Dak's performance can be said to be very clear to everyone, which coordinated the exhibition format of the first round of the competition.

The three judges sitting below are.

Stella, the general manager of the Friendly Store, Perona, the referee, and the director of the Elf Center in Uggdrasil City.

"10 points! As expected of the leader of our alliance, his first performance received full marks from the three judges. By the way, is there really no human sophistication in it?"

Tezzolo's ability as a host is still very high.

Especially for his fellow incubator, there was no psychological pressure at all for making a joke about Dak. If the dean of the elf center sitting below came up, he would not dare to mention it at all.

"Hahahaha." xN

The audience also smiled knowingly at the three judges' scores.

Everyone who understands understands.

I dare not give full marks to the performances of the alliance leader and the two first gods, because I am afraid they are tired of staying in the alliance and want to go home and farm.

"But it's really beautiful to say it or not."

"Yes, that kind of visual effect can no longer be achieved by just releasing skills. It must also require very high proficiency in skills."

"It turns out that the performance after combining skills can be so strong."

"Although there were combination skills in doubles matches during the competition period, they didn't look as beautiful as they do now."

"The coordination competition is so interesting, much more interesting than the competition competition."

The audience obviously already had some ideas about the first round of exhibition matches and began to discuss them one after another.

But the players preparing backstage were extremely nervous.

Dak performed such a gorgeous performance when he first came up. It can be said that the psychological expectations of the audience were immediately raised, which was equivalent to raising the difficulty of participating in this game to obtain high scores to a hellish level.

If you can't show a brilliant scene, it may be difficult to get high scores from the judges and applause from the audience.

But these are not issues that Dak has to consider now.

"You can take action now, remember to hide your body so as not to be discovered."

Walking in the corridor leading to the backstage, Dark said to Mew and Celebi beside him.



The two little guys responded and suddenly disappeared next to Dak.

Dak took a detour and came to the corner of the auditorium to watch, not only watching the performance on the field but also observing what kind of candidates the two little guys would choose.

The lights of the opera house were all focused on the stage, and the auditorium was dark, so it was still difficult for people nearby to recognize Duck.

the other side.

Mew and Celebi have completely different styles of searching for goals.

Dreams come and go, looking everywhere without any rules at all. It all depends on whether it suits your eyes.

But Rabbi Celebi was very honest. He got in front of people's faces one by one and looked at them. He didn't know what he could see.

This is a Pokémon ability that has never been shown in the anime.

Celebi can look into a person's eyes and see the important memories of the person's past and future from the other person's eyes, and then judge the quality of the person through these memories.


Meng Meng, who was having fun around, felt that a line of sight had been staring at him from the beginning.

And he could be sure that it was not Dark's sight.

Because Dak doesn't know how to look at them with his eyes, which would make Dak look strange to the audience. He uses his superpowers to perceive the two little guys.

And the current dream is in a state that normal people cannot see at all.

If you want to see Him now, you must meet three conditions:

First, this person must have a pure enough heart.

Second, the person must have a positive character of wealth, justice, or kindness in his heart.

Third, the person must have a strong desire to see the dream.

Meng Meng has his own way of finding people, and it's not just like Dak saw it, just wandering around and playing around.

The way He finds people is to see which human being can find Him.

Once such a person appears, it means that this person is most likely to meet the selection criteria for the wave guide hero.

Because in addition to the third condition, people who meet the first two conditions generally also have a 'waveguide' in their bodies, but they just cannot use this power.

Therefore, the dream at this moment is looking for that line of sight everywhere.

He set his sights on a certain place many times, but every time he went there, there was only a big black mushroom, which made him feel extremely puzzled.

After circling the auditorium again, Meng still couldn't find the person staring at him.

He once again looked in the direction of the realization and saw the big black mushroom again.


Meng Meng reached out his hand and pulled the big mushroom with a puzzled look.

"Can I help you?"


‘The big black mushroom has spoken! ’

Dream was frightened and shrank back.


A gentle bark came from the dog, and Mengmeng looked intently and saw a Riolu.

"Shh! Riolu, don't make too much noise here."



Only then did Meng Meng realize that it was not a big black mushroom, but a human with a mushroom head.

This human was also wearing a dark green tights.

"Are you the Pokémon who performed with the leader on the stage just now? What a beautiful performance!"

Kai saw that everyone around him was staring at the stage intently. He was glad that he and Riolu did not disturb others, and then showed his big white teeth and thumbs to Mew.

Kai had no idea about the First Gods.

He has neither visited the First God Temple nor personally seen those First Gods in action, so in his eyes, the First Gods are just some relatively rare Pokémon.


'follow me. ’

Dream floated over and grabbed Kai's hair.

He has already fallen in love with this mushroom man, and he feels that Kai is the ‘wave guide hero’ he has chosen.

Meng Meng believed in his directness. If Kai could see him, it would be considered as passing his test. Then he only needed to take him for a quality assessment.

From now on, you can often ask this person to play with you.

"Huh? What's wrong? We haven't finished watching the show yet. Riolu and I spent eighteen hours in advance to get the tickets for this show."


Kai was not angry when Meng pulled his hair. After all, Meng didn't exert any force.


Mew pretended to look pitiful and bowed to Kai and Riolu with clasped hands.

"Do you need help? No problem, just leave it to me!"

Kai was immediately deceived by the dream.

He didn't even think about why Mew didn't go to Dak but him when he encountered difficulties.


As a dog who slept in the same bed as Kai, Riolu was not very clever, so he immediately patted his chest to express his support for them.

Then, Mew took Kai and Riolu outside.

Before leaving the opera house, he gestured "yeah" in the direction of Duck.

"Kay, it's not surprising at all."

Dak glanced at Kai who was running out, then withdrew his eyes and continued to sense Celebi's side.

Ever since Kai hatched a Riolu from the egg, Dark felt that Kai had the talent to be a wave guide hero.

Because Kai looks a lot like Ash.

As early as the idea of ​​this activity appeared in his mind, he was wondering whether Mew would choose Kai to be the wave guide hero.

Celebi's side is much more tangled than Meng's.

He doesn't trust his intuition very much and is even more indecisive.

After observing around, Celebi picked two candidates.

One is Otohime, the former Queen of Ryugu Castle of Fishman Island and the current wife of the mayor of Fishman City, who came with her husband to watch her daughter's performance.

Based on what Celebi saw from Otohime's eyes.

He confirmed that Otohime is a philanthropic person who loves life, peace, fellow race members and even all things in the world.

And Otohime is not a holy mother bitch, she is a holy mother.

People who are willing to sacrifice their lives for peace, race, justice, etc., rather than just instructing others to dedicate and give.

Celebi felt that from what he saw, Otohime did meet the three criteria for becoming the guardian of the World Tree.

However, Celebi's heart was leaning toward another little girl who came to watch the show with her parents.

That little girl dreams of becoming a realistic painter. Her favorite thing to do is to draw. Even when watching a performance, she wants to record what she sees.

Based on what Celebi saw in the other person's eyes.

This little girl also loves nature and life, but this is because she likes to draw. The existence of nature and life allows her to create more beautiful scenes.

This little girl also has a protective heart, attaches great importance to her companions, and is willing to risk being arrested and go to dangerous places for her companions.

But the most critical point that made Celebi hesitate was that he did not see any signs of peace-loving in the other party's memory.

Even this girl would be excited when Pokémon in the wild started fighting for territory and food, and then took out a paintbrush to record it. This made Celebi think it was a sign of not being peace-loving.


This little girl gave Him a very good feeling.

Celebi felt that it would be a pleasure to get along with the other person.

Now Rabbi Celebi was very confused. He didn't know how he should make a decision.

Both Otohime and the little girl gave him a good feeling, but the latter girl's heart was more innocent and childish, which was more in line with Celebi's personal preferences.

But Otohime is obviously more in line with the criteria of becoming the guardian of the World Tree, and Celebi is sure that after Otohime obtains the power of Tokiwa, she will definitely use this power to actively save countless people and Pokémon.

After the little girl obtains the power of Viridian, she may only help people or Pokémon in the wild who happen to meet in need of help.


'what to do.'

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