Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 110 Taking Back the Mask One: The Price of Wisdom

In Emerald Town, Xia Ye and his party returned here, but Eguifen was very resistant to entering the village and hid behind Xia Ye in fear.

"You really don't want to enter the village?" Dan Yu said sympathetically. It must be difficult to forget that Egui Pun was treated so cruelly.

"Then let it stay outside the village, and leave the intelligence collection to us." Sha Li said with a smile, "Intelligence collection is my specialty. Anyway, I also worked as a reporter for a while."


"Xia Ye, just stay here with Ergui. Sister Shali and I have not contributed, so leave it to us now." Dan Yu said.

Shali also agreed and said, "Well, this child has been lonely for a long time, so you should spend more time with it."

"Okay, then Ergui, let's just wait here for everyone to come back."

"Boni~" Ergui looked very happy because he didn't have to enter the village.

Later, Sha Li and Dan Yu walked into the village to investigate the traces of Baoban. Xia Ye stayed with Egui Pun and told it the story of the Sunset Forest, which made E Kui Pun look longingly in his eyes.

About half an hour later, Sha Li and Dan Yu walked out of the village. Just as Xia Ye predicted, the villagers saw the traces of the three treasure companions.

"The Wish-Zeng Ape in the Vine Flower Pond, the Gozan Dog in the Paradise Wasteland, and the Lucky Pheasant in the Ghost Mountain. This is the information we have investigated." Sha Li held up her mobile phone, and she marked three points on the map.

"Today, I recommend going to Tenghua Pond first, because it's the shortest distance there." Dan Yu suggested.

"Well, then let's listen to Dan Yu's suggestion. Xuanzeng Yuan is an intelligent Pokémon, and I don't know its attributes clearly." Xia Ye said the known information.

Shali put her hand on her chin and thought, "If it's an intelligence type, it's probably a super power or evil type."

"Sister Sha Li is right, but since he is defeated by Xia Ye, he must be killed easily." Dan Yu said in a relaxed tone.

"Well, I hope so." In fact, Xia Ye doesn't know the true strength of Sanbaoban, but this is for the sake of disaster, so he must go all out no matter what.

Wisteria Pond is a pond located in the southwest corner of Beishang Township. It got its name because there are many wisteria trees growing nearby.

Wish Zengyuan lies on the comfortable grass and sleeps leisurely. Its brain is always stimulated by the chain above its head and is always running at high speed, so it needs sleep to let it rest.

In the illusory and fuzzy dream, Yunzeng Yuan saw a clumsy little monkey. It couldn't do anything well, and its brain was not bright enough. Even if it was fooled by its companions, it couldn't detect it.


Xuan Zengyu couldn't help but cursed, saying that it couldn't handle such a small thing, and if someone wanted to fool it, it would definitely make that guy feel ten times the pain.

The little monkey spent a long time in this state of confusion. During this period, it also wanted to change itself, but its not very bright mind could not think of any way, so it could only place its hope on empty prayers.

"Idiot, no one will respond to you. This is your limit."

Yuan Zengyuan sarcastically said, This kind of guy should rely on me, who is smart. Only me, who is wise, can get you out of trouble!

At this time, the little monkey suddenly turned its head to look at Yunzeng Ape, and said word by word:

"Who is the idiot? Aren't you and I the same Pokémon?"

"What!" Yuan Zengyuan's expression was distorted and he stepped back in disbelief.

A pair of fuzzy big hands appeared from behind the little monkey and tied a purple chain tightly to the top of the little monkey's head, leaving it to whine in pain.

"The wish has been fulfilled, and wisdom is given to you, but you want it."

Listening to the indistinct voice, countless cold sweats broke out on the head of Yunzeng Yuan. Why, I am smart enough to forget this matter. I am still that fool!

Yunzeng Yuan, who was lying on the grass, suddenly opened his eyes and touched his head in confusion. He seemed to have had an uncomfortable dream just now. It must have been affected by the environment here. It was better to find another place to sleep.

"Getting bigger?!"

Yunzeng Yuan got up and saw the surprised Dan Yu. He looked at the soles of his feet and found that they had indeed gotten bigger. In this case, he could win!

"Nuan Zhi Zhi!"

May Zeng Yuan take big strides, one hand in front, one hand behind, and scream. I have both intelligence and strength, and I am the strongest!

"Hmph, it's just that he's become so arrogant and smart. I think he's just an arrogant guy." Dan Yu still spoke without mercy, took out the elf ball and sent out Molubeko.

"Then let's go too, Xia Ye." Sha Li also took out the elf ball and sent out his own Pokémon, Owl.

"Well, let's go ahead and beat up the King Kong Ape."

The three Pokémon surrounded the enlarged Wandering Monkey. Although Urguimon now has no fighting power, it made a cheering action, and its energetic voice instantly increased the motivation of the Pokémon.

"Use the drum to beat the King Kong Ape." Xia Ye initiated the command, first of all to restrict the opponent's movements.

With the fierce beating of drums, thick rattans emerged from the ground, tightly binding Yunzeng Yuan's legs in place.

"Nuan Zhizhi?!"

Yunzeng Yuan was startled, his head exploded with strong telepathy, and he tried to break free from the shackles of the rattan.

"Sure enough, it's a super power system, Molu Beke, use it to vent your anger!" Dan Yu stretched out his hand to give the command, and a dark light burst out from Mo Lubeke's body, and then he threw it at Yunzeng Yuan full of anger.

Wish Zeng Yuan made a cry of pain and the effect was very significant.

Well, we can exclude the three attributes of Fighting, Evil and Fairy. Xia Ye made a judgment that these three Pokémon have the same decoration and should have the same attribute.

"Nighthawk, strong mind."

Shali's owl released its telekinesis to interfere with Yuan Zeng's ape. It waved its arms randomly, showing an expression of boredom.

The effect of drumming is not obvious, and the effect of mental fortification is not weakened. Could it be that its second attribute is poison!

"In this case, beat the King Kong with 100,000 horsepower!"

The rattan that lost its drum sound was immediately thrown away by Yunzeng Ape, and then it was immediately greeted by the unstoppable Bangchai King Kong Ape, whose whole body was filled with the breath of the earth, and slammed into its chest.

"Nuan Zhi?!"

How is it possible that Yuzeng Yuan was knocked to the ground? According to speculation, this should not be the case!

It yelled crazily in its heart, and suddenly a voice sounded, because you have always been that stupid little monkey!

Xuan Zengzao's expression froze. This distraction caused it to lose its only chance to counterattack. The heavy fists entwined with the aura of the earth both hit its proud head. Its body quickly shrunk and fell to the ground.

"Ah, where is the mask!" Dan Yu pointed to the side, where the well mask was lying quietly on the grass.

"Boni~" Ergui trotted to pick up the mask, then held it on his chest and ran towards Xia Ye, his eyes shining, and showed it to him like a treasure.

"That's great, Eguipun." Xia Ye stroked Eguipun's head.


"Speaking of which, Xia Ye, what are we going to do with this guy?" Dan Yu kicked Yunzeng Yuan who was lying on the ground. Should he bury him in the soil again?

"Well, do you want to tame it?" Xia Ye suggested. This is the best way to prevent it from continuing to do evil.

Dan Yu and Sha Li looked at each other with expressions of resistance.

In desperation, Xia Ye took out the elf ball and threw it to the unconscious Yuan Zengyu. It seems that I can only discipline it.

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