Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 102 The introverted boy who worships ghosts

"The scenery in the apple orchard is really nice, if that's the case."

Xia Ye raised his camera to take a picture of the scenery in front of him. Bright red apples were hanging all over the branches. If he looked carefully, he could see a few fruit-gnawing insects among them.

"That's a great shot. Xia Ye, are you a professional photographer?" Wuli looked at the camera in Xia Ye's hand and praised it.

"Oh, thank you for the compliment. I would consider you a newbie now."

"Isn't that awesome? Are you the kind of person who can quickly master anything? I'm a bit envious." Wuli sighed, "I'm always clumsy. If I'm dexterous enough, my sister will have no reason to do anything. Everyone helped me, right?"

"It sounds like your sister is very strong?" Xia Ye said.

"Well, sister always stands in front of me in the academy and helps me get everything done. Obviously I want to try it myself, make friends by myself, and participate in battles by myself."

I see. No wonder Wuli is a little introverted and has low self-esteem. He is completely protected by his sister. But judging from his appearance, he will definitely have psychological problems in the long run.

"Since you want to make friends, let's make friends, Wu Li." Xia Ye stretched out his hand and said, making him confident now is the key to solving the problem.

"Become friends with me!" Wu Li said in surprise, then lowered his head, "No, no need to sympathize with me, Xia Ye, it must be boring to be friends with a guy like me."

"How could it happen? Look, my partner is Boomerang, and your partner is Honeybug. We are both trainers of grass-type Pokémon. We must have similar interests. Why can't we be friends?"

Xia Ye put her outstretched palm close to Wuli again, and said with a smile: "Everyone has their own shining point, and you are the same, Wuli, so don't say that you are a boring guy."

"I um. I understand." Wuli's clenched hand slowly loosened, and then he held Xia Ye's hand, "Friend. Hehe, that's a good word."

"That's for sure."

Wu Li's mood improved a lot, and his steps became much brisker. He walked a few steps in front of Xia Ye and said, "Well, Xia Ye, let's go to Baoban Plaza quickly!"

Baoban Square is located on the high ground in the north of the apple orchard. It houses the sculpture of Sanbaoban, so people often come to clean up the weeds and leave a clean open space.

There were several benches placed around the square, but there were only a couple of elderly people sitting on them chatting, which looked a little deserted.

"Xia Ye, we're here. This is Baoban Plaza. Look, the introduction board you are looking for is here." Wu Li pointed to the wooden introduction board aside.

"Oh, let's go there together." Xia Ye put down the camera and said. He planned to take a long shot and another close shot.

The two walked to the introduction board. Xia Ye read the text carefully. The general content was that there was a Pokémon named Ghost in Beishang Township. It was very scary. It lived in the mountains behind the village and would scare people who entered the mountains.

One day, the ghost suddenly went down the mountain and got angry and broke into the village. At this time, three Pokémon, Gouzan Dog, Wishong Monkey, and Lucky Pheasant, happened to be in the village. They three Pokémon desperately drove the ghost back to the next life.

The villagers were moved by their heroic behavior and called them treasure companions. They buried their remains generously and built sculptures of treasure companions on them.

After reading the introduction card, Xia Ye was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Wuli, what I say next will be a bit rude. Don't you think there is something wrong with the logic of this legend?"


"Yes, ghosts are defined as the bad ones in legends, right?"

"Yeah" Wuli replied somewhat reluctantly.

"And it's still alive, right?"

"Yes, when I was a child, I went into the back mountain several times to look for ghosts, but I never found it every time. But it must still live in the back mountain, definitely!"

"Well, that's the point. The bad guys I've seen will not give up the idea of ​​doing evil just because of one failure. Since the three treasure companions have passed away, why don't the ghosts who have no obstacles seek revenge from the villagers?"

"Yeah, I feel the same way, but everyone firmly believes in this story." Wuli was particularly excited, but recalling his previous experience, he lowered his head.

"Or. Well, although I know the ghost story, I think it would be better for you, Xia Ye, to read it yourself!"

"Yes, after all, there are two introduction cards, and the analysis based on only one story is indeed a bit one-sided." Xia Ye nodded, and then said: "Speaking of which, Wuli, I always feel that you like the ghosts in the story very much."

"Did you notice it? Hehe, well, I like it very much! After all, it defeated three enemies by itself, so it is very powerful!" Wuli scratched his head sheepishly, "And he didn't care at all when he was ostracized by the villagers and was alone. Very handsome!"

"I have admired ghosts since I was a child and want to become as handsome as a ghost!" Wuli's eyes shone.

It turns out that's the case. Xia Ye now understands why Wuli likes ghosts. He puts his own experiences into ghosts. If he wants to become stronger, it doesn't matter if he is alone. This is his wish.

"So let's go to the second place quickly. The second introduction sign is at the Beishang Center."

Wuli raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then said awkwardly: "Well, it seems that I can't rush back to the village before dark. If I can't come back, I will definitely be scolded by my sister again."

"It doesn't matter. I'm not leaving Beishang Township for just one day. We have plenty of time." Xia Ye comforted.

"Yeah, too."

At this moment, a girl's voice suddenly came from behind, her tone was much softer.

"Ali, you are indeed here. Every time you get sulky, you always come here."

"elder sister?"

Wu Li turned her head and found that her sister was holding a bright red apple candy in her hand, but she immediately hid it behind her back when she saw Xia Ye.

"You are, ah, that foreigner!"

"Sister! Xia Ye is not a stranger, he is my new friend!" Wuli plucked up the courage to retort.

"Uh-huh! Little Wuli actually learned to talk back after making friends!" The girl clenched her fists with one hand, pouted and trembled all over, glaring at Xia Ye with wide eyes.

"Okay, hey, let's fight. It seems that the guy named Xia Ye is a weak trainer. I won't recognize him!" The girl walked directly to Wuli and put the apple candy behind her into his hand, and then whispered :

"Ali, you keep it for now, and then you can eat it after I win."

"It's okay, but is it better to state your name before the battle?" Xia Ye said.

"Hmph, my name is Dan Yu! I'm the one who's about to defeat you!" Dan Yu shouted with her finger outstretched.

"Sister, you just want to fight." Wuli complained.

"Ah Li, shut up, ah, didn't I say wait until I win before eating?!" Dan Yu clenched her hands in front of her chest, her expression was still the same as before, but she looked more intimidating.

"Huh, okay, it seems that he has found a backer, then I will show you how vulnerable he is in front of his sister!" Dan Yu threw the elf ball from his waist.

A familiar Pokémon appeared in front of Xia Ye, it was Morubeko, the electric rat that never had enough to eat.

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