Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 287 Gardevoir

The round land shark endured the burning pain in his left arm, and when the fool took advantage of the situation to chase him, his body suddenly leaned to the left!

This made the fool a little stunned.

What was it doing, giving up on itself?

But then, the fool didn't think about it anymore, because it was very confident in itself, and even if the other party had any plans, it was not afraid at all!

The fool concentrated his strength on his sharp claws and used a powerful dragon claw attack on the injured round land shark!

If this attack hits, then it can be said that as long as the fool does not take the initiative to expose the weakness of his abdomen, he can win the game steadily!

The difference in strength between the two is not that big, but the round land shark does not seem to have really experienced many actual battles.

Perhaps as Akimoto thought, Shaka's round land shark survived in a sandstorm environment for a period of time and honed itself, but in terms of the experience of fighting between Pokémon, it may not be as good as the fool who "runs rampant" in Akiba Breeding House!

The fool only heard a familiar sound, that was the sound of claws embedded in flesh and blood, which made the fool a little excited and a little proud!

I thought it was a very strong opponent, but I solved it so easily!

But just when it was proud, the round land shark suddenly hit it with a headbutt!

The fool was caught off guard and his head was hit hard, but then he immediately woke up and revealed a hint of ferocity in his eyes.

When I was rampant in the Qiuye Breeding House, you didn’t know what to do! Dare to hit my head, I will beat you to shit!

The fool pulled out his claws, and seeing that the opponent wanted to attack it with his right claw, he bit it without thinking, and directly bit a mark on the round land shark’s head.

The opponent felt pain and threw the fool out with force!


"Kacha, Kacha Kacha!!"


It seemed that the round land shark became very angry after being bitten by the fool. It seemed to have lost its mind. It kicked the ground hard and rushed straight to the fool.

The round land shark had claws that were as sharp as the fool's. At this moment, it was wrapped in a layer of mysterious energy that exuded a powerful aura, pointing directly at the vital part of the fool's abdomen!

The fool jumped up to avoid the attack. Dragon's Fury attacked again, and while the opponent had not landed and could not dodge, it directly hit the vital part and knocked the round land shark to the ground in one fell swoop.

Then the fool got angry again and jumped on the round land shark, leaving a deep and beautiful mark on it with his claws.

After the thick dust dissipated, only one round land shark was still standing in the field.

The referee couldn't tell who was who for a while, so he had to look at Xia Ka innocently, and then at Akimoto.

Xia Ka's eyes lit up, and he smiled heartily: "Not bad! Very good! Akimoto, your ability to breed dragon-type Pokémon is great!"

"Gym Master, you are too kind. Your round land shark should have just finished its larval stage a few days ago."

"As expected of a breeder, you are very accurate. The round land shark has indeed just finished its larval stage. I brought it back from the desert yesterday."

"Desert? Did you take it to the desert to train just after it finished its larval stage?" Akimoto was a little confused. Wouldn't Xia Ka's doing this cause harm to the round land shark?

You know, even the round land shark with the sand hiding characteristic cannot be said to be 100% immune to the damage of the sandstorm, but its movement will not be slowed down much.

Speaking of damage, for a round land shark that has just finished its larval stage, it is still very harmful.

"Yes, but the larval period of the Land Shark was not spent by my side. I just took it back yesterday." Xia Ka said, "It just so happens that I saw that your Land Shark should have just finished its larval period. It should be very interesting to train two Land Sharks together."

Akimoto was silent for a while.

What does this mean? Does it mean that he will personally guide the Land Shark training regardless of winning or losing?

"Keep fighting! This time I will send out my strongest strength in the gym competition, you have to be careful!"

Referee: I'm done? I have no sense of existence?

No, I have to make a noise!

Referee: "The gym leader's Pokémon has lost. Now please choose whether to replace the Pokémon! The selection time limit is 30 seconds!"

"I choose to replace!"

Akimoto said aloud.

He didn't plan to replace the Axe Tooth Dragon, because the Axe Tooth Dragon had lost a lot of physical strength in the previous battle. Sending it out to fight with Xia Ka's Pokémon was obviously giving away experience.

Xia Ka was talking about the strongest strength in the gym competition, which means his strongest combat power among the backup Pokémon in the gym competition, not the strongest Pokémon he has.

If he really uses his strongest Pokémon, then Akimoto still has no chance of challenging him!

Just admit defeat!

None of the Pokémon that Akimoto has now exceeded the master level, and it is obvious that Shaka's strongest Pokémon is at least a senior king level, and it is even possible that he is a quasi-champion.

Of course, it is not impossible to be the champion, but the possibility is relatively small.

Akimoto released Gardevoir.

"Hey! Gardevoir! It seems that you are well prepared!"

Seeing the Pokémon released by Akimoto, Shaka's eyelids twitched, and then he also threw the yellow and white Pokémon Ball in his hand.

It was the same Pokémon Ball that Alice had, and it seemed that it was indeed a special Pokémon Ball produced by Dragon Country.

A red laser flew out of the Pokémon Ball, followed by a Garchomp with a somewhat lean torso but full of beautiful muscle lines!

Akimoto glared at it, and I was shocked, a quasi-king!

Is it that serious?

The gym match puts the quasi-king, Xia Ka, are you really not afraid of losing all your teeth, toothless?

"Haha, why are you looking at me like that, the battle is about to begin!"

Still laughing!

Akimoto reluctantly sent Gardevoir to the field.

Gardevoir landed from the sky with an elegant figure, and this landing was directly in the center of the field.

Long-term contact with Akimoto made Gardevoir lively and cheerful, and her personality became as cheerful as Serena. She would joke and play with Akimoto from time to time, and sometimes she liked to act like a spoiled child.

But don't forget that when Akimoto first met her, she was very cold!

She called Akimoto Lord Celebi all the time, and her eyes were full of suspicion and distrust of Akimoto. She stayed with Akimoto just to complete Celebi's mission, but later she gradually recognized Akimoto and was willing to open her heart.

At that time, Gardevoir was a cold goddess!

As soon as he appeared, he completely crushed the opponent in terms of momentum.

Even Garchomp couldn't help but reveal his fascination after seeing Gardevoir!

Akimoto: "Hey, Garchomp! You have to fight Gardevoir, don't surrender to the enemy!"

What's wrong with everyone? They are not normal? !

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