August 18, Level 13.

Rosalia and the three of them were hiding in a dense snowy forest in the northernmost part of the map.

The word "hide" was used because they were worried that Zack would find someone to take revenge on them when he returned to town.

Killing a red-named player will not turn him into a red-named player, and all the items in the backpack of the red-named player will fall out after death. Therefore, many people think that killing a red-named player is a bad thing.

Not only can you harvest a large amount of materials and even rare props, but you can also maintain 'justice' by the way.

At this moment, the three of them were sitting around a fire in the cave.

"How long will it take for our red name to be eliminated?"

The tall man looked a little depressed.

They had been staying in the wilderness for the past three days, and the wilderness on the 13th floor was full of ice and snow. There was almost no place to rest.

He had lost count of how many times he had been woken up by the cold.

"Four days, just bear with it, it will be soon."

The short man glanced at the status bar.

In four days, they will change from red name to yellow name. By then, they can at least enter the town and use the portal.

Although they still cannot interact with NPCs in the town, and they have to be watched by guards at all times, at least they can change to a layer with a better outdoor environment.

"There's always a bad feeling."

Rosalia wrapped her arms around her legs and glanced outside the cave uneasily.

"Don't scare yourself, no one can find it here."

The tall man shuddered and said something immediately.


Rosalia did not continue to speak, but she almost had 'anxiety' etched on her face.


At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the cave.

The three of them took out their weapons and faced outside the cave like frightened birds.

A yellow-named ‘Tundra Rabbit’ appeared in front of the three of them.

"Tundra rabbit? I heard this thing is very delicious. It seems we are in for a treat today."

"You can't take it orally. This thing must be caught and sold. Someone must be willing to pay a lot of money to buy it."

The tall man and the short man immediately relaxed their guard after seeing the rabbit, and even started discussing it.

Then, they walked towards the outside of the cave at the same time, preparing to catch the 'Tundra Rabbit'.

"Hey, why don't you forget it."

Rosalia watched the two people walking outside and said something.

"it does not matter."

"Just wait here."

The two waved their hands nonchalantly and rushed toward the tundra rabbit together.

However, the Tundra Rabbit is a very agile and vigilant creature and will basically not let players get within five meters of it, so after the two of them entered this range, the Tundra Rabbit immediately ran away.

The two men pounced on the dog and felt very humiliated. They immediately lost their pride and chased after him, and soon disappeared from Rosalia's sight.

"Two idiots, they are so tall that they can't even use their brains."

Rosalia spat disdainfully as she watched the two people leaving, and continued to sit by the fire and look outside the cave.

"What are they doing? They haven't come back yet?"

As time passed by, Rosalia's feeling of uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

"They can't come back."


Suddenly, a sound of footsteps and a man's voice suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave.

"Who are you?!"

Rosalia immediately drew her weapon and jumped up, looking warily at the faceless man in front of her.

Standing in front of her was a man wrapped in bandages and wearing a dark red hooded cloak, but what surprised Rosalia the most was that this man had a huge black scythe on his shoulder.

Rosalia looked at the person in front of her carefully, and felt that the voice and appearance were somewhat familiar, but the strange equipment made her unable to remember where she had seen this person before.

With such obvious attire and weapons, it stands to reason that if she had seen it, she would definitely not forget it.

"Ah la ah la~ You have forgotten me after only three days. I missed you so much that I didn't sleep for three whole days."

Zack had a playful smile on his face, and his eyes were full of madness.

"Are you the trainer from before?!"

When Rosalia heard what Zack said, she immediately remembered it, but she also lowered her guard a little, "So it's you, and you came to the door alone to seek death?"

"Ah ha ha"

Zack grinned twice, didn't say much, and just walked towards Rosalia with the sickle on his shoulder.

"You come any closer...ahhhh!!!"

Rosalia raised the sword in her hand and was about to threaten, but she saw a flash of cold light and her arm was cut off.

Although her arm returned to its original state in an instant, the severe pain caused her to collapse on the ground and tremble.

"Does it feel good?"

Zack stepped on Rosalia's face, bringing her into close contact with the cold ground.


Rosalia was still howling in pain. She couldn't understand why she was in so much pain.

Her pain synchronization should be only 5%, but she felt as if her arm had really been chopped off.

"It's so noisy."

Zack moved his steps and stepped on Rosalia's mouth, and then he felt that the world was a little quieter. "Your two companions are much tougher than you. They didn't scream from the beginning to the end."


Rosalia's eyes moved to Zack's face, and her breathing became rapid.

"After all, they are too brittle. If you cut them on the head with a knife, they will die without even having time to open their mouths."

Zack spread his hands, then squatted down and looked directly into Rosalia's eyes from a high position, "Do you feel good?"


Rosalia's mouth was stepped on and she couldn't speak at all, and at this moment she couldn't care about anything else but just wanted to survive.

"Don't worry. There are still four days left. Let's take our time."

Zack pursed his lips as he looked at Rosalia's appearance, and clicked something from his backpack.

The next moment, nearly two hundred bottles of recovery potions fell beside the two of them.

"I sold all my original equipment just to buy more recovery potions, for fear that I wouldn't be able to survive until the last day."

Zack first took out a bottle of potion and poured it into Rosalia's eyes, helping her restore her blood volume.

At that moment, he estimated that he had lost 1/3 of Rosalia's health by not talking too much.

During these three days, Zack really didn't sleep for a second.

He first spent money to hire high-level players to take him to the highest level to upgrade monsters. In one day, he reached Lv. 22, which was 3 or 4 levels higher than Rosalia and the others.

Then he sold all his original equipment and props and went to find a blacksmith to forge a very high-quality giant scythe and an extremely low-quality whiteboard mini scythe.

Finally, I used the remaining money to buy some junk armor and a large number of recovery potions that others had discarded, and started the tracking journey.

"Okay, let's start our game."

Zack took out the mini scythe, which was only the size of an ordinary dagger, from his backpack and scratched Rosalia's face, "Don't worry, the damage from this scythe is minimal. Before I want you to die, you are You won’t be accidentally killed by me.”

"No, don't be like this. By the way, in this game you can have sex in hotels, you don't know that yet, right? You should still be a virgin, right? Otherwise."

"Forget it, I'm not interested in old women."


Inside the cave, a bloody game lasting four days began.

Ten days later.

August 28, Floor 19.

A special guild was established with great fanfare, for fear that others would not know that their guild was established.

【the Avengers】.

The guild, which is said to exist specifically to hunt red-named players, accepts all commissions for hunting red-named players for free, but the items dropped by red-named players also belong to the [Avengers].

There are currently only five people in the guild.

The leader of the guild, Zack, the ‘Ghost of Strategy’, is a man with great reputation in the strategy team.

He has the same special weapon skills as ‘The Strongest’ Madara, ‘Fighting Princess’ Lisbeth, and ‘Twin Swords Trainer’ Kirito, and uses a scythe that is almost as big as a human.

But few people would talk to Zack.

Because Zack is like a madman. Not only does he look crazy, but he also plays like he is desperate when defeating the boss.

The other four people are three men and one woman, and they all look like gloomy players.

One man and one woman were both former trainers, and the woman was even a member of the [Trainers Association] before.

As for the remaining two people, they joined the [Avengers] simply because they wanted to kill Hongming.

Although the guild was established not long ago and the number of members is only in single digits, it is still quite famous among the players because of its special nature.

The emergence of [Avengers] can be regarded as purifying the game environment.

Many players who originally had some dangerous thoughts became calm and regained their sanity after learning about the existence of this guild.

But within a few days, the [Avengers] Guild established a close relationship with the [Wanderers] Guild.

Because a San person among the wanderers was killed, and the several famous players who killed the San person were killed by Zack's leaders.

Later, Kirito personally came to thank him and hoped to establish a mutually supportive relationship with the [Avengers].

The killing of guild members this time made Kirito feel angry, and he also realized that their "sanren" were the most bullied group in the game.

If there wasn't such a [Wanderer] guild still connecting the scattered people, then the scattered people would be killed if they were killed, and no one would know and no one would seek justice for them.

For this reason, Kirito decided to make the "Wanderers" a decoy intelligence organization for the "Avengers".

They are the most vulnerable group to be targeted by the Red Name, but they can also use this identity to help the [Avengers] collect information about the Red Name players.

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