Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 522: Become a rookie trainer from today

The underwater caves that appear frequently in the original work are not easy to find.

Because there are too many underwater caves in the sea, no one can guarantee which one is the sleeping place of Groudon or Kyogre.

But Chimney Mountain and Mount Sending God, where Magma Team and Aqua Team will definitely appear, are easy to find.

After all, there are only two mountains with these two names in the entire Hoenn region.

Because the timeline of this world seems to be a little bit like it is moving on its own, Dark cannot judge how far the Magma Team and Aqua Team have planned.

However, it is certain for the time being that they will appear in these two places sooner or later.

Because the volcanic activity of Chimney Mountain has not erupted for more than ten years, and the indigo and vermilion orbs on the top of Mount Sending God have not been taken away by any force.

This means that the two teams have not arrived yet, so they just need to wait quietly.

Dark is also considering whether to simply release the Red Flame Pine and Water Wutong to use the two orbs to wake up Groudon and Kyogre. Anyway, they will wake up after seeing the scene of the final battle between the two gods.

That time is the best time for Dark to appear.

However, the battle between the two gods will inevitably have a significant impact on the Hoenn region, and many people will even die in the natural disasters caused by the appearance of the two legendary Pokémon.

Especially when the two legendary Pokémon get their corresponding gems, they will enter the original return form.

That is the strength of the middle level of the first level, and just one action will have an impact on the whole world.


After Dark and Daigo discussed, they decided to take a compromise.

The two gems were allowed to be taken by the two teams to wake up the two legendary Pokémon, but they had to work harder and make some preparations.

They had to ensure that the two teams took the wrong gems like in the game.

Let the Magma Team get the indigo gem corresponding to Kyogre, and let the Ocean Team get the vermilion gem corresponding to Groudon, and then use them at the same time.

The wrong gem can also "wake up" Groudon and Kyogre, so that the two legendary Pokémon enter the furious state, but it will not let the two Pokémon return to the original state.

When Chi Yan Song and Shui Wu Tong saw the power of the two Pokémon out of control, they would understand how wrong their plan was.

It is true that Kyogre and Groudon have the power to expand the continent and the ocean.

But that power is far from being as gentle as the two imagined. It is a destructive power that is destined to be exchanged for the sacrifice of countless humans and Pokémon.

But that is not what Chi Yan Song and Shui Wu Tong want to see.

They just want to increase the area of ​​land or ocean so that humans or Pokémon have more resources for survival.

This is seriously contrary to what they expected.

It is actually not difficult to exchange the gems.

Because from the beginning, the information that Chi Yan Song and Shui Wu Tong each got was wrong.

In the Hoenn region, there are only some vague murals that are seriously affected by history. After seeing these distorted murals, the two naturally got distorted information.

The information that Chi Yan Song got was that the indigo gem could control Groudon, and Shui Wu Tong got exactly the other one.

This is consistent with Dark's plan.

But what is inconsistent is that these two people are not planning to get one of the orbs, but to take both.

This way, they can realize their own plans and hinder the plans of the hostile forces.

If one of them really does it, then I am afraid that person's goal will really be achieved, at most the process will be a bit cruel.

But this is almost impossible.

Because this world is the home of the Shadow Team, even if an evil organization wants to succeed, it must be the Shadow Team, and it will never be the turn of the Magma Team or the Aqua Team.

But just in case.

Daigo still asked people to take the two orbs placed together on the top of the Send God Mountain to the westernmost and easternmost parts of the Hoenn region and release the news.

In this way, the Magma Team and the Aqua Team must take the target orb first, and they will not have time to take the other one.

And this plan.

Dark has to work extra hard.

When Groudon and Kyogre are awakened, he will stop them at the place where the two legendary Pokémon are sleeping.

We can’t wait until the two gods meet and fight and Rayquaza comes to mediate, otherwise the opportunity will be lost.

In the Hoenn region, countless people and Pokémon have died.

The reason why Dark must stop both places is mainly because he has to persuade the Red Flame Pine and the Water Sycamore with his mouth.

Unless Luffy and Naruto come after they grow up, Dark is worried and has to go into battle himself, so he persuaded Daigo and Mikoli who wanted to help to retreat.

As for stopping the two Pokémon of the lower level of level 1, Dark didn’t even think about it.

Just kidding.

Except for Lizard King and Ilas, none of the eight Pokémon he brought with him could stop Groudon and Kyogre.

Even Dark himself could stop one of them.

But this time, just stopping it is not enough.

Because the two legendary Pokémon are awakened by the orbs in the distance and stimulated by the wrong orbs in front of them, they will inevitably fall into a state of loss of control.

They will move in the direction of the corresponding orbs until they meet, fight, and take back their own orbs, and then they can calm down.

Before that, beating them up like before would not work.

They must be beaten to the point of losing their fighting ability and falling unconscious.

In that case, Dark and Darkrai would not be able to fight.

Their strength was similar to that of Kyogre and Groudon, and it would take at least several days and nights to knock them out.

By then, the Hoenn region was almost ruined.

The safest way was to use the higher-level Origin Giratina and Mega Rayquaza.

If they took action, the battle would not even take a quarter of an hour to resolve.

All the plans had been clearly arranged and implemented, and all Dark had to do next was to wander around the Hoenn region and wait for the right time to come.

"Come to think of it, I haven't had much fun in the Pokémon world since I came here."

Walking out of Dr. Odumaki's research institute in Never White Town, Dark stretched his body in the clear sky.

These two days, Dr. Odumaki asked him to ask the Lizard King to help with a physical data survey, so he came here to see if he could learn something useful.

After receiving it and interacting with the young Pokémon in the research institute, Dark felt like traveling.

Coincidentally, there has been no news from Team Galactic, Team Magma, and Team Ocean yet.

Before that, Dark plans to take his Pokémon on a short trip.

"I'll be a rookie trainer from today, haha."

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