and the thin man at the same time.

When the flying mantis rushed out, the fat man and the thin man heard the unusual noise and subconsciously took out the Pokémon Ball to release it.

But their speed was not as fast as the flying mantis, and they were also affected by the hypnotic powder and paralysis powder invisibly.

I saw the flying mantis raised his hand and the sharp blade slashed on the thin man's back, cutting a huge cut, and blood immediately flowed, and the blood sprayed on Kong Wu's back.

In the flying mantis's plan, it should kill the two humans, the fat and the thin, at the same time.

But what he didn't expect was that the cunning fat man had already squatted down when he took out the Pokémon Ball. The attack of Scyther didn't kill the fat man directly like the thin man, but only hit the fat man's waist.

The fat man fell to the ground and screamed like a pig being slaughtered: "Ah!! There is an enemy!! There is an enemy!!!"

Scyther knew it was its mistake, so it quickly made up for it and killed the fat man with one knife.

But it was too late. The fat man's scream immediately alarmed the guards on this floor. Kong Wu could already hear the dense footsteps coming here!

There was no time to think. Kong Wu could only take Scyther and Butterfree together and break through the guards to escape from here, otherwise he would definitely die here.

But at this moment!


Jiecaoer, who was wrapped in leaves, jumped out of the Pokémon Ball by himself. After seeing Kong Wu, he blinked at him and acted cute.

However, Kongwu had no time to act cute with Jiecao'er. At this critical moment, he had to escape from here as soon as possible. At the very least, he had to find a safe place to hide first and then think of a solution.

But when he used the Pokémon Ball to retrieve Jiecao'er, Jiecao'er resisted and could not retrieve it!

Kongwu never scolded his Pokémon easily, let alone a little Jiecao'er, but it would only hurt itself if it was still acting up at the critical moment of life and death!

Just when Kongwu was about to scold, Jiecao'er's body suddenly lit up with a faint purple light, and then Kongwu saw the thin man who had died slowly crawling up from the ground, smiling at Kongwu with a stiff expression.

This weird scene scared Kongwu, but then he saw Jiecao'er laughing and realized that it was Jiecao'er who did it.

Not only that, Jiecao'er also controlled the thin man's body to pat Kongwu's shoulder, pretending to hug Kongwu.

Kong Wu dodged quickly, then his brain worked at super speed and he came up with the best solution at the moment!

He quickly took a rag from the wall of the logistics department and tied it to the thin man's face, covering his mouth and nose so that others could not recognize the thin man's face.

Time was running out, and Kong Wu had no time to cover up the crack on the thin man's back that was cut by the flying mantis!

"Jie Cao'er, can you control this person's body and let him run outside!!"

Kong Wu's action almost frightened Jie Cao'er so much that he froze in place. The thin man's body also lost control and fell to the ground in an instant. Then Jie Cao'er reacted, nodded and quickly controlled the thin man's body to stand up again.

"In this way, you let him run quickly to the outside of the passage, as far as he can run!" Kong Wu didn't know what Jie Cao'er's control range was, so he could only let Jie Cao'er control the thin man's body to run as far as possible.

There were two roads outside the door, one going up and the other going down.

Now it was impossible for Kong Wu to go up to the ground, so he could only use a more dangerous method to run to the second underground floor.

The thin man controlled by Jie Caoer rushed out with his face covered. Scyther and Butterfree were collected by Kong Wu, and then Kong Wu himself sat down beside the fat man's body and smeared his face with blood.

At this time, the guards who came up from the second floor had rushed to the logistics department. They saw "Ta Pi" sitting on the ground with a look of dementia and the fat man who fell to the ground, and saw "Thin Man" who was quickly escaping from here, and chased after the thin man without saying a word.

No more chapters. 2k per chapter, just in time for you to get book coins after reading it. It's still 10,000 per day for the time being, which means there will be four more chapters later.

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