After discussing with Olvia about setting up a branch, Duck is about to prepare to appear in front of the second class of students.

Today is the seventh day of military training.

Because it is a military training for the elementary school, the total duration is only seven days.

In other words, today is the closing ceremony of the military training, and Dak will also speak as the leader of the alliance at this ceremony.

Night falls.

Tens of thousands of students sat cross-legged on the playground, snuggling up with their Pokémon.

Although this playground cannot allow so many people to run together, it is more than enough to sit down together. It is not a problem to separate half a meter between people.

There is a huge stage at the front of the playground. Last night, students performed on the stage as a class.

Now there are hundreds of students in each class of the second class, with a total of one hundred classes.

One hundred classes sounds like a lot, but in fact these one hundred classes are the sum of all departments combined.

Pokémon Academy has adopted Blue Star's university system since elementary school, with numerous departments and majors. Students must decide on their major from the very beginning.

For example, departments such as combat department, performance department, cultivation department, cosmetology department, referee department, and scientific research department.

The departments are divided into many majors. Taking the referee department as an example, it is divided into combat referees, coordinating referees, training referees, etc.

Students can change majors within one year of enrollment and during their further studies.

Therefore, one hundred classes are divided into many departments and majors. On average, there are only three or four classes in each major. Several classes in one major have a common instructor.

If you look at it this way, one hundred classes actually doesn't seem like a lot.

At this moment, above the stage.

Olvia was dressed in formal business attire, took a microphone and a speech and began to speak at length, reading to the students below until they were drowsy.


"Need a speech?"

Robin is tidying up Duck's appearance so that Duck will appear more friendly in the eyes of the students.

For those who don't know, when they hear Robin tidying up Duck's appearance, they may think of the image of Robin looking up at Duck's chin tenderly like a wife, and reaching out to gently adjust his collar.

However it is not.

Robin is 188cm tall, almost two meters tall in black high heels, and is a head taller than Duck.

So the actual scene is of Robin lowering his head to smooth Duck's long green hair, which makes the onlookers feel more like a mother and son.


The big milk jug came over with a big belly and handed Robin a radio.

Robin reached out and stroked the ears of the big milk jug, then took the radio and clipped it to Duck's collar.

"No need, those students are almost asleep. Just say a few words and I'll go down."

Dark shook his head.

As a former student, he would never listen to what these school leaders were saying.

So he also thought that these students would not be willing to listen to his useless lectures.


Robin hesitated when he heard this.

But seeing that Duck was ready to walk towards the front desk, Robin shrugged his shoulders and said no more.

Students really don't want to listen to nonsense from their school leaders, but it's another thing if they are the idols of the students standing on the stage.

Originally, Dak's popularity in the ninja world was not high, especially the existence of Madara, which made many children in the ninja world worship Madara more than Dak.

Until last week, when the second-generation Akatsuki of the alliance announced that the other first-generation Akatsuki who founded the Akatsuki organization with Madara 38 years ago to achieve world peace was Dark, the ninja world suddenly exploded.

Is the leader of the Pokémon League the first Akatsuki? !

Forty-year-old fans come here uninvited.

as expected.

"Oh oh oh!" xN

As soon as Dak stepped onto the front stage, cheers erupted from the playground.

Even Robin, who was standing in the background, was shocked by the sound and his head was buzzing.

This was the sound made by tens of thousands of students and thousands of Pokémon. It would be strange if it wasn't loud.

Duck, who just came on stage, is still confused.

He clearly remembered that many of these students were already asleep, right?

"Then, let's invite the leader of the Pokémon Alliance, Dak, to speak."

Olvia led Dak to the center of the stage and signaled that Dak could start speaking.



Dak looked at the large number of children below with their big, shining eyes, and swallowed secretly.

Originally, I planned to just repeat a few words that Olvia just said, but there is no way to do that now!

"Wow, the stone statues in Kaiyuan Hall, Lord Alliance Leader, are much more handsome."

"Well, he looks like such a gentle adult."

"So handsome! He is indeed my idol!"

Dak was still composing words in his mind, but the students below had already begun to talk about it, especially some young girls who were nymphomaniacs on the spot.

After being cleaned up by Robin, Duck came on stage a little different from usual.

Normally, Dak is too busy at work, reviewing and approving documents all day long, so his eyes are dull like an office worker's. He looks like a real 'god', a creature without emotions.

But today's Dak is different.

After a week's rest in Yggdrasil, his condition was extremely good, his eyes looked bright, and he suddenly changed from a cold CEO to a gentle brother.

"The leader seems to be a very emotionally stable person. It would be great if you could be my mother."

"Hey, Shikamaru, you are really not afraid of death when you say this. Believe it or not, I will tell Auntie exactly what you said."

Ino was daydreaming about her wedding to Dak, when she was suddenly shocked by the pineapple-headed hair girl next to her.

"Ah, please forgive me for this."

Shikamaru quickly surrendered.

"What will the leader say?"

The little fat man Chou held his stomach and looked a little hungry. "Will it end early and let us go to eat?"

"You should talk about something long like the principal, that way only the two of them will listen."

Tiantian sighed and pointed at the two people standing at the front of the team.

Gurant and Neji.

Both of them are guys with very serious personalities. Even if Olvia says something that she doesn't think is useful, they can sit there and listen to it honestly.

They are all classes majoring in combat field combat. Gurant and Neji are the monitors of Class 3 and Class 4 respectively.

The two often train hard together, and they are friends who don't talk much but also recognized opponents.


Duck knew what to say to make these boys and girls listen.

It takes a little middle-class temperament and some words of encouragement from metaphysics to make their blood boil.

He is ready.

"To gather together in this world may be destiny."

"Listen up, as a senior, I have something to tell you here in advance."

"People's dreams will never end. You should be young and bold to pursue your dreams now."

"In the future, you are destined to experience success and failure on this road, and may even cry bitterly or even run away. Disasters are a common thing in the world."

"It's okay to cry, but you have to get through it. Only after going through this will you become independent adults."

"In my opinion, the future of this world is yours. Sooner or later, you will become strong men who are unstoppable by thousands of people and invincible by ten thousand people."

"I, Dak, swear in the name of the first generation alliance leader that I will stand in front of you before you grow up and become a strong shield to protect you from growing up."

"Just stride forward with the will to be me or even surpass me, let the world hear your name, remember your appearance, and let everyone cheer and applaud you."

"No matter what kind of natural disasters or man-made disasters, let it come to you, the Pokémon Alliance will always protect you!"

"Everyone will have their own opportunity to play, and there will always be someone stronger than me in the future."

"Then, why can't that person be you!"


There was no sound in the audience, but the vibrant heartbeats of young girls and boys seemed to be breaking through the shackles and reaching every corner of the world.

".Ooooh!" xN

The shouting may be late, but it will not be absent.

Dak's brief words entered the hearts of everyone present.

Whoever comes to this academy is an aspiring young man who wants to make a difference in the new era. However, except for their family members and friends, no one has ever spoken such inspiring words of encouragement to them.

At an age when they themselves didn't have much expectations for themselves, Dak publicly expressed his expectations and trust for their future.

Emotional teenagers including Naruto, Lee, Chouji, and Kaisei were even moved to the point of shouting and crying.

"Oh! I will definitely not disappoint the leader's expectations. This is youth!!"

If it weren't for the Pokémon Island where he was, Xiao Li might have bloomed a powerful chakra incarnation as a Saiyan at this moment.

Gurant, Keya, Binz, Neji, Ino, and Hinata, who had ambitions in their hearts, but had never expressed them due to various external reasons, clenched their fists at this moment, and their expressions gradually became firm.

"Then, come on, everyone."

In such a short period of time, Dak couldn't think of anything else to say.

Finally, he shook his fists and stepped down, leaving the rest to Olvia to finish.

"It's amazing, store manager. You came up with such a bluff in such a short time."

Robin smiled in the background as Duck walked out.

"Oh, I will be the headline in the newspaper again tomorrow."

Duck shook his head helplessly.

Now he just wants to be a boss who retires behind the scenes and becomes a 'legend' for future generations. He doesn't want to continue to appear. "Tell Olvia not to come to me next semester."

"Well, I'll tell mom."

Robin nodded, not surprised at all, she had already guessed this.

"What should we do next?"

"It's time to prepare for coordinating the competition."

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