Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 86 Falling into the Sea

"No, the ghost and him are lovers!" Jiang Liye was like a kitten with fried fur after hearing Meng Li's words.

"Bang." Qiu Yuan seemed to have changed his mind at this moment. He just snorted softly, turned his head and fished leisurely.

Meng Li touched the back of his head and laughed: "Hahaha, did I make a mistake? I'm so sorry."

"Really uncle, I forgive you this time."

Jiang Liye pouted and held his breath, intending to catch a small flying fish himself and show it to Qiu Yuan.

The cool sea breeze blew across the faces of the three people, and time passed slowly like this.

Until lunch time, Meng Li caught a total of three Pokémon, Akimoto also caught three, and only Jiang Liye could catch a giant clam.

Among the three Pokémon that Akimoto caught, there was only one with yellow qualifications, so in the end he chose to release it instead of taming it.

As for Jiang Liye, he didn’t like the giant-tongued clam very much, so he also released the giant-tongued clam.

Only Mengli managed to conquer all three Pokémon with a smile.

After Qiu Yuan's investigation, he found that among the three Pokémon, there was also a green agate agate jellyfish, and the other two were also yellow aptitudes. Qiu Yuan was so greedy when he saw it, and he always felt that Mengli had some special skills.

"Okay! It's already 12 o'clock at noon. Let's take a rest!" Meng Li fixed the fishing rod on the stand and touched his stomach. "I'm a little hungry. What about you? Do you want to taste my wife?" Special rice balls?”

"Okay, I have no problem." Qiu Yuan also fixed his fishing rod, and by the way, with Jiang Liye's reluctant look, he helped her fix the fishing rod in a funny way.

Meng Li found a blue food box from the large backpack on the ground. As soon as he opened it, the aroma of seaweed came out.

"You can take it and eat it yourself. The rice balls are made with gloves. It's absolutely hygienic, haha."

With that said, Meng Li grabbed a rice ball, sprinkled some sauce on it and ate it.

Qiu Yuan was about to reach out to take it, but his hand was suddenly grabbed by Jiang Liye.

He looked at Jiang Liye in confusion and said, "What are you doing? I'm eating!"

"Wash your hands! You idiot!" Jiang Liye glared at Qiu Yuan, put his hand on his back and prepared to take out a bottle of water from his small backpack, but found nothing. "Where is my backpack?!"

"Haha, are you stupid?"

Seeing Jiang Liye's dumb look, Qiu Yuan laughed without hesitation.

Only then did Jiang Liye remember that Zeming was carrying his backpack, and stood awkwardly for a moment, not knowing what to do.

Seeing that Qiu Yuan was still laughing at her, she immediately attacked Qiu Yuan's waist angrily, scaring Qiu Yuan into hiding quickly.

This move was too big to hide, and the rock was very slippery. Qiu Yuan accidentally slipped to the edge of the rock, which scared Jiang Liye and Meng Li and rushed to him at the same time.

This series of actions happened in a short moment. Before Mengli, who was far away from Qiu Yuan, had time to arrive, Qiu Yuan fell from the rock.

When Jiang Liye saw that Qiu Yuan was so close to the edge of the reef when he was hiding, he already realized that something was wrong, and deliberately leaned over there, holding Qiu Yuan's hand at the last moment.

Then she fell down with Qiu Yuan.

From the place where he fell to the sea, it was three meters high. Fortunately, Mengli knew that the reef was protruding diagonally. There were no rocks hidden in the sea next to it. Qiu Yuan would not hit a hard rock if he fell like this. .

Judging from Qiu Yuan's skillful movements when fishing, theoretically speaking, Qiu Yuan should be able to swim, so Mengli was not very worried about Qiu Yuan's safety, that is, there was no place nearby for him to climb ashore.

But what's not sure now is whether the little girl with short hair can swim. What if she can't swim?

So Meng Li hurriedly ran to the nearest rescue station to get a lifebuoy and lifeline.

Unsurprisingly, and in line with Meng Li's guess, Jiang Liye is the one who just in case.

I was afraid that Qiu Yuan would fall, and I originally wanted to hold Qiu Yuan back, but I ended up losing myself. Now Jiang Liye kept slapping the water in panic, and when it fell, her and Qiu Yuan's hands separated.

Just at the moment when the two fell into the water, a high wave hit the reef wall. The waves rushed in both directions, making both of them dizzy. They also lost each other's location information.

Jiang Liye can't swim.

She choked several times in a daze, her hands and feet were cold, and she gradually lost the strength to beat the sea water. She could only rely on instinct to kick her feet and float upward, breathing hard when her head came out of the water, but she couldn't. As a result, I choked on more water.

In her blur of consciousness, Jiang Liye felt as if her body had hit a hard stone. The pain made her wake up a little.

She desperately wanted to hug the stone that was washed smooth by the sea water so that she could keep her head above the water.

After several attempts, she finally breathed air that was not mixed with sea water.

Jiang Liye tried hard to open his eyes and looked towards the sea, but did not find Qiu Yuan.

She regretted it extremely. She thought Qiu Yuan could not swim like her, and where could Qiu Yuan find a stone that he could hold.

Just when Jiang Liye was thinking sadly, a wave bigger than before hit her. This time she had no strength to resist anymore, and was pushed directly into the sea by the huge wave, choking on a large amount of water.

She thought she was going to die, but she was not afraid. She just regretted letting Qiu Yuan also fall into the sea and die.

At the last moment when Jiang Liye was unconscious, Qiu Yuan emerged from the sea water with a dive, and vaguely saw a figure sinking through the sea surface.

Qiu Yuan hurriedly swam over there, and after diving into the water, he saw Jiang Liye with her eyes closed, and hurriedly held her up and floated up.

"Hu, ho——" Qiu Yuan circled Jiang Liye's body with his right hand, paddled hard with his left hand, and swam towards a shallow beach.

Covering Jiang Liye's mouth and nose in a dangerous way, he dodged another huge wave by diving, and then Qiu Yuan quickly surfaced, and immediately pressed Jiang Liye's belly hard to drain some of the water in her stomach.

"Fuck, I was scared to death, and I couldn't swim and followed you down."

Seeing the shallow beach getting closer and closer, Qiu Yuan also breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still so angry that he cursed in Chinese.

If Jiang Liye was still awake, she would probably be curious about what Qiu Yuan was talking about.

"Hey - Qiu Yuan - look here -"

Meng Li's running figure appeared on the shallows, and he shouted loudly to Qiu Yuan.

After Meng Li rushed to the rescue station, he rushed in without saying a word, took two lifebuoys and a lifeline and ran away.

The lifeguard in the rescue station was anxious, what's wrong with you, robbing here?

So the young lifeguard also ran over with Meng Li, while desperately shouting to the running Meng Li: "Don't run!"

It's not his fault. After all, Meng Li is very unfamiliar to these migrant workers. Usually Meng Li only appears in the breeding house, and few people can see him.

The lifeguard happened to be one of those who didn't know Meng Li.

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