October 1, 2020, is a day that only Dak understands.

This day does not have any special significance on Pokémon Island, but Dak still set it as a big holiday like May Day, named 'Alliance Day', with a seven-day holiday.

Whenever there is a holiday, the most popular place must be the League City, the "center of the world" in Pokémon Island.

Because this is the first place where people from other worlds will flock in. The combined number of people from the Ninja Realm and the Sea Realm will be in the order of 100,000.

The second step is to go to the other three major cities.

Residents of the other three major cities except Uggdrasil are accustomed to the scenery of their own cities, so they choose to go outside, such as Uggdrasil, which has not yet been established, or to other world tourism destinations. Category.

However, when there are too many people and outsiders, problems tend to arise in the city.

Especially those who take chances.

The city of Yggdrasil.

Otohime is very angry today!

She is the 'Guardian of the World Tree' and has the power of Periphery, so she can feel the changes in the natural environment around Yggdrasil.

When so many people suddenly entered the city, she could clearly feel that the flowers, plants and trees in the city were sad and painful.

Otohime immediately rushed out of the house without saying a word and ran to the streets of Yggdrasil to see what was going on.

Good guy, if you don’t know this, you will be shocked when you see it.

There were people spitting, throwing cigarette butts, littering, and maybe there were people defecating in places she didn't see.

Immediately, Otohime's men came forward, and she was about to rush forward, grab those people by their collars, and interrogate them, but was immediately stopped by Saishi Hairen.

Xishi Hairen is not afraid of those people beating Otohime.

Although others don’t know Otohime’s identity as the ‘Guardian of the World Tree’, they cannot but know her identity as the wife of the mayor of Fishman City.

Nowadays, the status of the wife of the mayor of Fishman City is comparable to that of the great pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions in the sea, and is slightly worse than the Shichibukai.

Therefore, Saishi Hairen is not afraid of Otohime being beaten, not to mention that she is here, how can she let Otohime be beaten.

She was worried that if Otohime beat someone else, she would not only go to jail but also get hurt herself.

"I see."

After calming down for a while, Otohime pinched her waist and analyzed, "This place is too far from Alliance City. These people think that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. The Alliance has looser control over this area, so they start to act randomly."

No one dares to litter in League City.

Because you will be fined, and there are many people in League City, so it is very embarrassing to be fined in public.

But the situation in Yuktra Hill City is completely different.

The city of Yuctra Hill has a special structure. It is high in the middle and gradually lowers outwards. There are no particularly wide roads in the uneven terrain, making it difficult for carriages and horses to run.

Therefore, people basically walk on two feet in the city. Coupled with the dense vegetation and the huge scale of the city, people are very scattered. It takes dozens of steps to meet a few people.

When no one is watching, people will have this mentality in their hearts, thinking that no one will notice if they litter, and there will be no obvious impact.

In particular, situations like this were common in Dak's previous life.

This is especially true now that there is no universal education in these three worlds.


Xishi Hairen made a suggestion. She was really afraid that Otohime would suddenly become seriously ill.

"Well, yes! I should tell the leader about this!"

Otohime nodded and immediately returned to her room, found the Pokédex and dialed Dark's video call.

Didi didi.

At this time, Dak was sitting in the office processing applications during the National Day.

It is nothing more than requests from various cities to send additional police manpower, and all requests are approved.

The number of people in the security department ranks second among several major departments. It is only less than the number in the inspection department. On weekdays, everyone is almost idle, so they must be allowed to work hard during holidays.

The Pokédex next to him suddenly rang, and Dark answered the phone without looking at the caller.

The screen in the center of the illustrated book lit up, and both Otohime and Dark appeared on each other's screens.

"Otohime, this is the first time you have sent me a message directly. It seems there is something urgent?"

Dark glanced at Otohime on the screen and couldn't help but feel a little amused.

Because Otohime's hair is a bit frizzy now, she looks like she has just lost her temper, and the Saishi Kairen next to her has a helpless expression on her face.

"That's right! Lord Alliance Leader, World Tree is crying!"


Dark's eyes widened. Otohime's statement was really scary, "No way?"

".Well, no."

Otohime's face turned red, but she couldn't help but tell the truth, "It's just that the vegetation in Yggdrasil is crying."

Her Viridian Power had just awakened, and was not yet strong enough to feel the emotions of such a big tree.

But the flowers and plants around her were indeed asking her for help.

"Tell me."

"The National Day is here, and many people have come to Yectrasil."

Otohime told what she saw and what she guessed.

"Oh, in this case, I will let the environmental department handle the expected things. This is their scope of work."

Duck's face relaxed after hearing this.

He thought something big had happened, but it turned out that he was just throwing away garbage casually. He was used to this kind of thing.

As long as there are humans living, all kinds of garbage will be produced.

Just let humans recycle the garbage they produce.

It is more difficult to completely remove all the garbage on Blue Star, but it is very easy on Pokémon Island.

After hanging up the phone, Duck immediately sent a text message to Environment Minister Xiong.

The bear also replied 'received' within a second.

Because members of the environmental department have to constantly plant vegetation, it can be said that they are present in every city and even village.

The bear does not need to rush to Uggtra Hill and can remotely assign department members there to work.

In addition, Duck also asked Sugar to arrange some members of the security department to cooperate with the environmental department. If there are any passengers who do not listen to the advice and are unreasonable, they must educate them.

Soon the alliance members of Yectrasil mobilized.

Various directional and instructive signs such as ‘Care for flowers, plants and trees’, ‘Please do not litter’, ‘Smoking Area’, ‘Public Toilet’, etc. began to appear all over the town.

And when the security department and environmental department appear in the streets in groups, the effect is immediate and good.

While the security department was assisting the environmental department in maintaining urban environmental sanitation, they also caught a few 'presumptuous people'.

These people wanted to use their flying Pokémon to fly to the World Tree to pick fruits to eat, but when they were flying in the air, they were intercepted by the Warrior Eagle and Vulture Na groups, and were brought to the members of the security team. around.

If you just want to eat the fruits of the World Tree, you can buy them at the fruit shop in Yggdrasil. You can basically find the fruits of the World Tree in any fruit shop.

The fruits produced on the World Tree can at best promote the growth and development of young Pokémon.

It may be somewhat useful for human babies, but it has no special effect on adult Pokémon or humans. It's just that people like to imagine various special effects.

But this can be regarded as one of the specialty foods of this city.

The Warrior Eagle and Vulture Na groups often pick some fresh fruits and exchange them with the residents living in this city for items they think can help them survive.

Of course, there are also some people who just go to the World Tree for the reason of "picking fruits."

After all, it was said on the statues of the 'Ancestral God' Mew and the 'Forest God' Celebi in the First Temple that these two gods lived on the World Tree.

Therefore, many people want to see the true appearance of the two gods, and see if they can see any strange sights, get some benefits, etc.

However, in fact, Mew and Celebi only came back every few days to take a look. Most of the time they were outside playing with the other 'First Gods'.

But the World Tree cannot be accessible to ordinary people.

Because there are inheritance items of the ‘Power of Wave Guidance’ and ‘Power of Changpan’ on it.

Signs were placed at the bottom of the World Tree, warning that ‘Flying above the World Tree is prohibited’, but some people still pretended not to see it and flew up.

It is not easy for the police department to pursue too closely those who pretend to be stupid.

Considering it was the first time, a verbal education and a small fine would be enough.

However, I will also give a warning. If I do it again, I will be detained for seven days. The first three days will be in a dark room, the next three days will be spent on a sewing machine, and the last day will be education.

. . .

The Alliance Celebration Festival is going on not only in Pokémon Island, but also in SAO where the Alliance Celebration Limited Event is held.

This event will last for seven days, the same length as Pokémon Island.

During these seven days, the experience and currency dropped by monsters in the game will be doubled.


There is also a [Monster Invasion] event, which means that the wild monsters in the maze area will run out and even wander outside the town.

However, the town is still a [safe zone], and wild monsters cannot enter, and after running out of the maze area, these wild monsters will be weakened by the ‘-30% attribute’ buff.

It can only be said that these seven days are scary for timid players, but for bold players, it is a good day to quickly increase their level and strengthen their strength.

After the event ends, players who were originally behind will definitely catch up, but there may also be players in the front who fall behind.

And the player groups that were originally very different will widen the gap in strength again, completely dividing the player group into three tiers: high, middle and low.

During these seven days, two male and female pairs went out to practice together, and their relationship heated up quickly.

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