Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 65 Cherish the Fruit

"Hey, hey, hey, don't dare to say it, don't dare to say it, the place in Chang'an City is evil, don't dare to talk nonsense"

Lu Ze hurriedly said "Bah bah" twice, shaking his head

"But even so, let's go to the volcano and have a look."

Lu Ze's face was a bit bitter. According to what Lu's father said, there is a high probability that the exit is in or near the volcano.

And there is a high probability that the Lord of the Secret Realm is also in the volcano

Lu Ze and the big-mouthed bat walked together, paying attention to both sides of the road

Before he came in, he read the secret realm guide on the Internet and said that some elf props are very inconspicuous lying on the side of the road, and you can earn money if you pick them up

There are also some berries, and many rare berries are also common

But Shuguo Lu Ze is not afraid, he knows most of them, as long as he meets them, he can recognize them

Thinking about it, I saw a serpentine bear on the side of the road

Lu Ze and Snake Bear looked at each other, then continued to move forward calmly

"The strategy says that the Snake Bear family is a treasure, pretend not to notice, pretend not to notice"

After Lu Ze walked forward for a while, he suddenly turned towards the forest and sneaked close to the snake bear

Snake Bear didn't notice that someone was already watching him, so he collected some berries without knowing it, and prepared to return to the lair

The serpentine bear is pierced with berries, and runs happily to the lair

Lu Ze looked at the snake bear with berries on his body, and happily followed

Soon, they arrived at the snake bear's lair. It was a big tree. In the tree hole in the middle of the tree, there was a small snake bear and a straight bear.

Lu Ze took a sneak peek. The little snake bear looks like it was born not long ago. It looks soft and cute.

At the same time, Lu Ze also saw the elf props under their bodies. Lu Ze saw three or four of them, two green stones, most likely the Leaf Stone, and one that looked like the Sun Stone.

As for the tree fruit, I haven't seen it. I guess they are all eaten as rations.

The serpentine bear that went back moved closer to Zhi Chong Xiong, and Zhi Chong Xiong happily picked off all the berries

Picking and picking, Snake Bear took out another gold coin from nowhere, and it was no surprise to Zhi Chong Xiong. He picked up the gold coin and put it in the pile of props and stone branches, and continued to pick the fruit

Lu Ze's eyes were straight. He followed Snake Bear all the way. He didn't see where he picked up the gold coins.

I just don’t know if it’s a talisman gold coin or an ancient gold coin. Ancient gold coins are worth a lot

"No, there must be a way, after all, we are civilized people, so we can't grab it by force."

Lu Ze calmed down, looked at the Snake Bear family in the tree hole, patted his face and thought

After a while, Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he called out Geng Gui

"Geng Gui, you do this, this and then this, do you understand?"

Geng Gui opened his mouth wide, nodded his head to express his understanding, then entered the shadow of the tree, ready to act

In Lu Ze's perception, Geng Gui's speed was so fast that he appeared in the shadow of the Serpentine Bear in a short while


The sudden appearance of Geng Gui startled the Snake Bear, who was happily eating the fruit, and jumped

With a wide grin, Geng Gui snatched the fruit from the Serpentine Bear's hand, and took a provocative bite.

Seeing the snake bear getting angry, Geng Gui stepped up again, sticking out his long tongue at the snake bear

"Slightly slightly~"

Snake Bear couldn't bear it any longer, a [hit] rushed towards Geng Gui

It's a pity that ordinary skills are useless to Geng Gui, and the Snake Bear passed through Geng Gui's body

Geng Gui stepped up his firepower, taunted him, turned around and ran away

The Serpentine Bear also followed in Lu Ze's plan

After running for a certain distance, Geng Gui waited for the Snake Bear, and when the Snake Bear rushed over, he suddenly turned his head


With a successful hit, the Snake Bear felt drowsy and fell to the ground in a daze

The first part of the Lu Ze plan, completed

Back in time, Lu Ze's plan when he called Geng Gui out

"Taunt the snake bear first, lure the snake bear out, don't worry about going straight to the bear, there are children at home, she won't go out"

"Then use [Hypnotism] to hypnotize the Serpentine Bear where Zhidong Xiong can see it, then carry him and run to a place where Zhidong Xiong can't see"

"At this time, Zhi Chong Xiong will come out to look for you. As for me, I will take the opportunity to get the things back, and then you listen to my signal, bring back Serpentine Bear and Zhi Chong Bear, and put Serpentine Bear at the door of their tree hole , the task is completed, okay?"

Geng Gui: ( ̄▽ ̄)~ok

The first phase of the plan was successful, and the second phase also paid off

Zhi Chongxiong panicked completely when he saw the Serpentine Bear being carried by Geng Gui out of sight

After quickly hiding the little snake bear that was eating tree fruit, he rushed out of the tree hole and chased after him

Lu Ze smiled confidently, and then quietly got into the tree hole

“I didn’t expect this tree hole to be quite big.”

Lu Ze sighed with emotion, and then hurried to work

"Ha, it really is the leaf stone"

Walking to the pile of things that Snake Bear threw casually, Lu Ze unceremoniously picked it up and put it in his backpack.

"Oh, it's a pity that this is a talisman gold coin, not an ancient gold coin"

"Yo, heart scales? It seems useless."

Heart scales can be recalled by people in the game, but in the real world it is just a nice collectible

As he said it, Lu Ze didn't dislike it, he still put the heart scales into his backpack

"Huh? This? It can't be a mysterious water drop, right?"

Lu Ze held up a drop-shaped thing to the light, and there was a small dark drop inside


Lu Ze flashed out of the corner of his eye, and saw the little snake bear covered by a big leaf next to it

Lu Ze put away the mysterious water droplets, put his hands in the backpack and slowly stepped forward

Walking in front of the little snake bear, the little snake bear looked at this creature he had never seen before with some fear


Lu Ze reached out and took out an energy cube from his backpack

"Hey, this is for you, it's delicious"

Seeing the little snake bear backing away in horror, Lu Ze thought that this little elf might have never seen an energy cube before, so he refused the invitation to gourmet food

"It's delicious, try it, I didn't see you"

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he turned around and returned to the treasure pile

The little snake bear slowly poked its head out after seeing Lu Ze walking away.

Staring at Lu Ze for a while, he found that Lu Ze showed no sign of turning around, so he sniffed in front of the ability cube

After feeling that there was nothing wrong with it, the little snake bear bit down and bit off a small horn

Immediately, his eyes lit up, and he began to eat

After Lu Ze saw the little snake bear eating from the corner of his eye, he was relieved and continued to collect treasures

"Huh? The scallions of the scallion duck? How come I got bitten, forget it, a small problem, I have wanted to try the scallions of the scallion duck for a long time."

Lu Ze took a look and threw it into his backpack.

"Is this a tree fruit?"

Lu Ze looked at the green fruit in his hand, similar to carambola

"I don't think I've seen it at the fruit merchant's before, but it looks very familiar."

Lu Ze showed a puzzled expression, trying to search in his mind

Suddenly, I thought of an energy cube formula that had been kept in my mind

"No way!?"

Lu Ze couldn't help being a little ecstatic

"No, it's really this"

Lu Ze took out a box from his backpack in surprise, and carefully put the fruit in it

"Look again to see if there are any"

Lu Ze was overjoyed, and continued to rummage through the pile of treasures to see if there was such a thing

PS: Thanks to Dim, Xingkong and Dahai xyz for their rewards (*︶*). .:*

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