Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 69: Maid Costume Jigglypuff~

At first, Kokodora didn't care about Qiu Yuan's departure. After eating, he sat on the ground and ate. From time to time, he looked up at the ancient tree, which was so tall that he had to lie on the ground to see more of the treetops.

But then the ancient tree became lively.

The first to come were the mount lamb and circle and round. The three friends ran over happily and saw the unfamiliar Kokodora from a distance.

Circle and round were lively and enthusiastic, so they sat around Kokodora, waving their little paws curiously and asking questions.

Kokodora didn't respond to them at first, but just sat there and looked at the sky.

Circle and round played the piano for Kokodora for a long time, and then went back to play with the mount lamb because it was boring. Akimoto would make delicious food for them later, so he didn't eat meatballs now!

Next came Jigglypuff, who was humming as he walked, and Eeyore and Baby Din, who were babbling and talking, as well as Gardevoir, Gengar, and Togepi.

As soon as they came, the ancient tree became lively, and Kokodora began to feel uncomfortable.

Seeing Kokodora wanted to hide in the bushes under the ancient tree, Jigglypuff jumped and grabbed it, and pulled it to join Jigglypuff's happy family without saying anything.

Kokodora was a little flustered by Jigglypuff's enthusiasm. Facing so many Pokémon, it lowered its head involuntarily, but because Jigglypuff always pulled it to sing and dance, it could only curl itself up like a hedgehog.

When Akimoto arrived with the remaining Pokémon, he happened to see Kokodora curled up.

"What are you doing, Xiaoli, are you bullying me?"

Akimoto gently flicked Xiaoli's forehead and picked up Kokodora, who was curled up.

Xiaoli is the only purple-qualified Jigglypuff, and the one who has the best relationship with Akimoto. Akimoto even gave it a nickname.

"Puli Puli! Puli Puli Puli Puli~"

Xiaoli shook his head and denied it. We have never done such a thing!

Seeing Akimoto walking to the side with Kokodora, Xiaoli also jumped and followed.

According to the usual practice, Akimoto first laid out the tools needed, and then took out the ingredients and gave them to Jigglypuff and Togepi to clean.

And Jigglypuff and Xiaoli have officially entered the internship period and can make some simple snacks.

Today, Akimoto assigned them the task of making sushi. They can make whatever flavor they like, and the tree fruits are ready.

The only funny thing was when the mount lamb watched Jigglypuff making sushi. Every time, it could only watch with envy but could not eat it. It jumped onto the table and imitated Jigglypuff's method, rolling a sushi full of grass with its hooves...

Seeing that it was eating with relish, Akimoto didn't want to laugh at it, so he made it a fruit sushi wrapped in fragrant beer leaves, so that it could eat it happily.

After the food was ready, the Pokémon in the breeding house took turns to get a small blanket from Jigglypuff, the kind used for picnics, and each Pokémon had a small blanket.

Everyone spread the blankets on the grass in an orderly manner, and then sat close to form a big circle, with expectant smiles on their faces.

Xiaoli wore the special little maid outfit that Akimoto bought for her that day, and led three Jigglypuffs to bring food to each Pokémon's blanket.

Speaking of this maid outfit, it was definitely not Akimoto's weird idea.

When she took Xiaoli to visit Sachi's house that day, Serena took a fancy to Xiaoli at first sight and dragged her into the room upstairs.

Anyway, when Akimoto was about to leave, Xiaoli ran to Akimoto with a photo of a classic black and white maid outfit and gestured, meaning that she wanted to wear this kind of clothes.

Akimoto refused at first, but after Xiaoli acted coquettishly, he couldn't keep a serious face and had to agree.

Later, after Akimoto returned to the breeding house, he logged on to the clothing website and found a store specializing in maid outfits and contacted the owner.

The owner was a young woman. At first, she thought Akimoto was going to buy it for his girlfriend, but when she heard Akimoto say it wasn't, her eyes changed, and became suspicious and scared.

As a result, Akimoto explained to her for a long time that he was not a cross-dressing pervert...

Finally, at the owner's request, Akimoto took a photo of Xiaoli and gave it to the owner.

As soon as the shop owner saw Xiaoli's cute appearance, the little heart in his eyes almost fell on Xiaoli through the screen. He quickly promised to make it within one day and ship it at the speed of light, and also gave Qiu Yuan a 50% discount.

The condition was that she and Xiaoli had a video chat for half an hour.

Qiu Yuan responded to the video chat with a completely incomprehensible attitude. They could chat so happily in front of the screen, just like an online love.

And they were one person and one Jigglypuff who didn't speak the same language. It was really amazing. Qiu Yuan, who was playing the game of Spoon Snake on the side, said that he had no idea what she and Xiaoli talked about.

This is the origin of the maid costume on Xiaoli.

After the maid costume arrived, Xiaoli couldn't wait to put it on, and ran to show off in front of other Jigglypuffs, causing Akimoto to be surrounded by Jigglypuffs, and finally even Jigglypuff wanted new clothes...

So, there are still a large number of maid costumes on the way.

Whenever Aki Yuan held a bonfire party, Xiaoli would wear it and learn the maid etiquette from the computer.

Akimoto had to think that if more people came to the breeding house in the future, he might as well build a maid-themed breeding house...

At 7:30 in the evening, after all the Pokémon were seated, Akimoto lit a bonfire in the center of the circle formed by everyone, and then announced the start of the party.

In fact, the bonfire party is not all about fun. In fact, Akimoto also used this opportunity to train the Pokémon's moves to be gorgeous as a performance program for the bonfire party.

After all, there is also a task to participate in the gorgeous competition.

The first to appear was Xiaoli who volunteered.

I don’t know why, Xiaoli always likes to walk in a hopping manner, and this time is no exception.

It hopped to the center of the circle, saluted very ladylike, and then took out a marker...

"Wait a minute!" Akimoto interrupted it quickly, "You can't sing today!"

Just kidding, if it really sings, today's party is equivalent to having a lonely party, and it should be specially held for it.

Although Akimoto, Gengar, and Gardevoir will not be affected, Xiaoli's strength is higher than all other Jigglypuffs. Even other Jigglypuffs will fall asleep under Xiaoli's singing, not to mention those non-fairy Pokémon.

Jigglypuff has a skill called round singing. When multiple Jigglypuffs initiate singing skills, the power will continue to stack.

Akimoto often sees Jigglypuffs gathering in the sea of ​​flowers to sing, but they always fall asleep while singing. The power of round singing does not distinguish between enemies and friends. If you are told to sleep, you have to sleep. If you sleep, I will sleep too.

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