Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 329 [The Wave Guide Hero and the Guardian of the World Tree]

On the seventh day when Dak came to Yuktra Hill, he was the only one left here.

Madara went to the sailing world, preparing to practice on Baidan's ship and polish his body to become stronger.

He set a small goal for himself, which was to be able to defeat the nine tailed beasts with his physical body alone.

Izuna went to Alliance City to find Vegapunk's duplicate eyes, while Hanzo and Kakuzu were arranged to return to the ninja world.

Dark had previously had the idea of ​​building an agricultural department and a legal department, and regarding these two departments, it was obvious that people from the ninja world were more suitable than people from the sailing world.

Of course, Dak also has the idea of ​​​​balancing the composition of the alliance's forces.

The ninja world has blood inheritance limits such as 'Wood Release', which is very suitable for becoming a grass-type ninja and then working in the agricultural sector.

With the research of Orochimaru and Beiruhu and the power of Vegapunk, it is not that difficult to copy Senju Hashirama's wood escape, but it is not that difficult to copy Yamato's afforestation escape.

As a product of Kaguya Otsutsuki's consciousness, Zetsu possesses Yin-Yang Escape Creatures, and is the uncle of Ashura and Indra. How could this person have a higher personality than Senju Hashirama?

Orochimaru and the others have even researched the Zetsu Cells, so the difficulty of extracting the Wood Release Blood Succession Limit from Senju Hashirama must be lower.

As for the legal department.

Is there anyone more suitable than the Nara clan?

The vast majority of ninjas in the ninja world have the basic qualities of caution and calmness. This kind of personality is more suitable for them to take on this job, and the Nara clan is the best among them.

The purpose of Hanzo and Kakudu being arranged by Dak to return to the ninja world was to find people willing to enter these two departments.

He wasn't worried about not finding it.

Because it doesn’t mean that those people don’t have to come if they don’t want to.

The leaders and senior officials of the major countries and villages in the ninja world will seduce those who have this talent and induce them to climb to higher positions.

Because only in this way can the status of the Ninja World in the Pokémon League catch up with the Nautical World.

"Yes, I have some telekinesis."

Dark stood under the World Tree and stared at Esdeath in front of him.

Celebi and Mew were stacked on top of his head. The two little things were tired from playing in the morning and were taking a nap on his head.

Esdeath held a delicate willow leaf in her hand. The willow leaf was slightly bent by invisible force.

Psychokinesis is equivalent to chakra for superpowers.

Now Esdeath is in the stage of refining telekinesis, but this is much more difficult than refining chakra.

Refined chakra can be sensed.

However, if you are not proficient in controlling telekinesis, you will not be able to perceive the existence of telekinesis at all, and it will be ethereal energy.

If Dark hadn't told Esdeath, she wouldn't have known that she had telepathy, nor would she have known that the willow leaf in her hand was bent because of her telepathy.

She might even think that her fingers had exerted force unconsciously, causing the willow leaves to bend.


Esdeath's little face turned red, and she soon couldn't hold it in anymore, and spit out a mouthful of carbon dioxide.

"Yes, you are now considered an entry-level superpower user."

Dark reached out and stroked Esdeath's head.

Needless to say, it deserves to be the boss template of another world. It is true that the force value of the world of Zhan Tong is not as good as that of the sailing world and the ninja world, but this does not affect the setting that Esdeath is a genius.

In the world of Pokémon, there are people who spend more than ten years bending spoons with just telekinesis, but that is already considered a talent.

Because people without talent cannot have telekinesis at all, and they will not be able to refine even a trace of it after studying for a lifetime.

"I'm so tired. It's still fun to exercise."

Esdeath sighed.

She prefers training in the sailing world because she can truly feel that she is getting stronger day by day, and that sense of accomplishment and gain gives her more motivation to move forward.

Even the training in the ninja world is better than here.

Although she only refined water chakra and wind chakra in the ninja world, at least she could feel her own chakra and feel that she was making progress.

"I know that training superpowers is tiring and difficult, but superpowers are also the ones with the highest upper limit among the powers you train. She can help you not only in battle, but also in many, many ways."

Duck comforted his apprentice.

Being a master for the first time, he was a little confused about how to deal with such a situation, so he could only ask about other people's experiences.


Esdeath nodded honestly.

Although she may feel tired, she never says she wants to give up.

She wants to become stronger, it is not just a word or a whim, but a will to die if she cannot become super powerful.

"One more thing, why do you hold your breath and exert force when using telekinesis? I should have corrected you many times."

Dak stretched out a finger and poked Esdeath's face, "The short duration of each time you use telekinesis is not because your telekinesis is weak, but because you have no strength or lack of oxygen."

When Esdeath used her telekinesis to try to bend something.

He would hold his breath and exert all his strength with his whole body, and his eyes would look like he wanted to tear the leaves into pieces.

"Subconsciously, I can't control it. I think that can help me feel the existence of telekinesis."

Esdeath explained.

If she didn't use force or hold her breath as Dak said, she wouldn't be able to concentrate and use telekinesis on the target.

"Maybe it's because you're not yet proficient. You have to work hard to learn to control it."

Dak's superpowers were redeemed from the system without any effort on his part.

So when faced with the problems Esdeath encountered, he could only guess based on the way he used his superpowers.

"Let's take a rest first. Go stay with the Pokémon and tell them about the difficulties you encountered during training."

Dark pointed to the two eggs nestled under the World Tree.

One of them is the Alola Vulpix egg that Dak gave to Esdeath. The ice-type Vulpix can cooperate with Esdeath to use ice escape ninjutsu.

Although the current Esdeath does not have the ice escape blood inheritance limit, his chakra attributes include wind and water.

He will later teach Esdeath how to combine the two chakras to create ice escape.

The other egg was asked by Esdeath herself from Dark.

It was Esdeath who spent the whole night looking through the Pokédex before choosing his partner.

A larulas.

Of course, Esdeath's goal is the final evolution of Larulus, not Gardevoir, but the super warrior Eluredo who is better at melee combat.

Eluredor's fighting style is more in line with Esdeath's preferences, but Gardevoir, the super queen, is not looked down upon by her.

Moreover, the super-evolved Eluredo is the most satisfying appearance of Esdeath.


Esdeath didn't understand why she did this at first, but since it was her master who said it, she just had to obey.

Later I learned that Pokémon is a creature that requires true feelings to transcend the limits of its race and become stronger.

In addition to training Esdeath's combat ability every day, Dark now also teaches her some theoretical knowledge about Pokémon.

Dark watched Esdeath leave and turned to look at the town.

Because the two little guys above me were running around in Yggdrasil all day long, many people from outside the area came here to look for Pokémon that were not in the Pokédex.

"How naughty."

Duck felt the weight on his head and sighed.

Celebi was okay, at most he couldn't help but let some of the small flowers and grass in the town bloom more lushly.

But Mew is too naughty.

He often runs in front of passers-by and turns into various scary-looking Pokémon to scare others. You must know that there are still many people who are relatively low in acceptance of ghost-type Pokémon.

If this continues, the legend of the Founding God will become the ‘Seven Urban Legends of Yggdrasil’.

But unfortunately, Dak had no way to stop it.

Because he found that the people who were scared were scared at first, and then they would go the same way again and again in an attempt to be scared by dreams again.

He didn't know whether these people wanted to see Meng Meng, or if they just liked the feeling of being scared.

If Duck stops Dream's behavior, he will not only stop Dream's happiness, but also the happiness of many tourists.

"It seems that we need to create a story to restore the image of these two little things."

Dark crossed his arms over his chest, frowning as he tried to figure out what kind of story he was going to make up.

He looked around while pacing in place, and finally focused on the World Tree.

‘Waveguide’, ‘vitality’.

What inspired Dak Lai was a story that happened in another world.

The story of ‘The Brave of Waveguide’.

"Yes, I have it."

Dark's eyes lit up.

Nowadays, Yectrasil is not well-known. At least compared to the other three cities, it can be said that it is unknown.

Tezzolo has also sent text messages to Dak in the past two days, hoping that he can find a way to make this place more popular and leave the rest to him.

If that's the case, then while making up this story, it would be nice to create an activity to match it.

[The Brave of Waveguide and the Guardian of the World Tree]

Dak stretched out his finger and wrote this line on the ground, then grinned with satisfaction.

This is the theme of the next event.

Through this event, the world will also have the first ‘Wave Guide Hero’ and ‘Yggdrasil Guardian’ recognized by the alliance.

The fabricated story will also revolve around the six keywords of 'Dream, Celebi, Brave, Guardian, Waveguide, and World Tree'.

“I think about it, it’s an event that should be held every ten years.”

[If you miss this time, the next time will have to wait until ten years later. 】

With such a promotional slogan, Dak believes that the next Yggdrasil will be very lively.

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