Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 80: Damiare Again

The improvement of Pokémon's qualifications is no less than the process of baptism by the light of evolution. After the mount lamb emerges from the cocoon, it will be a new level of life.

Akimoto was not free enough to wait for a few hours next to his mount lamb. He went back to the kitchen and made himself a bowl of egg noodles, and then took out 6 yellow quality Tears of the Sea and 9 green ones that he made last night. Quality Ocean Tears.

According to the rules of purification and condensation, the cost of making blue-quality Ocean Tears should be between three and two yuan, and maybe five yuan to make two.

But Akimoto has no idea of ​​letting Gardevoir refine blue-quality ocean tears for the time being. First, there is currently no definite formula, and a lot of experiments are needed to accurately grasp the amount suitable for condensation.

If there are too few materials, the quantity will be insufficient and the quality standards will not be met, and the finished product will be of the same level. If there are too many materials, the quantity will be too high, and the composition of the Ocean Tears obtained after condensation will be unstable. Very volatile.

These two situations were discovered by Akimoto last night when he accompanied Gardevoir to make Tears of the Sea. If the production was based on loss-free production, 11 green-quality Tears of the Sea could have been made.

The second is that Gardevoir's mental power cannot yet control the elemental power at the blue quality level. Gengar's detailed control of mental power is not as good as Gardevoir's.

Akimoto's current plan is to go to the landmark Shirakawa Breeding House in Shirakashi City to buy some young Pokémon that can evolve using water stones. What needs to be determined now is whether the artificially condensed "evolution stones" have the same effect as the evolution stones.

The only certainty is that Ocean Tears will not harm Pokémon, otherwise the system will not recognize its name.

Baichao City is an emerging tourist city in recent years. In fact, it is not a city in a certain sense, because its size is not much different from that of an ordinary large town. However, the economic situation of Baichao City is among the Carlos cities. Ranked second.

(Self-made, don’t play tricks)

Baichao City is located just west of Chaoxiang Town, located on a winding coast.

At first, Baichao City was just a small fishing village, but in this small fishing village came out a water-type king-level trainer who defeated three kings of the Kalos Alliance - Mengli.

He is also the top breeder in the league.

Unable to defeat the four kings in a row, Mengli finally gave up his dream of challenging for the league championship and opened a breeding house in his hometown, named Baitide Breeding House.

The White Tide Breeding House specializes in the breeding of water-type Pokémon. Water-type Pokémon from all regions can be seen in the breeding house.

Moreover, most of the Pokmon eggs and young Pokmon sold by Baitide Breeding House have green qualifications, and a small number of those released to take care of the general public have yellow qualifications.

Although ordinary people don't know how this qualification is divided, Mengli can roughly divide water Pokémon into four qualification levels through his own understanding of water Pokémon, which happens to be the same as the top four classified by Akimoto's system. corresponding to each qualification level.

It can be said that Meng Li is really a genius, but it is a pity that the league championship is really difficult to win.

Speaking of which, Qiu Yuan still has a damn business opportunity that can make him a top millionaire in one fell swoop.

It was a system task that asked him to participate in the Gorgeous Contest and win the championship. The task reward was the method of making a Pokmon Qualification Appraisal Instrument.

It's a pity that even if Qiu Yuan gets this kind of thing, he can't enjoy the profits it brings alone. The alliance will definitely not allow it.

He can only wait until he completes the task and obtains a certain social status before cooperating with the alliance to launch this technology.

"The alliance is the state machine of this world!"

With a sigh, Qiu Yuan put away the Tears of the Ocean and purchased a train ticket from Mingshui Town to Miare City on the computer.

The top priority is to sell the five yellow-quality water stones on hand first. There is also a green-quality water stone Akimoto that is very suitable for carving, which he intends to give to the official auction house of Miare City for auction.

The green-quality water stone is so crystal clear that you can seem to see the waves in the sea under the light. It is not large in size and can be carved into a perfect heart shape with only slight carving. Based on its quality and added artistic value, Akimoto is confident that this stone will cost at least 800,000 yuan.

Evolution stones can be collected as gemstones, but they are usually difficult to carve, because slightly larger carving changes may cause the evolution stone to lose its elemental power and become an ordinary transparent crystal.

That's why Qiu Yuan dared to say that his water stone, which only needed fine-tuning to be made into a heart-shaped gem, could be sold at a high price.

If you add a few hundred thousand more, you will almost catch up with the blue quality water stone.

Why go to Miare City to sell? Because people in Miare City spend a lot of money and the prices of goods are high, so you can sell them for more money.

If you go to Shiraishio City to sell water stones, you will be crazy.

The specialty of Baishio City is water stones of various qualities. In Baishio City, white quality water stones can be found by just going to the sea to search for them. Yellow quality water stones can be harvested in a day or two if you persist in searching. Green quality water stones can be harvested in Baishio City. It takes an experienced hand to find it.

Therefore, the price of water stones in Baishio City is really not that low.

"Fuck duck, rush duck, sell money, sell money!"

Akimoto happily rushed to Mingshui Town with Gardevoir and the frog he had gone out with yesterday, and boarded the train to Miare City.

Geng Gui naturally hid in Akimoto's shadow without shame. Its philosophy has always been that it will be wherever Gardevoir is.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Akimoto came to Miare City again.

After lunch on the train, Akimoto now had to rush to the gem appraisal institute in Miare City to appraise the water stone he wanted to sell.

Akimoto didn't know who opened this appraisal institute, but it was indeed very influential. It was distributed in cities in various regions and was a very authoritative appraisal institution.

All kinds of stones that need to be appraised, such as ordinary gems such as sapphires and rubies, as well as Pokémon elemental evolution stones, super evolution stones, and fossils, can be appraised here.

After paying an appraisal fee, you can get an appraisal certificate, which is stamped by the appraisal institute and the alliance at the same time.

After getting the appraisal certificate, you can know the information you want to know, and when you need to sell it, as long as you take out the appraisal certificate, no one will suspect that you are faking it.

The first condition for entering the auction is to have an appraisal certificate.

Qiu Yuan had never been to the appraisal, but he had heard about the appraisal process, so he was very curious about who opened this appraisal institute and had such great power to get the alliance stamp.


PS: The author is in the late stage of laziness, so the new chapter is late, sorry sorry.

Two chapters will be added tomorrow. One chapter is because the recommendation votes have exceeded 100 so far today. I will add one more chapter to fulfill my promise a few days ago. If there are 150 votes, there will be one more chapter, hehe.

Another chapter is for Jaydar and Mo Ranshang who gave me rewards. I don’t know how much to add based on the reward amount. Anyway, if someone gives me rewards, I will add one more.

Thank you to all the book friends who have always supported Mu Shen. Recently, more and more book friends have expressed legitimate opinions and comments in the article. Thank you for pointing out the author’s mistakes in time so that Mu Shen can make corrections in time. Thank you!

In addition, please join the group. Mu Shen wants to join the group, but there are too few people in the group!

QQ group: 970551403, come on, come on, make it up!

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