"Sword and shield!" The battle intent of the Shield Sword Monster seemed to be substantive, and in the face of this nightmarish flower rock monster, the buzzing fluorescent lamp emitted a pure white light, surrounded by purple walls.

The strong shield sword monster protects his shield in front of him, and the powerful power brought to him by the sword dance does not bring a sense of security...

Fleur did not open her mouth to command, her face was expressionless, and she could even see a trace of numbness, but Starry Night knew that she must have commanded through telepathy!

Use avalanche and body lightweighting... Starry Night commanded the Shield Sword Monster in his heart, and it was most important to find a way to get close to the Huayan Monster, otherwise the strength of the Shield Sword Monster would not be of any use.

The strong shield sword monster instantly landslide, I saw countless huge stones condensed in the sky above the rock monster, the flower rock monster moved slowly, the starry night expected that it could not dodge this move, and it was true, the flower rock monster lit up with a light shield and began to resist the rock monster.

Looking at the Shield Sword Monster again, his whole body lit up with a silver-white light, accompanied by the sound of metal friction, and the Shield Sword Monster that did all this actually gave people a wonderful sense of incompleteness, his weight became lighter, and his flight speed also increased significantly.

The Flower Rock Monster resisted the rock avalanche without risk, huge stones were scattered all over the place, but it was also buried deep in it, he condensed a shadow ball with a large tire, directly hit the broken boulder, the shadow ball was like a missile, and after that, it flew towards the shield sword monster, but it was still the size of a basketball!

The Shadow Ball was extremely fast, and it attacked towards the Shield Sword Monster with the momentum of burning the sky, like a terrifying beast howling and chasing its prey!

"Sword and shield!" The Shield Sword Monster burst out, and the extremely fast speed burst out, dodging the Shadow Ball, and a new round of rock avalanche arrived as scheduled! Not to be outdone, the Huayan Monster directly surrounded its body with several ghost fires and evil fluctuations, directly attacking the Shield Sword Monster! The loneliness coincided with the overnight rain, and the weird feeling struck again, and the eyes of the Huayan monster were green and shiny! He used spiritual strength with three hearts, but the target of spiritual strong thoughts was not the strong shield sword monster, but the huge rocks falling from the sky and around!

The Shield Sword Monster was able to dodge those deadly ghost fire and evil fluctuations, but it was still hit by the evil fluctuations! It looks very embarrassing. The spiritual strength of the Huayan monster also gathered dozens of rocks the size of a car cover with super powers, and it turned into a huge rock the size of a large car!

"Huayan!!" The Huayan Monster smiled and smashed the huge rock, in front of the meteorite that seemed to be a magnificent heavenly power, the height of the Shield Sword Monster of one meter seven looked so weak and helpless.

"It's over..." Fleur slowly spoke, and an emotionless voice sounded, like a ghost of the underworld!

"No, it's just now!" Starry Night looked at the Shield Sword Monster with great trust.

In a trance, he looked at the figure of the Shield Sword Monster as if he had returned to the Taoist Hall battle in Yinyu City... With the efforts of all Pokémon Dreams, he continued to give in and endure, and finally ended the battle with a blow from Mega Geng.

The perspective returns to the present, the huge rock covers the sky, the shield sword monster only leaves a back for people, the shadow of the rock quickly covers all the light, time seems to be slowed down, only to see that the rock slowly presses down, like a collapsing mountain, like the palm of the big Buddha!

"Boom!" The sound of a blade coming out of its sheath.

"Boom ——————!" The huge rock was completely pressed down, and Fleur also showed a smile on her side, looking at the huge rock.

"Boom ————————!" Unexpectedly, what came out next was a loud sound that was even more terrifying than before, as if an earthquake was happening in front of you, like countless high mountains, valleys, and cliffs collapsing in an instant!

The huge rock revealed a smooth cut, and the small shield sword monster in it had not made any other move, and the whole rock fell to the top! It turned out to be dozens of other terrifying cuts, directly splitting the rock into dozens of pieces like cutting a watermelon!

"What!?" Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them! Look at the shocking scene in front of you!

The strong shield sword monster slowly rose into the air, but everyone saw that he put his shield behind him, and he was completely undefended!

"The best defense is..." The

strong shield sword monster changed its momentum, and many Excalibur phantoms appeared around it, and then fell into nothingness, and the space was distorted, this powerful force, tearing the sky!

In a split second, this picture seems to be completely frozen!

In a purple-walled room, white fluorescent lights constantly emit a monotonous and maddening hum. The dark gray battle field was rocky, some cut into sharp angles, others split into several segments.

On one side of the field was a cloud of lilac smoke with a glowing smiley face and a giant sword directly above him, descending vertically!


The strong shield sword monster, condensing the iron head move on the blade, fell straight down with the momentum of the dragon in the sky, and with the irresistible majestic momentum of ten thousand armies, a sword fell from above, like a nail about to plunge into the Huayan monster!

Any resistance is useless, any dodge is just in vain!

The blade of the Shield Sword Monster pierced straight into the body of the Huayan Monster! The smoke generally screamed in pain, but the unstoppable giant sword was still pressing down! It seems to pierce the body of the flower rock monster!

The Huayan Monster was finally defeated, and looking at the strong shield sword monster that was directly inserted into the wedge of the Huayan Monster's body, Starry Night was very excited.

The holy sword inserted into the rock, the legend of the "sword in the stone" emerged in the starry night's mind.

"Sword and shield!"

"The Huayan monster loses its ability to fight!"

"Come back, Huayan Monster!" Fleur takes back the Flower Rock Monster, her third Pokémon to fall.

"Enigma Q..." Fleur really seems to have changed after she started fighting, calm, ruthless, people can't see through her thoughts, unlike the previous Hua Yue, Hua Yue's personality is very grinning, and even the guy who can say his own ability is really hopeless...

The moment this level 73 mystery Q appeared, the weirdness struck again, and Starry Night became alert, and immediately let the strong shield sword monster use a shadow sneak attack to break its skin first, and the strong shield sword monster also quickly attacked the mystery Q with an unstoppable posture! The three-layer sword dance that was strengthened to the extreme gave him enough confidence!

An unexpected scene appeared, accompanied by a strange feeling, that mysterious Q was actually in an instant, and three layers of Excalibur phantoms appeared beside him!

"What!? Complete three sword dances in an instant?? Starry Night exclaimed, everything in front of him completely destroyed his three views, and that mysterious Q actually completed three sword dances in an instant! The momentum suddenly rose to the same level as the Shield Sword Monster!

"Boom!" Enigma Q instantly completed the sword dance and also returned with a shadow sneak attack! The two object attackers that had been strengthened to the extreme collided together, and the space shook in an instant, and the chaotic aura and fighting wind blade struck the green light curtain that protected the audience, fortunately, the light curtain could also withstand the fierce fist wind of the two battle maniacs in this heaven and earth.

"How could it be... What exactly is this ability..." Starry Night looked at the mysterious Q who could compete with the Shield Sword Monster in an instant, and deeply felt puzzled and feared about this ability, but in an instant, the oncoming wind blew his figure backwards, and he did not hold any railings or handrails, and quickly stabilized his center of gravity and stood well, thanks to the super unwhite and usual persistent sports.

Looking at the two Pokémon wrestling in the air, he instantly had an idea.

Fleur looked at the scene in front of her, still looking unfazed, but in the next second, her calm expression changed slightly.

Everyone watched Starry Night over there actually take off his coat, and then pull up his shirt sleeves....

Then came a very sudden, very hard bite!

Starry Night's gloomy expression was even more distorted, and when he lowered his arm, his whole body trembled violently, blood flowed down his bruised arm, and he actually bit his skin alive!

Everyone looked at the starry night in amazement, but the starry night showed a hideous smile, your secret, let me reveal this!

Everyone looked at the black-purple flame burning in the starry night's eyes, and they saw enlightenment! Their pupils shrank, and even Fleur covered her mouth with her hand slightly, looking at the starry night in surprise.

Starry Night endured the pain and commanded the Shield Sword Monster to continue to attack, and the Shield Sword Monster, which had a better innate advantage in the battle just now, won the victory and knocked down the mysterious Q skin.

Starry Night understands that the Shield Sword Monster on his side now has a stronger speed blessing in addition to the same extreme object attack as the opposite side, and if Fleur's next few Pokémons dream of defeating the now basically invincible Shield Sword Monster, then they can only use her ability again!

He has already determined that his ability of this Furong sister must be related to "time"!

"Sword and shield!" With the blow of the shield sword monster, the shadow sneak attack hit the mystery Q again, facing the strong shield sword monster with two bonuses of attack and speed, the mystery Q became more and more powerless, they all knew that as far as the current strength of their two Pokémon was that as long as they let the other party touch it, they would decide the victory or defeat of this battle!

Seeing that the attack of the Shield Sword Monster was about to hit the Enigma Q, I saw that the Enigma Q suddenly accelerated, moving faster than Doron Baruto and leaving here!

Starry Night's eyes have always been glued to the wound on his arm, and at the same time that this phenomenon happened, accompanied by a strange feeling, he only saw that the blood flowing from the wound suddenly increased, as if a period of time had passed! He concluded that the flow rate of blood had not become faster!

Starry Night put his eyes on the Pokémon Book he was holding in his other hand, he opened the Guide, but found that the time was not abnormal, as if the extra blood on his hand appeared out of thin air!

On the field, the shield sword monster looked at the mysterious Q that suddenly accelerated its action like an off-string arrow, and quickly rushed towards him! Immediately, he also used the shadow sneak attack, and once again wrestled with the enigma Q, which reached each attack point, and then used the sudden increase in speed to sneak around the back! Fortunately, the strong shield sword monster can not only resist with counterattacks, but also have shield blessings, so that it was not taken away directly.

In just a dozen seconds, they collided at least seventy or eighty times! The strong wind caused by each collision slammed into the light curtain in front of the audience!

Cracks also slowly appeared on the light curtain, and the technicians were shocked, so they operated, and the green light curtain slowly changed to blue!

Starry Night's brain was racing rapidly, and he still couldn't fully understand this ability. If it is a "time pause", then the extra blood stains on his hands and the acceleration of the mysterious Q cannot be explained; If it is an ability such as "time deletion", then there is no way to explain that the Pokémon Pokédex clock of Starry Night has not changed; The same is true of "time acceleration", the clock of the starry night still maintains normal operation and has not been accelerated.

Suddenly, Starry Night's brain moved.

"Time" is disturbed, the clock is not responding, but his own blood is affected... This cannot exist! It's like something made out of thin air! He suddenly thought of a formula he had learned in school: "Distance equals time multiplied speed"!

Then, as a result, his own calculation, the blood on his hands, under normal circumstances, should flow for nearly a minute to flow out so much, and now it flows out in an instant, and he is sure that the flow speed of his blood has never changed!

"The problem is in the amount of time!" Starry Night felt as if he had grasped the point, and all doubts were solved!

He got it! This ability is, "Create time out of thin air"! And in this "fictional time made up out of thin air", only Fleur and her Pokémon can move freely!

And the acceleration of the speed of the mystery Q and the situation that those Pokémon in front of them can multi-use moves, Starry Night also understands!

Time here is like "a bottle full of water", because "time is continuous", and suddenly, a new "water" appears out of thin air in this water bottle, and the "water bottle" cannot become larger, but the extra "water" or the "time" created out of thin air will be "compressed"!

So in the eyes of their outsiders, the ability to create "time" out of thin air is like the opponent's Pokémon suddenly moving faster! Because the "time" that was created out of thin air is "compressed"!

The multitasking that seems to be in front is just Fleur's Pokémon leisurely releasing skills in "compressed time created out of thin air"! Because this "created time" can only be used by Fleur and her Pokémon!

As for why the clock has not changed, this is also explained, because this piece of "created time" and "normal time" are "compressed", so in fact, the real time that has passed is still the original time! It's like the size and volume of the water bottle won't change!

And their own bloodshed, "time creation" is not "time pause" after all, so these unconscious, as non-living "blood", can still act in the time of creation!

This paradoxical ability can be explained concretely: "completely out of thin air to create a period of time that only oneself and designated creatures can use", but non-living things can still move freely in imaginary time! Specifically, the speed of creatures that can use fictional time can suddenly accelerate.

Fleur on this side also showed a surprised expression, Starry Night was determined in her heart, it seems that her previous guess and current guess are completely correct!

In this way, Fleur's ability is "telepathic mind reading" and the "time creation" mentioned above!

Fleur was shocked beyond belief, he actually guessed his ability completely!

But...... She still firmly believes that her ability to play with time will not be cracked so easily! Even if you know your ability, you will find that this is simply an invincible ability! Completely unhackable!

The resistance of the shield sword monster is getting harder and harder, and at this time, the mysterious Q action recovers slowly, it seems that this "time creation" is also limited, and the creation that cannot be limited ah...

But understanding the other party's ability... Starry Night did not have a trace of relaxation, but it was, this point Fleur is definitely not unreasonable confidence, this ability, really like a terrifying huge maze, it seems that there is no way to crack it at all!

The shield sword monster also collided with the mystery Q again at this time! It can be seen that the consumption of him just now is too great, plus the consumption when defeating the Huayan monster earlier, the strong shield sword monster is already out of breath at this time.

On the other hand, the mysterious Q, who had just been created in the "created time", could easily dodge the attack of the shield sword monster just by walking normally, and gained plenty of rest time.

"Whoosh!! Touch!!! Another loud crash sounded, this time, the exhausted shield sword monster fell, and in this time he did not defeat the mysterious Q, but was broken through the defense. Enigma Q made a shadow sneak attack and cut down the shield sword monster.

However, everyone has already seen this Pokémon's heroic fighting figure, the shield sword monster, and became famous in a battle!

"Shield Sword Monster, lose the ability to fight, ask the challenger to send the next Pokémon." The referee's voice sounded.

Starry Night frowned and withdrew the Shield Sword Monster, and the road ahead was shrouded in a fog...


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