Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 76 The tears of fish are known by water


Akimoto emerged from the water and breathed in the fresh air.

Gradually, after his breathing stabilized, Qiu Yuan climbed ashore and took out a diving suit from the system warehouse.

When he first picked up this yellow-quality wetsuit, Akimoto thought he would have to wait until some day to go to the beach to use it, but he didn't expect it would be used today.

Quickly changing into a diving suit, Qiu Yuan adjusted the oxygen tank on his back, tied all the straps that needed to be tightened, put on his mask and jumped into the water.

The whole time, we ignored our baby Xiaoli and the yellow-grey fish in the small basin next to baby Xiaoli.

After catching up with the frog in the water, the glass panel of the mask displayed a series of data that Akimoto couldn't understand. The only thing he could understand was the depth of dive.

As expected of a yellow-quality prop, it can not only simulate the effect of fish gills to automatically replenish oxygen, but also display a series of underwater parameters.

After putting on the mask, Akimoto's visibility in the water also greatly increased.

Now 16 meters away from the water level, Qiu Yuan looked down and could vaguely see a few blurry light spots.

The frog glanced at the strange-looking Qiu Yuan in surprise, and then continued to dive.

Following the frog, Qiu Yuan trembled on his feet and dived quickly.

When Akimoto came into contact with the sediment at the bottom of the lake, he was already 35 meters above the water level.

Fortunately, the wetsuit can offset a large part of the water pressure, otherwise Akimoto's physical fitness would not be able to withstand the water pressure at a depth of 35 meters.

Qiu Yuan took the small gravel handed to him by the frog, and after a closer look, he found that it was exactly what he thought, it was the stone of water.

However, this water stone is obviously a broken piece, and the quality is not very good, only yellow quality.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. With the mentality that he must take something with him since he is here, Qiu Yuan put this broken water stone into the system warehouse.

Later, Qiu Yuan and Guatou Frog discovered more than a dozen broken water stones nearby, ranging in quality from white to green, and only one yellow-quality water stone was complete.

Originally, Akimoto thought he could find a lot of water stones, but he was disappointed. They were all broken water stones.

Finally, Qiu Yuan searched nearby for a long time, and after finding no water stone, even if it was broken, he prepared to go up.

At this time, the system sound sounded.

[You are truly the stupidest host I have ever taken care of]

"What the hell are you doing? Why did you suddenly show up and scare me?" Qiu Yuan said dissatisfied, "Also, do you mean you have had many hosts?"


"What about you saying p?"

[The host can redeem the water stone mining method in the system store. Do you think the evolution stones are exposed and waiting for you to pick them up? 】

"...I want you to be a widow?"

Qiu Yuan silently opened the system store and blocked the system sound.

Since the system said that the water stone mining method could be redeemed, his points should be enough, so Akimoto directly opened the green store and rummaged through the list.

"Found it, the distribution pattern of water stones shows... 300 points??" Qiu Yuan's eyes widened.

I originally only had 328 points, but now I will lose 300, leaving only a fraction.

And why does it feel weird? Why are there only distribution rules but no mining methods?

Akimoto explained the distribution pattern of the water stone, and then saw its related props, yellow and green quality ore mining techniques.

Akimoto checked the description of the ore mining skills and found that currently he could only exchange 50,000 currency for the yellow quality ore mining skills. The loss rate of the ore was relatively high. If he was more careful, he could theoretically reduce the loss a little. .

As for the green quality ore mining skills worth 300 points, it is much more powerful. Basically, once mastered, you can mine any ore flawlessly, including super evolution stones, fossils and the like.

Qiu Yuan painfully spent 300 points and 50,000 currency to exchange these two props, and bought another refined mining pickaxe.

Find these two props in the warehouse. They are both memory card props.

Qiu Yuan took out the props and then silently used them.

The two memories were integrated into Qiu Yuan's mind one after another. After being instilled with breeding knowledge, Qiu Yuan did not feel any discomfort this time.

After the memory was integrated, when Qiu Yuan looked at the mud and sand at the bottom of the water and the lake wall, he seemed to have the ability to see through, and he could see at a glance where there was a high probability of a water stone.

There were many water stones buried under the sand twenty or thirty centimeters beneath his feet, most of which were of low quality.

Qiu Yuan took out a rubber-edged shovel from the system warehouse and handed it to the frog.

"Cathead Frog, please dig out the sand in the areas I marked. There are still a lot of rocks like just here."

"Quack, quack."

The frog came close to Qiu Yuan before he could hear the voice coming through the mask. Then he took the shovel and looked like he was ready for a big fight.

Qiu Yuan nodded happily, and then took out a few small flags and planted them in places where water stones were scattered.

He drew a circle around the flag and told the frog to take the small flag as the center and there would be water stones in the circle of the same size.

The frog was also very smart. He took the shovel and started digging.

Seeing the energetic frog, Qiu Yuan also started to get busy. Using his knowledge of the distribution patterns of water stones, he accurately found the location where a complete water stone was distributed.

Akimoto could only roughly distinguish the size of the water stone, and could not accurately analyze the quality.

After finding the right position, Akimoto swung the pickaxe and dug a circle of holes on the lake wall.

After digging about 40 to 50 centimeters, Akimoto saw the faint blue light coming from the hole through the hole, and was immediately excited and waved the pickaxe vigorously.

"Wow, it's a giant. It must be three or four times bigger than the water stone circulating on the market."

After digging out the outline of the water stone, Akimoto was surprised.

Now he was more motivated and swung the pickaxe one by one.

Just when Akimoto was about to dig out the water stone, he mistook the layer of gravel outside the water stone for rock and smashed the water stone.

"My water stone..."

The tears of the fish, the water knows, the tears of Akimoto, who knows...

Akimoto helplessly held the water stone that was broken into three pieces, and some water stone debris.

Fortunately, this is a yellow-quality water stone. If it was green or blue, I would really cry.

But even if it was only yellow, Akimoto was distressed for a long time.

Most of the evolution stones circulating in the market are yellow-quality, and the price of one piece is stable between 70,000 and 80,000. The one that Akimoto just discovered is three or four times larger than the one on the market. The value is not just three or four times, but more than ten times.

The main function of evolution stones is to evolve Pokémon, but there are also many nobles and upper-class people who like to collect these colorful and precious stones. They collect evolution stones as gems like diamonds.

So Akimoto just turned a water stone worth about 1.3 million into three evolution stones worth about 70,000.


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