Unova, Miare City.

This is a metropolis located in the center of the Kalos region. It is the core of this region and the most populous city in the Pokémon world, with a permanent population of 4.16 million.

This number of people is also at the "city" level on Blue Star.

If the Pokémon of these people and the wild Pokémon that roam the streets all year round are counted, the number of creatures in this city will reach more than 20 million.

It is the most lively city in the Pokémon world and one of the few cities that can feel "crowded" every day.

Miare City is famous for the Prism Tower and Miare Art Museum, which symbolize the city. Tourism has become its main economic pillar. The city is also full of shops, cafes, restaurants, etc. that are popular with tourists and locals.

Cobblestone streets surround the office buildings outside the city, and the inner avenues are lined with typical Parisian buildings.

The road is wide, providing safe and convenient driving conditions for the entire city, and the diagonal canal flows through the center of the city.

The most impressive thing about Miare City is the sheer number of cafes.

The terrain of Miare City is a huge ten-pointed star.

There are six squares in the city, and five colored squares form a five-pointed star that surrounds the central square.

Dak found fifteen cafes near the green square alone.

Now Dak is sitting in a cafe called [Sunrise], and opposite this cafe is a cafe called [Fladali].

Both cafes are opened by Fladali.

They are just Fladalis of different periods.

The latter is the first cafe opened by Fladali when he was still young, specializing in providing a variety of healthy and affordable coffees to those workers and students.

And [Sunrise] was opened by Fladali later, which means that he has found a new goal and the Flash Team is moving towards a new world.

"The coffee is pretty good, but a little expensive. How is it? What do you think?"

Dark crossed his legs and calmly tasted the coffee called [Flash Flame], then set his eyes on the lion-headed man in front of him.

Dark had already explained everything he needed to say to Fladali.

The goal of the Flash Flame Team is impossible to achieve, and it is simply a temporary solution.

As long as humans and Pokémon can continue to reproduce, then the world will sooner or later return to this situation.

But if humans and Pokémon cannot reproduce, then this world is almost on the verge of extinction.

But cooperation with the Pokémon League is different.

Not to mention the two large worlds, there are many vacancies in the ocean of the Sailing World and the land of the Zero World that have not been used.

Just the places in the Pokémon Island alone cannot be filled by a Pokémon world.

What's more, there may be many "empty shell" worlds in the linked world in the future.

This is basically inevitable.

Because compared to the worlds that have appeared in the past and the worlds where the situation is difficult to control, Dark would rather choose the abandoned world where there is no creature.

For example, the Nier world that will be used as a martial arts training ground in the future.

Therefore, in Dak's view, Vladari's goal is a very solvable problem, and it is better than Vladari's short-term and inhumane approach.

He is very clear that Vladari does not want to harm so many innocent lives.

However, in Vladari's view, if the number of lives is not reduced now, some people will lose more in the future due to disputes and snatching.

"What will happen if Team Flare does not cooperate?"

"You should know what Team Rocket and Team Shadow are like now."

Dark grinned and showed a kind smile.

"Huh, this doesn't leave me no choice at all. The Pokémon League has finally begun to show alternatives. If you are not the leader of the alliance, your style may be misunderstood as a villain leader."

Vladari sneered, but the meaning of his words was already a compromise.

The benefits of getting rid of Team Rocket first are reflected here.

Even a giant like Team Rocket has been destroyed, so other forces must weigh their own weight.

Vladali is not a fool who can't see the situation clearly, and this ideal is not worth his death.

"Welcome to join, Mr. Vladali, the next period of time may be very busy, I hope we can communicate more."

"I want to go to that Pokémon Island first."

"Of course, this is a reasonable request. After all, Mayor Vladali will have to spend more time on the construction of the city later."

Dak raised his chin, turned around, opened a door, and walked in first.


Vladali's eyes widened slightly, looking at the grass on the other side of the door, he was confused.

Do humans still have such abilities? !

It's okay to open a door in mid-air, but you can actually go directly to another world through this door.

"Don't be too surprised, Mayor Vladali. You will see more things you have never heard of or seen in the future. You can even own them yourself."

Duck stretched out his hand to signal Vladali to follow.

The latter came back to his senses and swallowed his saliva secretly.

But, to be honest, Mayor Vladali mentioned by Dak made him feel very happy.

. . .

Pokemon Island, Alliance City.

Dark led Fladali walking on the central avenue of the Union City.

"It looks like it's not much different from our world."

Fladali looked at the architectural style around him and was a little disappointed. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly froze in his place.

He saw a man with wings behind him and a man with a fish tail on his lower body walking past him.

This was not over yet. Then he saw a guy who looked like an animal spirit leading a mysterious creature made entirely of water.

At this time, Fladali began to notice something was wrong.

He looked at it more carefully.

Some Pokémon that he had never seen before would be fine.

He also saw giants several dozen meters tall, walking people with wings behind them but unable to fly, and deformed people with legs longer than his life but short upper body.

"Your world"

"Haha, this is the land of all races. All races in all worlds can live with Pokémon here equally. You have to get used to it. It looks very interesting and harmonious, doesn't it?"


Fladali took a look at the scenes of the various races getting along with each other and felt that it was indeed the case.

"You just wanted to say that this place looks no different from the Pokémon world, right?"


"That's just the architectural style of this city. Different cities have different styles. Let me take you to see something else."

Dark spread his hands and felt that it was necessary to let Fladali see it.

As Fladali crossed the gray-white door again, they came to another place in a blink of an eye.

"This is... Under the sea?!"

After Fladali came out, he frowned and looked at the sky.

Because he felt that this city seemed a little bleak, at least it was completely incomparable to the Alliance City just now.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at the result, but your legs will go weak for a moment.

Above his head is not the blue sky, but the blue ocean. He found himself under the sea.

"This is Fishman City. The terrain of Fishman City is quite special. Two-thirds of it is below sea level, and the rest is above sea level. Because most of the residents and water Pokémon in Fishman City prefer to live in the sea, this structure is obtained."

Dark looked at Fladali with some pride.

Although this Fishman City was directly moved from Fishman Island, and it was not designed by him personally, looking at the shocked and amazing expression on Fladali's face, Dark was still quite complacent.

This feeling is like the QQ farm that he has run for a long time has been recognized by others.


Fladali only used four words to describe everything he saw, expressing his inner shock.

"This is not over yet."

After taking Fladali for a stroll in Fishman City, Dark took him to Uktrashil, Angel City, and the Battle of the Hanging City.

Finally, Dark brought Fladali to an open plain.

After a circle, Fladali remained silent in his heart, standing beside Dark with his head down in thought.

"What are you thinking about?"

"What kind of city to build."

"Want to build a different one?"


Fladali nodded without hesitation.

Dark just smiled secretly, this is the result he wanted to see.

Let Fladali see the uniqueness of each city, then Fladali will definitely not want to build a completely identical city.

As the mayor, he certainly hopes that this city is full of his own style, which is different from other cities.

In the future, as long as others come to this city, they will remember him as the mayor.

"We are here now."

Dark took out a rough map of Pokémon Island and pointed to one of the points.

They are probably in the south between the Alliance City and Yggdrasil, facing the Battle Hanging City in the north.

"Is this where I want to build a city?"

"Yes, you can build a city you want here. I believe it is not difficult with the manpower and resources of your Flare Team?"

Dark was not joking when he said this.

The Flare Team is a team that mainly relies on technology. The various technological creations in the organization are amazing. The construction of Miare City cannot do without the help of the Flare Team.

And the number of members of the Flare Team is huge, at least 500,000 or 600,000 people, and the number of Pokémon they have is over a million. What they lack the most is manpower.

Fladali himself is one of the richest investors in the Kalos region, so there is no need to worry about funds.

Even if he has no money now, he has a hundred ways to find other wealthy businessmen in the Kalos region to attract investment.

Let Fladali build the city. I am afraid that it will take less than a year to build a medium-sized city comparable to Angel City.

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