Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 682 Latios’ “Conspiracy”

After dividing the spoils, Lu Ze also breathed a sigh of relief.

After today's events are over, this means that they have nothing to do until the World Youth Championship begins.

Dianxi's matter is over. I found Xerneas and it was completed very smoothly.

Although Dianxi still cannot fully control the power of being a divine beast, it is much better than before.

Similarly, after the gambling battle with Serriul of Great Britain, all the spoils were distributed.

All that's left is to wait for the World Youth Championship to start.

There are still about ten days left, during this time, just train hard.

Try to achieve a good result in the World Youth Championship.

When I return to my country, I won’t swim back.

Although Zhuge Ziyu would not let them swim back, this was probably a goal for him.

Lu Ze and the others were happily distributing the spoils, but Selyol and the others were feeling sad.

Not only did he not get the Fire Gem, he also lost the Frozen Gem.

This made Seyriol and his two friends who also lost dare not make any public announcements after they returned.

But in the end, the fire could not be contained, and the disappearance of Montanelli's Fire Emblem was finally discovered.

After being pressed by his family, Montanelli finally told the story.

But after learning that Montanelli lost due to gambling, they had nothing to do.

After all, gambling is still a very common thing in the Pokémon world.

It would be really embarrassing for a family like theirs if they went to find trouble because they lost a bet.

But just swallowing this breath is obviously not their style.

Under normal circumstances, the family would ask the losing family disciple to strengthen training or even start a small training.

After the disciple of the losing family becomes stronger, he can then go to bet with others and win back.

If a big family like theirs usually tries its best to cultivate a family disciple, the chance of losing in a gambling battle is very small.

After all, they are rich in resources, and it is difficult for ordinary people to make progress comparable to their specialized training.

But in this situation, the way they used to do it is obviously not going to work.

After all, they called Gayevich in the first place and understood the strength of those young men from the Dragon Kingdom who had defeated their own family's disciples.

If it were something else, it would be easy to say, but the threshold of the king level is not so easy to reach even if it is operated by a family like them, which is the leading family in Great Britain.

If they had a way to stably break through to the King level, they would not only be on the island of Great Britain now.

Therefore, faced with this method, the Lorenzo family where Montanelli belonged had no choice but to contact Serriol's family and Adriefa's family to discuss countermeasures.

After all, no matter what, what they export cannot be exported in vain.

Disciples whose own family has lost obviously have no choice.

But there are other disciples in their family.

As long as they're of the same age, that's fine.

We don’t bully the small. Even though your peers are older than you, they can still participate in the World Youth Championship. They can definitely be considered your peers.

After all, if you ask them to find a Pokémon trainer who is the same age as Lu Ze and around twenty years old and has king-level strength, they won't be able to find one.

Although they are one of the few big families in Great Britain, Pokémon with king-level strength do not come out casually.

How many people are stuck at the final bottleneck at the senior level and cannot break through for a long time?

Just like You Yuyou's father, his Pokémon has been stuck in the senior level for more than ten years in Chang'an City.

It took more than ten years to break through all six of his main battle Pokémon to the King level.

There are many more who have not been able to make a breakthrough and have been stuck for more than ten or twenty years.

There are too many people like this.

After the Lorenzo family came to the door, Serriol's brother finally understood what had happened.

To be honest, Serriol's brother has no interest in this. After all, his current goal is to win the World Youth Championship.

He made it past the first round of the last World Youth Championship. Now that he has a mythical beast this time, he must win the World Youth Championship.

After all, this is a divine beast. Although its strength is not as strong as Lugia, the covenant beast of Great Britain, it can still not be underestimated.

Serior's brother Tezzolo couldn't help but show an interested look when he heard that Serior was holding his ivory pig but was still being pushed by an iron-clawed lobster that had not broken through to the king level.

However, he ultimately rejected the suggestions put forward by the Lorenzo family.

After all, his goal is now to win the World Youth Championship, such small things are not important.

The Lorenzo family and the Beltz family were a little embarrassed, but they also knew that the World Youth Championship was more important.

And Tezzolo is not available, but there are people they can use.

Although he is not as sure as Tezzolo.

But it's still enough to face a guy from the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, according to Guyevich, the three of them, plus the Iron Claw Lobster that had just broken through, were only six king-level ones.

If it's two people per person, it's not a big deal, it's within the acceptable range.

But what they didn't know was that Gejevich had only inferred it from the cardinal's confession.

Cardinal said that two Mega Evolved Charizards blocked his three Dragons, and then the remaining four King-level Pokémon blocked his other four Pokémon.

Then the four senior-level Pokémon on the opposite side blocked his last king-level Pokémon.

The cardinal didn't say that the last two fire-breathing dragons had broken through, nor did he say that the spiny shell had also broken through.

So Guyevich deduced that among the three people in the Dragon Kingdom, there were only five Pokémon with king-level strength.

Plus a Crayfish that broke through in front of him, so there were six.

After all, in the gambling battle between Lu Ze and Serriol, Lu Ze did not produce a king-level Pokémon.

Sui Yan gave birth to two children, while Tang Yunqin only had one child, so he felt this way.

After Lorenzo and the Beltz family members failed to persuade Tezzolo, they had no choice but to go back and find trainers who could defeat Lu Ze and the others.

They still know a few trainers like this, and they can invite them to deal with Lu Ze and the others.

There are only two Pokémon with king-level strength. It is okay to have a few trainers for those who are no more than thirty years old.

Of course Lu Ze didn't know that those families were already thinking of making a new fight for their disciples.

But even if I knew it, I probably wouldn't care about it.

After all, although he has started training every day, he still has a headache seeing Latios Luze who has returned.

"I think you should practice controlling your skills." Lu Ze looked at Latios seriously and said.

After Latios came back in the past two days, it's not like Lu Ze didn't talk to him about this issue.

But Latios still had no idea of ​​practicing skill proficiency.

During training again today, Lu Ze looked at Latios who was meditating and spoke again.

Latios's current strength improvement is obviously of little significance if he only improves his superpower through meditation.

The strength has improved, but the combat effectiveness has not improved much. This is meaningless.

Latios was a little confused and looked at Lu Ze with a blank look on his face and asked, "But, I am also improving my strength now."

"Improving strength is different from improving combat effectiveness. Although your strength has improved, it still hasn't improved much combat effectiveness."

Latios was a little confused about his strength and combat effectiveness?

Is there any difference between the two?

As your strength increases, your combat effectiveness will naturally increase.

As your super power becomes stronger, your skills will naturally become more powerful. Why do you still need to practice your skills?

The two seem to be bound together, right?

Lu Ze felt helpless when he saw Latios like this.

After turning his head and taking a look at Latias' changed Xiao Hong, Lu Ze became even more helpless.

Because Xiaohong didn't look at her at all, she just sat on the bench, swaying her two short legs, watching Kirby and the others' training, and eating snacks happily.

Lu Ze helplessly turned his head to look at Latios again and explained seriously.

"Strength does not equal combat effectiveness, or..."

Well, Lu Ze is also stuck, and some explanations are unclear.

"Well, if you look at Crossbat, you will understand that her hard power is not very strong, not even as good as Kirbymon, but her performance in battle is stronger than Kirbymon. This is the difference between strength and combat effectiveness. The place."

Lu Ze had no choice but to use the battle between Crossbat and Kirby to explain to Latios.

However, Latios directly pointed out the problem.

"But isn't this because the Crossbat is of the flying type and is very flexible, while the Kirbymon is very slow and bulky?"

Seeing Latios's expression of curiosity about the baby, Lu Ze couldn't help gritting his teeth.

When Kirby becomes stronger, Kirby will one day beat you up.

Lu Ze gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. After all, he couldn't refute what Latios said.

"But you still can't defeat Rayquaza."

"So I'm improving my strength." Latios said sincerely.

Lu Ze looked at Latios like this and didn't know what to do.

Lu Ze was helpless, but Latios had another idea.

His strength has improved a lot now, and after super evolution, his strength has reached the point where he can fight Rayqua in a few moves.

And after he came to Great Britain this time, he found his good brother. Well, although the other party has always called himself sister, these are small and unimportant details.

After he found his good brother, he realized that he didn't know his good brother's strength because he had never played against him.

But this time his strength improved. When he saw his good brother again, he was surprised to find that his good brother was not weak.

Moreover, he seems to be the kind who won't fall behind when facing Chaomeng.

Forget about Rayquaza, they were already strong and with the blessing of the National Covenant, there was no way they could fight.

Although he had a feeling that if his good brother received the blessing of the National Covenant, he would not be weaker than Rayquaza.

But his good brother had no such idea at all.

He didn't want to make an alliance with a certain country, and he didn't want to listen to Latios's deception to fight Mewtwo, test Rayquaza's strength, etc.

He only has one idea now, and that is to find the sword that he lost somewhere while he was sleeping.

He now regretted very much why he didn't sleep with his sword in his arms when he slept. Instead, he solemnly placed it on the table beside him.

Well, now, after I woke up from my deep sleep, not only was my sword gone, but even the stand where the sword was placed was gone.

He even wondered if he had been moved.

If he remembered correctly, this place should not have looked like this before he fell asleep.

But he wasn't sure. After all, he had slept for too long, and he had forgotten what was going on here before he fell asleep.

So now he has no other ideas. It doesn't matter what Mewtwo, Rayquaza or Deoxys is. What matters is where his sword is now.

It has been several years since I woke up from my deep sleep, and I have been searching for the island of Great Britain for several years, but I still haven't found my sword.

Now he wants to look for it somewhere else. After all, after his sword leaves him, it will become worthless, so it shouldn't be impossible to find it.

Latios' good brother thought so. He just wanted to find his sword.

But Latios was different. He was thinking about how to trick his good brother into coming to the Dragon Kingdom.

In other words, can he let his good brother be conquered by Ozawa?

In this case, the two of them can go find Mewtwo.

In his opinion, with his good brother's strength, he could easily face Chaomeng.

But for Rayquaza, the two of them can do it together.

Anyway, in his eyes, Rayquaza was a guy who could be besieged at any time.

And it's not like he has never participated in the siege of Rayquaza.

If we do it again, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

With his super-evolved self and his good brother, he shouldn't be too at a disadvantage when facing Rayquaza.

Although you can't win, you can still fight.

Lu Ze sat down next to Xiao Hong, then took a few potato chips from Xiao Hong's potato chip bag and stuffed them into his mouth.

Xiaohong looked at the few potato chips she had left, then looked at Lu Ze, and pursed her lips but didn't say anything more.

After all, Ozawa originally bought these potato chips for her.

After eating, the worst thing is to ask Xiao Ze to buy another pack for her.

Alternatively, electric shock to the monster can also be used.

When Xiao Hong was thinking, she heard Lu Ze sigh.

"Hey, tell me, how can I make Latios train as I say?"

Lu Ze held his chin and looked at the Coal Turtle and Crossed Bat who were practicing their skills and said a little lonely.

I can’t explain it, this is so painful.

Logically speaking, Latios shouldn't, and he's not stupid, so why doesn't he understand?

Latios was indeed not stupid. The main reason he didn't understand was that he was thinking about how to deceive his good brother, so he didn't think much about what Lu Ze said.

But Lu Ze didn't know what Latios was thinking. He was wondering, why didn't Latios understand?

Xiaohong pouted. After Lu Ze grabbed a handful of potato chips, he took another bite and they were gone.

This made Xiaohong sigh involuntarily, and then she held her chin like Lu Ze did.

"Brother is your Pokémon, just let him go directly."

Xiaohong said, looking at the Electric Shock Monster who was training in front of him, thinking of a way to get the Electric Shock Monster to run errands for me?

Or, let the Electric Shock Monster carry me on its back?

It's not impossible to hug him.


Xiaohong's casual words made Lu Ze react. Latios was his Pokémon, a Pokémon he had conquered.

Although it is a mythical beast, it is also his Pokémon, and of course it is trained in his way.

"Thank you, you're awesome!"

After Lu Ze figured it out, he rubbed Xiao Hong's head with a smile and then happily walked toward Latios again.

I'm very unhappy now that I didn't explain this to you just now.

So I don’t want to tell you now. I’m going to use my trainer’s ability and just ask you to do this.

Since you don’t understand the explanation, don’t explain it. Just do what I say.

Xiaohong looked at Lu Ze's back with some confusion, wondering why he was suddenly so excited.

But she didn't pay much attention. She turned her head and continued to look at the electric shock beast and think about it.

By the way, Charizard seems to be okay, but I don’t know if Huchu will agree to it.

After Xiaohong turned her head and glanced at the Charizard, she once again set her sights on the Electric Shock Beast.

After Lu Ze on the other side came to Latios' side, he looked at Latios who was meditating and didn't say much. He just took out his notebook and pen and started writing.

The first stage: The release speed of super-power skills needs to be increased.

The second stage: The output of dragon skills should be increased and the speed of skill release should be increased.

The third stage: Proficiency in other attribute skills and increased skill release speed.

The fourth stage: the release speed of auxiliary skills...

Stage 5:…

Lu Ze quickly wrote Latios' training plan.

In the first stage, it is easy to say that the release speed of super skills needs to be increased.

The skill intensity of the super power system mainly depends on the amount of super power, so what needs to be improved is only the release speed of the skills.

Dragon-type skills are different from other attribute skills. Not only do they need to be released quickly, but the energy released needs to be increased.

The unique energy and power of the divine beasts does not allow them to just stand still and not move at all.

It’s also time to practice.

After quickly completing the first quarter's goal, Lu Ze patted the shoulder of Latios, who was floating in the air, and woke him up.

"Next, let's put the meditation training on hold for now and train in the same way as above."

As Lu Ze spoke, he began to explain the training plan to Latios one by one.

I recommend a friend’s book, daily essays on animal control, and love. If you like it, you can go to Kangkang.

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