Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 28 Leaving

For the choice of ten starter Pokémon, Akimoto decided to choose five forest lizards and five frogs.

For adult Pokémon that can be bred, if they are three-stage evolution, they can only be paired and bred when the second evolution form is adult.

For two-stage or one-stage evolution, the initial evolution form can be bred, but it must be adult.

These two tenacious and hardworking Pokémon are very suitable for trainers to cultivate as main Pokémon. Forest lizards can even mega evolve.

On the other hand, it is Akimoto's own thoughts. When watching Pokémon animations before, he was moved by the proud and strong forest lizards, and he also had a complex about the undefeated frog god Koga Greninja in the hearts of many netizens.

If the owner of the breeding house captures the starter Pokémon in the wild, he must report it to the alliance.

If it is captured as a trainer, the alliance will not care.

But if the breeding house wants to cultivate the starter Pokémon as Pokémon for sale to trainers, it must obtain permission from the alliance.

Now Akimoto has this license, which means that if he captures other types of the three Pokémon in the future, he can also cultivate and sell them by himself.

This is like a tobacco license. You can smoke it yourself, but if you don’t have this license, it is illegal to sell it.

Qiao Yijing told Akimoto that after the breeding house is built, he can go to the Pokémon Center to pick up the ten Pokémon he chose. He only needs to notify the local Joey and wait for the transmission.

As for the Pokémon machine, Akimoto can call Qiao Yijing’s pager, and she will send someone to deliver it.

Akimoto happily recorded Qiao Yijing’s pager number and was in a good mood.

“Thank you all for your kindness, I’ll leave first.”

Seeing Akimoto open the door to leave, Zuo Liang couldn’t sit still, he still had things to do.

“Wait a minute, I have something else to talk to you about.”

“Huh? Oh, okay.” Akimoto walked back again.

(At this time, Jiang Liye, who didn't know whether to leave or not, stood aside like a punishment...)

Zuo Liang looked at Qiu Yuan with a smile on his face and said kindly: "Come on, come on, sit here. Changli, move your seat."

Changli didn't say anything, changed his seat, and left the seat next to Zuo Liang to Qiu Yuan.

Old man, today you are the one who wants to accept a disciple, so I'll give you a face.

Qiu Yuan felt uneasy, because the attentive smile suddenly appeared on Zuo Liang's old face, which felt very inconsistent and scary.

This old man is not going to do anything weird, right? I'm a man, and I'm just a child.

Forcing a smile, Qiu Yuan sat down and moved the chair a little bit away without leaving a trace.

"Um, what's the matter..."

"Oh, it's like this, I think..." Zuo Liang was about to say what he was going to do, but was interrupted by He Ji and Shi Wu.

He Ji and Shi Wu came over: "We want to take you as our apprentice. Who would you consider to be your master?"

Qiu Yuan: "..."

I am a wall-hanging man. Do I want to be your apprentice? !

But being a student is fine, but being an apprentice is not.

If Qiu Yuan becomes the apprentice of any of them, it means that he will have an additional father-generation elder for nothing.

And because the three of them hold high positions in the alliance, as an apprentice, if the master has something to do, the apprentice must also do his best to help.

The kind that is available at any time.

Although being their apprentice will make it much easier to become an official in the alliance in the future, and get more resources, for Qiu Yuan, who has a salted fish mentality, these are dispensable.

Master and teacher are completely different concepts!

"I am really sorry, I already have a master, and my breeding knowledge is taught by my master."

Zuo Liang, He Ji, and Shi Wu were all stunned, and then they thought, right, such a genius kid, how could he not have a master.

"Then can you tell us who your master is?"

"Ha, my master is called Jiushimi."


The three of them were all confused. It was impossible for them not to have heard of such a talented breeder.

"Master has always lived in Changpan Forest. It is normal for the seniors not to know him."

Qiu Yuan explained kindly.

Zuo Liang sighed: "Alas, I wanted to take you as my apprentice, but I was confused. I didn't expect that you already have a master."

He Ji also said regretfully: "In this case, then we have nothing to do. If it is convenient, please invite your master to the alliance to discuss breeding knowledge on our behalf."

Qiu Yuan nodded repeatedly: "Thank you seniors, I will definitely convey it."

He already knew, hehehe.

The three of them are not short of students, but they are short of apprentices who can inherit their own mantle. Since Qiu Yuan already has a master, they have no idea.

After saying goodbye, Qiu Yuan left, and Jiang Liye was finally able to talk to them.

"Excuse me, can I leave now?"

Qiao Yijing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You could have left a long time ago. I thought you were waiting for Qiu Yuan."

"Uh..." Jiang Liye said goodbye to the others awkwardly and left quickly.

As soon as he went out, he saw Qiu Yuan walking slowly outside with his mount, the lamb, and Jiang Liye chased after him.

"Qiu Yuan, thank you for your help these days!"

Qiu Yuan smiled and said: "You don't need to say thank you, duck, I like that little thing too."

Jiang Liye asked again: "The assessment is over, what are your plans?"

Akimoto thought for a while, and he didn't know where to build a breeding house at the moment, so he said honestly: "I don't know where to go. Anyway, let's stay in Carlos first. The environment here is not bad."

"Then when you build the breeding house, remember to tell me. Remember the pager number!"

"Of course, I kept it well."

Jiang Liye suddenly smiled and said slowly: "My home is in Luyin Town in Fengyuan area. If you have a chance, you can come to my home as a guest."

Qiu Yuan looked at Jiang Liye strangely, a little confused as to why she suddenly became nervous.

"If I have the chance, I will go. Green Shade Town is also a good place."

"Well! So, goodbye Akimoto!"

"Ouch, ouch!"

The naughty panda ran out of the Pokmon ball on Jiang Liye's waist, hugging Qiu Yuan's arm with tears in his eyes.

After patting its little butt, Qiu Yuan sent a large ball of life force to him.

Pulling the naughty panda off, Qiu Yuan said with a smile: "You just can't bear to eat delicious food, don't think I don't know! Let's go, bye!"


Qiu Yuan took his mount Lamb, and Jiang Liye took the naughty panda, each walking in the opposite direction.

After a while.

"No, why should I go here? I want to go back to the hotel!!"

Akimoto quickly turned back and walked in the direction of the hotel, which was exactly the direction Jiang Liye left just now...


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In the past few days, I will go out to play with my family for a few days. I will update once a day for the time being. When I come back, I will resume updating twice a day.

and, do you know who Jiu Simi is? Welcome to express your thoughts in the comment area, hehe.

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