Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 91 Laplace

In this way, Akimoto persisted and ran to Baishio Beach Utsumi Lake, but at this time Jiang Liye no longer had the energy to fight with him.

Putting Jiang Liye under the cliff by the Inland Sea Lake, Akimoto gently applied a piece of cloth soaked in ice water on her, and at the same time used the power of life to slightly relieve the swelling on Jiang Liye's knees. .

The piece was probably caused by Jiang Liye accidentally hitting something in the water when she fell into the water. After being discharged from the hospital, the blood on the knee spread and became swollen due to physical activities.

Using the power of life force, you can simply heal the wound under the skin of Jiang Liye's knee. The rest is just a matter of rubbing it and waiting for the swelling to subside.

But since he promised her to take her out to play, he couldn't keep her here to recuperate.

So Akimoto went to the Bund of Baichao Beach and brought Gardevoir back.

With the help of Gardevoir, Jiang Liye's body was almost recovered, and she just needed to keep rubbing it for a while longer.

About half an hour later, Jiang Liye, who felt that he had recovered, tried to stand up. After finding that there was no problem, he turned into a lively classmate Xiaoye again.

The Neihai Lake covers an area of ​​a hundred acres. Jiang Liye saw at a glance an old man holding a pipe on the other side of the lake. Several Lapras were quietly waiting on the lake beside him.

It happened that a girl and her companion who had not caught up with the opening ceremony of Baichao Gym came to the old man. After a conversation, Jiang Liye saw them paying some money to the old man, and then the old man took them to sit down. Laplace's back.

Seeing them looking so happy, Jiang Liye also wanted to play. But she was a little afraid that she would fall into the water again.

Akimoto noticed Jiang Liye's expression out of boredom, and then he understood.

"You want to play?"

Qiu Yuan patted Jiang Liye, then glanced at the old man and said casually.

"Yes, but I'm a little afraid that I will fall. Can you go with me?"

"Okay, let's go, I'm quite interested too."

Seeing how interested she was, Qiu Yuan went with her. After all, he had just enjoyed the happy treatment.

Walking to the old man's place with Jiang Liye, Qiu Yuan stepped forward and asked: "Hello old man, what do you do here?"

The old man took a puff of cigarette, then took off his pipe and said with a smile: "Here, as long as you pay, you can take my Laplace and travel around the Inland Lake or the Waveless Sea at will. And we can also provide short-term vacations. Diving service.”

"Where is the Eternal Wave Sea? Why haven't I heard of it?" Qiu Yuan asked doubtfully.

"Haha, you outsiders must have never heard of it. Only us villagers in Baichao Village know it. The sea area connecting the Neihai Lake is a sea without waves, so it is called the Sea of ​​No Waves. However, the Sea of ​​No Waves is called the Sea of ​​No Waves. It is surrounded by other sea areas and cannot be distinguished by outsiders.”

Speaking of Wulanghai, the old man showed a proud look on his face.

"Since they are all one sea, why are there different sea areas?" Qiu Yuan wondered.

"Because every sea is composed of different small sea areas. Only those who have lived here since childhood and are familiar with the sea areas know this." The old man slowly took a puff of cigarette, then spit it out, squinting his eyes and recalled, "And Meng Li The boy is the one who knows the sea best. He has lived with me on the beach since he was a child, and his diving skills are much better than when I was young. Looking at you, you must not know how to dive, right? How deep can it dive when it’s big?”

Qiu Yuan was stunned, but he didn't expect the old man to start talking to himself.

But when it comes to Meng Li, Qiu Yuan is quite interested.

Judging from the basic physical fitness of people in the Pokémon world, that is, normal physical fitness without acquired training, if Monkey has not been trained, then the maximum diving depth will not exceed the depth that one can reach.

But looking at Meng Li's body, it should be very good, at least it has been exercised for a long time.

So combined with the old man's proud look and confident tone, Qiu Yuan guessed that Mengli should be able to dive about thirty meters.

Any more would be a bit much.

He told the old man his guess, only to receive a mysterious smile from the old man.

"Then you underestimate him too much. When the Mengli boy was 16 years old, he could dive to a depth of 40 meters!"

"40 meters!? No way?"

Qiu Yuan's eyes widened.

Even though people in the Pokémon world have very good physical fitness, is it really possible for people to withstand the water pressure of 40 meters deep?

"Otherwise, what do you think? Hahaha, it's thanks to me as a good teacher that he can give full play to his talent!"

The old man squinted his eyes and took another puff of cigarette, then burst into laughter.

Qiu Yuan felt that the old man was just exaggerating. This was normal behavior for the elderly.

All elderly people like to exaggerate everything they do, as if not exaggerating is not enough to make others believe what they say.

Almost all the elderly people Akimoto knows have this common problem.

"Then grandpa, you must be a very good diver. But how is this price calculated?"

Qiu Yuan didn't want to continue chatting with this old man. If he continued to chat, he would probably just listen to him bragging about some trivial things. No wonder those girls had chatted with this old man for so long. He would probably say this to every guest. These.

"Two thousand dollars an hour, you can ride a Lapras with your girlfriend, there's room for you."

Speaking of money, the old man slowly opened his eyes, his eyes no longer had the pride and exaggeration just now, they were full of shrewdness.

Two thousand dollars an hour is nothing to Akimoto, who now has more than two million in his pocket, but there are fifteen Lapras in total, including the twelve Lapras behind the old man and the three that the girls just rode away.

Because of its magical properties, Lapras from all over the world have been illegally captured. Lapras are now very rare, so the old man's business will definitely not be bad.

If it weren't for the opening ceremony of the Baichao Gym, the old man could earn up to 30,000 dollars an hour, which would be hundreds of thousands of dollars a day...

Hiss...I dare not think about it...

Akimoto paid the old man four thousand dollars, planning to play for two hours first, and if Jiang Liye still wanted to play, he could just come back to renew the subscription.

In fact, this is just like the pedal boats that Akimoto rents out for tourists in the park lakes on Earth, except that now it is a "boat" that can follow your command and move forward automatically.

After collecting Akimoto's money, the old man took out a small shell with a smile and asked Akimoto to take it.

"Take good care of this small shell. It is an important prop to make Laplace listen to you. If you lose it, Laplace will come back by itself. There is a lifebuoy on Laplace's back. If you fall, remember to use the lifebuoy, and it will come to save you."

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