Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 627 Furious Mo Qiancheng

After confirming that the person opposite was Mo Qiancheng, Lu Ze also decided to give Uncle Mo Qiancheng a fun one.

At the same time, Wang Hechuan on the side was also very cooperative and wanted to make a video with Mo Qiancheng, saying that he wanted to watch him play games.

Although Mo Qiancheng was a little confused, he still agreed.

However, Wang Hechuan did not let Lu Ze see Mo Qiancheng's game screen, but pointed Mo Qiancheng's game screen at the camera.

Soon the game started, with the three Pokémon chosen by Lu Ze plus the other three Pokémon used to confuse Mo Qiancheng.

As for Mo Qiancheng, what was not surprising was his steel team.

Because Wang Hechuan had turned off his own voice, Lu Ze could speak with confidence.

"Brothers, I bet that among his three Pokémon there will be Metagross. Fifty, bet or not!"

"Only fools bet!"

"The anchor thinks we are fools?"

"I, Mr. Huang, will live my life together with gambling and drugs!"

"No gambling!"

Everyone on the barrage said not to gamble, and Lu Ze had no choice but to say: "Okay, if you don't want to gamble, I won't gamble."

After saying that and clicking "Ready", Lu Ze and Mo Qiancheng entered the game.

"Wow, the other side came prepared."

As soon as he entered the game, Mo Qiancheng heard his complaints.

After Wang Hechuan replied with a smile, everyone on the barrage was also happy.

"Ha, Uncle Mo didn't choose Metagross for his first Pokémon? Then I won't be polite."

Lu Ze was immediately happy when he saw that the first one Mo Qiancheng got was Commander Pi Zhan.

"Although I don't know what trait Uncle Mo chose for his Slash Commander, there is a high probability that it is [Unwilling to admit defeat]. Fortunately, I did not choose the Blazing Roaring Tiger."

Lu Ze was delighted. The first of the three Pokémon he chose was Roaring Tiger, the number one in the universe.

However, he didn't expect that the first Pokémon his opponent chose was Commander Cleaver.

He originally thought that Uncle Mo would be the first Metagross to acquire the [Eternal Pure Body] trait, so he did not choose the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

But it can be considered an accident.

"He's the Flame Chicken first. I feel so uncomfortable!" Mo Qiancheng's unhappy voice came from the phone again.

Wang Hechuan comforted Mo Qiancheng with a smile and then turned off the sound.

At the same time, the battle between the two began.

After Lu Ze operated on the screen, he explained it to everyone by counting down the seconds.

"Commander Cleaver usually carries the [Assault] skill of this type. If he faces an opponent like the Flame Chicken who is faster than him, he will most likely use the [Assault] skill first."

"So, since we have guessed it, let's catch him by surprise and directly use [Sword Dance]."

Lu Ze said, chuckling, and the flame chicken on the screen also started the [Sword Dance] animation.

Lu Ze knew from the Flame Chicken first [Sword Dance] that the opponent's skill must be [Assault].

"Ah! Why did he guess what skills I was going to use?"

Sure enough, as Mo Qiancheng's screams came, the subtitles on the screen also showed the message that the commander's skill failed to be used.

"Hoo ho ho, I really belong to you~"

"King Mo Qiancheng might never have imagined that one day he would be cheated by a college student."

"Looking forward to the expression on King Mo Qiancheng's face when he knows the truth."

“Looking forward +1”

“Looking forward to +10086”

Lu Ze couldn't help but become happy after hearing Mo Qiancheng's voice, but the second round began. After Lu Ze calmed down, he continued to explain to them.

"Next, King Mo Tian will not believe in evil and will do another [raid], do you believe it or not?"

"Do not believe!"

"I don't believe it! No one would be so stubborn!"

"It's just that you think our King Mo is too simple-minded."

Lu Ze smiled: "You don't believe it, do you? Look carefully and study carefully."

As the flame chicken [Sword Dance] animation appeared on the screen, the people in the live broadcast room and Wang Hechuan and Sui Yan beside them were stunned.

The only sound that came from Wang Hechuan's cell phone was Mo Qiancheng's furious yelling.

"Why is he sword dancing again!!!"

After Wang Hechuan came to his senses, he turned on his voice without hesitation and laughed at Mo Qiancheng, then turned off his voice again and listened to Lu Ze's explanation.

"Actually, it's very simple. The second round is a guessing process between the two parties, but he needs to be cautious, but I don't."

"There is no possibility that he can kill me instantly, so I can use [Sword Dance], but he has to be wary of me using attack skills, so he will most likely use [Assault]."

Lu Ze smiled and clicked on the Flame Chicken's [Close Combat].

"Now that the situation has stabilized, we can kill him directly."

"How can it be!"

"Is this going to kill you?"

"Hey... I feel... it's possible... to put King Mo Tian in the team."

There were still many trainers in the barrage, so after thinking about it for a while, I was surprised to find that the current Flame Chicken really has the possibility of crossing the team.

[Sword Dance] Two physical attacks increase by four, [Acceleration] characteristic speed increases by two, and one level of speed is added after the end of this round.

At this speed, apart from being wary of Commander Choi's [Surprise Attack], there is nothing else that can stop the Flame Chicken.

As for the [Assault] skill, it is basically impossible to kill the Flame Chicken instantly.

Therefore, it is indeed very possible to cross the team.

Thinking of this, the trainers in the live broadcast room instantly became excited.

They want to record this, and they must know that the opposite person is the world's number one steel king. But here I am just a student who is not yet a sophomore.

"Since you don't believe it, let's take a look." Lu Ze smiled confidently.

This round, Mo Qiancheng still chose to use [Assault]. At this time, he had no other choice.

If [Assault] is not used, the opponent will strike first. In his opinion, two [Sword Dances] are enough, and there is a high probability that there will be no third time.

And this is indeed the case. Commander Pizhan attacked first, but [Assault] only hit the Flame Chicken a little damage.

On the contrary, Flame Chicken's [Close Combat] directly emptied Commander Cleaver's health bar.

"I feel like I went far this round..."

Mo Qiancheng's resentful voice came from the mobile phone: "It's so embarrassing to lose so miserably in the first game..."

Wang Hechuan suppressed his laughter. This was not a shame. The real shame was yet to come.

After calming down and clearing his throat, Wang Hechuan turned on the audio.

"I also feel that you are far away, but it's just a small problem in the first game."


While Mo Qiancheng and Wang Hechuan were chatting, Mo Qiancheng's remaining two Pokémon were also taken away by the Flame Chicken.

A Metagross, a Nut Dumbbell, a Pokémon and a [Fire Kick] took them away immediately.

After losing, Mo Qiancheng breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, it would be great if we could directly replace Metagross. Ozawa is also serious about saying that the super evolution will not be released until the next version, otherwise I will be huge." Can the golden monster be wronged?"

"Super evolution? Will it be added to the next version?"

"The next version will have super evolution, which is so cool!"

Mo Qiancheng's inadvertent revelation caused the live broadcast room to boil, but Lu Ze and Wang Hechuan didn't say anything.

After all, this plan will be announced sooner or later, it doesn't make any difference if it's earlier or later.

Wang Hechuan couldn't bear it any longer and opened the voice chat with a smile: "Come on, Xiaoze, say a few words."


Mo Qiancheng on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, and then he saw Lu Ze's face and two big characters behind him - Victory!

"So...I was fighting you just now?"


Lu Ze opened the record list with a smile: "Hey, isn't this you?"

"Despicable, Wang Hechuan, you really didn't have good intentions in making a video with me. You leaked my lineup!"

Wang Hechuan quickly shook his head: "No way, everyone in the live broadcast room can testify that I have not shown your lineup to Ozawa."


After Mo Qiancheng heard this word, his brain suddenly shut down.


"That's right, Ozawa defeated you based on his ability." Wang Hechuan said with a smile.

"It's not this, it's...when I was defeated by a college student..."

"There aren't many people, only about two million~" Wang Hechuan interrupted Mo Qiancheng again with a smile.



"Die to me!"

After a heartbreaking shout came from Mo Qiancheng's side, the screen on Wang Hechuan's side showed that the call had been hung up.



After Mo Qiancheng hung up the video call, Lu Ze, Sui Yan and Wang Hechuan also burst into laughter.

The comments in the live broadcast room were all "hahaha".

At the same time, the live recording of Lu Ze's battle against Mo Qiancheng was also circulated online.

"By the way, what's the purpose of the other two Pokémon you chose?"

After he finished laughing, Wang Hechuan pointed to Lu Ze's other two Pokémon who didn't appear and asked.

"Yes, yes, I'm curious too."

"Anchor, tell me!"

"Husband, tell me~"

"Hey, there's a pervert upstairs!"

When Lu Ze heard this, he directly clicked on the first interface of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

"The [Intimidate] attribute of the Blazing Roaring Tiger can reduce the opponent's physical attack. The skill it carries [Throwing Harsh Words] can be used to retreat after reducing the opponent's double attack. [Phosphorus Fire] can also reduce the physical attack of Steel Pokémon." , so he is a support player."

"The remaining two skills are [Knock Down] and [Flash Charge]. The first one is a prop used to knock down the opponent. The second one can be exchanged with the opponent when necessary. The prop carried is Wuhuaguo. You can allow yourself to hold on a little longer.”

"It's so dirty."

As soon as Lu Ze finished speaking, Sui Yan on the side commented on the barrage and Mo Qiancheng.

"Haha, really, really dirty!"

"Official complaints are the most deadly."

"This anchor is so dirty!"


Lu Ze was amused: "The dirty ones are still behind."

As Lu Ze spoke, he clicked on the Hairy Troll's information panel under the curious gazes of Wang Hechuan and Sui Yan.

"The hairy troll with the [Heart of Mischief] trait will use changing skills faster, so the skills I bring are [Reflective Wall], [Substitute], [Provocation] and [Fire Fist]."

"[Reflective Wall] is designed to target steel-type physical attack skills. In addition, the Hairy Troll carries light clay, which can increase the turn of [Reflective Wall]. Therefore, after the Hairy Troll uses [Reflective Wall] You can exit safely.”

"After coming off the field, switch to the Blazing Roaring Tiger, use [Phosphorus Fire] to reduce the opponent's physical attack again, and then use [Throwing Harsh Words] to leave the field."

"Finally, use the [Acceleration] Flame Chicken, use [Sword Dance] behind the [Reflection Wall], and finally use it to push the team."

"As for why you chose to serve the flame chicken first? Can any of you guess it?"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he looked at the barrage with a smile and asked a question.

"Because I ordered it wrong."

"Because I want to have a steady hand."

"Read first that King Mo Tian will attack the commander first?"

"I don't know, tell me quickly!"

"Come on, I'll beat you to death for trying to show off!"

"Because? Afraid of the self-destructing magnet monster on the other side?"


In the end, it was Sui Yan beside Lu Ze who gave the correct answer.

"Because the Hairy Troll does not carry [Light Wall], if you attack the Hairy Troll first, you may be defeated. In this case, the gain outweighs the loss."

"That's why I chose to play the Flame Chicken first, because compared to the Blazing Roaring Tiger with the [Intimidation] trait, he is not very afraid of the Commander Cleaver with the [Unwilling to Accept Defeat] trait."

"Tsk, tsk, you've been thoughtful, I'm convinced."

"This is why he was able to defeat King Mo Qiancheng, this..."

"Really, you guys are so dirty when it comes to tactics, no wonder King Mo Qiancheng lost!"

"I feel a little sorry for King Mo Qiancheng, who met such an opponent."

Lu Ze looked at the barrage and smiled: "Okay, in that case, let's continue to the next game."

"Lu Ze!"

Just when Lu Ze clicked on matching, he heard a roar coming from downstairs, and at the same time, there was a "thump, thump, thump" coming upstairs.

"Ah, Cong Youbing, a twenty-five-year-old boy, why does anyone open the door?"

Lu Ze turned on the waveguide and looked at Cong Youbing who had just closed the door at the door and complained helplessly.

But the next moment, the door to Lu Ze's room was opened.


The mini dragon looked at the sudden appearance of the figure with confused eyes. After being stunned for a moment, he was immediately shocked.

"Sorry sorry..."

Mo Qiancheng dodged the Mini Dragon's [Water Gun] and quickly apologized and quickly closed the door.


The mini-dragon stood up in a daze. After being disturbed by Mo Qiancheng, the mini-dragon was no longer sleepy.

Of course, it was also because he had slept enough, otherwise he would have already gotten up when Lu Ze's phone rang.


After poking Soraya with its tail, and seeing that Soraya didn't respond, the mini dragon swayed out on its own.

When he came to the study next to him, Lu Ze was being raped by Mo Qiancheng.

The mini dragon didn't care and came to Lu Ze's body in a daze. After yawning, it stared at Mo Qiancheng's talk with dull eyes.

"I'll go! Flash Quasi-God!"

"OMG, my little heart can't stand the pink mini dragon!"

"The fuss is just because you new fans don't know about it. I, an old fan, have known about it for a long time."

"But you're still envious, right?"

"I'm sure, pink mini dragon, who doesn't love this? After taking it out, the success rate of picking up girls will be greatly increased, right?"

"That's right, if I have a quasi-god of different colors, then my goddess, hehe..."

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