Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 473 Did I Promise Something?

"That's it, do you need to warm up?"

After swaggering through the city with a group of elves, Lu Ze came to the research institute.

Most people in the Latios Institute of Existence know about it.

After all, some time ago, the commotion between Latios and Deoxys was a bit big.

"This is?"

Lattios looked curiously at the small room in front of him, almost stuck his head on it, trying to get a glimpse of the scene inside the room through the glass door.

"Dodge rate training room."

Lu Ze touched the glass door with nostalgia in his eyes.

"Back then, the cross-word bat also started from here."

Lu Ze couldn't help but sigh when he thought of the little guy who was still a supersonic bat in the dodge training room when he was in Chang'an City.

The supersonic bat who couldn't pass the dodge training BB bomb training before is now a forked bat that can walk through the ice light and electric current in the sky without a little injury.

"Go in, you won't get hurt."

Lu Ze nodded to Latios and said.

No matter what you say, Latios is also a beast, and the small BB bullets did not hurt him at all.

Unlike the supersonic bat, she had to apply medicine every day at that time.

"Is it okay to just go in?"

Lu Ze nodded and smiled: "Of course!"

"However, don't get hit by BB bullets inside."

"Do not worry!"

Latios patted his chest, and then flew directly into the dodge training room.

"I'm ready!"

"Okay, then I will activate Ang."

Lu Ze put his hand on the start button, and then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth at Latios.

"I forgot to tell you, when the cross-word bat came here for the first time when it was still a super-sonic bat, the hit rate was 57%, please work hard, don't even be a new-born super-sonic bat. Can't compare."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he pressed the start button without waiting for Latios to respond.


Lattios looked at Lu Ze in horror, why did you tell me this when I started.

The psychological pressure is different with and without comparison, right?

Don't wait for me to adjust it!

Latios was shocked, but he still tried his best to dodge the BB bombs fired from all directions.

"It's great~"

Looking at the embarrassed figure of Latios in the training room, Lu Ze couldn't help chuckling.

"Xiaohong, help me watch him. After each round, the rest time is ten minutes. I have already set the program on the machine. Just press the start button for him."


Xiaohong nodded happily, then patted Snorkel, signaling Snorkel to put her down.

Kirby bent down and stretched out his palm.

Then Xiaohong jumped onto the palm of Snorlax, and then jumped on the ground.

"Aren't you coming down?"


Sorolla "hummed" twice, but after Xiaohong jumped down, Sorolla also jumped off the Kirby just like Xiaohong.

"Snappy, the next step is your training."

After Lu Ze patted Snorby's stomach, he said to Snorby with a smile.

"For you, there is a skill training room here. You have almost trained melee skills, but your long-range attacks often feel a little stagnant..."


Snorkel nodded with a smile, and he also understood that it is time to shift the direction of training.

His current melee attack is trained by wearing a bear. Because of his talent, Snorlax's melee strength is very strong now, and there is no room for much improvement in a short time.

Snorkel is now in a stage of physical training. He needs a lot of food and training every day, so as to make his body stronger and more powerful.

After this stage is over, the Snorlax's melee strength will continue to improve.

And what Lu Ze has to do now is to guide the Kirby to continue training other things, not to mention by analogy.

The main reason is that Snorkel has his own training methods, and he can quickly complete his daily physical training tasks.

For the rest of the time, Snorkel lay flat, or started to teach Lu Ze's other elves.

There is no way, the current strength of the Kirby beast is considered unique among Lu Ze's elves.

It is true that the forked bat is stronger than the Kabimon.

But Snorbymon's strong melee ability happens to be the fork bat's weakness, so no elves can teach Snorbymon on melee combat.

"Go, train hard, and then I will find you a good teacher."

After Lu Ze patted Snorby's butt, he said helplessly to Snorby.

Lu Ze's deepest impression on the Snorby is the Snorby who is mentally retarded.

However, the mentally handicapped Snorkelmon took the dexterous route and was a nimble fat man.

And what about Lu Ze's Kirby?

Lu Ze's Kirby is lazy, so it takes the route of reducing ten meetings with one force.

If I slap you to death with one slap, I can get off work and call it a day.

Because the two Snorbys take different routes, Lu Ze has no good training methods for Snorbys.

We can only help Snorby with food, increase his basic ability as much as possible, and make his destructive power even stronger.

At the same time, he also needs to train his long-range attack ability. He doesn't need long-range attack to defeat the enemy, as long as he doesn't get hit there as a target.


Lu Ze carefully thought about whether there was anyone suitable to teach Snorby.

It must have a certain melee ability, and it must be faster than the Kirbymon, and it must have a long-range attack that can pull the Kirbymon.

"By the way, Grandpa's marsupial dragon should be fine!"

Lu Ze's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking of Lu Xingguo's bag dragon.

Lu Ze had seen the information about the marsupial dragon when he was experimenting with super evolution last time.

The skill pool of the marsupial dragon is similar to that of the Kirbymon. Although both are mainly physical attack, they also have a lot of special attack moves.

So it's really good for the bag dragon to teach Kirbymon.

Although the bag dragon is faster, it may not have the experience of being kited.

But it doesn't matter, the kite squirrel has always been the special skill of the forked bat.

It would be good to leave the training in this area to the cross-word bat.

Thinking of happy things, Lu Ze couldn't help stroking Soraya's hair beside him.

"How about Soraya, are you comfortable?"


Soroya half-closed her eyes and murmured that the sound from her throat had already explained her feelings.

"So, do you want to be my elf?"

Lu Ze looked at Soraya with a smile and asked.

It’s not me bragging, although I haven’t learned massage techniques, but the way I rub cats and dogs is not bragging to you. If I don’t rub you comfortably, I’m not good at learning!


Solo Asia Pacific felt comfortable, and nodded without realizing what Lu Ze said.

"You promised!?"

At this time, Lu Ze was also pleasantly surprised. He really didn't expect that Zoroya actually agreed.

Although he knew that Zoroya was already following him for sure.

However, Zoroya's arrogant character made her shake her head and run away every time Lu Ze proposed to subdue her with a poke ball.

I didn't expect that this casual question would yield unexpected results.


After Lu Ze responded excitedly, he took out the luxurious ball and placed it in front of Sorolla.


Sorolla looked at the luxurious ball in front of him and then reacted.


(I just, like, did I, maybe, promise something?)

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