Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 59 Geng Ghost's Skill Pool

The next morning, on the way to school

Unsurprisingly, together with Suiyan again

"How about it, does your father agree?"

Lu Ze yawned and asked. Last night, I checked some information about the secret realm of elves, so I fell asleep a little late.

Sui Yan said excitedly

"I asked, and he agreed, and not only lent me the Fusi Pot, but also gave me the Sonic Dragon, saying that it can run faster."

"Okay, running fast is also important"

After hearing this, Lu Ze felt more confident.

In fact, he doesn't need to go to the secret realm of elves, and he can safely wait until after the college entrance examination and go to university

After the strength is strong, which elf secret realm cannot go

But his heart doesn't allow it, every time he thinks of going to the fairy secret realm, his heart will be beating non-stop, very excited

Moreover, he also really wanted to see what it was like in the elf secret realm. After all, if you only listen to something and never see it, you will really be unable to suppress the thoughts in your heart.


Sure enough, the serious time is always very fast, and a week passed in a flash

When school was over on Friday, Lu Ze told his friends and went back to his breeding house alone

After greeting the shop assistants as before, he walked towards the back

Lu Ze pushed open the door of the institute and walked in

"Dad, where's Geng Gui?"

Father Lu turned around from his chair, holding a pen in his hand, as if he was writing something

"You are so anxious, I don't know where Geng Gui is, you call him"

Suddenly, Lu Ze seemed to feel something, then looked down at the shadow under his feet, and said uncertainly

"Geng Gui?"


Geng Gui got out of Lu Ze's shadow, scratched his head, and couldn't understand how Lu Ze knew he was in the shadow

Father Lu was taken aback when he saw Lu Ze calling out Geng Gui from the shadow, then he smiled as if he had thought of something

Lu Ze touched Geng Gui's head

"Geng Gui, you're going to follow me these few days, protect me, I'll make you bao frei"

Geng Gui opened his mouth slightly, and a stream of saliva flowed down the corner of his mouth. Then he reacted and nodded frantically.

Two days ago, he ate the baofrei brought by the little squirrel and the big-mouthed bat. It was really delicious, but it was a pity that it was too little.

Lu Ze looked at Geng Gui and was very satisfied. Geng Gui's skill panel is luxurious, and basically he has learned all the skills that can be learned.

Elf: Gengar

Gender: Male

Attributes: ghost, poison

Feature: Cursed Body (When a Pokémon with this feature is attacked or comes into close contact with it during the battle, there is a 30% chance to put the opponent into a state of immobilization)

(Standing method: Negative state, when in the state of holding the body, the last skill used before entering the state of holding the body cannot be used)

Qualification: Red

Basic Skills: Shadow Fist, Hypnotism, Tongue Lick, Resentment, Black Gaze, Curse, Night Shadow, Strange Light, Pounce, Tit for Tat, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Wave of Evil, Same Life, Misfortunes never come singly, Nightmare, Poison , destroying the dead light, splitting tiles, mental obsession, sludge bomb, true qi bomb, magic flash, farmer's three punches...

Inherited Skills: Clearing Smoke, Black Mist, Fright, Mirror Attribute, Song of Death, Hold

"Okay, don't bother me if you have nothing else to do, I still have a report to write, but remember to come and tell me before you enter the elf secret realm"

Father Lu turned around and continued writing.

"Is it the evolution requirement of Menus?"

Lu Ze asked curiously, when he was having dinner at home two days ago, he heard Lu's mother mention it, saying that Papa Ugly Fish had also evolved into Menus.

Sir, Menus...

"Ang, yes, I have almost figured out the evolutionary conditions, and there is a high probability that it is what you said, the condition for beauty."

"And the key point may be the mentality of the ugly fish, and the beauty may be only one of the conditions, and the rest needs to be studied."

Father Lu said without turning his head

"Okay, then you continue to study, I'll go see how the little Snorkellings are doing with their training"

"Well, go ahead, remember what I said"

Lu Ze gently closed the door of the research institute, and then walked to the open space in the middle of the forest with Geng Gui

"Hey? Geng Gui, why are you free in my shadow today?"

Geng Gui waved his hand, pointed to himself, and pointed to the staff-tailed scale armored dragon in the distance

"Oh~ you mean that you are not teaching skills today, right?"

Geng Gui nodded

Lu Ze looked at Geng Gui, and the more he looked at it, the more he fell in love with him. Who can refuse such a cute purple fat man?

Lu Ze stopped suddenly, looked at Geng Gui seriously, and asked after seeing Geng Gui's heart trembling.

"Geng Gui, have you considered finding a wife and having a child?"

Gengar: !!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ

Geng Gui was a little startled, and plunged into Lu Ze's shadow

No matter what Ren Lu Ze calls him, he won't come out

Lu Ze is a little funny

"Hey, hey, it's just a joke, don't be so shy"

It's strange, Lu Ze can feel the emotional fluctuations coming from his shadow, and looking at it like this, it's clearly Geng Gui's emotions

"Yo, long time no see, Daddy Ugly Fish, um~ I should call you Daddy Menus now."

When Lu Ze passed by the pond, he saw two Meenas floating on the water basking in the sun, and joked

When Ugly Ugly Fish saw Lu Ze, he subconsciously closed his mouth and prepared to charge up

Lu Ze panicked

"Hey hey?! Let me tell you Ang, it is all thanks to me that you can evolve into Menus, don't forget to be grateful."


It was still a sip of water that was accurately spit on Lu Ze's face, without giving Lu Ze any face

Lu Ze wiped the water off his face, looked at Papa Menus and threatened

"Okay, you can do it, you watch, your elf food ration will be cut off tomorrow, that's what I did too"

Lu Ze will occasionally make more elf food and bring it here every weekend, and give it to everyone during the training of the big-mouthed bat and the little squirrel.

Now, Father Menus hesitated a little, and wanted to apologize to Lu Ze, but Lu Ze had already walked away angrily.

Papa Menus: (`ェ)つ

Father Menus had no choice but to pester the snickering daughter-in-law next to him, hoping that she would share some with him tomorrow.

After Lu Ze approached, he saw the little Snorby first, and the little Snorkel was practicing 【Jet Flame】

With a small mouth: "Huh~"

A pillar of fire flew out from the mouth of the little Kirby, and accurately hit the skill target... the tree next to it

Then the little Kabimon quickly adjusted the direction of its head, and the fire pillar moved slightly, and then it successfully hit the skill target.

"Nice job, little Kirby"

Lu Ze clapped his hands and walked towards the little Kirby, praising

The little Kabimon touched his head in embarrassment

Lu Ze conveniently stuffed an energy cube into the mouth of the little Kirby

"Come on hard"

The little Snorkel was very happy eating the energy cube, and nodded quickly

"Okay, then you continue to practice, I'll go and see the big-mouthed bat"

Lu Ze patted the little Kirby on the shoulder, and walked towards the big-mouthed bat

When the big-mouthed bat saw Lu Ze walking towards him, he was a little nervous

[Malicious Pursuit], which could have been used, can't be used now.

After trying several times, Lu Ze has already walked to the side of the big-mouthed bat, but the big-mouthed bat still hasn't used the learned [malicious pursuit]

The big-mouthed bat looked at Lu Ze aggrievedly.

Lu Ze also touched the head of the big-mouthed bat

"Don't be nervous, I saw you used it just now, it's very handsome"

The first thing Lu Ze saw was the little Kirby, but when he saw the little Kirby, his eyes were also looking for the big-mouthed bat.

He has just seen the big-mouthed bat successfully use its skills, and the reason for the misfiring a few times now is probably because of nervousness

After all, the speed at which the big-mouthed bat learns skills is indeed slower than that of the small carbimon

The big-mouthed bat nodded, revived and flew in the air, wrapped in dark energy

[Malicious pursuit] successfully released, hit the skill target in the distance

"Ness, Big Mouth Bat"

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