Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 307 [Extra] Pokémon's Journey - Cave Exploration P2

While walking, Charmander suddenly fell down with a thud.

Lucky Egg stumbled over immediately and tried to help him up.

But Charmander, who was very proud, got up before Lucky Egg ran over.

Patting the dust off his butt, Charmander grinned at Lucky Egg, and his powerful cry seemed to say that he was very strong and nothing was wrong.

Vine Snake hummed and turned his head away, not looking at Charmander, the guy who loved to show off.

But just when Charmander stood up and was about to move forward, Pikachu found something special.

"Pika Pika~!"


"Pika Pikachu~"

Pikachu's dark eyes were shining, and he pointed to the place where Charmander had just fallen with some excitement, where a white rock was exposed.

Everyone huddled together, except for the cold and arrogant Vine Snake, everyone looked at the white rock curiously and reached out to touch it.



Pikachu looked up at his friends and asked them who knew what this rock was.


Everyone shook their heads, only Psyduck touched his head stupidly and stared at them blankly.

"Pika Pikachu?"

Pikachu asked tentatively, maybe the silly Psyduck could be useful at this time?

After all, Psyduck is Grandpa Alakazam's favorite Pokémon.

However, Psyduck seemed to have misunderstood.

It thought Pikachu was asking it to take out the rock!

Psyduck scratched its head, its belly suddenly bulged, its flat duck beak opened, and it made a very charming "quack~" sound, and then a fierce stream of water rushed onto the rock.

The splashing water fell on the faces of other Pokémon, and they came around angrily, and the clothes of Little Lucky Egg were all dirty, and it was so angry that it wanted to hit Psyduck's head.

But the Makuhita smiled honestly, held Little Lucky Egg's hand, and shook his head to stop Little Lucky Egg from hitting Psyduck's head.

Although it was also splashed with mud and water, it had a good temper and was not angry at all.

It was the most powerful Pokémon among all the friends, but it had the mildest temper, as if nothing could make it angry.

Except for snatching its food.

Little Fudan pouted, turned around aggrievedly, and twisted his little butt to find sister Vine Snake.

After being washed by the water flow of Pikachu, the surrounding mud and sand were washed away, and the white rock was exposed in full.

Pikachu curiously reached out and wanted to lift the rock.

But it tried its best and couldn't drag the rock a little bit.

Seeing this, Charmander hurried forward to help, but the two Pokémon pulled for a long time and couldn't drag it.


Pikachu scratched his ears and cheeks, and had a headache.

What on earth is this rock? Why is it so heavy...

"Toots, toots."

The Makuhita always has a squinting smile on his face. He walked over. Pikachu and Charmander looked up and consciously made way.


The Makuhita took a steady horse stance, grabbed the edge of the rock with force, and then shouted, successfully lifting the entire rock from the soil.

Everyone applauded and cheered for the Makuhita, including the Vine.

The Makuhita was a little embarrassed and scratched his head with a red face.

But because its face was too fat, even if it was blushing, no one could see it.

Tantan Mouse curiously walked to the front of the Makuhita, took out a thick and soft leaf from the basket, and wiped the white rock.

What a big stone it is, a little bigger than Psyduck's head, and the color is also very pure, the white color is very beautiful.

But even Tantan Mouse, who often ventures in the forest, doesn't know. It seems that they have to ask Tantan Mouse's father or Grandpa Alakazam after the adventure.

Originally, everyone decided to put the stone here first and take it away when they come back.

But Psyduck seems to like the stone very much and insists on taking it away, even saying that it can hold the stone.

Seeing that it likes it so much, Makuhita wanted to help it hold it, but since Psyduck said it wants to hold it by itself, let it hold it.

Everyone was waiting to see Psyduck fall to the ground after being pressed by Makuhita after taking the stone from Makuhita.

But unexpectedly, Psyduck actually caught the big stone. Although its yellow duck face was flushed, it really caught the big stone.


Psyduck's proud cry echoed in the cave.

It straightened its chest with force and walked in front of Pikachu with two short legs with difficulty.

Pikachu couldn't even move the stone just now, but it can walk with the stone in its arms. Doesn't this prove that it is more powerful than Pikachu?

In order to let everyone know that Psyduck is also very powerful, it has been holding the big stone, using all its strength to hurry on the road, just to be able to walk ahead of Pikachu with the stone in its arms.

Pikachu supported his forehead helplessly and called out with difficulty: "Pikachu~~"

Can you change a Pokémon to be a good friend? Psyduck is too difficult to take care of...

Tantan Mouse continued to walk in front with a torch, and the sparse footsteps echoed in the cave.

It can be clearly felt that their position is getting lower and lower, because the passage of the cave has been extending downwards at an angle.

Although he was able to pick up beautiful gems in the cave passage, he kept walking without reaching the end or discovering other new scenery. Charmander became a little impatient.

It waggled its tail, and the flames on its tail burned extremely brightly, and it just rushed forward.

The Vine Snake was a little angry when he saw it leaving the team rashly, and was about to use the vine whip to pull it back when the light in the passage in front disappeared.

Charmander is missing!

"Pika Pikachu?"



Everyone was a little panicked and hurried over to look for Charmander.

Seeing that they had all run away, Koda Duck anxiously wanted to follow them, but unexpectedly fell to the ground, and the stone pressed on its belly.

It had almost run out of strength after carrying the stone for so long, and now it didn't even have the strength to turn over.

Fortunately, Makoshita Rikishi was walking at the back. When he saw Kodama falling down, he simply held the stone with one hand and lifted Kodama up with the other.

The makushita rikishi's feet stepped on the ground, making a heavy "dong dong dong" sound.

The Exploration Mouse ran at the front, holding a torch. As he got closer, he saw a cliff in front of him, but at this time he could no longer stop the car!

Fortunately, Tengteng Snake took action in time and caught Tantanshu.

Everyone was lying on the edge of the cliff, shouting Charmander's name downwards, and saw a jumping red light flashing under the cliff. It seemed that nothing happened to Charmander.

Okay, it seems that everyone doesn’t like this very much?

Then let’s resume the main story, and don’t write extras like this anymore. If there are people who want to read this kind of series, I will post another book when the time comes.

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