Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 279 Return to the Breeding House

"Kunshaimi, Hochas. You two will go to the superior police station to confirm your positions later, and then distribute the rewards to Akimoto and Soratake."

After Wu Xiong finished reading, he ignored Hochas and turned to Akimoto and Soratake, showing a very kind and gentle expression.


Akimoto and Soratake got goose bumps at the same time.

Can you imagine a strong man who is at least 1.9 meters tall and full of muscles, smiling at you like a kind old lady next door?

That feeling is simply amazing!


"Here!" Akimoto responded quickly as if it was a conditioned reflex.

Wu Xiong nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "In view of your contribution this time, the alliance has decided to provide you with an opportunity to test the breeder's grade advancement. After passing the assessment, you will be directly promoted to an intermediate breeder regardless of the current breeding house scale, and the breeding house will be promoted to an intermediate breeding house accordingly."

"Wow, wow!"

Akimoto was shocked.

Originally, the most ideal route is to become an intermediate breeder first, then expand the influence of the breeding house, and then be promoted to an intermediate breeding house, and finally achieve the goal of spreading influence throughout Carlos.

Now two major steps have been directly saved!

Akimoto's eyes narrowed with laughter, and it seemed that a few small flowers were growing on his face.

"Thank you, Officer Wu Xiong, thank you, Officer!"

"You're welcome, you've done your best! And originally your reward was a point, but someone helped you get the qualification for an exception." Wu Xiong smiled, and then said, "And it's also because of your talent that you are qualified for the exception assessment."

"I see, I still have to thank Officer Wu Xiong for telling me!"

Akimoto thought for a while and felt that the only one who would help him get the breeder promotion assessment in the alliance was Qiao Yijing.

Unknowingly, I owed her another favor, alas.

However, being able to upgrade the breeding house to the intermediate level earlier can greatly enhance the credibility and influence of the breeding house in the eyes of consumers.

Anyway, no matter how you look at it, it is very beneficial for Akimoto to complete the main task.

As long as the main task is completed, Akimoto can reawaken the origin of life, and it is a more advanced origin of life.

What Akimoto covets most is the ability of the origin of life to stimulate birth!

As long as the origin of life is reawakened, Akimoto can obtain a very powerful ability to stimulate birth.

Not to mention speeding up the growth of Pokémon, at least it can ripen plants very quickly and allow some scarce plant resources to be produced quickly.

Yes, that's right, I'm talking about the two things, Windward Grass and Lost Flower. Not only is the yield small, but the growth cycle is ridiculously long.

In addition to the illustrated book that Kongwu received from the Pokémon Center, since he has been a trainer for less than a month, the Alliance also rewarded him with a chance to go to the Kalos Breeding Base to select Pokémon.

This reward is a good thing! It is also much more useful than the Alliance points!

However, Kongwu seems to want to become a trainer specializing in bugs. The bug Pokémon that the Pokémon Breeding Center will cultivate...

It's not that there are a few, it's very few.

But Akimoto seems to have seen Heracross in the display list of the Breeding Center. This Pokémon is also one of the few powerful Pokémon among the bug Pokémon.

Bug plus fighting type, extremely strong attack power, and the skills that can be learned are also pretty good.


After receiving the reward, Kongwu has his own plan and will not go back to the breeding house with Akimoto.

Akimoto stayed in Gumu Town for only one day, during which he taught Kongwu the method he knew to judge the quality of a bug-type Pokémon, and especially warned that if he encountered Heracross, he must be given the highest priority.

The next day, Akimoto returned to the breeding house with eight Eevees.

During these two days, Eevees also woke up. Under the dual affinity infection of Akimoto's life force and fairy essence, and the gentle offensive of Gardevoir, several Eevees were successfully fooled by Akimoto to join the Akiba Breeding House.

As for what reason Akimoto used.

That is naturally the reason that it is not safe to stay in Qiuwu Mountain.

Qiuwu Mountain is so dangerous, it is better to live a stable and happy life in the Akiba Breeding House.

Akimoto returned to the breeding house, the door was still locked, and Serena had not returned yet. For the time being, he was the only one in the breeding house.

Thinking of this, Akimoto simply made another plan.

Or maybe just go to Unova these few days?

Go and bring back the cook, Shiroyama, so that we have the core members of our maid costume restaurant.

Akimoto first settled the eight Eevee in the breeding house, so that all the Pokémon could get to know the new members.

But what surprised him was that the first male Eevee had evolved into Umbreon!

You know, it hadn't evolved for a long time before, and Akimoto wanted to find some props to help it evolve.

Before leaving the breeding house, Akimoto went to the sea of ​​flowers, and then he suddenly realized.

There is also the Moonlight Orb!

The Moonlight Orb can help it absorb the power of the moon, affect the evolution factor, and make it easier to evolve into Umbreon!

But I don't know where Xiaoli ran to. I haven't seen it after coming back...


Akimoto was still talking about Xiaoli, and it suddenly ran out of the kitchen with a plate of cake. After seeing Akimoto, its two big eyes suddenly lit up, and it put down the cake and jumped on Akimoto.

"Hey, you've gotten fatter, Xiaoli."

Qiyuan smiled as he caught Xiaoli, patted its little butt, and teased.

Xiaoli immediately came up with a pouty mouth, trying to bite Qiuyuan twice in protest, but Qiuyuan directly covered it with his palm.

Holding Xiaoli in his arms like a ball, Qiuyuan walked out of the breeding house and came to the newly built building outside the door.

The building is three stories high, and the shop is still covered by several rolling shutters. There are two walls exposed outside, and the walls are painted white and meticulously.

The eaves outside the first floor are pink umbrella-top style, which has a casual feeling. People feel comfortable when they see it.

Qiuyuan pulled up all the rolling shutters and entered the restaurant.

The sun shines into the room through the glass wall, spreading on the solid wood floor like golden waves.

The simple and plain tables and chairs not only did not lower the grade of the restaurant's decoration, but gave people a daily warm feeling. With the potted flowers on the table, it made people feel comfortable.

What Akimoto was most satisfied with was the green vines on the ceiling, which wrapped the round lights in the restaurant, and a few vines hung down, just enough to hang a few potted plants.

Entering the back kitchen from the door next to the cashier, although the style here is a bit modern, it also uses a decoration style close to nature as much as possible, and integrates various modern kitchen appliances with the style of the restaurant as much as possible.

The two floors upstairs are used as guest rooms, and the style is also unified with the first floor, using a lot of plant decorations.

Although I don't know how the system was built without missing a single detail, I just need to know one thing - awesome, that's enough.

Because Akimoto was away for the past two days, Xiaoli and the others couldn't come to the restaurant.

Now that Akimoto is back, Xiaoli can't wait to jump off Akimoto and run to the breeding house with excited little steps to call Frost Milk Fairy and Jili Egg.

And cherish it.

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