Pokemon, but I'm a breeder

Chapter 73 Panic Buying

The fire-breathing dragon glanced at the fallen husband, then at his own state, and slowly calmed down

Mo Qiancheng saw that the fire-breathing dragon was no longer desperate, took out a recovery spray from his arms and used it on the fallen fire-breathing dragon

After a while, the fallen fire-breathing dragon gradually woke up

Mrs. Charizard came over in surprise and hugged her husband

Mo Qiancheng also fell to the ground and released several other elves

Metagross, Magneto and the newly released Boss Cordora, Shield Sword and Nut Dumbbell

Mo Qiancheng stood on the steel armored crow, six elves formed a circle, and in the middle of the circle were two fire-breathing dragons who didn't have much physical strength.

"Come on, let's discuss it. My task is to be the master of the secret realm, um, that's you two."

"Did you two choose to be subdued by me, and then live in another place instead of this place?"

The two fire-breathing dragons shook their heads, they didn't want to leave their hometown and go to an unfamiliar place

"Okay, that's another option. Try not to meddle in the affairs of the trainer who came here. Unless it provokes you, you can take action. Be quiet in other cases, okay?"

The two fire-breathing dragons looked at each other, then nodded

Mo Qiancheng smiled happily, the task was completed

"Okay, then I will tell you the rules of the Lord of the Secret Realm, you just follow it and follow it, first..."


On the other side, Dad Lu and Dad Sui are disgusting each other

Father Lu: "Why did I meet you first?"

Dad: "Because you are lucky"

Father Lu: "Good luck not finding my son?"

Dad: "Didn't I find my son?"

Father Lu: "Then what should we do now?"

Dad: "Use your waveguide to find it"

Father Lu: "But after I use it, my son can perceive it"

Old Dad: "If no one can be found, what's the use of saying it?"

Father Lu: "Yes"

Father Lu closed his eyes, clenched his right fist on his chest

"Birdguide, in my heart"

Dad Lu activated the waveguide with all his strength, and the waveguide spread

After a while, Father Lu shook his head and said

'Without a waveguide for two kids, they might have gone out'

Sui's father had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's go out too."


Back to Mo Qiancheng

"Okay, that's all, understand?"

The two fire-breathing dragons kept nodding, and they were a little confused.

"Okay, then I'm leaving, you two pay attention to Ang"


Mo Qiancheng put away the elves, and the steel armored crow flew towards the exit of the secret realm with Mo Qiancheng on his back

Mrs. Charizard found some berries nearby and fed them to her husband. After the two Charizards regained some strength, they also set off to fly to their home.

I have to say, this is also the attitude of the Dragon Kingdom towards the Lord of the Secret Realm

Put it in a certain country outside, and the king of a certain country has subdued the master of the secret realm, so there is no serious danger for you to go in

If I don't subdue the Lord of the Secret Realm, you will be beaten as soon as you go in, what does it have to do with me?

Secret Exit

"Hey, isn't this Dr. Lu Da and Professor Sui Da? Why are they also in this secret realm?"

At the exit of the secret realm, Mo Qiancheng ran into Dad Lu and Dad Sui who were about to go out, and couldn't help laughing and teasing

Sui's father's face turned black: "What does it have to do with you?"

Mo Qiancheng went up and put his arms around Sui's father's shoulders

"Oh, don't be so angry. Although we haven't seen each other for many years, we are still classmates after all."

Sui's father's face became even darker, and he pushed away Mo Qiancheng's hand

"Go, go, it's so annoying"

Dad Lu, Dad Sui and Mo Qiancheng, the three of them used to be classmates, and later one of the three became a professor, and the other became a Ph.D.

Only Mo Qiancheng is still on the road to fighting elves

Although the relationship between the three of them is very good, Sui's father never waits to see Mo Qiancheng

The reason is that Sui's father always thinks that Mo Qiancheng is a tiger, and he is afraid that if he gets too close to him, he will be infected

And Mo Qiancheng has always taken pleasure in provoking Sui's father's nerves

The three entered the exit of the fairy secret realm while fighting


"Come, come, share the spoils, share the spoils"

Outside the secret, Sui Yan bluffed from the side and said

"Tang Yunqin, come here"

Sui Yan saw that everyone surrounded him, only Tang Yunqin was still standing there, so he yelled at Tang Yunqin

Tang Yunqin finally got out of her brain, and asked in a daze

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Come and share the spoils"

Sui Yan took out the contents of the backpack and placed them on the ground

But the ones taken out are from the nest and the hole over there.

The hole on the other side is full of colorful stones. Of course, the colorful stones must be secretly given to Lu Ze, and then Lu Ze will give them to Tang Yunqin.

If it is displayed now, who will give it to Tang Yunqin if it is taken away? Can you still be your key wingman?

Seeing all kinds of elf props on the ground, elves carrying houses and tree fruits, Lu Ze's eyes lit up

"Yo, not bad"

Suiyan: Proud.jpg

"That's right, don't look at who I am"

"Me too, let's share the spoils together."

After Lu Ze finished speaking, he also poured down the elf props, elf carrying objects and tree fruits in the backpack

However, Xingtaoguo and a few super evolutionary stones were not brought out. These things are useless to anyone except himself.

With sharp eyes, Su Tingxi immediately saw the dragon's tooth on the ground

Su Tingxi picked up the dragon's tooth and asked

"Can I have this?"

Sui Yan didn't lift his head

"take away take away"

Su Tingxi happily put the things in his pocket and patted them, then took out his mobile phone to operate

"Okay, the money has been transferred to you, the market price, you accept it"

Now Suiyan raised his head and said angrily

"How can I return the money? Why don't you just take it away?"

Su Tingxi put his arms around Suiyan's shoulders and comforted him

"Hey~ Brother Xin is very clear about settlements, not to mention that even if it is the market price, I still feel that you have lost money. This thing has a price but no market now."

Sui Yan patted Su Tingxi's hand away

"No, no, no, what kind of spoils is collecting money?"

Su Tingxi said dumbfoundedly

"Accept it. If you don't accept it, I'm too embarrassed to take it. If you have such a good thing in the future, consider me first."

Sui Yan Helpless

"Okay, okay, after the college entrance examination is over in a few days, I will cover all the expenses for going out to play, and you are not allowed to grab it"

"It's ok, Boss Sui is very generous"

Everyone responded in unison

Sui Yan clasped his fists

"Hey, hey, little problem, little problem"

Several people continued to rummage inside to find what they needed.

After a while, everyone got what they needed and transferred all the money to them.

At this time, a businessman who was watching the excitement next to him asked

"Hey, little brother, they have finished picking, can you sell me the ones on the ground? The price is negotiable"

After Lu Ze and Sui Yan looked at each other, Lu Ze said

"Okay, no problem, what do you want?"

Lu Ze said indifferently, anyway, he didn't take out what he needed, and what he took out was what he didn't need, and he planned to sell it for money

businessman eyes light up


Now, those other businessmen next to them are not happy, and want to take it all? How is it possible when we don't exist?

So a bunch of things were snapped up by a group of businessmen, and soon bottomed out

Who made Lu Ze and the others be the first to come out, and also the first to bring things out?

The merchants gathered outside the secret are all on their side, and some spectators also joined the ranks of panic buying when they saw what they needed

After the items were sold out, Sui Yan looked at the balance on his phone, his eyes lit up

"How about? Go in again?"

PS: Thanks for the reward and the monthly ticket of the night Z ranger, my first helmsman, tears

I have worked hard these two days, and I will add another chapter for you no matter what I say (ˊωˋ*)

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