
The most primitive phone rang, and Sun Mian woke up and answered the phone.

It was Wang Yulan's phone.

"Xiao Mian, are you still sleeping? I'll be back now, aren't I going to see that Pokémon star today? You pack up, let's go when we come back, I heard that there are a lot of people, if we don't go early, the queue is too long. Wang Yulan's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, Auntie, then I'll get up and clean up." Sun Mian answered.

I was prepared to go to bed early last night, so it will only be a little subconsciously sleepy.

After washing, Sun Mian was already in good spirits.

Unleashed his wrist strength and Mu Shougong, the three of them practiced yoga together on the balcony.

However, Sun Mian is only the first move, and his wrist strength is already the seventh move, and Mu Shougong is not bad, the fifth move.

When Wang Yulan went home, she still brought breakfast, and ate breakfast at home, and the two went out.

Although it is an old community, the bus routes are still relatively rich, first take the bus to the subway station, and prepare to take the subway to the gymnasium.

There were still fewer people in the morning.

However, as soon as he arrived at the door of the gymnasium, Sun Mian saw that there was already a queue of about several hundred people.

Sun Mian was a little surprised, it would only be six forty o'clock.

These people are crazy.

"Let's go, Xiao Mian, let's hurry up and line up," Wang Yulan hurriedly pulled Sun Mian into the end of the line.

In a queue of hundreds of people, it took more than 20 minutes to check the tickets.

This does not include the fact that more and more people are coming behind Sun Mian and them.

Entering the gymnasium, it seems that the gymnasium has been chartered today, and it is enough to accommodate nearly 30,000 people.

This is the old stadium of the ancient capital, which was also built according to Class A standards.

The space between the grandstand seats is still relatively reasonable.

When he quickly found his seat, Sun Mian took a look and was relatively far back.

However, it is also understandable that the free benefits issued by the factory must be average.

However, with a large screen, you can see it clearly.

The show starts at half past eight.

At the beginning, a group of young and beautiful young ladies danced with auspicious eggs.

However, Sun Mian always felt that these people were very familiar, as if they were the nurse who was dancing in the square of Huancheng Park.

Subsequently, the outstanding students of each elf academy took their flying Pokémon for a test flight.

However, Sun Mian noticed a strange thing and brought the tyrannosaurus on the field.

Big brother, although the tyrannosaurus has the ability to fly, how can it fly! You're flying!

The tyrannosaurus was also a grumpy, and was trained to swim in a watery depression covered with dry ice when the trainer gave it wings and pretended to ride the clouds inside.

The tyrannosaurus felt insulted, a sip of salt soda... Oh, it was salt water, and it sprayed at his trainer, causing the crowd in the stands to laugh.

Wang Yulan laughed for a while, but she was a little puzzled, "Xiao Mian, did you say that the tyrannosaurus was not raised by that person?" Why did he attack his master?

"That's because of the trainer's own level... Ahem, maybe it's not too well trained, the tyrannosaurus thinks it's very strong, and it doesn't need its trainer to command it, so it loses its temper. Sun Mian explained.

"Oh!" Wang Yulan nodded thoughtfully, and then asked worriedly: "Then your wrist strength and Mu Shougong won't be in this situation, right?"

"Don't worry, Auntie, let's not talk about what level of strength they can reach in the future, with the intimacy we get along with, and my growing command experience, they won't be like this." Sun Mian said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good..." Wang Yulan put her mind at ease.

I continued to watch the show for a while.

It's finally time for today's event!

A handsome black-haired little brother appeared, wearing a shiny dress, a seven-thirds hairstyle revealing a smooth and white forehead, and a pair of deep eyes that seemed to be smiling.

"Friends of the ancient capital, hello everyone!"

Even the sound is very magnetic...

There was a scream from the spectators in the stands, it was those young girls!

"Yikes! Mi Mengyan! It's really Mi Menghiko! "

My husband! My husband is finally out!

"Shameless of you! This is obviously my dear! Yes! My dear! So handsome! "


Looking at this crazy star-chasing scene, Sun Mian said that he couldn't stand it, although Mi Mengyan was indeed more handsome, Sun Mian could see the appearance of a star surnamed Zhang in his previous life from his eyebrows.

"Okay, let's now welcome our little protagonist today, Mengmeng, with warm applause! Debut! "

Dream dreams?

Sun Mian was stunned, but looked at the short pink Pokémon.

It turned out to be that Pippi, did you even name your Pokémon...

As soon as Pippi appeared, he used spotlight + coquettishness, and the scene became lively.

There are also a lot of people who come for this Pippi called Mengmeng.

Pippi's round body swings back and forth, as if dancing, but it is interspersed with slapping, fantasy attacks...

It's just that the target is a locked stage, but the effect is very good!

It's a bit similar to the Glamorous Contest, but Pippi's performance is very mature, and it's completely like a singer and a dancer performing on stage.

But the skill connection of others is really good!

Sun Mian didn't see any words of command from Mi Mengyan, that is, his fingers were constantly following the music as if he were a conductor.

This should be a tacit understanding between the two of them, what gestures to use what skills, what the dance moves are, all arranged.

Sun Mian said that this trip was not in vain, at least the skill connection and silent command of others are really enough for people to learn.

It's a pity that I can't try the points I just figured out in person.

Sun Mian thought for a while, took out his mobile phone, opened the memo, and wrote down all the points he just thought of as if he was doing homework.

Wang Yulan glanced at it curiously, and saw that Sun Mian seemed to be studying, so she didn't bother.

However, other audiences mistakenly thought that Sun Mian was a reporter, recording the popularity and key points of this performance!

So, there was a more lively howl.

Sun Mian felt his ears shattered.

and Wang Yulan glanced at each other, "Auntie, let's go, the show is probably over..."

Wang Yulan looked at it for a while, and only felt that it was fun to look at the picture, Sun Mian didn't want to watch it, Wang Yulan naturally wouldn't object, nodded immediately, and the two walked out.

Outside the stadium, the two were preparing to re-enter the subway station.

Suddenly, I heard a faint singing voice coming from the stadium behind me.

With just such a little sound, Sun Mian actually felt a little sleepy.

Well? What's going on!

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