Pokémon: Chosen Ranger

Chapter 125 The undercurrent of Galar

Waving goodbye to Ma Li, who left Spike Town in a flying taxi, the cheering team beside Xia Ye smiled foolishly. They hadn't seen Ma Li in person for a long time, and they were finally satisfied.

"Speaking of which, Ah Ye, where is Mr. Nie Zi?" Xia Ye asked.

As a serious girl lover, it was too strange that Nie Zi did not show up to see Ma Li off. Did something happen?

"Ah, well, Nie Zi seems to be talking about participating in some kind of regular testing, which is to check whether the level of the gym owner has dropped or something like that."

Then Ah Ye waved his hands regretfully and said, "If he knew that his sister had returned to Spike Town in the past few days, and he happened to be away, he would definitely be depressed for a long time."

"Life is always accompanied by regrets." Tim muttered.

"Yeah, so for the sake of Nie Zi's mood, let's hide this matter for him."

Regarding Nayu's proposal, the cheering team present silently expressed approval, and did not care at all about Nie Zi's participation in regular testing.

This may be a disguised explanation of everyone's trust in Nie Zi's strength. He can be said to be the main force supporting Spike Town during its decline. Whether it is the gym or singing, he is protecting the town in his own way.

In Gongmen City, Nie Zi walked out of Lords Building with a unhappy face, but he still signed his name honestly to the fans who asked him for autographs.

Really, what was the purpose of that secretary? He wanted me to voluntarily give up my position at the Spike Town Gym. He also said that as long as I promised the Mallocomon Group, I would be responsible for the revitalization of Spike Town.

Idiot, you only took out the olive branch after seeing Spike Town getting better. Who would agree?

It's really tiring to invite Qibana as a testing opponent. Why don't you just invite Alchemy Emperor, you bastard!

When Nie Zi was irritated, he suddenly realized that his signature was wrong. He said apologetically:

"Sorry, I wrote it wrong. Can I change it?"

"No, no, just this one will do. Thank you very much, Mr. Nie Zi!" The young woman in front of her put the piece of paper on her chest as if she had discovered a treasure, bowed deeply, and ran away happily.

Looking at the fans showing off with their companions, Nie Zi looked puzzled. What is the situation of young people nowadays?

After quickly signing the rest of his name, Nie Zi fled from the fan group. It was almost time. The first batch of challengers were coming soon, and I should start to prepare well.

Come on, challenger, Nie Zi is full of passion this year. He wants to be my sister's opponent, so go through me first!

On the top floor of the Lords Building, the group's second-in-command and President Lords' personal secretary was watching Nie Zi downstairs in front of the glass.

"Master Olivia, is it really okay? Let him go."

"Why, you can still restrain a current gym owner, haven't you seen that Qibana was defeated by him?"

Olivia turned around and looked at his men who bowed their heads and apologized. Cold sweat was pouring from his head. The battle just now made him frightened. If he became Nie Zi's opponent, he would probably be defeated in one round.

"However, the energy fluctuations detected by Sunset Forest."

"Although that energy is very powerful, according to analysis, it is not a manifestation of extremely large energy, but more like pure attribute energy." Olivia looked at the analysis report in her hand and said.

"That means it has nothing to do with the wishing stars we collected."

"Master Olivia, first of all, there are high-quality tree fruits, and there are also strange energy fluctuations. Should we use financial means to purchase this forest?"

"From whom? Although that forest is under the jurisdiction of the Alliance, it is actually the property of Spike Town, which means it must be purchased from Spike Town. It is the most stubborn place in the entire Galar."

Olivia put the report into the bag she carried with her. It was obvious that she was no longer prepared to think about related matters.

"If you trust my subordinates, I can go and talk to the mayor of Spike Town on your behalf."

The subordinate lowered his head again and must agree, even if it leaves a little weight in her heart.

"That's enough, you don't have to worry about this. We just need to focus on collecting the wishing stars now."

Olivia walked towards the elevator with a cold expression. Seeing that her subordinates still didn't want to give up, she had no choice but to sigh, and then asked:

"I understand your loyalty, but you must investigate clearly before making a promise. Let me ask you, who is the mayor of Spike Town?"

"This" subordinate showed a hesitant expression, because there was almost no business from Malokomon Company in Spike Town.

"His name is Gad, the former Four Heavenly Kings of Galar, also known as the Evil Chef." Olivia left these words, pressed the button, and walked out of here as the elevator door opened.

The Evil Chef was one of the top trainers in the era of Galar and the Four Heavenly Kings. Apart from him, the remaining three Heavenly Kings were all heavyweights.

Popola is a magician who is good at using Fairy-type Pokémon and is also the current owner of the Dance Arena.

Dragon Emperor Howard, a genius from the oldest family in Galar, unfortunately retired after the alliance eliminated the position of Four Heavenly Kings.

And the legendary martial artist, Ma Shide, who has been the Pokémon League champion for eighteen years.

In other words, the mayor of Spike Town is an old monster from the past era. No wonder his successor Nie Zi is so strong.

"Give up. No, just change the goal."

He had a new idea, why not go directly to the Sunset Forest to investigate? How could a remote forest stop me as Lord Olivia's subordinate!

Let me see the true face of the so-called energy fluctuations!

At the Warren Hotel in Gongmen City, Roz, who is also the president of the Marrocomon Company and Alliance, warmly invited a young man to take a seat.

The young man wore a high-end dress and wore the family crest on his chest. He looked like a galloping horse.

"As expected of Mr. Dragon Emperor's grandson, he is truly a talented person." Roz praised with a smile.

"No, I'm just using my grandfather's name. You are the one who brought Galar Battle to the world. You are even better." The young man behaved politely and had a business exchange with Roz.

"Haha, I just used the title of runner-up."

"Mr. Lotz, I bet you invited me here for more than just chatting and enjoying the night view?" The young man interrupted Lotz's flattery and said calmly.

"Oh, this is natural," Roz showed a fox-like smile, "I want to talk to you about the future of Galar, the future of our descendants!"

In the sunset forest, Xia Ye turned the pen in his hand and looked at the list written on the paper. This was all the saplings he had in his hand.

He wanted to experiment with his newly acquired skill, tree fruit mutation. Although it was very restrictive and could only be used once a month, Xia Ye decided to experiment today with the idea of ​​using it early and refreshing it early.

"Well, as expected, I still can't decide. I can only use this trick. Let's draw lots!"

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