Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 393: Learn now and apply now, the outcome is decided

"Sonic Dragon, use the Air Blade to kill him."

Drake thought Luo's style of play was strange.

No one should let a squishy Pokémon take advantage of so many abilities. Isn't it impossible for Mimikyu to dodge it at its speed?

However, he couldn't give up the opportunity gained by sacrificing the red-faced dragon, and immediately let the sonic dragon launch an attack to kill Mimikyu instantly.

"I'm waiting for you to share the pain."

The corners of Luo's mouth rose, his plan succeeded.

After eating the air blade again, Mimikyu who was supposed to fall suddenly used the skill "Share the Pain".

[Share the pain]: Add your own blood volume to the opponent's blood volume, and then divide them equally.

The empty-blooded Mimikyu and the full-blooded Sonic Dragon were so balanced that the Sonic Dragon on the other side lost half of its health.

If there is a health bar on Mimikyu's side, you can see that it has recovered to 3/4 of its state. Because Sonic Dragon's total health itself is much higher than Mimikyu, half of its health is equivalent to 3/4 of Mimikyu.


Derek's face turned stinky now. He didn't expect Mimikyu to have such a trick.

This was a secret trick that Luo had never used in a game before. It was probably used against the Four Heavenly Kings, but Drake was powerful enough, so Luo had to expose this trick in advance.

Sharing pain is the last skill that Mimikyu can naturally learn, and it has high level requirements.

In addition, Mimikyu is a very, very rare Pokémon. Most people don't know much about this Pokémon, and they didn't expect that Luo's Mimikyu has mastered this skill.

However, this skill can only be used once in a game, because if there are too many Pokémon, it will be unable to bear it and may cause mental problems.

Now Drake has two options.

The first is to use the blow skill to forcefully replace Mimikyu to see if you can gamble on Luo's weak Pokémon.

The second is to continue fighting.

"Air Blade."

Drake's choice is of course the latter.

Jihuora's Mimikyu itself was his decision. Now that the opponent has put Mimikyu on the field, why don't they play it next time?

He also didn't want to waste the red-faced dragon's efforts.

"Fly up and hide, then use the wall of light."

Luo did not let Mimikyu go head-to-head, but chose to defend first.

Now it is different from deliberately taking damage just now. Before, it was just to share the pain, but now it is the real competition.

Mimikyu's petite stature makes it easy to dodge attacks, especially if he can fly.

The wall of light is a skill that can reduce the opponent's special damage.


When Derek saw Mimikyu flying, he still used a light wall, and he was almost happy for a moment.

It is not a wise move to fly into the air in front of a Flying-type Pokémon when it is not a Flying-type Pokémon.

It would be fine if it were two big beefy beasts, Magnemite and Metagross. Flying with a very light weight like Mimikyu is simply seeking death.

Moreover, his sonic dragon characteristic is [Penetration].

Techniques such as mysterious guardianship, light wall, reflective wall, and avatar are all useless in front of Sonic Dragon.

Drake did not waste this opportunity, letting Sonic Dragon incite two pairs of huge wings to stir up gusts of wind, blowing the entire venue and the lake water flying.

Mimikyu in the air was blown away by the wind like a broken bag after taking advantage of the flying ultimate move, completely losing his balance.

Luo's expression changed, but he quickly stabilized his mentality and temporarily changed his next battle plan.

"Take advantage of the victory to pursue, and Yan will return."

The damage of Yan Hui's move is not high, but its advantage is that it will definitely hit.

Drake was confident that this move would bring Mimikyu to an end.

With Mimikyu on the scene like this, and with the Desert Dragonfly and Explosive Turtle on his side, the situation will be much better.

At least the Biker Lizard can go out and fight.

"Use that one."

Luo didn't say it clearly.

Because he was afraid that telling the name of the move would frighten Drake and Sonic Dragon, and then take other measures to target them.

Mimikyu was flying in the air. Although he didn't respond to Luo, he already knew what Luo meant, and he still had a tacit understanding after having been together for nearly two years.


The huge sonic dragon hit Mimikyu head-on, clearing its health bar on the spot. Before it even hit the ground, two pairs of eyes had already begun to spin in circles.

However, what everyone failed to react to was that at the same moment, Sonic Dragon's body suddenly stopped, and then it fell into the lake together with Mimikyu, and its eyes turned into circles.

"Same fate!"

Derek clenched his hands into fists and murmured through gritted teeth.

He never expected that this kind of skill with the nature of "die together" would actually appear on the same Pokémon twice!

Mimikyu was off the field, and he single-handedly took away one of Drake's main Sonic Dragons and Red-Faced Dragons.


Luo sighed with some guilt.

He didn't direct it well this time, otherwise it would definitely make Mimikyuu's performance even more dazzling.

Mainly because he really didn't expect that the characteristics of the red-faced dragon and the sonic dragon were so tricky.

It's not that he didn't understand the characteristics of Pokémon, but he couldn't understand them all. There were so many characteristics of Pokémon that he could only barely remember some that he had suffered a loss in or that were more common.

Forgetting the rough skin, he had never heard of this characteristic of Sonic Dragon.

Next Luo sent out the Scorpio King who was not in perfect condition.

On Drake's side, he sent the Motorized Lizard.

This is a close battle. Both the Scorpion King and the Motorized Lizard have ridiculously high mobility. It is obviously a lake environment, but for the Motorized Lizard, it is like walking on flat ground.

In the end, it was the Motorcycle Lizard who saw off the Scorpio King first because he was in relatively good condition.

However, the motorcycle lizard was quickly carried away by the waiting cat boss.

In terms of speed, the cat boss is not much worse than the motorcycle lizard, and in terms of reflexes, the cat is obviously much faster than the motorcycle lizard.

At this time, Drake had three Pokémon left, and Law had four left.

But this does not mean that Luo has the upper hand, because Drake has always hidden the two Pokémon, Desert Dragonfly and Explosive Turtle.

As long as these two Pokémon are still there, Luo's two main forces, Magnemite and Metagross, will not dare to act recklessly.

"Desert Dragonfly, come on."

After some deliberation, Drake chose to send the Desert Dragonfly into play first.

It is true that Desert Dragonfly can cause four times the damage of ground-based skills to self-destructing Magnemite, but for a Pokémon flying in the air, it is difficult for ground-based skills to hit him.

As for the special defense player of the Sticky Merulong, it is obviously not suitable to deal with the three physical attackers of Metagross, Bodhidharma Baboon, and Cat Boss, but it is not impossible to use it to deal with the self-destructing magnet monster.

As for Explosion, Drake has already made up his mind to let this fire-type Pokémon with extremely high physical resistance deal with Metagross.

The fire element of the Explosive Turtle can not only cause double damage to Metagross, but also has a physical resistance value of up to 135. Facing Metagross with the same physical attack racial value of 135, it has a high resistance to beatings, and the Explosive Turtle is a The special attacker, Metagross, happens to not have very good special defense.

In a 1vs1 situation, as long as the level difference is not large, it is basically impossible for the Flame Turtle to lose to Metagross.

However, if arranged this way, the pressure on the desert dragonfly or the sticky dragonfly will be greater.

But Desert Dragonfly did not disappoint Drake.

He is Drake's starting Pokémon and has the highest level in the team. Not only did he defeat the cat boss by himself, he also fought against the Damo Baboon.

Desert Dragonfly has exerted its best efforts to consume Dharma Baboon, but it is too difficult to exchange one for two at the same level, not to mention it does not have much level advantage.

After all, it was the Bodhidharma baboon that sent the desert dragonfly away, and then faced the sticky dragonfly.

Drake had already expected that Luo's next target would be the Bodhidharma baboon.

After all, the Desert Dragonfly hasn't had a break yet. As long as the Magnemite and Metagross dare to take the field, they will definitely be fooled by a ground-based skill first.

It is not difficult for Nianmei Lulong to deal with a Damo Baboon who is in a bad state.

Because although Nimmelosaurus is a single dragon-type Pokémon with low physical defense, it has many water-type skills in its skill pool.

Under the influence of the turbid current, the Bodhidharma baboon was not only killed but also seriously injured.

"Metrogross, sandstorm!"

Luo watched the main force on the opposite side appear, and without any hesitation, directly sent out Metagross.

Now it is no longer a question of which one to choose, because both Metagross and Magnemite are twice suppressed when facing the Explosive Turtle. If this is the case, it is better to use Metagross, which is easier to defeat Melu Dragon. Strange.

When Metagross came on stage, there was a sandstorm, and within two seconds, yellow sand filled the entire arena.

The sharp sandstorm cuts on the body of the slimemelurus causing a little damage to it.

"Acid bomb!"

Facing a steel-type Pokémon, poison-type skills would definitely not be able to cause damage. Drake was not stupid, but he still used it.

Because in addition to causing damage, acid bombs can also reduce the target's special defense. This is Drake's main purpose.

The Nianmeilu Dragon has the skill of asking for rain, which can cover the sandstorm environment, but the next round will be the Explosive Turtle Beast. How dare Drake use this skill.

"Invisible Rock!"

This familiar style of play made the audience's eyes widen.

This style of play was the dirty trick Beckman used when facing Luo three days ago, and now Luo has learned it and used it.

The Explosive Turtle that appears in the next round will suffer two levels of damage as soon as it enters the field, while the self-destructing Magnemite, which is also a steel type, will not be harmed by the sandstorm.

Both Luo and Drake are preparing for the Explosive Turtle Beast's attack in the next round.

Next, Metagross spent some effort to send the Sticky Meru Dragon away. When facing the Explosive Turtle Beast, it only had half of its strength.

Initially, Drake thought that the Explosive Turtle's one-on-two problem wouldn't be too big due to its attribute advantage. After all, Metagross was already in bad shape. However, he was dumbfounded when Metagross finally used a [Big Explosion]. .

The Explosive Flame Turtle was not directly taken away by Metagross because of its relatively high physical resistance, but it did not lose its combat ability on the spot and did not have much health left.

Even if the bloody Explosive Turtle has a huge attribute advantage, it will not be an opponent of the self-destructing magnet monster.

At this point, the outcome is decided.

The winner of the second session was ‘Surgeon’ Trafalgar D. Rowe.

After Drake later learned about it, the Metagross recalled this move after seeing two big explosions from Beckman's Fresis and Rumble Rock three days ago.

Some Pokémon are like this. The race itself knows a move, but it needs to [remember], that is, watch other Pokémon use it, to have a chance of understanding it. Metagross' [Big Explosion] is like this.

Coupled with the disgusting play style of Invisible Rock and Sandstorm, Drake hated Beckman so much that his teeth itched for a while.

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