Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 117 The Past of the Blood Moon

The round silk beads hanging from the tree weaving a net, the powerful-jawed hen-worm poking its head out of the soil, the Vulpix leaving a red phantom in the forest, and the summer leaves walking in the permanent forest.

He had only one impression of this forest, a primeval forest that no one had ever set foot in.

Since this forest is a replica of the original forest in Beishang Township, the permanent forest in Beishang Township should be the same.

A question arose in Xia Ye's mind. Even if there were not many villagers in Green Town, it would be too strange not to set foot in such a resource-rich forest, unless...

There are extremely dangerous people in this forest, just like the ghost mountain. Because of the legend of evil spirits, no villager will rashly approach the back mountain where ghosts live.

"Egui, pay attention to your surroundings. There may be dangerous people in this forest." Xia Ye observed the surroundings carefully. It was strange that the surroundings were getting quieter and quieter, and the number of Pokémon was also declining.

Eguifen followed Xia Ye's example and put his hand on his forehead and looked around, and then he really felt a powerful presence.

"Gah!" it reminded Xia Ye.

"Oh, I feel it too. This kind of footsteps must be from a big guy." Xia Ye took a deep breath, "It would be nice if it was a big guy with a gentle personality."

Boom! Boom! Boom! The ground trembled more and more intensely, and Ergui clung tightly to Xia Ye's side, grasping the thorn stick with both hands, and looking intently towards the direction where the footsteps came from.

"What kind of existence is fog?"

Thick mist is rising all around. Is the opponent a Pokémon that can master the mist? And because of its huge size, Xia Ye couldn't find the corresponding target in his memory for a while.

In the silence all around, all that could be heard was the approaching footsteps. Suddenly the sound disappeared, and the bright red full moon appeared in the thick fog. No, that was a Pokémon!

With the giant Pokémon's violent breathing, Xia Ye finally saw the other person's appearance clearly. Is this Moon Bear?

The Moon Bear, which was originally on all fours, stood up full of pressure. The biggest difference between it and ordinary Moon Bears was the bright red full moon above its head. Compared with the original yellow full moon, it was full of ominous atmosphere.

Its hair is lighter than that of the Moon Bear, and steel-hard soil covers most of its head, shoulders, chest and calves. Its left eye is the most peculiar, with green pupils shining in the darkness, and its sharp eyes seem to Can see through everything.


The seemingly menacing special moon bear opened its mouth wide and made a surprised sound.


Wearing a green grass mask, the Ecuador threatened, and the sounds coming out of its mouth were a bit cute, but the thorn stick it waved in its hand was not cute at all.

"Quaw, quaw!"

Yueyue Bear imitates human movements and points to itself. Its anxious expression seems to say, don't you recognize me?

Then it took a look at its huge body and suddenly realized that the current self had indeed changed a bit.

"Do you know us?" Xia Ye asked softly.

"Gah! Grouch!" Yueyue Xiong nodded violently, yes, that's right.

So it was my future self who did it? Xia Ye could only come to this conclusion. He had never been in contact with Yueyue Xiong until now.


Er Kui Chu tilted his head and thought suddenly and suddenly had an idea. He remembered that he and his best friend rescued a big bear a long time ago. At that time, its whole body was covered with wounds, its body was cold, and its whole body was covered with dirty mud.

Seeing Er Gui Pun thinking of him, Yueyue Xiong grinned, with his sharp teeth exposed. Yueyue Xiong's smile seemed unable to change its ferocious appearance.

"Eguifen, do you know it?" Xia Ye asked.


Xia Ye's heart was full of doubts about Egui's affirmation. Yueyue Xiong's eyes just now were clearly asking about Egui and me.

Seeing that Xia Ye did not recognize him, Yueyue Xiong showed a lonely look in his eyes. He could still recall what Xia Ye said to him at that time:

"Eat well, grow up healthily, and then become the next king, galloping on this vast green land."

Thinking of this sentence, he became even more depressed. He sat cross-legged on the ground, picked off a fruit and started to chew it. Only the sweet taste could relieve the sadness.

Looking at Yueyue Bear eating tree fruits, Xia Ye suddenly remembered that he once traveled back in time to the Xicui era and distributed tree fruits to a group of baby bears, and one of them liked to sit cross-legged on the ground, hugging and chewing tree fruits.

"You were the baby bear back then?"

"Quack!" Yueyue Xiong showed an excited expression. Xia Ye was really happy to be able to think of it.

It is the weakest among the brothers and sisters. Xia Ye can distribute tree fruits to them fairly, allowing it to eat the most delicious tree fruits ever, and can also talk about such unreachable goals in an understatement, allowing it to There is a desire to become stronger.

That's why it can survive such a crisis, but humans are really good and bad.

Therefore, this Yueyue Bear has remembered him from the distant Xicui era until now, just because he once gave it a fruit. Xia Ye was puzzled and moved.

If you are kind to a Pokémon, the Pokémon will respond to you with the most sincere feelings. This sentence is not true at all.

Yue Yue Xiong looked at Ergui and recalled the group of bad guys he had encountered. The previous king passed away and he relied on his strong strength to become a new king. However, in just a few decades, human beings' attitude towards them has changed drastically. big change.

A group of young people commanding Pokémon shouted that the land of Sinnoh no longer needed the king, and began to hunt it. In order not to affect the tribe, it kept running wildly on the land, and its body continued to gain more wounds.

If there are new wounds, fill them with the soil of your hometown. If people hate you, stay away from them. With a splash, Yueyue Bear jumped into the sea. It paddled with difficulty with its front paws, and the laughter of the young people could be heard in its ears. .

In their minds, Yueyue Xiong couldn't swim, so there was only one outcome, and that was death.

But Yueyue Bear survived. The cold seawater could not freeze its will to survive. It kept using the soil of its hometown to block the beating of the seawater. The rich iron in it reacted wonderfully with its will.

It gained indestructible hard armor, and its will became stronger and stronger as it was tempered in the seawater. However, the destruction of the body by the seawater could never be reversed. It lost its strong body and its hair became dull.

A blessing in disguise is that its mental power has exceeded its limitations and is far beyond that of ordinary Pokémon.

Land, after a long wandering, it finally saw a new land. The will to survive drove it to go ashore, looking for food and replenishing the dissipated heat.

What Yueyue Bear didn't realize was that its wish reached the ears of a certain being in this land. The red moon fell into its forehead, and its eyes could still see everything clearly in the dark night.

Live and take revenge, just like this ominous red moon!

But what that existence didn't expect was that it was a gentle moon bear willing to sacrifice for its family. It didn't expect that humans had left kindness in its heart. It didn't expect that it met a man and Ergui who were looking for food in the permanent forest. .

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