Pokémon Breeding House Starting from Pirates

Chapter 533: The Sinnoh Champion's First Temple Observations

At the entrance of the First Temple.

"It looked very close on the map, but it turned out to be quite far."

Hirona got off Pokkis's back, and her ankles were still a little sore.

Originally, Sirona thought it was very close when she looked at the map, so she could just walk over.

Who would have thought.

The scale of cities in this world is completely different from that in the Pokémon world.

No matter how big the big cities in the Pokémon world are, they are actually just like a city in ancient times in Blue Star Daxia, without the distinction between urban and suburban areas.

It can be said that a city in the Pokémon world is all urban areas, without suburban areas.

But the big cities in Pokémon Island are completely different. It is a city in modern Daxia, with urban and suburban areas in the city.

The big cities in the Pokémon world would only occupy the area of ​​the urban area at most if they were placed in the Alliance City.

And Sirona was used to wearing short-heeled high heels, so it would be very tiring to travel long distances.

After walking for an hour or two, Sirona found that she still had more than half of the distance to go, and she couldn't stand it anymore, so she called Pokkis to fly forward from the sky.

Fortunately, they finally arrived.

"Well, it looks like a temple."

Shirona put Pokkis back into the Pokémon Ball, looked at the building in front of her and nodded.

The sacredness and ancient atmosphere that came to her face gave Shirona a very good feeling, making her a little fascinated.

She walked in and found that there were also many people gathered in this place.

"Why are there so many people everywhere?"

Shirona sighed helplessly.

She had only seen such a crowded occasion a few times in her life.

"Because it is during the event, and the First Temple is a very famous place of blessing in several worlds. You won't see so many people in other places. When the coordination competition is over, the entire Alliance City will become deserted."

Suddenly, a voice came from the side, which was somewhat similar to Shirona's.

Shirona turned her head and looked over. It was a black-haired woman who was taller than her and had a pair of amazing long legs.

"Hello, my name is Sirona, I'm from the Pokémon world, I just came here today."

"The Pokémon world. That new world, have you started to interact with each other? It seems that the Alliance City will become more lively these days."

The person who spoke was Robin. She came out for a walk on her day off today.

Robin's hobby is to watch the fun and see other people having fun together, which makes Robin happy.

If it is a long holiday, then Robin will invite three or five friends who study history to go to other worlds to study those ancient histories and then compile history books.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Robin. I come from the sailing world. I serve as the secretary general of the alliance and the dean of the Pokémon Academy. I came out for a walk on my day off today."

Robin walked closer and found that Sirona gave her a special feeling.

But Robin couldn't explain what that feeling was.

"You are so tall. I see that many people in this world are very tall."

"Well, people in the sailing world are generally taller. The big guys you see are basically from the sailing world. People in the other three worlds are of normal stature."

Robin explained with a smile, and then pointed inside,

"Would you like to go shopping together? I have done a lot of research in this area, and I can just tell you about it."

"Okay, I couldn't ask for more. My interest is to study theology and history, so the first thing I did when I came to this world was to go to the Temple of the First God, and then I plan to go to the Kaiyuan Temple again."

"Really? That's such a coincidence. My interest is also archaeology and history. I was an archaeologist before I met Dak."

Robin showed a somewhat surprised expression.

Archaeology and history are after all a relatively niche circle, so Robin was really happy to meet a girl of the same age and interest.

"Yes, that's great. We can go out to study together in the future. I'm very powerful and can protect you."

Shirona's mood was almost exactly the same as Robin's.

It was not Shirona's own will that she had been alone all along. It was because there were too few people who could get into a circle, and the circle was basically composed of elderly grandparents.

Thinking of having a companion in the future, Shirona even happily stepped forward and held Robin's arm.

"Let's go, let's go~"

Robin also pulled Shirona and walked inside.

As a frequent visitor to the First Temple, Robin twisted and turned and led Shirona through the crowd to the center of the temple, which aroused Shirona's praise.

"Let's see, the history of the alliance starts with these three Pokémon."

Robin first took Shirona to the three statues in the innermost part.

And Shirona's expression immediately became serious after seeing these three statues.

[Nightmare God], [Konoha God], [Pluto God].

Two of the three Pokémon are local legendary Pokémon in Sinnoh that Shirona has done in-depth research on.

Especially the last one, Giratina, is the master of destroying the world, a mysterious Pokémon that Shirona has never seen before.

"Are they the three around Dark?"


"I see."

Hilona nodded without any surprise.

Although she had never seen Dark's Giratina in person, she had heard that there was a Giratina around Dark.

At that time, Shirona wanted to see it, but Dark said that Giratina had returned to the Pokémon Island to sleep, which made her a little disappointed.

As for the Darkrai and Lizard King, she had seen them, and they were indeed much more powerful than ordinary Pokémon.

I remember that when Lizard King and Garchomp were together, she heard from Dark that Lizard King was originally stronger, but it was just hiding in the woods on the outskirts of the Alliance City and wasted itself.

"These are the three Pokémon who helped Dark and us and ended the tyranny of our world. This is a long story, with at least 800 years of history to tell. I will tell you slowly later."


Shirona nodded seriously, and at the same time, excitement appeared in her eyes.

When she thought that there would be so much history to study in the future, she was a little happy, just like her favorite novels and animations would never be updated.

"These three Pokémon have been with Dark before he established the alliance."


Shirona looked at the introduction of the Nightmare God and finally understood.

Why did Dark only have seven Pokémon balls on his waist at that time, but he carried eight Pokémon with him.

It turned out that Darkrai was the 'shadow of the God of Creation', which means that Darkrai has always been in Dark's shadow, or has completely turned into Dark's shadow.

As Robin introduced them one by one, Shirona also got to know the Pokémon that Dark had.

That was really quite shocking.

In the many legends of the Pokémon world, Pokémon that ordinary people can never see in their lifetime are all Dark's partners, and each one is so powerful that it is terrifying.

Of course, Shirona also noticed the non-legendary Banjiras and Lapras.

She was full of praise for Dark's ability to cultivate these two Pokémon so powerfully. When she tasted Dark's first bite of food, she had already expected that Dark was a very powerful breeder.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Cultivating so many Pokémon to the level of gods.

It took decades for these champions to cultivate a Pokémon to this level.

What Sirona didn't know was that it had nothing to do with Dark.

The reason why Bankiras, Lapras, and even Lizard King could reach this level was entirely due to their own efforts.

Before they came to Dark, they were just wild Pokémon that had lived for a long time.

It was only after that that Dark began to cultivate their various abilities in other worlds and improve their upper limits.

"Isn't it powerful?"

"Yes, it's too powerful."

Sirona nodded blankly.

But the "powerful" mentioned by the two was not of the same order of magnitude.

Robin's power was just pure power, and she had long been accustomed to Dark's omnipotence.

In fact, Robin had only a vague understanding of the abilities and combat power of these first god Pokémon, and she had never even seen many of them.

But Sirona was different.

She knew the abilities of these legendary Pokémon too well.

Among the nearly thirty statues in this temple, four of them are elemental gods from the Zero World that she doesn't know.

As for the others, Shirona knows very well that at least half of them have the ability to destroy the Pokémon world.

So the "powerful" she mentioned is completely amazing.

"Who are these four elemental goddesses?"

Suppressing the shock in her heart, Shirona pointed to the four statues on the outermost edge with curiosity.

"They are the elemental kings that Dark brought back from the Zero World. It is a magical world, and the four elemental kings are also the most powerful magicians in that world."

Robin explained briefly.

But this alone is enough to arouse Shirona's great interest.

"It's so interesting. I really want to go to other worlds."

"That's easy. You can go to other worlds by using the teleportation array at the alliance base. Sirona, you are not an ordinary person, right?"

"Well, I am the champion of the Sinnoh region. Is this an ordinary identity?"

"Champion? That's very unusual. No one in our alliance is currently capable of being the champion."

Robin now knows why Sirona said she was powerful.

The champion is indeed very powerful.

Because the champion must defeat the four kings in turn to be the champion, Robin knows how powerful the four lower four kings in the sailing world are.

"Since you have such an identity, you can use the Pokémon Island teleportation array at will, without being restricted by time. You can go and come back whenever you want."

"Emmm, I still want to walk around in this world. When Robin has time in the future, you can take me there."


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