Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 117

"Boom !!!" Suddenly, an explosion sounded.

"What a sound!" Teacher Xiaohui and Chenyi's faces were frozen, and when they looked towards the source of the sound, several wild Pokémon rushed out from the jungle in that direction.

"Mimi! Whining!! Yay..." Snow monsters, curly ears, mimos bags, snow boys, and many other Pokémon ran in a panic in the direction where Tatsumi and Xiaohui-sensei were, these Pokémon more or less had some scars on their bodies, and their own combat effectiveness was extremely weak in this panic escape.

"Haha! Where to run! And the next moment, the roar of the car sounded, in the sight of Chenyi and Xiaohui teacher, an extremely huge jeep rushed out of the jungle, and immediately chased closely behind those Pokémon, the windows of this jeep were basically open, and the people driving the car spoke extremely loudly, so even if they were so far away, Chenyi could hear what the people in it said.

"It seems to be a Pokémon hunter!" Teacher Xiaohui's eyes flickered and she muttered.

"Pokémon Hunter!" Chenyi followed Teacher Xiaohui's line of sight, and when he saw the huge prison cage behind the jeep that was covered by a curtain, he also understood what Teacher Xiaohui said.

"Abominable! If it were in normal times, I would stop them no matter what! But now..." It seemed to be influenced by the appearance of Absolu before, and at this time, Xiaohui Teacher seemed a little hesitant, but before she could finish speaking, she felt that something seemed to run away from her.


Teacher Xiaohui suddenly looked at Chenyi, who was already rushing towards the jeep at this time, and was also a little surprised.

"Teacher Xiaohui, since this kind of thing is happening in our sight, then we absolutely can't sit idly by!" The next moment, Chenyi's voice also came.

"This kid... And really... He taught me a lesson! Teacher Xiaohui was slightly stunned, but quickly adjusted, lowered her head and muttered.

Originally, she was still worried that Chen Yi's heart that wanted to become stronger would affect some other aspects of him by the catalysis of the Heavenly Crown Academy, but now it seems that this teenager has obviously exceeded her expectations again, on the contrary, she, who left the Heavenly Crown Academy early, hesitated at this time, but Chen Yi did not have the slightest hesitation, when he saw that the Pokémon were in danger, even if he was likely to be immediately calamitated, he still did not have the slightest hesitation.

"When did this little guy become so attractive..." Teacher Xiaohui looked at the figure of Chen Yi running out, also smiled slightly, and muttered, "Well, since you are not afraid, why am I afraid?" Being compared to my own students is not my idea now."

The muttering fell, and Teacher Xiaohui immediately restarted the jeep, started the engine, and the jeep was originally aimed at the direction of departure and reversed again, directly along the direction where Chenyi ran...

When Teacher Xiaohui drove away in the jeep, she didn't notice at all that Absolu, who had disappeared into her and Chenyi's sight before, actually reappeared, a pure white figure standing on the high ground behind, the cold wind blew, blowing his snow-white hair, the pair of eyes continued to move forward at this time, the arrogant sight seemed to have changed somewhat.

"Abo..." With a soft whistle, Absolu bowed his head and immediately turned and left here.

On the other hand, thanks to Chenyi's usual unremitting exercise, Chenyi can still keep up with the Jeep that belongs to the Pokémon Hunter in front.

"Big brother, there is a little ghost who has been following us!" In the cab of the obviously armed jeep, a big, plain-looking man looked at the big brother who was smoking at this time, and said with some inquiry, "It seems that he wants to stir up our situation!" Do you want me to go down and solve him!" "

"No need!" There was a fierce scar at the corner of his eye, and the man directly spit out the smoke in his mouth, and then said indifferently, "It is important to chase those Pokémon, when we catch those Pokémon, if that kid dares to chase him, then he can also clean him up!" "

"It's still big brother smart!" The strong little brother said flatteringly.

"That's a big deal!" The fierce man whispered indifferently, "Although those Pokémon are just some add-ons, we Pokémon hunters naturally don't dislike prey more!" "

Behind the jeep, in the steel cage shrouded in a curtain, it was dark and it was not clear what Pokémon were inside, but the pair of eyes that revealed weakness could also be seen.

"These little things move quite fast!" The strong little brother looked at the fast-moving Pokémon in front of him and sneered.

"Well, the game of cat and mouse is over! Sludge bombs, poisonous skull frogs!! The fierce man controlled the steering wheel of the jeep with one hand, while taking out a poké ball from his waist with one hand and throwing it directly through the window.

The blue light suddenly appeared directly in front of those Pokémon, and the light bloomed violently, accompanied by a roar, and a blue-skinned standing toad with an extremely ugly appearance appeared directly in front of those fleeing Pokémon.

"Poison ancient !!" With a hint of malice in his eyes, the poisonous sac at the Adam's apple gradually became larger, and the poisonous skeleton frog spit out a thick purple poisonous object towards those Pokémon after appearing.

"Mimi! Whining!! The number of those Pokémon was probably more than ten, and in the face of the sudden appearance of poisonous skeleton frogs and the unexpected sludge bomb, they were at a loss for a while and could not make an effective dodge.


The sludge bomb directly hit three of the Pokémon, and even affected the remaining two Pokémon, and these five Pokémon were all incapacitated in an instant, while some of the remaining Pokémon looked at their fugitive companions with great sadness, but now there was no time to grieve for them.

Not far away, the Pokémon Hunter's jeep had stopped.

"One more time, sludge bomb!" The fierce man's command sounded again.

"Poison Gu!!" The poisonous skeleton frog's eyes turned slightly, and the poison sac seemed to gradually make a sound, and then the sludge bomb was used, and the target was those Pokémon that seemed to be a little stunned because of the fall of their companions. _

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