December 2nd.

Kirito and Asuna's house was particularly lively on this day.

Because after Xuan La revealed last night that the egg hatching time only takes one day, everyone spontaneously stayed here.

Fortunately, there are not many people coming, so it can be accommodated.

Everyone even took a leisurely nap together.

At noon, Asuna had just fallen asleep for a quarter of an hour when she felt her cheeks itching.

She subconsciously thought it was caused by the hair of Lisbeth, who slept on the same bed as her, so she stretched out her hand and pulled it.


However, with this pull, Asuna felt like she had grabbed something, and it felt like New Leaf Meow's tail.

Just a little too small?

"Xinye Miao, don't make trouble."

Listening to the soft and waxy cry in her ears, she still couldn't open her eyes and responded in a daze.

However, Xinye Miao didn't seem to hear it and continued to play with Asuna's cheek with her tail.

"Oh~ Hey? Are you a little smaller, Xinye Miao?"

Asuna first opened her eyes and took a look, then sat up and took the new leaf cat in front of her into her arms and rubbed it. She felt something was wrong.

Although New Leaf is not her Pokémon, they have lived together for half a month, and now they are their married daughter-in-law. How could she not see the difference?

"Oh, you are really a size too small."

Asuna flipped through Ye Miao again and found that it had indeed shrunk two or three times, so small that it was only a little bigger than her palm.

She subconsciously thought that the game had updated some content, or that Xinye Miao had eaten some strange props.

"Hey Asuna, what are you doing~"

Lisbeth was woken up by Asuna next to her, and then her eyes fell on the small New Leaf Mew she was holding in her hand, "Ahhh!"

As Lisbeth's scream resounded throughout the room, everyone rushed over as soon as they heard it.

"It happened."

Kirito clenched his hands and kicked open the door and rushed in. Then his eyes immediately noticed the little thing in Asuna's hand.


The small new leaf cat raised a paw and plucked its ear, then glanced at Lisbeth with disgust.

She was frightened by this woman just now.

"Wow! It's the new baby cat!"

Shangmei, a mature woman who always maintains elegance, was immediately stunned after seeing the little Xinye Miao.

She stepped forward and took the new leaf from Asuna who had not yet reacted.

"Look at Bulbasaur, he's even younger than you!"

Shangmi placed it in front of Bulbasaur on the ground.

Shangmei's Bulbasaur itself is already a little smaller than the average female Bulbasaur, but fortunately, it is now at least a little bigger than the new baby cat.

Shang Mei had seen other Bulbasaur before. At that time, she also felt that her own Bulbasaur was not very healthy.

It wasn't until her own Bulbasaur singled out the male Bulbasaur that she was relieved, and felt that her own little one was better, much cuter, without losing strength.

"Ta na."

Perhaps because they are all grass-type Pokémon, Bulbasaur still has a good impression of New Leaf, and he took the initiative to give New Leaf some stickers.

At this time, the new couple Xuan La and Xin Ye Miao walked in.

When the baby New Leaf Meow saw her parents, she immediately waggled her tail and came closer. New Leaf Meow also stretched out her tongue and licked the hair on her daughter's forehead, while Xuan La pretended to be a cold and strict father.


Quan Nai looked at this little thing, pursed her lips and smiled, showing a kind expression.

He took out a piece of cake-like thing from his backpack. The Pokémon present were all drooling at the smell. Baby New Leaf Cat even ran up to pull on Sumi's trouser legs regardless of what it meant to be reserved. .

Quan Na was not stingy and took out a few more copies to give to the Pokémon present.

He could get data like this from Dak or Kayaba Akihiko.


The new baby cat pounced forward and took a big bite, covering his face with cream. Then he showed a happy expression and looked at Quan Nai with eyes full of admiration.

Compared with the excitement and excitement of others, Zack seemed a little lonely.

Because he thought about his Pokémon floating bubbles.

If Floating Bubble is still alive, he might find his favorite Pokémon and give birth to a child.

If that child was born, Zach might still be able to spend half of his time taking care of the child for Floating Bubble every day.


Unfortunately, there is no if.

Zack glanced at the broken contract in his backpack and secretly clenched his fists.

"Do the children born from Pokémon still have this kind of nature?"

Kirito looked at the New Leaf Mew baby's panel and discovered something special.

Compared to the girls surrounding Xinye Miao's baby and Xinye Miao's cat slave trainer, the other three men present were obviously more calm about the birth of the child.

The baby Xinye Meow is very cute, and they want to hold it, but they don’t dare to compete with girls for the baby.

"What's wrong?"

Quan Nai came over.

Like Dak, he was also unfamiliar with Pokémon laying eggs in games, so he didn't understand the system developed by Kayaba Akihiko himself.

【New Leaf Cat (Baby)】

[Level: Lv.0 (unchanged)]

[Ability: None]

"This probably means that Pokémon children cannot be raised as combatants."

Zach cheered up and walked over. Like Kirito and Izuna, he could see the meaning behind this panel at a glance.

"Probably to prevent some trainers from forcing Pokémon to mate, or from using Pokémon to give birth to babies as a way to increase combat power."

Because Izuna and Kayaba Akihiko are both partners in the training house, they can probably guess the other's thinking when designing the system.

To say that the person in the entire Pokémon Island who least wants SAO difficulty to drop, Kayaba Akihiko is the first and maybe even the only one.

Kayaba Akihiko would immediately implement Dark's measures to increase the difficulty of SAO, while he would have to negotiate for a long time to lower the difficulty.

After all, SAO was Kayaba Akihiko's hard work for the first half of his life.

Even though there is now more attention and expectation on research, he hopes that SAO can last longer and leave a deep impression on more people.

"Isn't this good? We don't want such a young child to fight."

Asuna was squeezed out by her girlfriends, so she noticed the conversation between the three of them, "I guess Xuan La and Xin Ye Miao don't want baby Xin Ye Miao to fight either."


Xuan La and Xin Ye Miao were silent for a while.

Of course they hope that their daughter can go to the wild to kill monsters, fight, and accumulate combat experience.

After all, this is a virtual world for them, and they won't really die anyway, so of course they must let their daughters fight well and win at the starting line in the future.

But they didn't dare to say it because they were being trained.

Just like if parents let their daughters fight with other children in kindergarten, then grandparents must use sticks to educate them.

Such warm days passed quickly.

After all, those present were basically important members of the strategy team, including three guild presidents and three vice-presidents.

Xuan La and Heracross also returned to the daily routine of spawning monsters and upgrading. As for the child, they were handed over to their 'grandpa' and mother, the trainer of Xin Ye Miao.

The other person is a senior cat owner and has quite a lot of experience in raising kittens.

And as middle-level people, the environment they are in is safer than Kirito and the others on the front line. Even if they go out to practice leveling, they can still have the new leaf cat watching from a distance.

Time flies, and the end of the month is here in the blink of an eye.

December 31st.

The Pokémon Island was getting ready to welcome the 'New Year's Day', and it suddenly entered a lively atmosphere.

The small-scale villages around Alliance City have been built, and what is left is to build medium-sized towns.

The gym challenge time has entered the final sprint stage. Trainers across the sea are all working hard to get the last one or two gym badges in preparation for the second Pokémon Contest to be held during the Spring Festival. Style.

After another year of accumulation, the overall strength of the trainers has increased significantly, and the number of senior trainers at sea has also shown a dramatic breakthrough, including many Pokémon trainers from the ninja world.

At the same time, Pokémon culture and spirit are becoming more and more popular, and more and more people recognize and care for Pokémon, and it is easier for such trainers to be recognized by gym leaders.

Just like many people said this year that the electric badges at the Shampoo Gym were much easier to get than last year. In fact, it wasn't Porusalino who gave in, but these trainers who had grown up and gained his approval.

At this stage, the number of people who have obtained eight badges has reached more than 800, which is more than the number of applicants for the first Pokémon Battle Contest. By the time the competition starts, it will probably exceed thousands.

It is precisely because of this that Dak feels that it is time to start another Pokémon battle competition in the division.

For the next 'linked' world, he will give priority to a world that is large enough, and the population, strength, economy, etc. will all come later.

After all, these can all be changed by working hard with Pokémon, and it is not difficult to change, it just takes more time, but the scale of the world cannot be changed.

The coordination competition will be held during the summer vacation of the third year of the alliance, which is around July. There is still half a year left, which is relatively sufficient.

Currently, the number of coordinators who have collected 5 ribbons is not many, only 18. This is the result of the lower-level coordination competition held in the ninja world.

The reason for this is not because no one participated in the coordination competition, but because there were too many people participating.

Only one person can win a ribbon in a lower-level coordination competition.

If this situation continues, the coordination competition in half a year will probably only have 40 to 50 people at most.

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