Pokémon Chenyi

Chapter 120

"Boom!!" Hit by the sharp impact of the drill-horned rhinoceros again, the body of the big-jawed ant full of scars retreated towards the back again, but no matter how it was repelled, the body of the big-jawed ant did not fall, even if the scars accumulated, he still stood up.

"You haven't fallen yet?" The strong man was also a little surprised, but soon he became angry at this, and immediately gave an order to the drill-horned rhinoceros in front of him, saying, "In that case, drill-horned rhinoceros, use earthquakes!" "

"Roar!!" The roar of the drill-horned rhinoceros sounded, and with a whirlwind, it stomped its foot, and at this time the earth shook.

With the drill-horned rhinoceros as the center, invisible seismic fluctuations spread around, and the large-jawed ant suffered this damage for the first time. But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared next to the big jaw ant that could not move at all at this time, the big jaw ant just felt a soft hair touch, and then the figure directly picked up the big jaw ant, and jumped to Chen Yi's side.

"Long-eared rabbit!" Chen Yi looked at the figure that appeared in front of him at this time, and also called out the name of this Pokémon in his heart.

"Mimi!" The long-eared rabbit looked at Chenyi, nodded, and handed the big-jawed ant to Chenyi.

"Big jaw ant, it's okay!" Taking the big-jawed ant from the long-eared rabbit, Chenyi also looked at the big-jawed ant with concern and said.


"Mimi..." The long-eared rabbit didn't care, shook her head, and turned her gaze to the drill-horned rhinoceros not far away, with an extremely strong coldness in her eyes.

"Long-eared rabbit?" The strong man smiled, but he didn't care at all, and wanted to give instructions to the drill-horned rhinoceros in front of him again, but he found that the drill-horned rhinoceros in front of him seemed to be a little strange.

The moment he felt that he had fallen into an ice cave, he was extremely uncomfortable, and at this time, when facing the cute long-eared rabbit, he was stiff and unable to move at all.

"Mimi!" At this time, the long-eared rabbit jumped up, and when it reached the mid-air, the short knee suddenly protruded, and a violent tan light appeared on it, and the next moment, the figure of the long-eared rabbit fell, flashed, and immediately appeared on the side of the drill-horned rhinoceros, with a calm face as if it had not done anything at all.

But just as she turned around, the huge body of the drill-horned rhinoceros slowly fell and lost its ability to fight.

"This is, flying knee kick!" Chen Yi's gaze was solemn, this long-eared rabbit was so strong.

"How is it possible!" The strong man watched his drill-horned rhinoceros fall to the ground incredulously, and looked at the long-eared rabbit that was looking at him at this time, and he had an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

"It's really a waste!" Not far away, the face of the man who saw that his little brother had already lost was also extremely gloomy, and his gaze looked at the four figures who were fighting not far away at this time, and a flash of gloom flashed.

Among them, two are his Marula and the giant pincer mantis, one is the shining Chillulian he intends to hunt, and the last figure is a Pokémon similar to a standing wolf dog, with black and blue limbs and head, the body is light yellow, a pair of hands have a thorn on the back and chest, the shape is handsome, at this time when fighting with the giant pincer mantis, he has a lot of upper hand, and even has the spare power to help Chillulian who is fighting with Marula on the side.

"Where the hell did Lucario come from!" The man cursed secretly, if it was only that Chillulian, then he would have caught the flashing Chillulian, but halfway through the battle, he suddenly rushed out of a Lucario, this Lucario's combat effectiveness is amazing, one-on-one his strongest giant pincer mantis and Marula are not even his opponents, and under his blockage, he has not succeeded for a long time.

"Abominable!" The man's face was extremely ugly, and he muttered secretly.

"Boom~~~ Woohoo!!" Suddenly, at this time, a roar of the car sounded.

To everyone here, a jeep stopped here with a very crazy turn.

"That's it!" In the jeep, Teacher Xiaohui came out, looked at the man, and said coldly.

Because of the roughness of the mountain road, it is inconvenient to drive, but I am afraid that I will be too late, so Xiaohui teacher let her two Pokémon help Chenyi first, and from the current situation, her Pokémon have indeed caught up.

"Cut!" When he saw this woman, the fierce man knew that this single task was afraid to fail.

On the other side at this time, after solving the strong man, Chen Yi naturally would not be idle, and together with the big jaw ant, he released the Pokémon caught by the Pokémon hunter very smoothly, and treated the injured Pokémon in time, and everything seemed to be solved extremely smoothly.


At this time, Lucario used the bone rod condensed by his bone rod to force Marula and the giant pincer mantis back again, and then returned to Xiaohui teacher with Chillulian.

"Well done, Lucario!" Teacher Xiaohui said with a smile.

"Luca!" Lucario nodded, looking a little cool.

"It's okay!" After speaking, Teacher Xiaohui looked at Qilulian, and her eyes couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Speaking of which, she didn't expect that Chen Yi would have a rare Pokémon like Flash Chillulian, but since this is the case, it is even more necessary to protect her.

At this time, the long-eared rabbit also returned to Teacher Xiaohui's side.

"You're doing a good job too!" Teacher Xiaohui also looked at the long-eared rabbit and encouraged.

"Mimi!" The long-eared rabbit responded with a smile to his trainer.

"Teacher Xiaohui!" Chen Yi ran over, came to Teacher Xiaohui, and said with a smile, "Those rescued Pokémon are gone!" Then again, I knew that Long-eared Rabbit and Lucario were sent by Teacher Xiaohui to help me! "

"You guy, it's good to have that intention, but do you know that you are dangerous like this?" Xiaohui-sensei reproached, "Not only yourself, your Pokémon are dangerous, you know? "

"I know it's wrong!" Chen Yi admitted his mistake extremely crisply, and did not make any other moves at all.

However, at this time, the big-jawed ant in Chenyi's arms and Qilulian on the side were busy explaining to Teacher Xiaohui.

At this time, beside the man, the strong man returned to his side extremely embarrassed, and said extremely miserably: "Big brother, it's all gone!" All the prey was let go! It's all gone! "

"I know! Shut up for me, you trash! The man's eyes were extremely fierce, and he scolded the strong man.

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