Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 53 Poisonous Kirby


Lu Ze opened his eyes and stretched.

Seeing the sun shining on the little Snorby's belly, Lu Ze couldn't help rubbing it with his hands on the little Snorby's belly

The little carbine said "uh, huh" and opened its eyes after pushing Lu Ze's hand away.

Seeing Lu Ze stroking his belly with a smile, he also happily patted his belly

The big-mouthed bat went out to fly around very early, and now it should cook in the living room with Mother Lu

She will not stay in bed every day like Lu Ze and the little Kabimon ╮(‵▽′)╭

"Lu Ze! Wake up! We're going to be late!"

"Wake up, wake up"

Lu Ze quickly responded, then patted the little Snorkelling's belly, got up and began to dress

When he got dressed and went out, Lu Ze said hello to the big-mouthed bat who was drinking a pot of fairy tea on the sofa

"Morning, Big Mouth Bat"


The big-mouthed bat waved its wings without looking back, and responded to Lu Ze.

Ever since Lu Ze discovered that the big-mouthed bat seems to have the temperament of an old cadre (early to bed and early to rise, regular work and rest, fly out for a walk every morning, and a glass of moomoo milk every night)

Lu Ze was curious and made some elf tea. Who would have thought that the big-mouthed bat would fall in love with this taste immediately?

But the big-mouthed bat looks like this, the teacup at home is really not friendly to him, so later when she is at home, she will use a basin to drink tea

After Lu Ze and the little Kabimon washed up in the bathroom together, they went to the table for dinner together.

Lu's father, Lu's mother and the big-mouthed bat have already started eating

Father Lu took a bite of the fried egg and asked

"Who are you going to use the [Very Poison] skill disc that was rewarded by the champion yesterday?"

Yesterday Lu Ze had finished the battle for the Baby Cup, and the champion reward is a [Very Poison] skill CD (Very Toxin)

The runner-up is Youyuyou, and the reward is [Spin ​​Ball] skill disc (the slower the speed is than the opponent, the higher the damage)

Later, because it was useless to Ghost Stone, I exchanged an unknown skill disc with Sui Yan, and Sui Yan didn't tell him

The third place is Tang Yunqin. Zhang Xue seems to have no fighting spirit after losing to Lu Ze, and Tang Yunqin took the third place.

Her [Water Wave] skill disc will most likely be used by the ugly fish. After all, the big tongue shell is an elf subdued in the wild, and it is not allowed to use the big tongue shell to take the college entrance examination according to the regulations.

As the college entrance examination is approaching, he can only increase the fighting power of Ugly Ugly Fish as much as possible.

However, according to Lu Ze's estimate, there is a high probability that her ugly fish will evolve before the college entrance examination. After all, for three months, she has been eating energy cubes that increase beauty every day according to Lu Ze's request.

Lu Ze took a sip of milk, swallowed the sandwich in his mouth and said

"I didn't think about it, but I tend to give it to the little Kabymon"

Father Lu nodded

"It's okay, yesterday's battle fully exposed your little Snorkel's problems. Compared with the big-mouthed bat, he is still not comprehensive enough."

"When facing the long-range elves, the little Snakemon only has [Earthquake] and [Finger] relying on luck, and the opposite is a flying type, [Floating] characteristic."

"You were lucky enough to make it to the semi-finals yesterday, otherwise, you might have fallen to that little girl Yin Hanling."

Lu Ze nodded

"Indeed, I also discovered this problem during the battle yesterday, so now before the college entrance examination, the little Kabimon should at least let him learn a few long-range attacks."

"Well, okay, there is nothing else to say. You should not be short of money. You should buy skill discs. Look at your opponent in the finals yesterday. At least three skill discs were used."

"[Frozen Wind] [One Hundred Thousand Volts] [Wild Fire] and even [Shadow Ball] are not skills that he can comprehend by himself now"

"Yeah, good dad"

"Okay, let's not talk about it, the big-mouthed bat will follow me?"

"Well, let's go with you, the big-mouthed bat still has some skills that need to be learned from your moon elves."


Taking advantage of the time before school, Lu Ze hurriedly made some energy cubes, and asked Dad Lu to take them there for his elves to eat.

It's amazing, the same energy cube, the one made by Lu Ze is better than the one made by the staff in Lu Ma's shop ⊙ω⊙

Mother Lu complained more than once about whether Lu Ze was hiding something, and what was not written in

After dinner, Lu's father and Lu's mother went in to wash the dishes, and Lu Ze cleaned up the table. After the family chatted for a while, it was time to go to work, and it was time to go to school.

Unsurprisingly, on the road, I was with Suiyan again

in school

fun history lesson

"When Tang Taizong passed away, he fought with him for the rest of his life, and the magic Pokémon Victini that accompanied him all his life disappeared."

"It was once said that Emperor Taizong of Tang imprisoned him near his palace when he died, that is, in the Daming Palace in our Chang'an city."

"But this can be said to be a conspiracy theory. After all, the Daming Palace is already a tourist attraction. If there is, how could it not be discovered?"

"Moreover, the generals and kings of all dynasties are very envious of this elf who can bring victory. The Daming Palace has already gone through it countless times."

"So, the current mainstream voice is that Victini, like Kiraqi, has fallen into a deep sleep. Of course, this is also a hypothesis..."

boring elf class

"Please select the only grass type of the following elves"

"A: Leisure Therapy"

"B: Onion Rangers"

"C: Mrs. Huajie"

"D: balls"

"E: Bullshit tree"

"This question is a must-test question! I didn't take it in the first two years, but I will definitely take it this year. Five points are here, and I love it."

"Come on, the next question, as we all know, among the elves on land, the elf that runs the fastest (with the highest speed value) is Reggie Eleki, then, the elf that runs the fastest on the road is"

"A: Two-tailed monkey (two-tailed hand)"

"B: Thunder Beast"

"C: Cool Leopard"

"D: Lizard King"

"Attention, there is a trap in this question. On the bright side, hey, the lizard king is the fastest, right? But, the lizard king is a monster, from the flying dragon group."

"This is an obvious trap, but there are not a few people who failed on this question in the exam last year, pay attention to the review, everyone"

"So, what's the choice for this question?"


"Yes, that's right, choose A, the two-tailed monster, well, the next question, this question, is also a compulsory question..."

fun geography lesson

"As we all know, our Dragon Kingdom has a vast land and abundant resources, and has a long history. Many mythical beasts are in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. Among them, which one is in the northeast of our country (multiple choice)"

"A: Flame Bird"

"B: Frozen Bird"

"c: Seadolan"

"D: Reshiram"

"This question is very obvious. A Flame Bird is in the Kingdom of Chao, and it is the beast of the covenant of the Kingdom of Chao. As for the Frozen Bird, I won't talk about it. This is a must."

"There is no doubt that the next C. Xidoran will live in the Kolo Volcanic Group. As for D., if anyone knows where it is, please let me know. I can still go to the official site to receive a reward."

"So, for this question, choose B.C. Reshiram doesn't know where it is, so it doesn't count. For multiple choice questions, you must pay attention. You don't know how many options there are, so..."

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