Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 31 Shouldn't you say something?

Akimoto knocked on the door of the Miare Gym early in the morning.

A robot with mechanical light reflecting all over its body greeted Akimoto, but it did not check Akimoto's gym badge as it did in the anime.

It seems that Hitron's robot has not yet become as perverted as in the anime.

"Excuse me, are you here to challenge the gym?"

The robot's stiff voice sounded.

Akimoto said: "I am here to visit the gym owner."

The robot paused, and the signal light on its head lit up, conveying this message to Hitron.

At this time, Hitron was inventing in the laboratory, and he didn't expect someone to visit him instead of challenging the gym.

Through the image sent by the robot, Hitron saw that it was a boy he didn't know, and he was a little puzzled, but he still let Akimoto in.

The robot bowed slightly: "Please follow me."

Akimoto nodded and followed the robot.

The long corridor was painted with metallic paint, and people couldn't help but feel a little cold in such an environment.

Akimoto saw many technological products in the corridor, such as a walking mechanical rabbit, an automatically floating plate, and many semi-finished products and waste.

The robot took Akimoto to a tall door, a red light came on, and then the door opened to both sides.

Xitron, wearing a jumpsuit, appeared in front of Akimoto, and then the robot went back to the gym to host other people's challenges.

Xitron looked at Akimoto in confusion and said, "Excuse me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Indeed, there is something." Akimoto smiled, a little scared, "I wonder what your relationship with Hosono Yumo is?"

"Aha?" Xitron said a little panicked, "How do you know about me and Hosono Yumo? No, I mean you... No, no, I..."

Akimoto waited speechlessly for him to straighten his tongue. Can this panicked look really qualify him to be the boyfriend of a little girl?

"I am Yumo Hosono's brother, and her parents asked me to take care of her." Akimoto paused, "But it seems that someone took her to the arcade yesterday and went crazy for an afternoon."

You are her brother? Then aren't her parents your parents?

Seeing Xitlon's face full of doubt, Akimoto continued: "We are not related by blood, but she wants to travel with me, so her parents asked me to take care of her."

Akimoto's tone changed, and he suddenly said fiercely: "But I just went to participate in the breeder assessment, what did you do?"

"No...no...I just took her out to play for a while, we are just ordinary friends..."

Xitlon does research and inventions in the laboratory every day, and basically has no much communication with others. This time he was frightened by Akimoto and said a little dully.

Ordinary friends, you started? I didn't expect that you, Xitlon, also have the qualifications to be a scumbag?

"Ordinary friends, really? If you lie, you will bear the consequences."

Facing Akimoto's horrible expression, Xitron swallowed his saliva and said weakly: "I... I like Youmo very much."

"Ah~ So that's the case." Akimoto saw Xitron admit it obediently, nodded with satisfaction, patted his shoulder and said, "Youmo seems to like you very much, and said she wants to travel with you?"

"It looks like you kidnapped her, don't you think you should say something?"

"Yes, yes!"

Xitron nodded repeatedly.

Then he hurried to the workbench and took out something like a small box.

"This is my latest learning device, developed according to the third-generation learning device produced by Devon Company, which can allow Pokémon to gain a lot of experience without fighting."

In fact, the concept of experience has already appeared in the Pokémon world, but the level division is still roughly ordinary, elite, master, king, champion, rather than 100 levels.

Pokémon of levels 1 to 16 are considered ordinary, 16 to 36 are elite, 36 to 50 are master, 60 to 80 are king, and 90 to 100 are champion.

Between master-level Pokémon and king-level Pokémon, there is a transitional stage, and levels 50 to 59 are called quasi-kings.

Since the process of kings being promoted to quasi-champions is another huge transformation of the life level, the strength range of kings is 20 levels, and it is necessary to accumulate enough energy during this period for the life level to transform and enter the quasi-champion.

Similarly, there is a transitional stage between the king level and the champion level, and Pokémon in the strength stage of 80 to 89 are called quasi-champion level.

But now the problem is, isn't this learning device of Devon Company used for the same purpose as your new invention?

Akimoto looked at Hitron with a scrutinizing look, as if to say, if you don't give a reasonable explanation, forget about your matter.

Hitron waved his hands awkwardly and continued, "The difference between my learning device and Devin's product is that it can allow Pokémon to gain both level-up experience and combat experience! But I can't explain the principle to you."

Akimoto was a little surprised. The experience required for level-up can be obtained through many ways, but combat experience brings Pokémon more skills.

Level corresponds to the strength of power, and combat experience allows Pokémon to control power more finely on the basis of level and exert more powerful effects.

Taking the learning device, Akimoto looked at it carefully, but found nothing.

No matter, we are not doing scientific research, right?

After putting away the learning device, Akimoto patted Xitron's shoulder with satisfaction: "You are a good boy and have a bright future."

Xitron asked cautiously: "How about my relationship with Youmo?"

Akimoto said casually: "What can I do? The little girl has decided to go with you, and I can't stop her. But if you are not nice to her, you will be hunted down by three people."

"Which three people?"

"Three people you can't afford to offend." Akimoto glanced at Xitron.

Sweat, I can't afford to offend you.

Xitron sent the shameless Akimoto away in a good-natured manner, sat on the chair, and was stunned for a long time.

Besides, Akimoto, who was carrying the learning device he got from selling Hosono Youmo, was laughing all the time and walked back to the hotel.

Xiao Fudan is not a fighting material. Although there is Xiaogang's special case of infinite strength, Akimoto doesn't want the cute Xiao Fudan to fight monsters to level up.

With the learning device and his future care, there is no need to worry about the little lucky egg not evolving.

There is a lucky egg in the breeding house, which can greatly facilitate Akimoto's management.

Akimoto, in a good mood, returned to the room and happened to see Hosono Yumo preparing to go out.

Hosono Yumo grinned and said foolishly: "Good morning, brother Akimoto."

Looking at the time, it was already past ten o'clock after going back and forth from the Miare Gym.

"You are dressed so beautifully, are you going out for a date, little Yumo?" Akimoto teased.

Hosono Yumo blushed slightly, and then pretended to be calm: "No, this is a very normal dress."

It seems that Xitron has not used the pager to tell the little girl what happened just now, Akimoto immediately smiled: "Then I wish you a good time."

Hosono Yumo nodded and kicked the little skirt away.

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