Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 295 Madara, become my companion

"Don't believe it?"

Looking at Uchiha Madara's appearance, Dark knew that Uchiha Madara didn't believe all this.

Indeed, before Uchiha Madara's Eternal Kaleidoscope evolved into the Samsara Eye, he probably would not have thought that he could still achieve that level.

"what happened?"

Although Uchiha Madara didn't believe it in his heart, since Dak said so, it must have happened.

"Don't worry, let's talk as we go. This is a long story. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Dak, a breeder and the first generation leader of the Pokémon Alliance."

After Dak said this, he took Madara towards the Country of Fire.

"Leader of the Alliance?"

"Yes, Alliance Leader, after 38 years, you will know what kind of force the Pokémon Alliance is."


Madara was silent for a while.

Because he doesn't know what breeders and Pokémon are.

"Are you from 38 years later?"

"Yes, I came from that point in time, because my mistake triggered the Fourth Ninja War in advance. This time, the five major ninja villages started a war with the will to destroy Konoha. Before I traveled through time, The battlefield has reached the territory of the Country of Fire."

Dak didn't shy away from speaking out about his mistakes.

"Because Konoha and Uchiha were destroyed, so I decided to destroy the ninja world?"

Madara thought about it and could only come up with such an almost impossible motive.

The main reason is that he really can't think of any other reason why he wants to destroy the ninja world.

"Oh, no, this matter has nothing to do with you. You had been dead for eight or nine years at that time, and the Uchiha clan followed you soon after."


After hearing what Dark said, Madara's breathing even stopped for a moment.

He thought that the Uchiha clan would be wiped out by Senju Tobirama, but now that Senju Tobirama is dead and the Uchiha clan's biggest enemy is gone, why would they still be wiped out?


Madara was curious about who was responsible for destroying the Uchiha clan.

"Emmm, the people who did it were two juniors of your Uchiha clan."

Dark frowned, not knowing what to say.

There were really many people involved in the destruction of the Uchiha clan.


Question marks popped up on Madara's head again.

He thought about countless possibilities, but he never thought that his own people would be exterminated by him.

His breathing became rapid again, and even with Madara's current mood, his fists were a little hard.

"Speaking of which, the destruction of the Uchiha clan had a lot to do with you. It can be said that half of it was due to you."


The fists unclenched.

Madara stopped and looked at the man next to him. He always felt that Dak was talking nonsense.

He admitted that he had no feelings for the Uchiha clan now, but because of his promise to his younger brother, he still cared a little about the Uchiha clan, so he would never have the idea of ​​​​exterminating the Uchiha clan.

"Don't look at me like that, everything I said is true."

Dark waved his hand and motioned for Madara to continue walking.

"What's going on?"

"This matter begins with the goddess Mao who has been around for thousands of years."

Dak turned his hands behind his back and transformed into the tall man 'King of Peeping', but at this moment he was suddenly startled, "No, why should we walk over?"

Spot:【 # 】

A ' # ' appeared on Madara's head. He hated people who farted half-heartedly.

"do not move."

Dark raised a hand and put it on Madara's shoulder.


The next moment, Dak and Madara appeared in the Land of Fire.

"Flying Thunder God?"

Madara looked curiously at Dark beside him.

"No, this is teleportation. It's a bit troublesome to explain. It can be understood as a special Muji Ninjutsu."


Seeing what Dak said, Madara didn't ask any more questions.

Since he believed that Dak came from the future and listened to the messy words Dak just said, he felt that he could accept whatever he saw now.

"How to get to Nanga Shrine?"


After a lot of trouble, Dark finally teleported to the stone monument of Nanga Shrine with Madara.

"Okay, now I can start telling you the story about how this thing was tampered with and how you were fooled into destroying the world in the future."

When he arrived here, Dak pointed at the stone tablet in front of him and began to tell about Zetsu.

At the same time, his domineering power, superpowers, and waveguide power all spread outward. Once Zetsu appears within his range of perception, he will catch it and destroy it as soon as possible.

After arriving at this point in time, Dak discovered that everything was not difficult. The only difficult thing was to find Jue.

I don’t know where Zetsu is right now, but I will always find it as long as I follow Uchiha Madara.

He will never give up on Uchiha Madara, the reincarnation of Indra. This is the key figure in his realization of infinite moon reading. The only most promising routine in more than a thousand years, he will definitely keep an eye on Madara.

Madara stood quietly.

He listened to Dak talk about the goddess of Mao, the Six Paths Sage, then about the reincarnation of Asura and Indra, and finally about Black Zetsu's tampering with the stone tablets and his continuous attempts for more than a thousand years to trick the reincarnations of Indra into realizing the plan of infinite Tsukuyomi.

When Madara heard the end, that everything he had done was a wedding dress for Jue, and that he was a pawn played by Jue, the veins on his forehead were already bulging.

This is the angriest Madara has been in the twenty years since he left Konoha.

"Now you know why you are one of the culprits who destroyed the ninja world, right? You also know why I said that you were the reason why the Uchiha clan was destroyed."


After hearing all this, Madara's mind was a little confused. He was so strong that he didn't want to admit that he would fail like this. "Why should I believe that what you said is true?"

"Actually, you already believe it, right?"

Dark didn't pay attention to Madara's harsh words, but asked back, "Actually, on the final battlefield, you said something to one of the few descendants of your Uchiha clan."

Madara was silent. Now he was thinking about everything Dak said just now, and he couldn't listen to what Dak was saying now.

"Losing yourself is the real end. I don't know whether you said that to him or to yourself."

"That's not going to happen in the future."

When Dak said these words, Madara loosened his clenched fists and raised his head again.

Regardless of whether it was originally such a future, at least in the future, Madara would not let such a future happen.

He can accept the destruction of the world, but what he absolutely cannot accept is his own complete failure, which makes him feel like a joke.

"Madara, I came to find you, not because you are strong enough, but because you have always been unswervingly looking for true peace. Even if you are used, even if you are only one person, you still have not changed. That’s the original intention.”

Dark turned to face Madara.

Madara's strength can indeed make it easier for Dark, but it doesn't matter even if Madara is just an ordinary person, because Dark can give Madara strength.


Madara shifted his gaze to Dak. Now, it is difficult for him to trust anyone, "So, you want to use me to achieve your peace?"

"No, I will only help you build an organization that is at the top of the ninja world first, and then make some suggestions and leave. How to achieve peace and what kind of peace you want to achieve, everything will be decided by yourself, and I will come back Go to the future and find you at that time."


Madara looked at Dark with some surprise.

He didn't expect that this person didn't intend to get involved in this, and wanted to help him establish a powerful force.

‘Is this person really here for peace? ’

Madara couldn't help but have such thoughts in his mind.

"I think we both have the same view on peace."

Dak told the real reason why he let him do what he did, "So I believe in you. When I return to the future, you will let me see a peaceful ninja world, no matter what you do."

"Why do you trust me so much?"

Madara felt strange.

Even the Uchiha clan didn't trust him, but this guy who appeared out of nowhere trusted him?

"Because I know your past and your future. The peace between Senju Hashirama can only be imagined. You can see clearly what he can't see clearly. You know very well that the other four countries only maintain the bright side because they are afraid of you two. Only true unification can achieve lasting peace."


Madara was silent for a long time, feeling very strange in his heart now.

Because this was the first time that he met someone whose ideas were so synchronized with his. The most important thing was that this person was a strong man, which made Madara more determined that his idea was correct.

It was Hashirama and the others who were wrong.

"Are you willing to trust me a little now?"

"What are you going to do?"

Madara sighed and chose to believe it.

There seems to be no other option besides this road.

In these twenty years, Madara has not gained nothing, at least he knows it very well.

One person cannot save the ninja world and cannot bring peace.

"First of all, I want to tell you a story about me and another world. It contains many experiences that you can learn from."

Duck was not in a hurry, but began to talk about how he unified the sailing world.

While Madara was shocked by the existence of other worlds, he also gradually understood what Pokémon was, what a trainer was, and what methods Dak used to bring another originally chaotic world into an era of peace.

At the same time, Madara also changed some of his previous thoughts.

"Unification" does not mean integrating all the countries and villages in the ninja world into one.

Rather, they must have the same ‘boss’ and follow the same set of rules.

"Madara, join the magical breeding house. You are not joining the alliance to become my subordinate, but becoming my companion. Together, we can bring true peace to the ninja world."

After Dark briefly told his story about himself and the sailing world, he extended his hand to Madara.

Just like when Dark first came to the sailing world to find his companions, he also embarked on his own path in the ninja world again.

Only this time, he had more confidence.


Madara looked down at Dak's outstretched hand, feeling a bit familiar. After hesitating for a few seconds, he still stretched out his already old hand.

‘It won’t be many years anyway, so let’s make one last bet. ’

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