Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 88: Everything that should be touched has been touched

"How could you two be so careless and separated for just a few hours? How did it end up like this?"

Shaka sat beside Jiang Liye's bed and scolded her, while Qiu Yuan and Ze Ming stood silently by the side, like two door gods.

Jiang Liye just lay there with his eyes closed, pretending to sleep, and didn't talk back to Shaka.

"Okay, just ignore me!" Shaka stood up angrily, picked up the bag placed by the bed, and suddenly said to Zeming with a smile that seemed to change his face, "Then let's just play and let the little patient play. While we’re recovering, let’s go watch the opening ceremony~ I heard there are other activities on site!”

Zeming hesitated for a moment: "Don't you need us to stay and take care of Xiaoye?"

"Her, isn't there a wooden stake standing here?" Shaka straightened her hair and winked at Qiu Yuan, "You think so? Handsome guy."

Qiu Yuan remained silent.

After walking out of the ward, Zeming closed the door with his backhand.

"Just let Xiaoye and Qiu Yuan stay together?"

"Otherwise?" Shaka asked.

"What if Xiaoye is taken advantage of? Xiaoye is so beautiful, and she has no ability to resist now..."

Before Zeming could finish his hypothesis, Shaka gave him a blow.

"What have you been thinking about all day? Am I not beautiful?"

"Beautiful." Zeming nodded.

"Then why didn't I see you taking advantage of me?"

"How dare I..." Zeming said aggrievedly. He wanted to, but the consequences were not something he could bear.

Zeming is an intermediate breeder, but his main ability is the breeding of Pokémon, so the strongest among his Pokémon is only a master-level Gotha Duck.

But how can the master-level Gotha Duck compare with Shaka's quasi-king-level Absolu!

"You're just too stupid, otherwise you wouldn't have chased me for two years. It was only after I softened that I agreed to be your girlfriend."


"That's why you didn't see it!" Shaka raised her head proudly, "Do you know what I asked the doctor?"

But Shaka waited for a long time and didn't wait for Zeming to answer. When she looked, she found that Zeming was also looking at her, with a very cooperative look for knowledge.

Staring at Zeming, making him confused, Shaka continued: "The doctor told me that Xiaoye received very standard first aid before they treated Xiaoye. Do you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean?" Zeming hasn't turned the corner yet. First aid is just first aid. Does it have anything to do with whether Qiu Yuan will touch Xiaoye?

"Fortunately, you are still studying breeding. I remember that the basic knowledge includes first aid for people and Pokémon, right?"

Zeming nodded, but he still didn't know what the connection was.

"You don't need me to tell you what the first aid measures are for humans after they drown?" Looking at Zeming's sudden realization, Shaka continued, "I've touched everything that needs to be touched and kissed everything that needs to be kissed. Do you think Xiaoye himself can't do it?" Are you aware of this?"

"Clear." After understanding Shaka's deliberate pause, Zeming answered in a very polite manner.

If Qiu Yuan were here, he would probably clap his hands and call him an expert. Why don't you two talk about cross talk here? Even teasing him.

"But did you see Xiaoye's reaction?"

"Xiaoye, isn't she awake?" Zeming wondered.

Shaka laughed out loud, looked at her idiot boyfriend helplessly and said, "Xiaoye has been awake for a long time and has been pretending to be asleep. Xiaoye was still talking to Qiu Yuan before we came in!"

"How did you know?" Zeming wondered for the second time.

"I saw it through the small window on the door." Shaka took Zeming's hand and led him in the direction of Baichao Gym. "Ignore them. There just are no small light bulbs today. You have to accompany me." Take a walk.”

Zeming fully agreed.

He may not be very clear yet about what girls mean when they talk about shopping.

After Shaka and Zeming left, Qiu Yuan sat beside Jiang Liye's bed, and Jiang Liye still had his eyes closed.

"Okay, stop pretending, they're leaving."

"Yeah, hehe." Jiang Liye opened his eyes slightly, moved his head slightly, and observed everything he could see.

Qiu Yuan said speechlessly: "Did I say you are so careful?"

"Stop talking, Sister Shaka likes to nag the most. Sometimes she really acts like an old woman!"

Jiang Liye stuck out his tongue playfully and sat up on the bed.

"What are you saying? I should be nagging you. Why did you jump down even though you obviously can't swim?"

Qiu Yuan pretended to scold her. When he fell, he saw Jiang Liye also falling down. He was really shocked. Just when he thought Jiang Liye could swim, a big wave came over. Waiting for Qiu Yuan When he surfaced, Jiang Liye could no longer be seen.

Fortunately, this silly girl was lucky enough to hold the stone, otherwise something would have really happened.

This time also taught Akimoto a lesson. Never put yourself in a situation without the help of Pokémon. This time, it was because you let all three Pokémon you had with you play, which led to the current result.

If Frog or Gardevoir had been there, Jiang Liye would not have been rescued so late.

After Qiu Yuan said that, the ward suddenly became quiet.

When Qiu Yuan raised his head, he found Jiang Liye sitting on the bedside and looking at him quietly. He and Jiang Liye looked at each other for a while and then couldn't help but blush and looked away.

"Why are you looking at me? I'm not wrong..."

"Puff——" Jiang Liye suddenly covered her mouth and smiled, then whispered, "Akimoto."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"If you didn't save me at that time, would you be sad?"

"Ah?" Akimoto was stunned, "Why are you asking this? I have already saved you, your assumption is not possible."

"Anyway, I'm asking you, answer quickly."

"It's so troublesome..." Akimoto muttered, thought about it, and said, "I will definitely be sad, after all, you are also my friend, and you fell into the water because of me. But if such a thing really happened, I can still revive you, hehe."

Listening to Akimoto's previous words, Jiang Liye felt a little sweet in his heart, but then he got a little angry, just for a moment.

But what Akimoto said next made Jiang Liye laugh again: "Who do you think you are, Ho-Oh? You want to revive me?"

"Hehe, I'm not Ho-Oh, I'm Arceus, do you believe it? Haha."

Akimoto knew that Jiang Liye would definitely not believe it, but no one could say for sure. Maybe he could really have the chance to revive someone in the end.

After all, reviving the dead has happened before. Rabbi can do it, Ho-Oh can do it, and Xerneas can do it. So why can't he, who has the life source of Arceus, do it?

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