Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 51 You are blushing

After Akimoto learned Xerneas's secret skills, the welcome meeting for Xerneas' return was almost over.

At Xerneas's command, Botani dismissed everyone who had gathered.

Then Xerneas let Akimoto play in the starting place by himself, and it walked out from the starting place to find Carlos's Celebi.

But before that...

"Can you put me down first!!"

Akimoto looked desperately at Xerneas, who was flying away, and then at the ground under the stone pillar.

At a height of more than thirty meters, I'm not really a newbie. I'm going to die if I continue like this!

Finally, Qiu Yuan saw Gengar from a distance, shouted to him at the top of his lungs, and then called him to take him down.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!"

Putting Qiu Yuan down, Gengar shouted to Qiu Yuan anxiously.

Qiu Yuan glanced at Gengar suspiciously: "What are you looking for her for?"

"Uuha! Uuha...Uuha, hey hey hey..."

Gengar's expression was extremely rich. First he secretly winked at Qiu Yuan, then he cupped his two fat hands and looked at the sky with an affectionate look, and finally scratched his head and blushed.

No, you're blushing like a peach!

Qiu Yuan looked at Gengar's deep purple face with disdain and silently complained.

Licking a dog will lead to a bad death...

"She should be out tomorrow, let's talk about it then."

Hearing this, Gengar laughed happily and narrowed his eyes.

"Uuha, uhha, uhha." Gengar put a hand on Qiu Yuan's neck, then glanced around, "Uuhahahaha!"

Akimoto: "Haha."

I'm too lazy to translate what you said. Let the readers guess for themselves.

Let's go see how the Axetooth Dragon is doing first. Unknowingly, he stayed in the altar all night, and it was broad daylight when he came out!

Calculating the time, it seems that the completion of the breeding house will only take a day or two.

Well, once the things in the starting place are over, the breeding house will be almost there.

Then we'll see if we can bring back a few nests of Pokémon.

Speaking of Pokémon, Akimoto really liked those little Jigglypuffs and Little Togepis, but Togepis was definitely out of the question, and Jigglypuffs still had some hope.

Ask Xerneas when he comes back to see if this can be done.

Then Akimoto slowly strolled around the starting point, looking at the Pokémon living happily along the way, and he felt very happy.

Geng Gui stayed behind Qiu Yuan and followed him, saying that he was afraid that Qiu Yuan would get lost here. Qiu Yuan knew exactly what he was thinking.

But Geng Gui is indeed a ghost.

After arriving at the place where Axiodon lived, Qiuyuan found that his Axiodon looked very happy, with the newly born baby Yaya sitting on his shoulders, and his eyes were full of spiritual light.

Can't you tell that Axetooth Dragon has a lot of maternal feelings?

It's a pity that you don't have a maternal mind.

Qiu Yuan told himself a cold joke, and then he was happy and did not disturb their play.

On the way, he met a Pokojigu. Akimoto wondered why he didn't recognize it and why it was running towards him with a smile.

"Porgygu, Porgyporgy~"

Poke Jigu threw himself on Qiu Yuan affectionately, and acted like a baby when they met.

Qiu Yuan picked up Pokojigu dumbfounded and heard it say.

"Pokkigu Pokiki~ (I want to eat something delicious, something delicious~)"

Only then did Akimoto realize that this was one of the Togepis from last night, but it had evolved now.

"Okay, I'll make something delicious for you."

Reluctantly agreeing, Qiu Yuan looked at the gradually darkening sky and suddenly felt the dissatisfaction conveyed by his stomach.

It seemed like I had been at the altar for a really long time, and it was almost the second night now.

But I didn’t feel like I was doing anything at the altar that took a long time, which was strange.

He shook his head and stopped thinking if he couldn't figure it out.

Qiu Yuan followed the cheerful Poke Jigu, with Gengar behind him, and returned to the garden where the Poke clan lived.

As soon as he stepped into the flower garden, a group of cute little Togepis ran over excitedly and rushed to pounce on Akimoto.

The smile on Qiu Yuan's face never stopped. These little guys are so cute and fun.

The chubby body and staggering steps, coupled with a confused expression, are enough to melt anyone's heart.

It seems that they did not successfully evolve during today's training ceremony, but their respective levels have been significantly improved.

From the original common level 7 or 8 to the current level 13 or so, if you count them carefully, it seems that the only one that has evolved is the one you just met on the road.

Always smiling, and with the "help" of the clumsy Togepis, Akimoto prepared a sumptuous dinner.

Looking at Togepi who was eating so much and the Togeki who just ran over to join in, Akimoto looked satisfied.

A born optimist, his joy level is no less than that of the official Lotte Pokémon Lotte Kappa.

I really want to take one or two back! !

Human beings like to dream when they are full...

Accompanying the Togepis and playing around the campfire, the night gradually deepened.

Akimoto said goodbye to the Togepis, then watched them being taken away by Togekis, and returned to the tent to sleep.

Early the next morning, Qiu Yuan opened his eyes and saw several round little ball pillows beside his bed.

Several little Togepis sneaked into Qiu Yuan's tent at some point, and lined up next to his head to lie down. When Qiu Yuan woke up, they pretended to be asleep.

Qiu Yuan smiled and picked up the little guys and placed them neatly outside the tent.

When Qiu Yuan was washing, they looked at Qiu Yuan eagerly, sticking their buttocks out as if I was hungry.

Qiu Yuan smiled inwardly when he saw this, deliberately slowed down the washing speed, and rinsed his mouth back and forth several times.

"Pokepi, Togepi? (Why isn't it better yet?)"

"Poke, Poke... (Yes, I'm so hungry...)" said a Togepi pouting.

"Pokpokpokpokpokpok!! (I can't stand it anymore, I want to eat delicious food!!)" The only female Togepi was rolling on the ground.

Qiu Yuan listened to all this and stopped teasing them.

After putting away the toothpaste and toothbrush, Qiu Yuan took out the ingredients and placed them on the table where he made food for the Togepis last night.

After Qiu Yuan made the curry fish balls first, the Togepis couldn't wait to catch them with their hands.

"Wash your hands before eating."

Qiu Yuan slapped these sinful little paws away, lifted them to the stream, and supervised them to wash their hands.

The Togepis rubbed their hands vigorously in the water, then looked at their little hands and stretched them out to show Akimoto, with a look of eagerness on their faces.

"Well... let me see if it's cleaned."

Akimoto examined it seriously.

The Togepis looked at Qiu Yuan nervously, fearing that Qiu Yuan would not allow them to eat delicious food because he had not washed his hands.

"Okay, clean up, let's eat!"

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