Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 84: Shiratide Gym

"Celebration? What kind of celebration? We didn't mention it when we came." Jiang Liye asked curiously.

"I heard that Master Mengli established the Baichao Gym at the invitation of the alliance. The opening ceremony will be held today."

After hearing the news, Qiu Yuan thought for a while and said: "If Mengli opens a gym, it should be at least a high-level gym, right?"

Speaking of which, I have to mention the gym system in the Pokémon world.

Gyms are divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced gyms. The basic standard for participating in the alliance competition is to obtain at least three intermediate gym badges and two advanced gym badges. In order to show their strength, some trainers only collect intermediate gym badges. Advanced gym badge.

As far as Akimoto knows, the high-end gyms of the Carlos Alliance include the Miare Gym and the Sara Gym. There may be other king-level trainers who have been invited by the alliance to open high-end gyms, just like Mengli.

"Yes." Shaka nodded, "It seems that Qiu Yuan also understands this very well."

"No way, I'm just guessing." Qiu Yuan waved his hand.

"In that case, let's go visit the opening ceremony of Baichao Gym first!"

Zeming's proposal was supported by Akimoto and Shaka, but Jiang Liye was not very interested in it, but the minority obeyed the majority, and she could only follow the large army to visit the opening ceremony of the Shirakawa Gym.

Walking on the central street of Baichao City, Shaka was immediately attracted by the various Pokémon dolls in the shop windows. She pestered Zeming in and out of the shop, shouting that she wanted to buy this and that. of.

Zeming was used to Shaka's sometimes intellectual and girlish temperament.

He always wore a gentle smile and let Shakara run around holding his hand, taking the trouble to pick out her favorite things.

As for Jiang Liye and Qiu Yuan who were walking behind, they were dismissed by Shaka.

"The opening ceremony hasn't started yet, let's move around freely first! Children play together, adults have their own things to do!"

Then the furious Shaka pulled Zeming away, leaving Jiang Liye and Qiu Yuan staring at each other in embarrassment.

Looking at Zeming and Shaka who were chatting and laughing very sweetly together, Jiang Liye thought of something and suddenly turned to Qiu Yuan and shouted: "Qiu Yuan."

"Huh?" Qiu Yuan, who was observing the Pokémon on the street, turned his head and responded in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"If your girlfriend was like Sister Shaka, would you be as patient as Senior Brother Zeming?"

"When you talk about patience, do you mean accompanying Shaka to choose the east and west like Zeming?" Qiu Yuan asked in return.

Jiang Liye pinched his chin and nodded: "You can almost say that."

"But I haven't been in love yet, you ask me, how do I know?"

Qiu Yuan held his hands behind his back, held the back of his head, and said casually.

My mother was single for seventeen years. If you ask me, who should I ask?

"Then just imagine what would happen to you if I were your girlfriend!"

"You?" Qiu Yuan looked at Jiang Liye suspiciously.

From head to toe, um, everything looks good. She looks pretty and has a good figure. Although he is not as tall as Shaka, only 1.65 meters, being petite also has its advantages.

It's just... too fierce, and what should be fierce is not as fierce as his temper.

"Ang?" Jiang Liye raised his head.

"Are you greedy for my body?" Qiu Yuan said with a mean tongue, "If you were my girlfriend, how could I dare to be impatient, otherwise I would be beaten to death by you, right?"

"Then go die now!"

Jiang Liye said angrily, pinching Qiu Yuan's fatal soft flesh hard.

Qiu Yuan howled in pain and repeatedly waved his hands to admit his mistake.

This guy knows why girls like to pinch boys’ waists, and it really hurts! After pinching, you still need to tighten it. Do you think you are tightening the screw?

"Be serious and give you another chance!" Jiang Liye shouted.

"Ahem." Qiu Yuan managed to escape from Jiang Liye's clutches, and painfully rubbed his small waist, which had been pinched twice in one day.

"If she were my girlfriend..."


"Then I definitely have to..."


"Hehe..." Qiu Yuan raised his eyebrows. The scar healed and he forgot about the pain, and he teased Jiang Liye again.

"You, yes! Finish speaking!"


Akimoto stood tremblingly, holding his waist, with tears streaming down his face, while Jiang Liye had a proud expression of victory.

"If she were my girlfriend, then I would let her buy whatever she likes without having to choose!"



"But where did you get so much money? I heard from Aunt Jing that you took out a loan after receiving the subsidy funds?" Jiang Liye said.

"That's the initial investment! I will have money in the future!" Qiu Yuan was full of confidence.

Seeing Qiu Yuan's confident and proud face, Jiang Liye wanted to hit him for no reason, so he added: "So what you are saying now are all empty words, right? No wonder you don't have a girlfriend."

But everything did not go as Jiang Liye intended, Qiuyuan still looked confident.

"When I get rich, will I be afraid that I won't be able to find a girlfriend? And I'm afraid I won't be able to find more than just one girlfriend!"

"You! How dare you!" Jiang Liye clenched his fist and waved it in front of Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan frowned and said disdainfully: "You don't care whether I dare or not. You should worry about yourself. If you are so fierce, no one will want you!"

"Who do you think no one wants!"

"Talking about you!"

"Stinky guy, look for a fight!!"

"Seriously, if no one really wants you and you come to me, I can still give you a bite to eat and let you work in my breeding house!"

Qiu Yuan smiled mischievously, dodged Jiang Liye's kick, then found a direction with oiled soles and ran away.

Jiang Liye chased after him angrily, carefully holding down the hem of his skirt. The two ran after each other and returned to Baichao Beach.

Qiu Yuan goes for morning jogs with his horse lamb every day, which is not just talk. Jiang Liye, who has a delicate body and a soft body, cannot outrun him, so he can only chase Qiu Yuan from a distance.

Sometimes, just to tease her, Qiu Yuan would stop and look back at her.

When Jiang Liye finally caught up with Qiu Yuan, Qiu Yuan was sitting on a rock, chatting with an uncle wearing a fisherman's hat and a blue shirt.

Then Qiu Yuan sat down, took a fishing rod next to the uncle and chatted with him while catching fish.

"Finally caught you!"

Jiang Liye looked angrily at Qiu Yuan, who looked calm and composed. He was sitting now, and Jiang Liye couldn't pinch his waist.

"Calm down, it's just a joke." Qiu Yuan suddenly put on a gentle smile, as if the person who just made Jiang Liye angry like a child was not the same person at all.

"What are you planning again?" Jiang Liye asked suspiciously.

"You are wronging a good person!" Qiu Yuan said dissatisfied, then pulled Jiang Liye to sit down on his right and said to the uncle in the fisherman hat, "Do you still have a fishing rod?"

"Well, there happens to be another fishing rod here, but it's not a women's fishing rod." The uncle handed Qiu Yuan a black men's fishing rod.

The style looks ordinary, but this is a high-end fishing rod, and the quality shown under Akimoto's inspection is also green quality.

"Here you go, let's go fishing together. There's nothing to do anyway. The opening ceremony won't start until two in the afternoon."


ps: Don’t ask the author why he understands the art of pinching girls’ waists. The author has been pinched by girls in this way, which is nothing compared to pinching himself. Who knows why girls are so talented in this area? Almost every girl can do this trick. .

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