Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 94 Giant Winged Flying Fish


"Really, really!"

Seeing Akimoto begging for mercy, Jiang Liye let him go and let Laplace swim near Akimoto.

But just when Akimoto was about to climb back on Laplace's back, he suddenly grabbed Jiang Liye and jumped into the water with her.

Jiang Liye, who was not prepared, was pulled by Akimoto and fell directly into the water and choked again, but then she was held by Akimoto and floated in the water. She coughed violently a few times before she recovered.

"Hahaha, little girl, you still want to fight me, how about it, you have seen how powerful I am~"

Akimoto was so proud that his eyebrows flew, and the smile on his face was definitely the kind that everyone wanted to hit.

After a while, Akimoto realized that Jiang Liye had been keeping her head down and not talking, letting him hold her and float in the water without moving.

Akimoto leaned his head over to look, but Jiang Liye suddenly moved, and a headbutt hit Akimoto heavily, knocking him dizzy.

Akimoto freed one hand and rubbed his forehead, shouting: "What are you doing? Self-destruction attack... Ah, I'm dead..."

"Psycho." Jiang Liye broke away from Akimoto, called Lapras to come over, and rode on it without paying attention to Akimoto who was still in the water. It seemed that he was really angry.

Let Akimoto follow behind and make strange noises constantly. Jiang Liye rode Lapras and hung him behind at a moderate speed, just not letting him ride on.

Akimoto also realized that he really scared Jiang Liye just now. He was just playing a prank for a while, and he didn't think about it at the time, so he did what he just did.

So now he is hanging far behind Lapras, swimming and following Lapras, while constantly making strange noises to apologize to Jiang Liye.

At first, Akimoto still used freestyle, but then he was a little tired, so he just doggy paddled in the water, and finally dived to the bottom of the water, released Frog, and let it deal with a water Pokémon that Akimoto could ride.

Jiang Liye was riding Laplace and swimming around. Suddenly, he felt no sound behind him. When he turned around, he found that Qiu Yuan was gone.

"You bastard! I just wanted you to come up, but you disappeared. Forget it! I don't care about you. I'll just drown you!" Jiang Liye looked at the place where Qiu Yuan was just now, waved his fist angrily, and asked Laplace to speed up and leave here.

Just as Laplace screamed and was about to speed up, there was movement behind him.

"What are you talking about? How could I drown! Hahaha, Wuhu——"

Akimoto was riding on a two-meter-long giant winged flying fish, and next to him was a quack-headed frog wearing the same floral shirt as him. One person and one frog rode the giant winged flying fish to play surfing, speeding past Jiang Liye, stirring up a wave of spray that splashed on Jiang Liye.

Just now, Qiu Yuan took the quack-headed frog into the water together, just thinking of taming a larger ball flying fish so that he could ride it.

As a result, the frog saw the elite giant winged flying fish playing in the water. After a brief one-sided education, the yellow giant winged flying fish obediently let Akimoto and the frog ride on it.

Jiang Liye, who was splashed with water by Akimoto, was furious and ordered Lapras to use a water gun on Akimoto, vowing to beat this hateful guy Akimoto into a drowning dog.

Lapras was stunned when he heard Jiang Liye's order.

In its mind, the old man seemed to say that there was no way to use attacking moves according to the orders of the owner of the shell, so it thought about it and released the water gun skill at Akimoto.

However, due to the gentle character of Lapras, a Pokémon, it did not use much power, but it was not painful, just enough to knock Akimoto off the giant winged flying fish.

The white water flow quickly sprayed towards Akimoto. Without Akimoto opening his mouth, the frog quickly responded and fired back with a water gun.

But without Akimoto's order, he just blocked the opponent's attack and did not actively counterattack.

Seeing that Akimoto blocked the attack without moving, Jiang Liye was unhappy and issued another command.

"Laplace, continue to use the water gun to attack and knock down that stinky man!"

Because he didn't know Laplace's strength, Jiang Liye didn't know what skills it had, so he could only let it use the water gun.

Laplace had very few attack methods at the low level stage.

Although Akimoto felt that Laplace's strength was not very strong, he was at least a real master-level Pokémon, and he had only two elite-level Pokémon on his side.

Facing the water jets from Laplace, Akimoto directly controlled the giant winged flying fish to fly.

As for the giant winged flying fish, of course it can fly. I won't mess with you and fly directly to your head.

However, the flight of the Megafin Flying Fish is not like the flight of bird Pokémon. It uses its own power to hit the water, jumps out of the water with the help of the reaction force, and then spreads its wings to glide steadily in the air.

In fact, Akimoto felt that he felt a bit like playing Angry Birds, which was not bad.

In fact, the body shape of Togekiss is quite similar to that of Megafin Flying Fish. I wonder what it feels like to fly on the back of Togekiss.

Thinking of this, Akimoto silently designated a series of training plans for the Togepi at home, striving to reach the evolution conditions as soon as possible, and then he prepared a high-quality light stone for Togepi.

Just think about flying in the sky on Togekiss, whose rarity is comparable to that of a quasi-god, how cool it would be!

However, Qiu Yuan was flying comfortably in the sky, but Jiang Liye was unhappy. She remembered that Laplace would learn the ice gravel skill as long as it reached the elite level, which was very effective for the giant winged flying fish flying in the sky now.

Thinking that this Laplace would not even have the strength of the elite level, Jiang Liye shouted to it: "Laplace! Use ice gravel to attack the wings of the giant winged flying fish!"


Laplace let out a long cry, and then spit out small and dense ice gravels from its mouth, flying quickly towards the giant winged flying fish.

This attack was much faster than the water gun. The giant winged flying fish, which only had the ability to slightly adjust its direction in the air, had no time to dodge and could only watch the dense ice gravels flying towards it.

However, Qiu Yuan was not a fool. Seeing that the situation was not right, he commanded the quack frog: "Quack frog, use foam! Hit these ice gravels down."

Mr. Lu Xun said that you should defeat a dense attack with a dense attack.

So Akimoto called the frog to use the same dense attack foam, and the effect was very good.

If there is no defense against so many dense boulders, it will attack the giant winged flying fish, and then they will be knocked down from the air.

Although in terms of attributes, the giant winged flying fish of the water and flying system will be offset by the ice attack, causing only normal damage. But the giant winged flying fish flying in the air cannot be effectively weakened by the water element. The most flying elements around it during the flight are flying elements, so it will be attacked by ice. It will be attacked and cause additional damage.

Barely blocking this round of attacks, the giant winged flying fish fell back into the water steadily and swam quickly again.

It was just a good water game, but it turned into a Pokémon battle between Akimoto and Jiang Liye.

And the giant winged flying fish and Lapras are not the Pokémon they have captured...


PS: Thank you book friend 2020041104465211 for the 5000 starting coins reward!

But I don’t know how many more chapters I can add later...

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